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Got damn. I need an Aki in my life. D boy lucked out & its deserved. She has a pretty bland personality & characterization but something about her just clicks. She's a loving waifu of the most important factor. To top it all off... she became like a mother to our dear D boy takaya.
Her and Fa are perfect women
>nurture and love you no matter what
worst girl worst show
does not she rape d-boy when he turn into a vegetable?
Sex is unironically a magic cure all. I had a sinus infection before fucking my ex that cleared up immediately.
They are lovers so it was not rape. Yes D-Boy became a retard during that time period but he was still aware of her feelings.
It's still rape even if you're married.
Rape is when one involved party does not or cannot give consent, even if he was aware of her feelings does not mean he was in a state capable of giving consent.
They were still lovers by the ending.
Smells like left wing America in this thread.
D-boy was a vegetable by the end
Shut the fuck up.
No, he was not. He was simply reduced into a retard and consent to everything Aki did.

You're retarded. D boy loves aki.
Based. Damn right.
Milly is a midget goblina.
You don't belong in my thread. Please leave.
Agreed but even the tranny was a better character than aki. That's not praise for him because I despise everything about tekkaman blade. She's just one of the worst parts.
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aki supported blade throught his suffering, and even then went and became the first manmade tekkaman to help and not have him fight and even became a competent CEO for the space knights , name me any female character thats this much of an asset , you cant. shes the best part and youll have to do better than just shit on her with no argumentation sir , we do culture here
Aki was based for not defending the tranny when he got bullied or made fun of by others. That makes her best girl on those grounds alone.
>Rape is when one involved party does not or cannot give consent
Consent was given during marriage.
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I really hated when she ignored Takaya's request to call him by that name, (which was caused by his amnesia but still) and instead insisted on using that stupid fucking nickname.
>does not she rape d-boy when he turn into a vegetable?

Oh for fuck's sake. The 'missing link' trailer is not fucking cannon alright? It fucking isn't. That OVA never fucking happened. Noal even dies in it, and yet we can still see him safe and sound in TBII.
>we can still see him safe and sound in TBII.
I thought that was a flashback.
Technically he could have been safe in the torso part and got bionic legs
I will patiently wait for the day D-Boy will have finally the happy end he deserves for all the bullshit he had to suffer.
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its a flashback to the praga events , as for the clip where a solteka gets wrecked many years ago some anon with the skills " moonspeak reader" and " tekkaman conneisseur" alleged that there was some script leaked in some magazine or interview that detailed this:
>missing link was supposed to be a pitch for a whole ova series
>the main plot was the second wave of radam invaders
>aki gets the manmade tekksetter treatment and becomes enough of a tekkaman to be combat capable, but lacks flight and voltekka
>since D-boy is kinda retarded , radam easily control him and take him back, do a tune up , Blade loses the Blaster mode but also regains enough brainfunction and gets the slight change in desing
>primary bodies start to migrate to where the radam were beachheaded on earth protected by blade , more like a suggestion rather than full on mindcontrol , aki mingles with them and pities them
>earth gov says fuck this , bombs the place
>final order to blade from the radam was to selfdestruct , and some sort of blackhole manifests ,Noal goes in a prototype soltekka II ( the one that can shoot some sort of voltekka ) , ejects and sets it to self destruct to try and disrupt the black hole thing, fails
>Aki and Blade fight of there and somehow aki manages to beat the mindcontrol bug and almost kill Blade

this plants the idea that the primary bodies are a latent threat to earth unless they are fully isolated from Radam influence or fully tekksetted, also helps to explain that the Prague incident was because mind influence, this time the military said fuck it and nuked the place .
this is the time when the military dissapear Noal

there were also 2 light novels that explained stuff after TBII, some sort of alien tekkaman lands on earth to learn how earth managed to get rid of Radam , and something about some plant life form or something , if i recall those were called
crystal palace and virgin forest or something like that .
>'missing link'
I thought the 5min ova was awesome. Aki going batshit yandere for d boy was satisfying & cathartic. The sex scene made it the chief's kiss too.
>chief's kiss too.
This takes it from cliche to implying Freeman's watching.
>aki supported blade throught his suffering
d-boy was a faggot so that makes her a faggot enabler aka shit tier not my problem if that's not a strong argument
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Aki was NEVER even attracted to D-Boy sexually. He loved him as a person, and supported him on the emotional level. Missing Link made her some kind of a Sex-crazed fiend and a total bitch, and ruined her innocent character.
She* loved him as a person
That's why she liked perfume around him, I guess. Or why she acted more feminine towards him. Must have been just to show she totally didn't want him to eat her pussy.
TBII is non-canon garbage, neither the director nor the main writer had anything to do with that.
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This. They completely massacred my boy Noal too.
It was a subtle attraction you know. Nothing like we've seen in ML.
>the one that can shoot some sort of voltekka

Uhh...none of them could. Sol Tekkaman 1 and 2 had a shoulder cannon, but at some point Levin redesigned Soltekkaman 1 weaponry and made those weird, mushroom-shaped launchers to fire projectiles.
>its a flashback to the praga events

Nah, the ''Prague uprising'' was something that happened after the ML, and before TBII. And the premise is completely random and stupid too.

Also...why the fuck did they chose Prague out of all places?
sorry i wasnt clear , not solltekkaman 2 ( as in unit 2 , but rather MK.II , the ones that show up on TBII at the early scenes with radams in space)
yes , i didnt worded it properly , the praga thing was a proper uprising and the missing link stuff was more of a 5th column mobilization.

prague was close to where the prototype manmade tekkset plant was located , the one that made tekkaman mikhail and dead end that shows up at the end of TBII.
>tekkaman mikhail

LIterally who? Also, you are full of shit.
black september of Prague flashback, OVA 5 , this guy, did you really watched tekkaman blade Ii or just skimmed through the fight scenes and ignored the rest ?

I want to keep any thread regarding tekkaman alive but are tiring and an asshole so this is my last reply to you
>fire projectiles
Sol Tekkaman 1 and 2 use fermion antimatter weaponry. A crude imitation of the voltekka.
They don't use projectile weaponry. Those back-shoulder pods were scatter shot pods, basically fermion suppression flak fire.

>LIterally who?
Mikhail was the insane cultist leader and centerpiece of the Prague uprising that wanted everyone to get themselves fully teksetted to achieve 'enlightenment.' Aki transformed and murdered the guy in cold blood and in full public view to try and break morale and get everyone to disperse, so the military wouldn't fire their nuke.

David Kügel, aka the later Tekkaman Sommer was in the audience as a young teen that day.
>OVA 5
There was no such OVA.
>ermion antimatter weaponry

Just as Evil said....a pathetic imitation. None of those weapons could match a full fledged voltekker.
>Aki transformed and murdered the guy in cold blood and in full public view to try and break morale and get everyone to disperse, so the military wouldn't fire their nuke.
Never even happened. WTF are you on about?
I think it's in a novelization or original script planning. They don't actually show the full Prague uprising events in TB II.
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Prague rebellion was caused by a Tekkaman cult, lead by Tekkaman Mikhail ( her name only shown in the design artbook ). This is a fusion of a Tekkaman woman named Frail and an Alien Tekkaman.
Aki's plan was to shutdown this rebellion by killing Mikhail, basically waging a war. Government's plan was to nuke Prague and kill everyone there. David and Dead End were the sole survivors.
>Aki was NEVER even attracted to D-Boy sexually. He loved him as a person,
Well that's your problem. You got based girl aki confused with the tranny. Of course HE doesn't love D-boy.
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Based post.
How is d boy a faggot exactly? He lay down the pipe on aki. Shut up, you maiden less sob.
Everything you said is correct, I apologize for the confusion.
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>woman named Frail

Wait, the space knight scientist from the MIssing Link, that talks about killing her own grandfather? This whole lore is deeper and more complicated than I thought, and it's probably all explained in one of those obscure novels/manga/audio books that were never released in the west. It makes me think that we are never really going to explore it all.
>They don't use projectile weaponry.

Projectile, as in a ball of energy.
okay.... and I guess bullets are a form of directed energy weapon since it hits enemies with kinetic force
English is not my first language
Tekkaman Aki was always great. Ignore shitposters who say otherwise.
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I... agree...?
Good. Just as long as we're in agreement.
>it's probably all explained in one of those obscure novels/manga/audio books that were never released in the west

It was *meant* to be explained in TB 2, for which the writing crew was doing a fuck lot of world-building. But then the suits&ties decided to no-sell on the budget that had already been promised to the series and they were forced to gut the thing into a six-parter direct-to-tape / direct-to-disc OAV.
>>22480543 (cont.)
Fucking hell, how much I'd want a grand SRW console-debut for Tekkaman Blade to rope in TB2 but use the input of the original writers to establish the full scope of the story they had planned...
Sooo... do we know who was Dr frail and what was her motivation for supporting the Prague uprising?
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In the archive book for Tekkaman Blade, it was explained that The Missing Link was just a trailer they made to promote the sequel to the TV show, takes place 2 years after the ending. It was not something they planned clearly in term of contents and never properly explained.

For Frail/Tekkaman Mikhail, the Japanese wikipedia of Tekkaman Blade 2 gives this info, probably from the description of the DVD box. Basically just random ideas from The Missing Link, retooled into Tekkaman Blade 2.
It's all very interesting anon, thank you for explaining. I guess we are never going to know the whole lore....
She was a genius scientist who also happens to be insane, that's it. Beside some concept arts and few seconds of animation, there is not much to her, as Aki killed her in the flashback of TB2
I just want Tekkaman Blade in another SRW. It'd be interesting to add in Missing Link instead of TB2. And be able to save Evil and recruit him. I've always thought Mospeada's story could tie in well with Tekkaman Blade, particularly the Green Earth arc fighting Axe could interweave with the Mospeada's travels to Reflex Point. And the Inbit have a Radam-like appearance.
Love the face she makes in the second Op, you know the one
Truly a miracle of universe
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im glad we are getting more mech in the last decade but damn why is it so hard for them not to screw the chest?! other than the 180 or so bucks metal armor bandai figure , this one has weird chest, the orange cat and figma had a chest that looks like a boat keel , its a flat chest damnit
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That's just a QUALITY animation screenshot. His chest is perky.
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According to father of Tekkaman Blade's iconic design, Yoshinori Sayama:
The one where she looks a little smug.
>why do you call him D-boy?
Jokes aside, his nickname is Dボゥイ, can alternatively translated into D-Bowie. This is a reference to David Bowie and his infamous song Space Oddity, about a lonely astronault who is dying in space.
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Because the boy's a D Avi...
Is TB the best power armor design of all time?
I'm leaning towards 'yes'
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Well it is basically an alien design instead of power armor.
Plot contrivances.
Visually and functionally it's a power armor design.
>Visually and functionally it's a power armor design.

He is like 8ft tall as a Tekkaman. The designs have mecha characterisitc, but they are not Power Armor. The only actual Power Armor in the series is the Sol Tekkaman.
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>is this design cool or what
>Jewish semantics ensues instead

Great work
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It's just the best design.

My theory is the Tekkaforms were subconsciously designed as they were being reformatted in the Radam pods. That's why Blade has a bit more mechanical look compared to the more organic designs of the other converted Tekkamen.
The Green Earth arc could also fit well with King Gainer and the roving exodus caravans.
Short for Dangerous Boy. Originally named such by Noal because Takaya / Blade was fucking off-the-wall unhinged levels of reckless.

Tekkamen are basically alien Riders, so that reference in the SRW W dialogue by Horis is actually spot on.
That's part of it. The other part is it's because Blade's formatting is incomplete.
Remember; his dad was rejected by the process and spat out of his pod half dead, and with his last breath managed to wrestle Takaya out of his pod before he was fully formatted and before he could be outfit with a mind-controlling parasite like the others.

Instead he just goes nuts after 5 minutes or so, because being in his transformed state saps him of a lot of fortitude to the point where he can no longer resist the influence of the mental link shared between all Tekkamen. It's the same fatal weakness that gets retapped in Missing Link when his vegatative state makes him even more susceptible to being controlled.

A large part of the offscreen training in TB2 that he undergoes together with Yumi is fortitude training, both physically and mentally. Which allows him to keep himself in his transformed state without succumbing to the influence. Why Yumi specifically? For one because the training is reciprocal and she needed some strengthening herself. Mostly in the confidence departement to wield the Reactor Voltekka and control it without freaking out. But ultimately, it's because of the Reactor Voltekka itself: It's probably the one thing that could have put Blade down if he actually *would* have lost it again.
>Originally named such by Noal because Takaya / Blade was fucking off-the-wall unhinged levels of reckless.

And Blade was "claiming" amnesiac so couldn't provide his name at the time.
>>22482667 (cont.)
>But ultimately, it's because of the Reactor Voltekka itself: It's probably the one thing that could have put Blade down if he actually *would* have lost it again.

Keep in mind: the show actually does hint at this.
When Blade is finally back in shape and faces off against Dead, Yumi uses the Reactor Voltekka to create an arena ring around the two.
For Blade's own training she would've basically just put him into a fully-enclosed Reactor Voltekka containment box. The perfect anti-Tekkaman jail-cell. Blade would be able to lose it, but he'd have no way out of it to go on a rampage and basically he would be stuck until he runs out of juice, loses consciousness and knocks himself out, and automatically detransforms.
>Instead he just goes nuts after 5 minutes or so, because being in his transformed state saps him of a lot of fortitude to the point where he can no longer resist the influence of the mental link shared between all Tekkamen. It's the same fatal weakness that gets retapped in Missing Link when his vegatative state makes him even more susceptible to being controlled.

Blade has a 30 minute time limit before he goes berserk. That is part of not completing the Tekkaman reformatting. But nowhere is it claimed that it's due to Radam psychic link. When Evil purposely drove Blade over the time limit, Blade just sees everyone as an enemy, and Evil retreated the Radam forces to let Blade rampage. In Missing Link, yeah, D-Boy's reduced mental capability is what let's the Radam link to overwhelm him and try to use him as a bomb to destroy Earth. But Missing Link isn't canon.

>A large part of the offscreen training in TB2 that he undergoes together with Yumi is fortitude training, both physically and mentally. Which allows him to keep himself in his transformed state without succumbing to the influence. Why Yumi specifically? For one because the training is reciprocal and she needed some strengthening herself. Mostly in the confidence departement to wield the Reactor Voltekka and control it without freaking out. But ultimately, it's because of the Reactor Voltekka itself: It's probably the one thing that could have put Blade down if he actually *would* have lost it again.

Blade just does training with Hiver to develope the Voltekka Crash technique, which is close to Evil's Psy-Voltekka technique- both can absorb the opponents Voltekka and redirect them. Nothing really to do with mental conditioning. It's not really stated, but implied that Blade is no longer under the 30 minute time limit in TB2.
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I can see Obari's hand all over this art...Aki does not even look like this
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you guys have forgotten some things .
allow me to refresh your minds.
>d-boy is an incomplete tekkaman , yes , he lacks the mindcontrol bug , but he spent months drifting in space in a escape pod before reaching earth that was already invaded.
>only after getting his crystal broken and needing pegas to tek-set is that we learn that he has a time limit, possibly due to the cracked crystal , because before he managed to be months tek set without issue , other than exhaustion
>tekkamen can increase some stats with training , remember that Evil got faster with trainning and gained the psy-voltekka before asking for a full blaster mode that would kill him
>missing link is cannon because blade has his crystal back.
>he had been retired before facing DeadEnd so that explains his jobbing rather than time limits or any other bullshit.
Someone tell me what color Aki's hair is supposed to be
Reincarnation is the best theme
In my opinion It's eternal loneliness.
>he managed to be months tek set without issue , other than exhaustion

Blade was also in his primary body form during the months back to Earth. He didn't complete the transformation into battle mode until he got the Space Ring and started tearing shit up in episode 1.
>He didn't complete the transformation into battle mode until he got the Space Ring and started tearing shit up in episode 1.

Tbh that whole fucking plotpoint was full of holes. D-boy supposedly drifted for ''half a year'' in an escape pod, (or at least that was stated in an English version) and somehow didn't starve or died of thirst.
Because he is nolonger human.
He was still human though. That was the whole point.
The whole Blade vs Evil was a direct homage to Kamen Rider Black, as well. Tekkaman are human turned into alien monsters similar to how Showa Riders are kaijin with a fancy appearance.
>>only after getting his crystal broken and needing pegas to tek-set is that we learn that he has a time limit, possibly due to the cracked crystal , because before he managed to be months tek set without issue , other than exhaustion

Also it's episodes 4-5 that discusses his time limit- he retreats battle early in 4, leading everyone to think he's deserting battle, which leads to Aki getting injured. Episode 5 D-Boy tells Milly about the time limit (because she reminds him of his sister), which is good since she was subbing for the injured Aki.

Episode 6 is the shattering of the tekset crystal.
What do you guys think of the original Tekkaman?
He became a default Tekkaman before the main story started. He was mutated.
>The whole Blade vs Evil was a direct homage to Kamen Rider Black, as well.

I think that's a bunch of bull. Yeah, Black is popular and there are similarities, but brother versus brother is an old ass tale. I've seen that theory, but I think it's just someone connecting dots because they saw both Black and Blade and thought they were similar enough that it must be a homage.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Is this a shitpost or something? I know I'm on 4chan but defending rape unprompted is not something I've seen in being on this hellhole for over a decade at this point.
Furthermore, rape in a garbage unnecessary OVA that was supposed to be a trailer for an OVA that is arguably even worse. I'm starting to suspect you faggots (or maybe single faggot samefagging, who knows with this shitty board) are the ones in the last TB thread defending the dogshit that is TBII. Again, I ask that you take your retarded contrarianism to a Gundam thread instead of trolling in a thread about an actually good series, thanks and fuck off.
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The original Tekkaman's transformation is pretty fucking metal. Getting wrapped in barbed wire, then electrocuted until metal bonds to your body so you can fucking Space Lance is hardcore. Otherwise, kind of a meh series. Great theme song, though.
>but brother versus brother is an old ass tale.
Literally as old as Cain and Abel. (Which is possibly why Shinya/Evil is called Cain in the dub.)
Him no longer being human is not the excuse. That doesn't track because his Tekkaman form burns up calories like a motherfucker. After having spent time transformed D-boy has to wolf down enough food for an entire table's worth of people, just to prevent himself from being lethargically low on energy and unable to do fuck-all. It's an early plot point that sadly doesn't get revisited once rations are low when the Space Knights are stuck trekking across Earth in their Green Earth convoy.

Remember; this was one of the Argo's original escape pods meant for humans. Those things were meant to be able to drift in space for a long time and keep their passenger safe and alive. So a more likely explanation is something like suspended animation. Possibly drug-assisted. Humans don't really need to eat much to stay alive if you can just shove a needle into them and dripfeed them small amounts of glucose while you keep them in a fake coma with half their brain offline.
Nowhere near as metal as having your body physiology contort and morph to grow its own hard silicoid outer shell.
(God damn; Twin Blood is a trip...)
The similarity is how one of the brother was brainwashed into being evil, and both brothers physically mutated into insectoid warriors. This is literally the plot of KR Black.
>Humans don't really need to eat much to stay alive if you can just shove a needle into them and dripfeed them small amounts of glucose while you keep them in a fake coma with half their brain offline.

Lol? No, for 6 months you absolutely NEED hard food.
You should remember that his body can endure voltekka. Being starve for months is nothing compares to taking a super nuclear bomb to your face.
You do not absolutely need hard food. You need more than glucose, but multi-year total parenteral nutrition is entirely possible and not uncommon.
It is a bit of a plothole. I figured the Primary Body conversion links them to some quantum power source that gives them life support while transformed. Primary bodies are supposed to be hosts for just Radam brain bugs, after all. The Tekkamen are enhanced combat forms to subjugate their home planet. So maybe the Primary Body that Blade was in during the months long trip back to Earth sphere was sufficient to keep him alive. And turning into the combat form is what burns up the hosts energies that Blade needed to scarf down all that food. But we never see the other Radam Tekkamen need to eat, and Omega can't return to human form- he's stuck in his tekkaform. And we also never see Blade eat as much after that first scene. It could be like how Blade and the others don't lose their clothing after transforming later on.
Yeah, but again, one brother being brainwashed into evil is not a unique plot, nor is being mutated into insectoid warriors. Outside of those two things, there isn't much to connect Black to Blade. Well, maybe that both sons are trained in sciences and sports, but that's also most transforming heroes.

Neither Blade or Evil are being groomed to lead the Radam. The Radam are nothing like Gorgom. There is nothing like the Three Priests, or like Creation King. Black and Shadow Moon are not even related. Conversely, there is nothing like the Space Knights, Aki or Noal or Freeman, in Kamen Rider Black.
>Yeah, but again, one brother being brainwashed into evil is not a unique plot, nor is being mutated into insectoid warriors.

But when you combine of these together and put them in henshin hero genre, you got KR Black.

>Neither Blade or Evil are being groomed to lead the Radam. The Radam are nothing like Gorgom.

Evil was Radam's strongest warrior at the time and chosen to be that by the Radam. Tekkaman Sword even called him as Ebiru-sama. And you know what Radam and Golgom have in common? Kidnap people, turn them into monster and brainwash them. Basically just Showa villains, but with the Cain vs Abel plot, you got KR Black.
>Evil was Radam's strongest warrior at the time and chosen to be that by the Radam.
If anything, Evil is closer to Bilgenia, if you wanted to compare to Black villains.

>Tekkaman Sword even called him as Ebiru-sama.
Because Sword recognized Evil was higher up than her... but not higher up than Omega. And Omega is no Creation King, since Omega is also just the head of the Earth invasion army, not Radam itself

>And you know what Radam and Golgom have in common? Kidnap people, turn them into monster and brainwash them.
Like you said, just like any Showa villain organization.

Superficial similarities doesn't mean direct influence. I'm sure, because of how popular Black was, and in general the transforming hero is, that there might be some inspiration. But to say Blade is a direct homage to Black because they both use generally popular tropes is a poor take.
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Hell, almost nobody remembers that Omega is also Blade and Evil's brother.
we do , its part of the catch every tekkaman he fights was part of the Argo crew, and that was comprised of his family and close famili friends: brother , sister, aniki , aniki´s GF, mentor figure, father , and cant remember daggers exact relation , but mostly every other rando in the Argo got digested after beign rejected thats the whole " whipe your tears behind the mask" motto.
i think thats the most grueling part of the whole series that makes it stand apart so much ...
that and the final nail
when Shinya admits that even without the radams intevention they would have fought to the death because deep down he knew there should have been only one of them alive ever
Yeah, but it's more like "oh yeah, and Omega is Blade's brother, too" than "AND THEN Omega is Blade's brother, too!" when discussing about Blade and Evil.
Aki is so hot. D boy is so lucky.
Watch more anime?
Go complain about it on twitter, Troon.
It wasn't rape. At all. But if you insist, go complain about it on twitter, white night Troon.
Nice samefagging, who is defending the series with the androgynous faggot troon-tier villain again? Certainly not me. Commit suicide you retarded fucking niggers.
>tfw you will never voltekka Dead's bussy
>Nice samefaggin
You make it sound like I was being sly about it. I did post CORRECTION for a reason, dumbass. You are definitely a Troon, tho. Seething about a fictional grown man having consensual sex with his girlfriend. Very tranny like behavior.
He is brain damaged and a vegetable, it's not consent. You wish I was a troon with your faggoty obsession with trans cock, I am just acknowledging a fact. Neck yourself.
You wish d boy was raped. With your delusional faggot obsession with white knighting a consensual relationship with two grown adults. Go back, tranny retard.
Thirdworlders don't know what consent is.
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Seriously...does anyone else in this thread agree that aki raped d boy? Other than that guy?
I do, Aki was clearly off her rocker in Missing Link.
Yes. I always thought that was the point.
But d boy & aki have been dating for quite awhile at that point in time.
You've never had your gf or wife wake you up the middle of the night to take your unconscious hard cock in her ass?
If my partner was severely brain damaged I would be fucking crazy to fuck her in that state, it's just not right to have sex with a person like that.

Aki was crazy, so crazy she really thought fucking D-Boy would snap him out of his condition.
This is the first time you've made a good point about this. Yeah, it would be fucked up & wrong to screw your significant other like that. But d boy not being female & all doesn't feel like he's being fucked against his will by his girlfriend. At the same time i guess d boy wasn't really cognizant of the situation of what's happening. But the way that anon framed this scene as "aki got damn fucking raped d boy, guys" sounds over the top, ridiculous & overblown. Its hard to take such a post seriously even if aki is taking advantage of him. Its easy to take such an angry post at face value, even if you're making a good point. I really wish you started your first post with this argument, because now, i'm willing to actually agree with the idea that aki was actually raping d boy in that scene. You convinced me here. Your first post came off really weird & confusing about it. I concede.
>they both use generally popular tropes is a poor take.

Here is something you don't seem to understand, anon. When you write a scifi story and make a "god emperor" character, it is just whatever. But when you specifictly create a god emperor, ruler of a sand planet and he looks like a giant earthworm with human face, then you are doing a Dune homage. Sure when you break it down, you can argue that " sand planet is a common trope" or " god emperor is a common trope", but the entire entire, the story structure and lore itself as whole is just a homage.
This is the point I was making but I added many insults along the way because it's hard for me to believe that this isn't what people thought watching that scene.

Dude, that's really no excuse. It's not instant consent if you are in a long term relationship, especially if your partner is mentally handicapped like D-Boy was since he was amnesiac and as far as I remember non-verbal. He was in a wheelchair as well, so I thought he was reduced to a childlike state.

>But d boy not being female & all doesn't feel like he's being fucked against his will by his girlfriend
It's not a Twitterfag or "troon" thing to say but men can be raped by women, you know. If anything it seems like the opposite of what those faggots think. Your dick doesn't reflect what your brain thinks.

Anyway, honestly I don't know why there's so much discussion about this. I'm pretty sure Missing Link is basically non-canon anyway, they don't explain how D-Boy somehow survived getting killed by Aki and they also don't explain how Noal is still around when he was explicitly killed in it. At the very least I would prefer to forget about it and I'd rather watch Twin Blood for the fiftieth time.
>they also don't explain how Noal is still around when he was explicitly killed in it.
Afaik the only thing Missing Link depicts is him attempting a suicide run with a nuke strapped to a Sol Tekkaman suit. We see it go off, but we never see whether he was still in the suit or not at that point.

The writers would not have been above pulling off an ass-pull like Noal ditching the suit at the last moment, like an improvised car bomb. They even had Balzac survive re-entry from the space ring while fucking crashlanding the Sol Tekkaman 1 suit back into the earth like a living comet, and chalked it up to the suit being sturdy enough to handle it. (He even managed to repair it into semi functioning form on his own, stuck in the boonies. Which was probably an even greater asspull.)

> I'm pretty sure Missing Link is basically non-canon anyway
Missing Link happened. The Radam taking over D-Boy's mind and reformatting and repairing his tek-set form is how he got his crystal back; *and* is why in TB2 he looks like an inbetween of his regular and blastor TB1 forms. It's also how the Space Knights became aware of the new Radam fleet at the edge of the solar system advancing from Uranus.

The parasites that infested the Argo pre-TB1 were meant to create an advance force of Tekkaman shocktroopers. When the main fleet entered the system, they sent a mental ping trying to connect up with their advance forces. But all they found left was one defunct Tekkaman, i.e. Blade, which they re-appropriated and given nothing better to do with just the one of them turned him into an anti-matter bomb meant to thin the herd in preparation of the main fleet arriving at Earth.

TB2 is (and would have been) about dealing with the main expeditionary force.

Note also that Dr. Frail aka Tekkaman Mikhail, the cult-leader of the Prague uprising in TB2's flashbacks is the same as was on-staff with Freeman when they were trying to reverse engineer the tekset process, in Missing Link.
hold on a minute , last i remember Ballsack managed to survive barely the raid to the orbital ring and crawled back to earth level the only one who survived an orbital drop was blade , twice .
so you better pop some screencaps of that or im calling BS on that claim
Nothing about the entire story or plot is similar between Tekkaman Blade or Kamen Rider Black.

Kotoro and Nobuhiko are not actually brothers. They were born on the same day of an eclipse, which prophesied them as the future Century Kings of Gorgom, who then killed Kotoro's parents so Nobuhiko's dad would adopt Kotoroto keep them together. Takaya and Shinya mean nothing to Radam- they were just the unfortunate people who discovered the Radam ship, along with the rest of the Argo crew.

Radam is also nothing like Gorgom. Gorgom is an ancient, eldritch cult with a godlike being seeking it's successor (or new host body, potentially). Radam is an extra-dimensional invasive species. Omega is not the god-king of Radam, just the leader of the invasion on Earth (and also being a brother nulls the whole brother versus brother similarity between Black and Blade). Blade and Evil's fight are not for rulership of Radam. Blade is just targeted as the rogue warrior from Radam, and Evil is his equal as the deadliest Tekkaman. Their fight is personal because of Shinya's feelings of inferiority. Nobuhiko doesn't even feel the Century King fight is personal, since he's fully indoctrinated into Gorgom.Takaya also doesn't think it's possible to rescue his family members, while Kotoro spends the first half of Black wanting to save Nobuhiko.

So again, having two similar plot points- brother versus brother and they transform- doesn't make Blade a direct homage to Black, when nothing else is similar. Unless there is some quote from making of Blade that says they were directly influenced by Kamen Rider Black, it's just some person's supposition on tvtropes. It's as vapid as saying "Neon Genesis Evangelion isn't like other mecha series".
I'm the anon that first pointed it out and I didn't say I think is wrong, Aki is hot and DBoy is her husband, also they are cartoons. I should have taken into account we live in the current year, was naive of me for not expecting the bitching reaction, sorry.
>having two similar plot points- brother versus brother and they transform-

Again, you are trying to break it down to cope. Compare entire story structure and, not cherrypicking it just to say " well this doesn't count! ". With this attitude and mindset, you can even argue that Black Might Gaine was not a homage to Mazinger because there are alot of robot with cockpit inside the head and the cockpit's flight mode named Black Pilder was just a coincidence.
>Compare entire story structure

Kamen Rider Black's entire story structure and Tekkaman Blade's entire story structure are nothing alike.
Have you guys ever read the Kamen Rider Black original manga? Kotaro starts thr story with no memories, his transformation is completely organic and he gets naked when he transforms and is found by a guy and a girl in the beginning of the story. The story go on a different direction afterwards but I think Black wa defnitely an inspiration. Blade feels to the OG Tekkaman what Black was for Kamen Rider a well.
maybe but the biggest difference is that kamen rider black was a good show and tekkaman blade was a shit anime
>Have you guys ever read the Kamen Rider Black original manga?
I have. But no one is going to think of Manga Black when you talk about Kamen Rider Black.

Now, could there have been a copy of Manga Black on the shelf of the writer for Blade, that inspired some ideas? Sure. But all those similar ideas could have came from other places, or even were created independently and are coincidentally similar.

Yes, Manga Kotoro had amnesia. Amnesia is a common backstory, that even Noal calls bullshit when D-Boy claims it (and Noal was right). So, superficially similar, but not at all.

Sure, both Manga Kotoro and D-Boy lose their clothing when they transform. It's realistic to lose clothing when physically transforming. Despite the super heroic nature of the Tekkaman, Tekkaman Blade tries to be as hard sci-fi as it can. Of course, it doesn't explain why D-Boy doesn't lose his clothing later on (maybe Pegas had spare clothing inside it, or as the Tekkaman get more experienced at transforming they don't destroy their clothing. Except both D-Boy and Aki loss their clothing when they transform in Tekkaman Blade 2...). Ishinomori was also trying to make a more grounded series in Manga Black, something he'd try again with Shin Kamen Rider. But losing your clothes when transforming is not a homage to Kamen Rider Black.

A homage is like Kamen Rider Spector doing Black's henshin pose.

Other than there being a guy and a girl (although the news crew was two guys and a girl) who finds Kotaro and D-Boy, nothing else is similar between the news crew and the Space Knights. The news crew even disappears after the Jack the Ripper arc.

Tomino was inspired by Starship Troopers when he made Gundam, but Gundam is not a homage to Starship Troopers. Guyver was inspired by Kamen Rider, but is not a homage to Kamen Rider.

So, unless you have a source that says "Tekkaman Blade is a homage to Kamen Rider Black", you are just grasping at connections you see.
Huh. Apparently Twin Blood, Burning Clock, and Missing Link were all made in 1998-99? I always assumed they were made in 1993, between Tekkaman Blade and Tekkaman Blade 2 in 1994.
Tekkaman Blade 2 was awful. Just watch the first one
Which is why I've been banging the drum about Missing Link being canon.
It was always meant to clarify the gap inbetween TB 1 and TB 2 as part of the longer running TB 2 when it was still meant as a TV series. When the concept for TB2 as a TV-series was axed and the material for the early episodes that was there already was recut into a 6-parter OAV, the other surviving material that didn't make the cut was mothballed. But eventually some of it got turned into the OAV short for Missing Link. The reason it's so all-over-the-place and fragmented compared to Burning Clock and Twin Blood, is that it's literally just a series of half-written and half-produced scenes haphazardly stitched together into their chronological order with some new filler squirted inbetween.

Never wondered why TB2 itself; as well as the Burning Clock and Twin Blood specials managed to retain a consistent style in presentation?
But then with Missing Link we're back to schizo visual inconsistencies in style, coloring and lighting between scenes?
It's because it's literally just a stiched together Frankenstein...
The news crew even disappears after the Jack the Ripper arc
They’re still there up to the penultimate chapter.. Kotaro goes solo for a while but they still call him every time something strange happens.
Would a future Tekkaman Blade project be worthwhile if done in the Twin Blood style?
I never liked the goreporn shit
Say anon, you got enough official Twin Blood refs like this? If so I can dump them in the Ryusei Booru since I upload scans there every so often.
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Sorry, I only have the mook released a few years ago and the old manga adaptation.

I decided to look some stuff up with photo translated.

For one, the Blade versus his family was pitched by the producer Motoki Ueda because the previous Tatsunuko anime, Tenkū Senki Shurato, also did a brainwashed best friends Fighting plot and it was popular. The Wikipedia page on Tekkaman Blade is correct about this. Nothing is mentioned about any Kamen Rider influence. Rather, the original Gundam series, with it's more hard sci fi, is a bigger inspiration. Except they wanted to have it be man sized robots instead of giant mecha like in Gundam. That's what originated the Orbital Ring idea- it was similar to the Side colonies of Gundam.

Another interesting bit. Tekkaman Blade 2 was originally going to be only 3 episodes long- the Yumi episodes. Then they decided to do 3 more episodes- the David and Dead arc.

Missing Link is mentioned, but it's only a single page. It's just said to be an extra released for the laser disc, as are Twin Blood and Burning Clock, but doesn't say of they were made before or after thr Tekkaman Blade 2 OVA.
I think if the post didn't have so much anger & vitriol the thread would've been fine about it. Think about it, if it was aki instead of d boy, everyone would've called it rape. But double standards exist & i personally find it hard to see it that way for d boy. Also we didn't see too much how bad his mental health was at the end of the series before it ended, except that d boy was in a wheelchair & possibly not of sound mind, but we heard about the diagnosis from freeman & saw d boy memories flash before his eyes as if he's losing them or his mental faculties.
man , i wish they do a whole series in guyver style , it fits more with the spidercrabs and organic ships rather than going full gundam
not that anon , but i know ive seen a photo , sometimes posted here in tekkaman threads, that was done at some event where they printed some artwork reference material ( it had shinya with civilian clothes , blade in teksett form standing and another one halfway transformed and stuff)

but not a proper scan for that reference material...
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Another interesting tidbit. Only Blade was intended to have a Voltekka. When the script came in that Evil also had Voltekka, they figured the green orbs already in the design would work as his Voltekka. But they had to scramble in emitters for Axe, Lance, and Sword. So that kind of explains why Dagger didn't have a Voltekka.
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>mfw no Tekkaman Musou
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Too Guyver
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I really disliked the second half of this show when it got episodic. Last few episodes were great though.
>when it got episodic.

Entire show was episodic. It was based on Henshin Hero tokusatsu afterall.

Honestly Tekkaman is very KRish. The whole given super powers by an evil organization that wanted to use them as a weapon but they escaped and are now using the powers against them is KR in a nutshell. In fact it's a Heisei Rider before they actually made the Heisei Riders with it's dark storyline and multiple Tekkaman/Riders who are mostly all evil. Noal is straight up a Secondary Rider. But I don't think it's a refrence to Black specifcally just a very Tokusatsu style show that was animated instead probably because doing a show like Tekkaman in Toku suits even with modern CGI would be extremely hard to pull off.
"Brainwashed brother became your biggest rival, while both were transformed into insectoid mutants by an evil faction" is just very KR Black, this idea is just so specific and detailed. Also, i don't think Noah was a "secondary rider", because in the 90s, there was no actual secondary rider, only early ideas of it like Riderman and Tackle. Sol Tekkaman was more like GM in Gundam, an immitation developed from a powerful ace.
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I agree, Tekkaman Blade is very much a Kamen Rider in space. And like you said, it's not specifically Black but just how the genre was popular enough to be a general cultural zeitgeist. Black was five years before, so there is a chance that some influence was inherited. But it's not listed in the interview with the show's producer. Since the producer had no problem mentioning Gundam, I would think they would have said if Kamen Rider Black was a direct influence, especially since the interview was done a few years ago. But no, the brainwashed brother thing was inspired by the previous Tatsunoko anime.

In fact, there was a live suit produced for a commercial. I don't know if the commercial was ever saved, but here is the suit.

It seems that way, doesn't it? But nothing verifies that other than supposition.
Dagger was Takuya's friend
Yes you do. You can't survive half a fucking year on ''parenteral nutrition''.
Really shouldn't talk out of your ass on topics you don't even know the technical term for.
>Central venous catheters are used when administering TPN for several months to years.
>The long-term survival prospects of patients maintained through total parenteral nutrition vary, depending on the cause of intestinal failure. Three-year survival of TPN-dependent patients ranges from 65 to 80 percent.
It was still a massive plot hole. Stop coping.
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I finished this show a few months ago and it still comes to mind sometimes. It has an oppressive feel for a sentai show, you really believe that mankind is in a desperate situation. Good series
>sentai show
Don't waste your time with II btw
2 isn't that bad. But its no blade. Its skippable at least.
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oh , thats a new one for me , thanks anon
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i need a soltekkaman helmet to put on my shelves...i wonder if theres any 3dprinter files somewhere...
It's still a power armor in practice. That's like Saying Superman has no powers because he is just using his Kryptonian biology.
Go back
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i just read the toriyama thing, when obari croaks im going to cry..
I want to have sex with Tekkaman
No u
oh oo.
Technically not, but is depicted with pale green hair. I'm going to say 1/2 point.
Tekkaman Evil form is a mask. 1 point.
>The "Ace"
Is considered Radam's ace. 1 point.
>Protagonist Rival
Duh. 1 point.
>Warrior's Honor
Displays that at least in their final duel, when Shinya let's D-Boy recover from the 30 minute time limit. 1 point.
Is a traitor to Humanity, and schemes for ways to defeat Blade. 1 point.
>Associated with Red
Duh. 1 point.
>Ideological Foil
Goes full in with the Radam superiority. 1 point.
>Family Drama
Ignoring the Blade rivalry, also what he does to Rapier... 1 point.
>Is a freak
Hell yeah. 1 point.

Total: 9.5/10

Shinya is also a man who was known as Char Aznable.
>Technically not

He turned blonde in the last episode.
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Shinya died in the episode before the last one. Unless it's the truncated Teknoman version.

I don't think he turned blonde, just was depicted that way by the animator. Like how in Twin Blood he had more green hair and Takaya had red hair, when they should have the same hair color.

That's why I only gave Shinya a half point.

This anon >>22476271 is giving the correct information which was considered normal in civilization for thousands of years, even up to one hundred years ago in the civilized world. It's not our fault you've been brainwashed by modern nonsense.
You are brown
He's resorting to petty shit posting, Just tell him, he will never be white & go on about your day.
>I don't think he turned blonde

When I was a kid and was watching the Saban version of this show, I thought that it was his transformation into Blastor mode (or Teknoman +, as it was called in the dub) that made Cain's/Shinya's hair change color.
I usually jerk off to Android 18. Toriyama's death is truly a great loss.

You know who i'm going to cry for once it happen? Ebikawa.
yeah if you were too young you wouldnt have know about hiring multiple animation studios and thats part of the iffy animation quality... but overall all the important moments had sweet 80s OVA budget level animation
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>mfw I haven't visited /m/ in 4 years
>Tekkaman Blade thread shows up
Is it really our time, /m/en?
Welcome back! Enjoy your stay as long you don't visit other threads on this board.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's just /m/ommy material, if anything. She's similar to Marina Ismail from Gundam 00, but she also takes after Nena Trinity in taking up a combat role.
Both Tekkaman Blade and Gundam 00 had a gritty tone and space elevators. Setsuna and Takaya/D-Boy also seem to undergo similar character arcs in seeking retribution/redemption.
Strange how something so similar can be so different from each other.
I wonder if 00s orbital elevator is inspired by Tekkaman Blade's space ring. It would be neat since the space ring is inspired by original Gundam. Probably not, but still.
00's Asimov/Clarke influence suggests they probably pulled the space elevator idea more from that kind of thing (possibly even 3001 specifically) than TB, but it's not like Blade doesn't have its own ties to those so the whole thing's pretty interconnected.
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lets keep this thread alive , have some soltekka
So Blade II had issues behind the scenes, right? I just finished running through the whole franchise and I can't even peg what the hell Blade II was supposed to be. Yumi wasn't even the main character after episode 2 or so. The Radam get completely dropped from the plot after we learn they grieve and don't appear again until the last scene, David takes over the plot, I don't know how D-Boy got fixed. At least Aki became a badass and best boy Pegas got rebuilt.
you get some of those answers in missing link
Blade II was going to be a three episode OVA (just the Yumi arc). They knew they wanted to focus on a new generation, so they went with a slightly different style. Then the director got an additional three episodes, so the plot of that arc was more quickly developed, which is why it doesnt really follow up on the first three episodes.
Except that part of TB2 being a full series is wrong.

There was a pitch for a sequel series set 2 years after TB. Missing Link uses part of the pitch as a demo reel. The funding for the series doesn't go through.

They then are able to make an OVA, this becomes TB2. It was originally planned as a 3 episode OVA focused on a new generation 10 years after TB1. Then it got bumped up to 6 episodes, so they came up with the Dead End arc.

Notes for what would have been in Missing Link was used for TB2, but nothing to confirm that Missing Link definitely happened.
I guess it makes sense that she stopped being the focus by that point but even then her arc wasn't good. She learned how to use her Voltekka and declared she was going to take D-Boy from Aki and that was it. When I was watching the first episode, I kept getting Gunbuster vibes but Yumi didn't get the training arc Noriko got. Natasha's "arc" got dropped. She was pissed at Yumi for getting her power-up and then was her friend in the episode after. The whole ship pilot/Tekkaman combo was undercooked. The pilots barely existed and probably didn't' need to exist. Did Noal die when he was arrested? Was that supposed to be Milly in that flashback before the bomb went off?
Were there any notes about the direction the original Tekkaman was supposed to take before it got canned or what happened after the final episode?
Does D-Boy have mommy issues?
I love Star so much bros, I hope you all find someone that loves you the way Star loves Blade.

I love the way she's written, because she's strong when it's neccesary, yet vulnerable and delicate when the moment allows it. She can't even peal a potato without utterly destroying it (and her fingers) and she's the only one who greets commander Jameson when he's on display as a pre-recorded message like a clueless retard, but it just makes her so cute.

For a show about robots, aliens and everything going horribly wrong, it sure does an amazing job at telling a great love story.
>consistently using the dub names to try to trigger people
Weak bait, man. Weak bait...
Not even going to offer the (you)
It literally reads like an AI bot description on top of all that.
This. -the names.
Heck yeah, you go anon.
4chan really poisons the minds of you weak willed faggots? Pathetic.

I genuinely love Teknoman, dubbed. It has infinitely better music and sound effects (especially the Teknobolt/Voltekka, enemy Teknomen eye activation), and if you can't appreciate the amazing voicework of the dub because you're too closeminded, you're missing out. There's parts like Shara's death where the delivery in the dub has so much more impact. Darkon's voice beats Norio Wakamoto out of the fucking water. Not even Toshiyuki Morikawa, my fav seiyuu, is enough for me to prefer the original over the dub, because the dub is just THAT good. I just finished rewatching the show on DVD, saw a thread, thought it'd be nice to share some love with the people who love the same thing I do.

I'm really grateful to Saban for bringing this show to the west, and Shuki Levi for composing such amazing music, that still inspires me today. I know they're jews, but maybe we gas them last.

Hope you have a nice day, anon, you colossal niggerfaggot.
>4chan really poisons the minds of weak willed faggots
That's why eva shit posters are rampart on this board. Weak willed faggots.
Dumbest post on this shit website right now.
>I know they're jews, but maybe we gas them last.
or maybe you'll let them live out the rest of their lives & shut up
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You would like that now wouldn't you?
>It has infinitely better music
It has cheap synthesizer score that sounds like Bruce Faulconer's table scraps.
Doesn't even have a proper title score. Just the industrial rock narration drumbeat.

>Darkon's voice beats Norio Wakamoto out of the fucking water.
There's no accounting for taste, but if there was- you'd just have defaulted.

>There's parts like Shara's death where the delivery in the dub has so much more impact.
There's also parts in that same arc where the dub refers to Sword as Rapier because it can't even get its own bible straight. The quality is all over the place. And Miyuki's original death scene is much more powerful than the dub, because the director knew when to have characters shut their pot hole and let silence do the talking instead.

And what the hell is up with all the name changes anyway?

The name Darkon is phoned in ham as fuck. Might as well call him Villainy Mc. Villain esquire. Why did they have to change the name from Omega, anyway? US children don't know what the greek letter omega symbolizes, or what?

Blade randomly got turned into Slade at one point in the early original dub work, which also turned Dagger into Gunner.
The entire D-Boy nickname plot point was dropped like a brick.

But the crowning point of weirdness is probably renaming Bernard O'Toole, which was already a perfectly fine western Irish or Scottish name to O'Rourke, which hails from the same territories. On top of changing his song from 'Oh Danny Boy,' which is - y'know - an *actual* culturally relevant song for the guy? , to an Americanized substitute that just makes no bloody sense at all.
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For it's time, it's a pretty good dub. Of course, the original is way better, dunno what that other anon is smoking.

>The name Darkon is phoned in ham as fuck. Might as well call him Villainy Mc. Villain esquire. Why did they have to change the name from Omega, anyway?
They renamed Kengo to Conrad, with Darkon being somewhat an anagram. Yes, it's a dumb reason, but there is your reason.

Heh, Reason.

Anybody bother to check out the one guy's AI upscale and re-edit of Teknoman into a 25 episode series on YouTube? It's pretty weird.
>re-edit of Teknoman into a 25 episode series on YouTube?
Why would any fucking body do this?
because they are trapped or traumatized by their childhood and need the very specific thing even if its just a downgraded version of the superior original ... ( ok i gotta admit that the teknoma tune hit hard as a kid, but the stoic hero rather than the chatty smartass fit better the series once i rewatched it in the 2000s ) kinda like the robotech oldfarts that keep trying to make it work despite being watered down macross...
>It has cheap synthesizer score that sounds like Bruce Faulconer's table scraps.

Wrong, it's fucking amazing.
>Might as well call him Villainy Mc. Villain esquire

Uhh...they literally named Shyia fucking ''Evil''. The OG version wasn't exactly that much more original.
>For it's time, it's a pretty good dub.
Oh don't get me wrong about that. The actual *acting* quality in it is nothing short of a miracle. No- really. I mean that quite seriously.
It's a cut above everything else from its era.

But to claim its music score is better than the original? Or that it handled key scenes better than the original?
No. Just flat out no.
Evil was named that in the original because Shinya and Takaya were meant as mirror image opposites of one another.
It's fucking literally addressed *by* Shinya in the plot that he believes only one of them was ever meant to exist and he's going to rectify the balance. And all of that harkens back to childhood memories and a schizm that started back in those days, which is explained in Burning Clock.

I'll say this much on that matter:
The dub naming was on point on Shinya's case. Naming him Cain Carter, as in Kain and Abel.
Okay, gonna throw my 2 cents. I am from Poland, and our dub for this anime is just fucking amazing. Blade was voiced by the guy who voiced the fucking Witcher from the video games, and here he is a legendary VA by his own right. Rest of the cast was voiced by popular actors.

>It's fucking literally addressed *by* Shinya in the plot

You are really stretching it. No, it's just a fucking cliche. Sorry, but it's true.
>as in Kain and Abel

Biblical references only became much more apparent in TB II. It's like every character has to quote some fucking passage from the good book.
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Aki unironically has a possessive personality underneath all the good will. One of the first hints was in the dub. After D-boy giver her flowers she says something like: ''That is enough... at least for now''.


Holy shit. She was always secretly an unhinged yandere.
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Shinya needs his own gf.
I think so too.
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>Shinya: Heiyaaa!! EVIL SLASH!!
>Evil, no!
I thought Yumi was going to have some relation to him considering how Hiver was pronounced.
Nostalgiafags are under arrested development
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Fuck, I just want another SRW with Tekkaman Blade.
In order for something be rape you have to be held involuntarily against your will as well. Otherwise it's just ordinary sexual assault, which is why banging passed out chicks doesn't really carry much of a sentence in most jurisdictions. Such is life.
We all do, anon.
But you have to understand- it would have to be voiced. And while a mic would still be an affordable write-off, the true-to-form experience of the Voltekka soundbyte breaking the speakers on every single TV in existence on which the game is played would be well beyond what Bamco's suits & ties would be willing to foot the bill for.
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Sword was underrated.
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I ended up liking her a lot.
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When are we getting a SRW OG Tekkaman knock-off? OGs is significantly lacking in small units for the player team.
The original Gespenst was a powered armor. Although I think a design closer to Detonator Orgun would fit better in the OG-verse. Maybe something with the Einst could provide the biomechanical creation of a Tekkaman like small unit.
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Is that a new toy or model? It doesnt look like the Sentinel or ThreeZero toy
Me too. I was hoping her and evil would get together and start a short romantic sub plot. But it wasn't meant to be as this series wasn't aiming for that outside the main leads.
>When are we getting a SRW OG Tekkaman knock-off?
>I was hoping her and evil would get together and start a short romantic sub plot.

What? Why? Fengi-Li was completely devoted to Kengo before and after becoming a Tekkaman. That's why her name was Sword, as she was Omega's sword.
Would you a Tekka Haman?
Just Me? Okay.
Thanks to this thread, I watched all of the original Tekkaman as well as Tekkaman Blade. Why hasn't Japan done another reimagination that's closer to the Twins OVA where they're biotech ala Guyver-esque? A new generation of viewers can watch Tekkaman for the 21st century.
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I think Generator Gawl was an extended version of Twin Blood but with different characters. That bio-punk henshin hero kind of idea is rare, because bio stuff is more akin to horror.
There were also Kamen Rider Amazons and Black Sun, but those shows were kinda dogshit so don't bother.
>Generator Gawl
That brings back memories. I saw that way back in 2011? Fuck that was a good show.

Good fight scenes
>Black Sun
I loved the original Black and I did enjoy the suit designs for Black Sun and Shadow Moon. The virtue signaling pissed me off despite being liberal. Japan has nowhere near the problems that the US has. For all their faults, they don't shoot up people like the States do.
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>Generator Gawl
I WANT OUT!!!! That show was awesome.
Did she take the D-Boy?
It was so bizzare to see politic aspect in Black Sun being so non-Japanese. If they want to make it "mature", just abuse the shit out of gore and blood and that's enough. Amazons had the same problem with " Human le bad", it is such a boring and tiresome trope.
Such a shame it was just a one-off mini series. It deserves 50 episodes.
Thing is, Showa Kamen Rider subtly touched upon the themes that the forced experimentation that the early Riders faced made them isolated from humanity and questioned what makes a human. It wasn't Devilman-level of introspection but it was there in a more oblique manner.

Black Sun had so much potential and they fumbled it.
>It deserves 50 episodes.
It totally does. At least 26.
Why does her face change in every episode?
Different animators and different studios. Various slices of work for Tekkaman Blade were outsourced all over the place, many times even within the same episode various different scenes would go to different studios. Whichever could do them cheapest. Think Bamco is a penny-pincher? Try Tatsunoko on for size.

While you're at it, you can also blame them for the SDF Macross licensing hell, because iirc Tatsunoko are the dicks that sold Harmony Gold a sublicense to Macross that they weren't even at liberty to sell.
Turquoise/teal is a good color.
No, it's Martina Cariddi you lying faggot
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>main character sounds like he was meant to be born a last boss
never been topped
oh sorry i'm just about to unleash my ultimate attack which is literally tearing open the space-time continuum with the power of sheer rage set to a theme of drums and horns reaching a fever pitch like the final seal has just been broken
You know the VA literally blew out several studio mics while they attempted to record that scene, right?

Wanna know something else that's funny?
They also voice Kyosuke Nanbu, which is why everyone went nuts over Kyosuke doing the Gespenst Kick.

Wanna know something else that's creepy?
Miyuki/Rapier == Excellen Browning.
To think Blade was Morikawa's first lead role too.
you have to go back
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>And we also never see Blade eat as much after that first scene. It could be like how Blade and the others don't lose their clothing after transforming later on.
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Love this style.
Is that a sound track?
Blade is such a cool design.
It's the single for the second OP.
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