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trad thread, post the physical art you made, any medium.
I'll post pages of my sketchbook here and as I work on it.

pic is watercolour and markers
the screen and tamagotchi pieces were cut out from the packaging of a tamagotchi gen 2 box because I thought the little guys were cute
im posting the few backlog pages in order as they are in my sketchbook, but this (page 3) was the first one I filled. It was my first real attempt with watercolours, im still learning
watercolour and pencil crayon
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watercolour and markers, cutouts from another gen2 tama box
I envy your mastery of color usage; it's truly impressive
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the cookie monster cut out is because I bought a bag of mixed craft supplies from the thrift store and he was on a sheet of cardboard that said "have an adult cut me out and hang me up" so I figured I'd find some kinda use for it

I really appreciate it anon! The only thing about colour i really know is complimentary and warm vs cold, beyond that I just go with whatever I personally like so the compliment means a lot to me ^__^
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I corrected some of the spots that bled a bit more after but couldn't get a better scan than this one. My phone camera is just a little busted. This was the most recent page I finished.

If you keep practicing I'm sure your tweening (?) will get better but you probably should stop because based on this video I fear you may be a pedophile.
watercolour, pencil crayon, white out, marker and glitter glue
I love these anon. Thanks for sharing.
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not letting based thread of cute artist die, here are some doodles of a goober fairy
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Slightly older draw from a different book. Just markers and light grey watercolor as shading. I ruined the current painting I was working on in my book o7

thank you both!! I never see trad threads here anymore so im hoping more and more ppl do join in :D trad is fun i think all digital artists should keep a sketchbook at least.
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A little drunken fella I drew a while back
I love the little fella
cat girls wip I did for my lunch break, a few sketches now that I need to paint
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gg forgot the file
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watercolor, gouache, gold leaf and markers. first time using both gouache and gold leaf
I'm a fan of your works so far anon. It's very cute. Any particular character on here that you're attached to?
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pic is human blood on canvas paper
Thank you! Do you mean characters from what I've posted? The OP image is one of my main OCs, the rest is a mix of video game/anime characters or just made up on the spot. Out of the fanart I posted, Lain is probably the one I'm most attached to not counting the OC
How did you acquire the blood anon
for green (1/2 - #2 to come at a later date). watercolour, gouache, pencil crayons, gel pens
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finished this right before I had to leave for work. watercolour, gouache and marker
based trad chad thread
stop drawing for schizos
hi fredo
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I like your trad waterncolor anime anon. It has a air of soulfulness.
Let em do as they please.

How long have you've been doing this btw; and what would be your main art inspos.

Pic not mein
That is not me anony. My style of samefagging is a bit different(i only tend to go for targets that respond and have discord) that and those with a bad rep .
no one cares, stop dramafagging and post art

I only took up trad properly in the last year, but have drawn digitally off and on for the last 10. No specific sources for inspiration, just 00s anime in general but I like to experiment
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I love color pencils
This is cute. I love her expression
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for green 2/2. watercolour and pencil crayons. i need to bother investing in actual watercolour paper
Korone sketch. I might wait until my custom palette finishes drying before I try to finish this one. I like it
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Swell thread!
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melon girl
The posing on this is great
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finished this. watercolour, gouache, pencil crayons
I used the new palette. Watercolour and pencil crayons. So much nicer than the Crayola one I was using
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kinda hate this one, but at one point I accidentally smeared purple across her entire face so it could be worse, really. watercolor/gouache/pencil crayon
gouache and pencil crayon. started a new sketchbook for primarily gouache. the prompt was "flower"

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