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The continuing story of an immortal, her magical car and the friends and enemies they make along the way. The last thread went out with a bang!
Pt.1 >>43875260
Pt.2 >>44325569
Pt.3 >>44916296
Pt.4 >>45844749

This is an ongoing communal story with a comedic tone. A poster advances the story by posting an image accompanied with a description or light narration. Then another poster advances the story from there and so on. Participation is open so feel free to jump in and contribute.
A few rules and guidelines:
* This is an image-driven story. Advancements need a suitable image posted alongside them.
* Suitable images are usually modifications of a previous image. Completely original images are fine as long as they fit the story.
* Drawings, doodles and/or shoops are fine. Your art only needs to be good enough that others can understand what is going on.
* If you are worried the story will evolve before you finish a contribution, feel free to ask people to wait. Please finish within a few days of making your request.
* It's encouraged to keep images simple so others can easily modify them. White backgrounds are ideal.
* Advancements should feel like steps and not leaps. No sudden timeskips or abrupt scene shifts please!
* Please avoid gore and excess blood.
* Reading the previous threads is strongly encouraged.
Part 4 summary:
Mokou, Yu-Myon and the Sukuvan are trapped in Yuuka's bedroom. With them is Yuuma!Pantsu, a pair of Yuuka's underwear that was magically reverted back into the source of its material, Yuuma. The gang wins her companionship with a satisfying meal and Yuuma becomes a member. Nazrin activates an alarm and timer sequence.
The gang (and Nazrin) rides Yuuma through the wall to the balcony where Yuuka sleeps. Yuuka is knocked to the ground below. Mokou offers a lemon as a token of friendship. Nazrin accepts and joins the Mokou gang. The moment is spoiled when a figure seemingly possessed by a flower over her face hostilely approaches the gang. Mokou is poisoned during this tough fight.
Mugenkan's timer winds down to 0. A shower of confetti and a congratulatory "Welcome Home, Elly!" sign drop on Mugenkan's front lawn. The festivities let the gang escape from battle. Sukuvan and Yuuma make a daring dive off into the pool of confetti below. They survive but can't move this deep in the confetti! From the very same pool emerges the Pickle Wizard. Myon and Nazrin catch up. A curious Wriggle watches the scene unfold.
The Pickle Wizard shares her sidequest hook (she was a beautiful wizard with green wavy hair until a youkai came by and stole it, leaving her as a pickle), and magics away the confetti to reveal a trap door where Yuuka was last seen. Flowerhead's poison causes Mokou to pass out.
The gang try to revive Mokou with a large application of flaming leeches. Mokou burns away to ashes but she's a Hourai immortal so she is restored back to normal. Everyone rejoices and readies for their next adventure.
The moment is interrupted when a mass of vines breaks through the trapdoor and engulfs Yuuma! The vines throw out an explosive distraction. Sukuvan is only dirtied from the blast but that was enough for the vines to drag Yuuma with them into the pit. Sukuvan and the rest of the gang are left staring into the entrance of the depths below Mugenkan...
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Last entry from the previous thread:
>kowaina :<
it's back!

what kind of horror awaits the mokou gang in the depths of mugenkan's basement?
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i was expecting some advancement, two weeks and still on metaphorical boat of otium and fear.
op-san, please do spoiler us if you have a new layout ready or if we have to keep goin from the previous one.
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Sukuvan sprite sheet.
Sorry. I took it too easy the first week then my second week was filled with other stuff that needed to be done. I only started working on OP and the summaries today.
I don't have a new scene ready but the idea I have doesn't seem like it would take very long to do. What will take longer is the dumb comic idea I have for the transition between scenes. I'll get started and hopefully be done with it in a few hours. I'm lazy but I don't like disappointing people either.
Spoilers for my idea on the next background: I'm envisioning a cave/narrow corridor where the gang has to rely on Sukuvan's headlights to light the way (white background) against the surrounding darkness (black background). That shouldn't be bothersome to work with, right?
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sounds mondo cool, have this fresh doodle as a proof that i have no ideas but i'm still ready to roll rumble and race sukuvan slowly but surely to where ends, lovers and rivers meet.
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The Sukuvan has to steel itself!
It's either that or the sleeping terror behind her.
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but mimapickle disposed of the confetti... damn elly! this is not the time!
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Nazrin gets Sukuvan moving with some positive reinforcement. Always count on the mouse to have some snacks on her!
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It's dark and green down here. Everything is covered in plant life! There's even grass where the sun doesn't shine. All these plants get in the way of Sukuvan's lights...
I thought this would be a neat idea, to make it so we can add to the background gradually and change things around when the gang stops looking at them. If it doesn't work out we can always switch back to the more traditional format.
great mini comic, now let's hope all the snacks wont be bad for sukuvan's diet.
There seems to be something purple poking out amongst the shrubbery in the ceiling.
eww, looks scary and icky. those suku snacks better be really good to worth this whole ordeal.
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that stupid stalagmite is obstructing the visual. maybe a rush can knock it down but is it worth the risk?
Finally, maybe she'll run over the 'guya this time.
i'm taking this next one, could take a bit of time
to claim sukuvan in such a bold manly way, anon, they should call you casanova.
How much more?
almost done
yukkuri shiteitte ne
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Alright done

I noticed sukuvan is not moving at all while yuuma-chan is being abducted by vegan tentacles, so did mokou, and she decided to crank up https://youtu.be/CA-aYRFpT-I?si=7Qqddccy4EwnupYn at full volume, and the speed too to track down salad and save the sheep
and ignore whatever is on top of sukuvan
sugoku sugokku! good old reckless mokko-tan, but she should consider that not everyone in the gang share the immortal trait.
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slow down mokou, slow d.. too late.
>that flick off
Damn hooligans speeding down the cave at night. They drive faster than their brain and next thing you know they've caused a head-on collision...
please understand, mokou needs to hold up to her reputation.
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the gang lands softly. and sukuvan was just in need of a bath!
What are those yellow things?
lamps. maybe. the darkness make everything blurry and uncertain.
Mustard lamps.
tasty and useful.
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the water was a bit on the colder side, but that's no problem for the gang.
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something may be off though...
The perfect disguise to infiltrate Eientei later.
The purple thing has dissapeared or prehaps turned into the ears?
Since when has Eirin been keeping Reisen's used bathwater that's also laced with drugs underneath Yuuka's house?
And where can I get some? For scientific reasons of course.
perhaps that thing is udonge
bunnyfication water
at least it wasn't quicksand.
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the gang is back on the move, unaware(?) of the changes. but they were not the only ones who took a bath....
Oh no! It's grape flavored Mizuchi!
you baka! think better about who\what could it be.
wonder if that thing will be giant in comparison to the gang since the magik has happened , or at least as tall as sukuvan
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alright kek
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i'm afraid sukuvan is not waterproof as its manual suggest.
... wait a second, what does the Sukuvan even run on?????
It's been to space and back, does this thing have an Utsuho-brand power source onboard???????
>... wait a second, what does the Sukuvan even run on?????
the summary answer your doubts >>46787525
the brave sukucar is able to run on soda alone. tohou technology is just on another level compared to the human one. i mean, apparently it refilled on spaghetti and it didnt bother the carburation.
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Sike you fagget

Turns out shadow rensen was just smashed to bits before the bunnyfication, and this won't stop it from pursuing our gang while, they pursue salad to save yuuma...
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fuck I Forgot to remove the sketches
this is scary almost as her convulsed grammar! and the gang cant advance with proper speed without some source of light.
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mokko finds herself in a pinch. sukuvan is unwilling to go foward. her companions offer different solutions. what do?
I think it'd be wise to head back and strap a couple of those lamps onto our headlights.
Or maybe Wriggle could summon some glowbugs.

I'm a bit unsure of this new direction we have taken, I was expecting more of the same as last time with small additions to a single canvas from any anon interested.

I think it will come back to the old format once we finally come upon salad and Yuuma
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trusting an inspiration from above mokko chooses to go back. alas the gang was a bit too eager and they now seem a little lost in the darkness.
we just had some close ups, the big black canvas is still goin' on.
mokuo forgot her main element is fire
she's not a blowtorch. or are you suggesting setting her on fire again? because i suspect she would veto it.
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lost in their way, unable to see, our heroes befall into hostile clutches.
The dastardly bunny surely didn't make that trap, what horrors live under Yuukas basement?
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>what horrors live under Yuukas basement?
it's... a dangerous(?) primitive goblinu tribe!
Now this is the content I come here for
Does the undergound suikaciety (Name pending) have internal politics?
What's their position on sufferage?
Do they conduct elections or are they social darwinists?
We must have answers!
that's a lot of questions, and i'm sure some of them could have an answer, but i can tell you the goblinu-s just love rabbit stew.
they have formed a society. surely they can be reasoned with!
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the goblinu only speak a regional (yuuka's basement) variant of an obscure language. communication check status: failed.
>na-n-da ko-re-ka
>ho-ra ho-ra
Could have read some caracters wrong
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no need to point out mokko is a baka. you jerk.
Oops, wasn't my intention
ok, but... even the most primitive can understand the value of physical goods, yes!
try to BARTER with the tribals! use your inventory, muoko!
the only item of value is patchy's grimoire, and that's far too valuable to barter with a bunch of underhick goblinu.
Uh... uh... lemon! It worked last time Mokou used it to make a friend, right?
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this doesn't bode well
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the negotation failed, and with the goblinu o'naka goin all peko peko the gang is on the move again, but in a less comfy way.
She forgot to serve them a shot of tequile first.
I don't get it.
If only Sukuvan still had her horns! She might have been able to fool the goblins to think she was one of them. Or at least not a rabbit.
If they're planning to eat her, they're going to be very disappointed at how not meaty she is.
you just have to season sukuvan properly. primitive goblinu are used to chewy meat, life in yuuka's basement is not an easy one.
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well, that was a short trip. and since good things come in pair, it seems the gang arrived just in time for the dinner.
Too much goburinu.
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there's many more! dont be afraid to make your own primitive goblinu, just draw some dumb tribal tatoo on her. primitive goblinus love dumb tribal tatoos!
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nice! i'm sure she'll manage to appear in one of the next episodes, along with primitive goblinu #1, 2, 3 and 4.
Will the gang ever be able to take it easy?
i feel like they always take it quite easy.
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Why did you leave in the white background?
because it's a cheap self-made mspaint edit
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thanks the help of additional specialized goblinus the operation rabbit stew is proceeding forward.
Well that's a dangerous situation the gang is in, who will save them ?
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sed unus goblinus lancea latus ejus aperuit et continuo exivit pop et soda
forgive the goblinu, Head Priest, for they don't know what they are doing...
I'm going to be sick...
the average goblinu is actually in the chaotic good\neutral moral spectrum. being drunk and hungry doesnt help their behaviour.
please dont throw up in the thread.
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Oh, looks like she ended up popping open the keg.
That's... that's the energy drink fuel.
1. That goblinu is going to be very hyperactive
2. Our heroes are truly screwed now
kek. lucky goblinu, but now sukuvan gonna end up out of fuel.
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the sodafilled goblinu underwent some weird transformation.
good night mokou-tan
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primitive as they may be, these goblinus doesnt seem to mind for the weird new look of their pal. mokou could learn a thing or two from these noble hungry savages.
What's up with the Tiger game?
an advanced goblinu tool for complicated calculations.
I think now is a good time to act since they are distracted, send out Wriggle and Naz to cut the ropes.
The resolution is kind of shit
pink goblinu is not distracted, the gang needs an additional diversion first.
welp, it's time for moko to show her developing magic skills and summon a random spell from patche's book
you send someone to beat her up
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the ropes make possible only for the smallest touhous to escape from sukuvan. many opportunies arise for wriggles, but she needs to sneak away from the more powerful goblinus.
arigatou safur-san
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the clever wriggle knows she cant win without some strategy, but luck is on her side (for now).
Is the blonde goblinhu about to go on a mission to collect the 7 Dragon Lemons?
she doesnt need to, goblinu are happy with their primitive tribe life. without a strong wish there would be no point.
I just noticed the blond suika may be inspired by her design in tougou 19
that's the gag, yes.
She reminds me of 'tene.
mokko is more morally ambiguous. well, tene too, to a certain degree. i think it wont be wrong to label mokko as an anti-hero(ine), but some would say she's a plain scoundrel.
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ok, there's still no rescue plan, but at least wriggle is equipped for some solid action.
Where are the cigarettes?
i dont know, do you think mokko was so generous to lend her a pack?
What brand does Mokotan smoke?
the cheapest ones because she's poor.
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wriggle swiftly exchanges the tiger game with the lemon key she borrowed(?) from mokko. that old meme key never been useful anyway.
⁶⁴ bits
to think so much power is contained in such a small, stylish frame... tiger-kun is a lot like goblinu.
We are hitting new levels of taking it easy
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we had a great start but now we've lost the momentum. but dont worry, i still have a few gags in the sleeve, just wait until i drop them.
The canvas currently is really hard to add to.
gomen, i made this one. but most of it is just fog of war... :<
anyway if you guys want to deus ex machina nuke it i wont take it wrong.
Nah, current situation is fun.
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It just felt like there was some plan going on and interrupting would be rude, also the horrible resolution,
Many a things are happening, but most importantly of all, how do you control this thing?
you keep sayin it, but i honestly have no idea what's wrong about the resolution. too small? too big? please explain.
The goblinus are very hard to edit around because they had to be shrunk so much and became pixelated messes thanks to the small resolution of the canvas compared to the original image. It's more of a thing that could be improved with the next big canvas.
Wonder if something will be done with the omnious eyes in the background, I also did notice the rabbit has arrived
sitting on the throne(?), she must be someone important for the goblinus... but who? an head priest? a queen? a goddess?
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Here is a preview for you
g-goblinus defeated salad and captured yuuma? you cant spoil me a big twist like this as it was nothing
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wriggle sneak away to try to help the gang thanks the powerful freshly acquired goblinu computer machine. at least that's what mokko is hoping for.
meanwhile sukuvan is still resisting being pushed into the pot, but it cant last forever! get a move wriggle! or any deus ex machina help!
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here's a live action of our busybug.
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Oh! It seems Wriggle figured out how to access the system menu.. maybe there's something in here that can help?
i cant believe primitive goblinus have taxes. who corrupted these pure beings with such a trickery?
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apparently the goblinus are still new to this tax thing and bureaucracy stuff. there's still hope for them.
what does the party button do?
you party with fellows goblinus, and enemies too, why not.

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