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New AoZ thread. MS Girls good luck charm worked well last time so it continues
--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries
>scans of some of the earlier entires
>samples of the ongoing manga
>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.
>another page with their stuff
>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one
>last thread
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latest volume
How do you think the armor attaches? Plug-type?
Through sub-arms all things are possible
TR plwn engineers probably have coffee mugs with that phrase printed on them
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>Hazel Kelderek Owsla namedropped
kino, can't wait for art
What's the difference with regular Owsla?
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We don't know the details since there's no art yet but we know it uses the enhanced Primrose variant depicted in the last volumes, though there's very little visual difference in them. Beyond that it's anyone's guess for now, but I suspect it's gonna have some new stuff compared to T3's Owsla. Regular Kelderek had some Mk-II and what would become GM III equipment (plus a few other things), who can tell what Fujioka has planned for Owsla.
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for me it's the Vanargand
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fanart of Barzam's crotch is a gift that keeps on giving
...that came out wrong
that's an entire Woundwort
What is that supposed to be?
nuh-uh, it's Subarm Unit II! Just ask TR-1 Haze'n-thley!
Woundworts are subs confirmed?
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"Chamberlain Knight Woundwort", apparently a knight and maid from an SD Knight story. I like how the head evolves into a maid headband and the composite shield boosters are cute little bug friends.
There's also art of some Hazel variants: the first two are called Valkyrie Gundam Hazel and the last one is same with Gigantic Arms. I'm not sure which variant is the first one based on but I suspect the second is Hazel-Rah given how the wings resemble Hrududu's binders.
Duh, they always have been
New stuff from Watership 4.5, apparently they're releasing Hrairoo II variants. In preparation for a Queenly kit, to boot. I really appreciate how much work they put into these analyses, they really help notice and figure out more details and stuff. I never realized Flag's version of Queenly did not have a v-fin for example.
Part 2
check the weibo page linked in OP to see their other stuff
I can't tell these are Woundworts or Hazels at all, they're missing all the distinctive features
What are those weird triple thingies?
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I feel like they still have some features, but ultimately this style only takes some traits from the original MS usually. These Cardass illustrations have been going on since the late 80s, they're a classic line. Where Musha Gundam is oriented around SD kits, this is where Knight Gundam thrives.
I do agree these designs could be better though. Have a cool Barzam knight to make up for that.
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Assuming you mean the second model, these are funnels. TR-6 can store a large funnel in the weapon container and control it if it's equipped with Psycommu. Notably it looks like a downscaled triple winch cannon, using an open barrel design not unlike Nu's fin funnels later on.
Oh, inever realized those where made of three sections, thought they were like Nu's closed fin funnels.
>Downscaled triple winch cannon
Does that mean there's a full size version out there? Speaking of winch cannons, are there multiple variants? Sometimes they look slightly different
I mean, I guess you could make a larger variant that's the size of a proper winch cannon but that kinda misses the point of a funnel, these are already rather large. Unless you go all-in and make basically a remote controlled hyper mega launcher like Nu FF. But there are no depictions if that, no. Composite Shield Booster can be refitted into a wireless psycommu weapon though.
And yes, there are two winch cannon types - the "normal" equipped for example on Hazel Owsla and the much longer enhanced winch cannon which is used by Gallant TR-5 and most TR-6 firms with a winch cannon. The latter at least can also mount some extra equipment, IIRC one illustration had it with a small missile pod attached.
How powerful are winch cannons compared to regular beam cannons or rifles? Presumably being an open barrel design means they work differently than regular beams right? Then again barrel length seems completely arbitrary for beams, sometimes you need a long barrel like the Zeta's rifle and sometimes a stubby emitter like ZZ's forehead or Psyco Gundam's chest cannons are enough
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I'm not quite sure, actually. AoZ tends to avoid giving specific numbers (which is for the best imo) and I don't know of specific descriptions of its performance either. But just going by the sheer size of it, it should pack a stronger punch than rifles of the era.
Barrel length seems to have more to do with maintaining beam convergence, which enables better accuracy and precision rather than directly enhancing the power. Compare a beam spray gun's barrel, which is noted to have short range, and the average beam rifle with longer barrel and effective range. Same goes for beam snipers, mega launchers and so on. Not entirely unlike ballistic weapons, though it doesn't translate 1:1. Then compare high-power beam weapons with next to no barrel like ZZ's High Mega Cannon or Psycho Gundam's Mega Particle Cannons. The former has massive diameter for the beam and the latter fires wildly in a diffused manner rather than concentrated form of conventional beam weapons.
Open barrel design doesn't seem to directly change how it functions, it just makes do with less convergence capacity in return for more compact and lighter design. Nu's Fin Funnels operate the same as any other beam weapon, they just turn the AMBAC "limbs" into a barrel for the beam gun in the center.
Another benefit of long barrels is having the capacity to mount equipment on them, like how Beam Smart Guns use an I-Field generator at the muzzle to give the beam a wider firing angle. Or like the Winch Cannon here - there's a pic of it with the grenade launchers. And a hyper bazooka to boot.
Going back to the Winch Cannon, all we really know is that the Enhanced variant is more powerful. Incidentally, because it has a high-performance monoeye sensor it can also be used as a scouting device when deployed on the wire. The wire in question can also channel electric current, letting it function like an admittedly unwieldy Sea Serpent weapon.
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Black Hares are so fucking cool bros...
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Also includes weaponized yaoi hands. I think they're based on Engage Zero's which is a nice touch
I was mainly interested in how it compares to the other TR plan weapons using Hrairoo II as an example, are the arm cannons the main weapons, or is it the phallic winch cannon? Size seems roughly equal. Never noticed the bazooka and grenades though, talk about a composite weapon.

>Electric wires
That's probably someone's fetish. Seeing one of these with every wired weapon deployed must evoke some primal abyssal octopus fears in enemy pilots. Hazenthley II Rah has even more right?
I'm not really sure how it compares like that either, AFAIK Hrairoo II's loadout is only really described as using three powerful, long-range cannons so I guess they are roughly equal. Not sure how they stack up against the High Mega Cannon though.
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And Incoms because BUNNyS OP please nerf
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And while I'm at it also the totally not suggestive High Mega Cannon.
I feel like that's a bit much for just a bare Barzam, but a regular mega particle cannon could be a nice reference to the old Commander Custom and it's something I really want to see in official AoZ material.
Isn't that covered up by the crotch rabbit?
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different loadout, like the ones posted last thread
source btw https://x.com/Hiata_Arts
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The wrist unit is like a targeting pod or camera right?
yeah, like a wired camera. IIRC it's called a "mountain crossing camera" but nobody really gets why. EWAC Nero and later EWAC Jegan use it too
Is Kelderek basically the "Advanced Quel" of sorts?
Not really, the only thing it shares with Quel is what, the arms? Hazel is an almost completely different machine
Advanced Galbaldy Beta barely shares anything with the regular one either, so I can't say that it's a good enough argument.
Slapping Primrose on and giving Quel legs with extra thrusters as well as a Gundam-style head would give similar enough results, hence me asking.
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I guess you could sort of see it like that? It's not really the same concept though. "Advanced" units are like ways to enhance the performance of a machine that's trailing behind by slapping a bunch of enhancement parts on it. Hazel was a test unit that reused some of Quel's structure for the sake of expedience. New name, new model number, all that jazz. Kelderek isn't much different from that, even with its own number, separate from the "main" Hazel line.
This still applies for the mass produced Hazel Owslas, which at this point really don't share much with Quels and are produced from the get go as Owslas.
Back to Kelderek, it's like a modern expansion on the old idea of "next generation prototype" MS that was like a kitbash between Hazel, Mk-II and Quel based on the description in HG Quel's manual, whereas the the drawing also had Alex's leg thrusters which are incorporated into the Kelderek as well.
Point is, the Hazels aren't modernizations of Quels to match the modern performance standards, they are high-spec test units designed for verifying other equipment. When they did get mass produced, it was explicitly as a mass produced variant of itself rather than a direct successor of Quel.
Pretty interesting how the Alex-style leg thrusters aren't used in later units like the TR-6 family or the TR-S. Later EF suits like Zeta and Nu do use that style of thruster, which implies they are somehow better. In the TR-6's case it's understandavle since the leg shapes are pretty different both in Woundwort and Hazenrhley II forms, but the TR-S basically uses Hazel legs. Doesn't one of the Queenly versions also use big Hazel legs as well?
ultimately it's less about Alex's thrusters specifically and more just about the concept of incorporating major thrusters into the calf area. Regular Hazel does a similar thing but with ones built into the rear and front rather than on the sides, and this is inherited as one of the common features between the Advanced variants as well as Barzam and Hazel Flare. Woundwort uses the concept in its own way too, since it can equip Hazel or Barzam legs when it needs to. Full Armor Queenly meanwhile uses Psycho Mk-II limbs which are a pretty different concept.
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Nothing beats a good thrusterfuck design though. If your MS isn't shitting out enough nuclear exhaust fumes to power a space colony, are you really flying?
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The maintenance crew doesn't want you to know it but the fuel tanks in the hangar are free you can put them on your MS I have 458 detachable boosters
On another note, does anyone actually recognize if these fuel tanks are some specific kind? Of course the big square one is Gaplant's but I'm not sure about the rest. The large round ones seem a bit like FA Unicorn's (or rather type 94 Base Jabber's) but I'm stumped on the small ones on the sides.
And people wonder why the Helium-3 overlords of Jupiter have so much power
I agree the fucking jovians are getting too uppity but these are just regular basic bitch propellant tanks, Helium-3 is used for Minovsky reactors
Oh, so these are the ones causing UC's Earth Environmental Collapse Speedrun any%. Wonder how much power thrusters drain from MS? Is it just a tiny spark to ignite the propellant? Or is the process more demanding? I'm leaning towards the latter since high mobility MS often tend to have bigger reactors and more thrusters instead of bigger propellant tanks
Definitely the latter, the most obvious example is Kampfer using almost only ballistic weapons despite the capacity for beam weapons so that the reactor can focus on keeping the thrusters at top performance rather than balancing it with other factors
I swear I saw the small fuel tanks somewhere before, but I can't quite put it
I also feel like they're from something else but can't find it. However apparently there's a 3d model of them for sale, so at least there's that
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I love Nemo Cannon
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Do you guys like the Tr-1 hazenthley rah II. After seeing it on pbandai i only think the head and the upper chest look good. The rest of the equipment ends up looking clunky and somewhat like floaties. The normal tr-1 hazenthley ends up looking a lot better despite missing the cooler v fin.
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It-s a victim of the art taking liberties with proportions. Looks a lot better in drawing form. Still, I think the Rah second form looks a lot better, the Hrududu 1 blocky shapes mesh better with the blocky Hazel parts
I think with some posing it's got good potential although the v-fin being yellow rather than gold irks me to no end
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I like bare Haze'n-thley more in general to be honest. Hrududu II is great, but a double set works best when there's a bunch of other stuff also added on top imo, with just that it feels kinda odd. For example, slap a booster and Bigwig Cannon and it looks a lot cooler suddenly.
On model kit side the Psycho Blade mold on it is... not great
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Pretty sure they're the Xeku boosters(The smaller ones near the top, not the big ones), notice how they have a metal bit near the thrusters on one side but not the other
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Well shoot that really might be it yeah. The exact details can vary between depiction but the broad shape, especially the part around the thrusters, is suspiciously similar. Eyeballing it, the size should be relatively close too. That's another riddle - possibly - solved!
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Good lock to the engineers trying to balance the center of mass during all that
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Today I discovered there's a Fujioka-designed Desktop Army set but also that it's out of print and overpriced.
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I've half a mind to buy a bunch of the TR-6 Hazel II bootlegs just to have the core sections and boost pods for Hrududu II sets to put on random stuff. The only thing really stopping me is that the version on Aqua Hambrabi would be more suitable so if that gets a bootleg soon it'd be a better option.
The standalone Hrududu II is a better version
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It looks like the idea of Queenly remote-controlling the two Advanced Kehaar IIs it has is not a new addition from ReBoot, but was already planned in FoT. Throw a whole bunch of Psycommu hardware into the weapon containers and let 'em sort it out, apparently. Based off the Prototype Psycho Gundam that lugged its own Psycommu system as a massive backpack, but more refined. I wonder how ReBoot's version with Psycho Blade and confirmed BUNNyS presence plays into it.
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to me half the appeal of AoZ is the inspiration it provides for custom builds. GM Quel enhanced with Xeku Eins and Pale Rider DII parts to round out some TR Plan upgrades? Hell yeah.
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Well, the Psycho Gundam development history is pretty interesting but TLDR is with each generation they made the system smaller and less brain-melty. So by the time the Psycho Mk1 we see in Zeta is around, the technology is already mature. One interesting tidbit is that the Psycho's mobile fortress mode is actually meant as a sort of "low drain" mode, basically a mode that doesn't tax the pilot's mind as much since there's less limbs and shit to control. Queenly goes in the opposite direction, adding even more moving parts and appendages to the MS. So I imagine BUNNyS helps manage that increased load. It's unclear if the Psycho MkII solved the issue since it also has a Fortress mode, and the only pilot we see is a purposely engineered cyber newtype bred to pilot it
That's interesting, I knew about the miniaturization trend (hell Gundam Mk-V was another attempt at that) but not about the MF mode. I heard it's needed to use the Minovsky Craft System. And a restraint system according to... certain documents.
With TR units it's a pretty different situation since BUNNyS is supposed to be in charge of that, period. Things might be different if you put a (cyber) newtype in the cockpit though.
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fuck it, uuuuh... Vervain II?
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TR plan is weird because they both had the lowest ranked Titans pilot test out the machines, but at the same time had a breeding program for bioengineered cyber NTs to pilot the things. Feels like going from one extreme to the other. I imagine most of the bigass designs were planned with cyber NT pilots in mind, or at the very least with BUNNyS
They put the expendable pilots there to test experimental machines as it'd be small loss if they had accidents or wound up knowing too much and had to be removed. Meanwhile making Cyber Newtypes was just the Newtype Labs doing their thing. They were closely tied with the Titans but not the same entity.
Woundwort has BUNNyS by default so the same applies to all of the TR-6 line (ReBoot confirmed it, before it was more of a hinted possibility). And at least going by Psycho Inle's description, it requiring a Cyber Newtype pilot went against the entire premise of the TR Plan that wanted to only use regular pilots rather than relying on barely understood mutations.
Or, at least, that's what most people working on the TR Plan thought.
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Cyber NTs aren't mutations. They're cyborgs, with reinforced organs, chips in their brain, enhanced bone density, etc. The proper translation is "Enhanced Human". And stuff like the Psycho Blade existing kinda points at them planning around said (Cyber)NTs. Not to mention the OVER THE MIND manga, which is a prequel and festures CyberNT kids pretty early into the development timeline
yeah I did not explain myself properly. Cyber-Newtype or not (this translation was specifically requested so it's as proper as it gets) still rely on the same principle as regular Newtypes, or at least attempt to mimic them with biological enhancement and psychological conditioning added to amplify their capacity as soldiers.
OVER THE MIND was written by Fujioka around the time of FoT releasing, but he wasn't in charge of the story for the main manga and design works it was at most hinted at without being explained. It was up in the air whether it was actually implemented or not at that point until ReBoot "officially" introduced it into the mecha details and the story itself. Likewise the idea of equipping psycommu weaponry was often treated as an extreme measure in the same category as WMDs.
Still, at this point it's clear psycommu was intended as part of the TR Plan for at least as long as Newtype existence has been accepted as fact and Titans incorporated it from the start. At the same time, the majority of the personnel involved most likely didn't know anything about it just like the larger scope of the Plan.
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>Hey Bob, why do the new parts that just arrived for testing scream when I get near them?
>We don't get paid enough to care, give it a few whacks with a wrench and it stops
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>Eh, I've seen crazier shit a few years ago. Apparently my cousin in Anaheim is dealing with some haunted bullshit too. But what can you do? Job's a job.
that's the one that zero sum'd itself out of existence right?
>Picture of fortress mode
His ass CANNOT transform into that
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>His ass CANNOT transform into that
Don't underestimate Kobayashi. Dude made the motherfucking Baund-Doc.
Have you seen the uncropped version of >>22644447? It's got MASSIVE wings
folded 9000 times
Now that I think about it, aside from the Grandaddy's samurai looks there isn't really anything "Japanese" in UC right? I guess Sazabi and technically the Zaku are Oni, but other than that there is no obvious "this is space Japan" faction.

Of course then SEED rolls around and shits the bed with ORB and the Astrays...
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Bumping thread
Is that a swolewort in the back?
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Indeed, gonna start painting them later on(ReZeon Black color scheme).
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>Marine player
This does not please the Omnissiah
I just got into warhammer, i picked the space marines to practice my painting skills before risking any gunpla.
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This are my 3 shots at painting, not the best yet but any feedback would be appreciated before i go painting the Woundworts.
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Thin your paints. That said, mini painting is pretty different from gunpla painting, ideally you want to airbrush Gunpla, otherwise the brush strokes will be very noticeable on the large flat surfaces. Not to mention 40k minis require basecoating and slow application of thin layers while keeping light and shadow in mind, while Gunpla are more or less fine with just basecoats. I highly reccomend watching videos on both subjects, particularly Duncan's for 40k. Here's some examples
That's Duncan, anything by him is good. He used to work for the official GW channel.
You probably know this guy, but any decent gunpla painting tutorial will do. The key factor here is either getting an airbrush or learning to use spray cans properly.
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less zero sum'd and more "both units opened dimensional doors and disappeared 10 seconds after activation"
Also disabled self-destruct systems that were specifically meant to prevent them going rampant.
It caused large-scaly Newtype awakenings in nearby colonies which led to Titans gassing them to hush things up and agreeing with Anaheim to forget this ever happened.
According to this Mobile Fortress was introduced to the later units as an additional limiter to suppress similar rampages.
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Sometimes mecha just be like that
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Efreet Nacht is a honest to god robot ninja but this kind of stuff is relatively few and far between. One aspect to consider is that since it's people intimately familiar with Japanese culture that design these, there can sometimes be more subtle and small references in designs that aren't necessarily recognizable to overseas audiences.
I didn't know it had a fucking katana and proper kunai, only knew the Schneid version. Now that's just nonsense any way you look at it. At least the main body of the MS looks cool.
yeah it's goofy as hell but in a fun way imo
Well Nacht comes from a game, if side content like game and manga are okay then there's some more stuff especially with the weirder manga
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Fits here better than on regular Barzam desu
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I really like the idea of more options for Hazel rifle
She's very well armored.
For you.
I wonder what a AOZ style Refined Barzam would look like
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basically the same apparently, it's right here under Barzam
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F90FF is gonna be continued via F90 Cluster. This would be only tangentially related to AoZ due to the occasional mecha references in FF, but apparently it's going to start off at Mars which could easily segue into Black Rabbit had a Dream connections, even only minor stuff
UC121? Isn't that Victory territory?
two years before F91, in other words right after the defeat of Mars Zeon by the Federation task force
Wonder how they're gonna justify not deploying any of the super prototype MS against the invading Cosmo Babylonians
A big plot point of F91 is that the Federation is using outdated MS(Jegans) and the CB MS can fly circles around them, and the F91, being a modern MS, is pretty much the only thing that can stand up to them. But every new manga adds more super prototypes, F90 variants or other MS that can keep/the F90 like that super cool shark MS, or the pimped out Gelgoog. If Zeon remnants can turn a Goog into a competitive MS for the era in a cave with a box of scraps, then surely the EF had SOMETHING that could stand up to the Den'an Zon at least
have you actually read Fastest Formula? It's all about the F90 and its mission packs, none of which are really on the same level as F91 in all aspects. Hell, F91 itself is several years old at this point, it's just the biocomputer configuration that is taking longer.
And even if EFF had something or other somewhere that would be a serious threat to Crossbone Vanguard, remember the higher ups did not give a single shit about the attack on Frontier colonies, called it an internal conflict and stayed on vacation.
Fair enough, completely forgot F91 took place in a colony and not on Earth
Admittedly the movie is a bit of a clusterfuck at points (and a large clusterfuck at other) so it's easy to forget details.
It's also worth noting there was the invasion by Mars Zeon remnant fleet shortly before that, which did involve an attack on Earth itself. But despite that it was still a rather small scale conflict because it was a bunch of ragtag remnants of remnants that were really just CV pawns at that point vs mostly inexperienced and complacent garrison troops.
All this talk of FF and F91 has left me wondering how to sneak in some proto-VSBRs into the TR line. There's a sketch showing possible gear configurations and it includes VSBRs right? Although IIRC the sketch says they didn't exist at the time but they could be mounted if they did
What does the Beam Spray Gun II look like? And why do we call the Hazel II's beam rifle the Mk-V beam rifle when they only vaguely resemble each other?
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as good an answer as any. Thank you, anon.
Someone said that they use the same rifle but that Cod picked up a different rifle when he piloted the MK V or something like that
could just be it's not the "Mk V's rifle", bur rather the "Beam rifle Mk V", no relation
>Beam Spray Gun II
it's the one the Gaplant TR-5 HG kit comes with
>Mk-V rifle
it is Gundam Mk-V's rifle, the unit used by New Desides didn't have it and they used a different rifle, IIRC there's not many details but it's somehow related to Xeku Eins equipment
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trains ;)
Woundwort is too pure and would never let ReZeon run a train on her
But Gran-Barzam 2 is a thing...
anon, the entire premise of TR-6 is "compatibility" with virtually everything
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That's her younger brother
I don't think I ever heard about that, any idea what sketch it was?
it's one that depicts backpack compatibility I think? Let me see if I can find it
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Here we go, bottom right
This isn't saying that it can use them, just the mechanism where the shoulder binder with an equipped subarm can hold a beam rifle and swing to fire them from under the armpits. It's compared to Mk-V's cannons and suggested that F91's and Godzorla's gun placement might be derived from the concept.
tomato tomato
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is it just me or Aqua Barzam's torso looks a bit like a face similar to Kampfer's frog face
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Not really. I feel like color separating the lower "ball" section would do wonders to give the impression that it is a movable camera pod though
I don't wanna jinx it but I dare say we might get another drawing soon. The bi-monthly schedule is just a vague idea at this point but I just got a feeling.
I reckon it's gonna be some more stuff related to Primrose and/or MP Owsla, but probably not the Kelderek Owsla quite yet.
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Get back to drawing and off 4chan Fujioka!
Can someone give me a QRD on the TR plan? Both the mobile suit development side of it and the conspiratorial "Tri-Stellar Plan" that OVER THE MIND and AoZ Reboot touches on
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TR Plan was a project focusing on developing the next generation mobile suits and the large-scale strategic weapon, [Inle]. Development was primarily undertaken by the Titans Test Team but other groups like Black Hares, a unit under Jamitov's direct command, were also involved. After the Titans were defeated, the Black Hares acted independently to ensure continuation of the Plan.
"TR" has three meanings:
The weapon development project launched in UC 0084 which established the foundation for many technologies with the ultimate goal being creation of the strategic weapon [Inle]
All-purpose conversion system integrated as part of BUNNyS No. 3 Type 7 Cyber Newtype Personality OS. The core feature of TR-6 that enables a virtually infinite number of variations and specializations, culminating in [Inle].
The true purpose of the TR Plan, referring to the "Tristellar Project" that began before UC 0001. [Inle] is said to be the wings necessary to realize it. Supposedly it has some kind of "memory" referring to the Tristellar Project which is connected to the capacity to serve as the core of a terraforming project.
The goal of Tristellar is to let humanity grasp the "shining star" and be reborn in space, in another body and on another Earth.
It appears that the core pillars of Tristellar relate to technologies like memory transfers, cloning , artificial intelligence and man-machine integration.
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>Average Tristellar project hardware/ BUNNyS housing
01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110010 01101100
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his work continues
Dandelion II?
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a-yup, guy's making the entire Inle
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I'd love to see a Hazel with some Gundam Mk-II parts like Kelderek, but specifically the Prototype Mk-II parts which are closely related to GP01
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Transpack really offers a lot of cool ideas for simple variations.
Though this makes me wonder whether GM Custom already had that connection type or if it was first introduced with GM Quel. Either could work, really, since they're both good points to begin field testing of a new connection standard and the lion's share of testing was done by other, later units anyway.
Hell, maybe it's even inherited from GM Type C.
I'd like to know how far forward it goes. Do post-zeta MS still hsve transrights compatibility? What about later on, likein F91 or Victory?
Looks cool, like a test unit for what kinda backpack the MK II would have.
It would be neat to see AEUG GM customs upgraded with Nemo backpacks if that was possible.
I think the latest suit that we can have any confidence uses the system would be GM III given it's mostly just a modernized GM II. This might even be why it was so easy to stick a modified Mk-II backpack on it, since Mk-II used that as well.
Jegan doesn't appear to despite taking a lot from TR Plan, as when we see it with Hrududu II attached it uses the universal connection rather than via transpack booster pod. I figure Anaheim wanted to establish their own standards to ensure their monopoly, or maybe this was deemed more effective for some things.
That's just the regular Hizack backpack, though I guess there could be a connection between it and Mk-II's due to the little booster fins.
Traitor to Destiny has a Nemo with a modified GM III backpack (to mount a G-Defenser). This could have been a one-off heavy modification or maybe Nemo also uses the Transpack system (or something very close to it) due to deriving from the same Federation suits as Quel & Friends. Hizack and Marasai do, it's not like Anaheim can't make it. So doing the opposite and sticking its backpack on an earlier suit should work just fine.
...hell, Nemo was meant to operate together with Marasai. It's really not a stretch to imagine they use the same standardized backpack connections.
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They put a Barzam head on a Pale Rider DII in Gundam Wearwolf
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I'd say it looks closer to the regular Barzam design rather than TR, but still cool
Remember that TR-S [Hazel Hrair] was later used as the basis for the Nemo's torso, so I'd say them being transgirl compatible is a pretty safe bet
Nero's torso, actually. And the entire upper body. Still waiting for more info, we have enough foundation for an entire AEUG/Anaheim chapter akin to Mars Zeon.
My bad, typo. I don't think we're getting an AEUG chapter anytime soon since they're completely irrelevant to the story. If anything it'd be an epilogue. Then again, the manga is on hiatus, isn't it?
Yeah it's been on hiatus since 2021 due to Fujioka's state, but he talked on occasion about getting back to it so he hasn't abandoned the manga proper or anything like that.
And AFAIK the latest volume was meant to be a conclusion of the "Mars arc" with the very finale of it still not published. As for what the next arc could be... well, AEUG has been covertly influencing the events of the manga so far and ZZZ is bound to become a major plot point in due time.
I'd be worried if he suddenly starts pumping out content, because it'd probably mean he feels his time is coming. Didn't the Berserk author come back from hiatusandthen die soon after?
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Its mostly the booster fins but the early design sketches for the mk II's backpack seem like it had a similar wide wing stance along with longer fins which makes it look similar to the hizack to me.
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That's a good point, Okawara and Fujita worked on both of them around the same time so it's not hard to imagine ideas bled over. Particular with the even earlier draft that had rear design. The lower part of the backpack with the thrusters is particularly similar to Hizack's
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This also reminds me of the old SD Nise Gundam Mk-II which is based on Hizack. It never really made its way into proper UC but the "technical" blurb for it was IIRC a Hizack doing its best to mimic Mk-II's performance and serving as basis for Barzam.
Honestly, it wouldn't be hard at all to include this into AoZ.
>a Hizack doing its best to mimic Mk-II's performance and serving as basis for Barzam
a vulcan pod on Hizack is kinda genius as option equipment, offsetting this common flaw in Zeon-styled designs
not sure if it'd fit on the head without modification, but still
Vulcans are useless in 99% of MS. They're too dinky to harm enemy MS (unless you're in CCA and Amaheim sold you a cardboard MS as a joke) and they're intended use, point defense, requires you to be a newtype to intercept anything anyways. Not to mention you can count the amount of missile weapons in UC in one hand. If you're facing down a Zssa or other missile spam MS you're boned anyways. Only in late UC do they become useful due to finally bekng able to damage real MS
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There IS a suspicious looking latch thing on the back of Hizack's head, just sayin'
It's different from the latches on the sides vulcan pods usually use, but with the pipes Hizack would need a different design anyway.
Vulcans are still valuable. It's nonsensical to expect them to compare to rifles and cannons, but that's not what they're for. They're auxiliary weapons - combat against infantry, tanks, planes and such can be much more convenient with a gun that won't accidentally level a building.
Not to mention there are many, many cases of using them in MS combat, whether to restrain movement, target sensors, or just to blindly fire in close combat as a distraction.
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Easier to see in a 3d model
There are quite a few Zakus with head vulcans ultimately.
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I know the TR Plan-based BR-GM C2 from F90FF is no secret, but I am reading the manga right now and noticed one that was wielding a pretty familiar gun. Funnily enough, it was used by old AEUG soldiers...
Would an aoz nise gundam mk II be based on the mass production type or the RX version?

It would make sense that they might have been interested in the external vulcans. So that they could equip their ms that don't have any built in ones. Since they have higher chance to fight against non-ms combatants.
GM-Barzam with a Jegan backpack, a Nemo shield and a blade rifle is some real through the eras shit and I love it.
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in fairness the Jegan thrusters seem to be just attached to the sides of regular ol' Barzam backpack and are standard equipment for this type, but yeah the weapons tell a history. Especially since this is UC 0116, decades after it was built
What do the forearm plates do?
beam saber storage, though I imagine in a pinch they can serve as small shields or striking weapons
protect your sleeves from getting dirty
Probably just primarily armour
don't they just store a beam saber like usual?
I mean, this one is based on Hizack with only some cues from Mk-II really but I guess the RX? What do you mean by mass production type?
it looks like a Powered GM
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I'd say my sleeves can protect themselves
Those are underneath the plates so I guess you could say it but they're really stored in the actual arm part
I think it odd that some writers seem to portray the AEUG in a way that would suggest that they would rather pilot a GM II rather than commandeer a marasai or barzam and paint it in AEUG friendly colors.

Mass production type would be the RMS version i guess.

I wonder if that line from 0083 about the backpack looking like it would look good on a zaku be a reference to the hizack. At the end of the manga(for Kou) they pilot hizacks in the same area as that scene
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fuck it, all the long rifles
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>only 3
I thought Hrududus each came with 2 different pods, one "grabby" pod and one booster pod. Meaning to make this they used 4 hrududus and just tossed away 4 halves, plus 2 center sections. Or maybe somewhere out there exists a VERY fast Hazel with 4 booster pods
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It'd be cool to see some Pale Rider DIIs in the context of AoZ. The Pale Rider line has been referenced before and Titans did consider using them instead of Hizacks, and even if Hizack won the competition Wearwolf showed at least a few DIIs were in use late into Gryps War.
But really I just got inspired by this fanart because reusing the leg hardpoints for Advanced-style thrusters is a genius idea.
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How useful was the long rifle? It looks really cumbersome.

Doesn't it suffer the same problem as the GM Quel? It's a modernized old suit/frame which makes it more time consuming and resource heavy to build. Though what makes the GM III conversions so much cheaper than the GM Custom/Quel? Could normal GM's have been converted into custom or quels if they had mass produced their parts?
It's always been bizarre to me, the long blade rifle that is. Why bother with the heat blade? Beam sabres are consistently depicted everywhere else as just being a better choice. Seemed like extra bulk for no reason. That the Woundwort's still doing it with its units is crazier when emitting a beam sabre from the barrel was on the cards by then.
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It's a rifle that's long, not really much to say about it. Worth noting that in Gundam, the longer your gun the less likely you are to be a nameless grunt about to die
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it's higher power than the bare beam rifle, plus it's more accurate at long distances. And the heat blade lets it serve as a melee weapon, especially for blocking enemy attacks before you have a chance to draw your own beam saber. IIRC it's compared to GP01's beam jutte, but a cheaper and easier to maintain version.
You can contrast it with something like Zeta's rifle, which can emit a beam saber from the tip to see an alternate development path for the idea.
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Lower energy drain. When you've got so much shit strapped to the MS, every bit of reactor juice saved helps. Woundwort is weird because it MIGHT have a beam saber, but the only illustrations where it does are the cheesecake bunny ones. Also, this might be a G-gen thign only, but some of the Composite Shield Booster machines just dump the blade entirely and use the beam emitter in the claw to project a beam saber.

Also, I guess having a blade on your rifle means you can melee quicker without putting away/dropping your rifle
DII was modernized by Augusta up to UC 0084 spec, but we only have a vague idea what these upgrades were. I imagine it was a sort of "quality" focused MS to contrast Hizack's "quantity" focus, but there is also the aspect of one being just a modernized old design and the other being new technology from the ground up.
I don't think you can convert another GM type into a Custom or Quell though, at least not in a convenient way. Custom was a new design based on Sniper Custom and Command lines, but it also incorporated a lot of elements from NT-1 Alex and was never meant for mass production on the same scale as regular GMs.
Meanwhile GM II/III are meant to be upgrades to the previous generation, standardizing parts and updating performance while reusing as many elements as possible, allowing for the old model to be refitted into the new one.
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>Woundwort is weird because it MIGHT have a beam saber, but the only illustrations where it does are the cheesecake bunny ones.
it's featured in ReBoot manga and mechanical drawings too
so THAT's where it's stored, first time seeing it. Turns out beam sabers are stored in the balls
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I'm pretty curious about Hizack's triple missile pods. AoZ's Cannon spec is typically depicted with them, but I don't think we really know anything about them besides that.
Are they just a direct development from the OYW's Zaku's leg-mounted missile pods? Can Marasai equip them? Can anything else?
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A thread or two ago I said I remember seeing Woundwort holding the regular-sized Hazel rifle despite its dainty little hands, and I finally ran into art of it. And also a GM Command/Custom shield, oddly enough.
Woundwort Rah is such a simple but great design
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It looks really cool in art. The coolest even. But I really am not too big a fan of it once it enters real 3D space and you see it from other angles.
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They aren't unique to AoZ. They're just ordinary Hizack equipment, almost certainly derived from the leg missiles yes. But they're been with the HiZack from the beginning.
I still love it, it's like she's wearing an oversized coat. My only criticisms are that the chest spikes look not great and that the "mouth" pods should be the ones on the shoulders. Which seems to be the case in >>22656248.
counterpoint, having the claw units on the knees lets you do some wicked kicks
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Anyone know what these symbols are?
Not really, they protrude so much that they'd get in the way, and having any sort of equipment mounted on them severely limits leg mobility. Plus fact reactors go on fat thighs, it's a law of mecha
The lower set being the claw parts is true to the original art, but it's cooler to mount blade rifle extensions to them if they're up top like the other art for sure. The real answer is to just make all of them claws.
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I know, though yeah my previous past is kinda vague. I just thought it's a bit odd optional equipment for a mass-produced Titans suit wasn't touched up more than that.
Though now I remember GM II was also depicted with it and not much elaboration beyond calling them "general use missile pods", implying you could theoretically see them on other stuff too.
It's a marking that's often featured on the Hrududu II units. The text is GA-PLAN-T in progressively smaller text.
I don't know what's the deal with that
I mean they're just missile pods. Nothing complicated to trigger the firing mechanism at all That's why they end up in other places on some Zaku variants and other MSV designs, too. Anything ever could use them with so long as you've got the means to create a mounting point and knowledge of the fire control software.
Wait a second, all this time "Gaplant" was an acronym?
>GA: Unknown. Gryps Armory? Ground assault?
>T: Titans
it's just kinda bizarre, bare Gaplant is never seen with them. Or hell, other loadouts either. Meanwhile it's painted on Hrududu II units on Woundwort too. Plus, Gaplant predates Hrududu II by a fair bit so it's really odd
Isn't Hrairoo a Gaplant prototype? And it uses Hrududu II pods
>All this time
I mean no, it would be a retcon as far as I know, but I mean this is AoZ so I guess even saying that is dumb anyhow.
on the topic of Gaplant mysteries, I wonder what's the deal with the "beam spray gun ii" it's sometimes depicted with. And I do mean just sometimes, the vast majority of the time it's using the Hazel rifle instead. Gigantic Arms is the only spec that consistently carries it in art. I've heard it might have been designed for the sake of the kit because HG Gaplant's yaoi hands are too big for Hazel's rifle, which would add up. But that doesn't mean it can't have a distinctive role in-universe either.
As a spray gun you'd think it has lower beam convergence and range, but it ought to have some kind of benefit in return for that. And even if not, it's still compatible with the same extensions as Hazel rifle, so how different is a Hazel rifle-based long rifle from spray gun-based long rifle? And on that note, how would it play with the other extensions, like the beeeg rifle Vanargand and some others use?
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I wouldn't call having additional information where there previously was none a retcon. It's like calling the Star Wars prequels a retcon, when previously we knew nothing about the time period
No, Gaplant TR-5 Hrairoo is a regular old Gaplant that was then further modified as a test machine, like GM Quel into Hazel though much less extensive. Compare the naming scheme even:
>Gundam TR-1 [Hazel] and Gaplant TR-5 [Hrairoo]
vs for example
>Prototype Asshimar TR-3 [Kehaar]

Gaplant's prototype would be... Hazel, mostly. In many ways Gaplant is its little brother.
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Really? I distinctly remember reading how original Hrairoo had Hazel shield boosters instead of the Gaplant shield boosters because they weren't ready yet or the arms couldn't handle the thrust, something like that. Must be tripping.
I guess we'd have to know what exactly the extension does. Is it just a longer barrel with some sort of magnetic lining to accelerate the particles? Does it act like a shotgun choke for the spray gun's "spread" shot, effectively turning it into just a regular rifle? If so, the difference might just be down the power/shot and shots/ecap differences
>Really? I distinctly remember reading how original Hrairoo had Hazel shield boosters instead of the Gaplant shield boosters because they weren't ready yet or the arms couldn't handle the thrust, something like that. Must be tripping.
it's using shield boosters because the squishy, normal, not-cyber newtype pilot can't handle the G-Forces the regular Gaplant boosters cause. Hence it's normally a cyber newtype-use MA, unless your name is Yazan Gable. The variants with more stuff on put the Gaplant boosters back on as well to compensate for the mass increase.
Inserting a special operations team building smaller-than-normal-MS with integrated I-Fields and psycommu and twelve thousand subarms with ICBM orbital strike units on a modular frame system that makes the F90 and V2 blush may not follow your idea of retcons, but it doesn't really match the universe to me. Which isn't to say I don't enjoy it anyways, but having the actual Pscyo Mark II side by side with a tiny bunny girlbot cosplaying a giga-Gaplant somehow also wearing true to scale Psyco arms and legs because they got mounted to little drum frames connected by scaffolding doesn't feel particularly congruent to me.
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I see, makes sense. Doesn't Jerid fly one at some point?
Can easily be explained away as the tech always being there but being too expensive to mass produce, leading to it not being used on the MP machines we see in the shows. Which is the official explanation as well. 083 does the same, with even wackier stuff like the nuclear bazooka or the Dendrobium unit as a whole.
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AoZ actually goes to great length to explain the viability of its designs, it's all based on established UC elements and expanded from there. Like Drum Frame is ultimately derived from real life universal joint bearings, featured in other UC technology and AoZ simply expands it and, well, advances it using the same principles. Which is a lot easier when you have have an unreasonable amount of funding to the point your leader is secretly trying to ruin Earth's economy.
It requires a degree of suspension of disbelief, yes, but that's kind of inherent to giant robots in the first place.
Nah, as far as big stuff goes he used Gabthley, Byarlant and Baund Doc.
>easily explained away
Only if you accept it I guess. I find it tough to justify something as simple and basic in AoZ as the Woundwort operating an I-Field when not a single normal scale MS in Zeta rolls around with one despite Scirocco having incredibly advanced MS development in his own factory to produce personal, unique designs. It would be super easy for them to have beam shields prior to F91 era, too, and they could explain it away with as many words as they wanted to try to make it convincing, but it's still not going to fit alongside the others.

You can pull from all you want but when you assemble it into a product that goes dramatically further it stands out as anachronistic. I want to stress here I don't think AoZ is bad or anything, it's plenty interesting, but it is playing by its own rules the further it goes along.
Woundwort's composite shield booster has an I-field, sure, but it's not all-powerful and it still has to function as a physical shield, not to mention the thing is half the size of the MS and the boosters are more of a necessity just to make it viable. I'd argue something like Ex-S's torso-mounted I-field for cockpit protection is more effective overall.
Half the size of the already tiny MS as compared to the Hyzenthlay-sized Ex-S with multiple generators and it still just has the torso one. Meanwhile, having two I-Field claw boosters (which of course do more than be an I-Field) is just the starting point of equipment and functionality for a few AoZ designs. Not only is everything better, everything is miniaturized and totally modular, in every way it looks at what was done and goes much further with it than anything else of the era. Or even things many years later.
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I ship them
Woundwort is either around Hazel's side or about a head shorter, meanwhile Haze'n-thley II's depictions vary from around Ex-S size to positively towering over it, with more recent depictions leaning towards the latter.
>Wow Hazel-chan, your sub-arms are so long and robust! How does it feel when I grip the bas and stroke the tip?
Height isn't the only metric of size and even at the largest I've seen Hyzenthlay it's hard to say "towering over it" considering the Ex-S is still larger in most dimensions and all of the Hyzenthlay is elongated blade leg.
What's the difference between GM Type-CR and GM II again?
>Mecha yuri with tachi imuoto
Big sis Owsla is clearly the neko so yeah
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What does that make Hazenthley II then? Plus they're packing pretty big "sub-arms" for yuri
BRB, calling Jupiter to send their ugly bastards...
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Haze'n-thley II is the youngest sister in high heels (Re-Haze is her cosplaying Char too). Meanwhile Vanargand is their neighbour.
Also some girls have sub-arms, sorry you had to find out that way. That, or some boys have "additional chest armoring", in which case this would be enlightened yaoi.
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>FUB-01 reporting in. Confirming successful infiltration of the Earthsphere politics, over.
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The plot thickens... What's Inle then? And is the Psycho variant her yandere twin? [/spoiler] And who has the biggest sub-arms [/spoiler]
Time to commission fat The Ojiisan sexually harassing bunny cafe worker Woundwort.
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Inle is the sister with a forklift license, Psycho Inle is her twin that has a fake license
Hazel Hrair has the biggest sub arm but she's afraid to show it
Guys, I think we found the way to secure funding for more issues.
do NOT the cute little bunnies
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>forklift license
>the forklift
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*the forklift
I'm sorry anon, the Hrair x Woundwort size difference futa doujin is needed to ensure the continuation of the series. I just got off the phone with Fujioka, he said he's already designing their child
ah, yes. The Jegan.
Mk-II/GM III was also involved, somehow. Life finds a way.
Has Fujioka ever drawn ZZ? I know he references it a lot throughout things for combination and support craft elements and etc but has he drawn any kind of technical art of it? I'd love to see him do his take on it.
I don't think so, no. He has drawn Zeta a few times but in a very different style than the infographics
Gentlemen, you must all see this... It's exactly what you think it is
I mean, yeah. It's theoretically an option and it's good to have it. Even if the naming scheme gets a little funky at that point
Woundwort-chan found her Grandpa's old army uniform
CR is a type C with some upgraded parts based on GM II but not a full blown refit like it. It's made with the goal of verifying whether Titans want to adopt the GM II as well, and testing out optional equipment for it in tandem with Hazel.
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for me it's the Prototype Hizack that's a bit of an enigma. Specifically, the rifle. It's odd how it seems to be an entirely unique design, not connected to either typical GM rifles or Hizack's own Zaku machine gun Kai. Hell, it might be a beam rifle for all we know.
Impressive. Very nice.
Kinda makes me want to slap on Hizack Custom's backpack and Sniper Beam Launcher
It's got an ejection port and a stock so I'm leaning towards ballistic. Then again it's not uncommon for beam weapons to have weird unnecessary features like that
beam rifles still have recoil, so I don't think a stock is unreasonable. And beam weapons have that sort of stuff often, but for what it's worth it tends to have some explanation. Like Jesta rifle's totally-not-a-silencer is just a barrel extension for increased convergence that "happens" to look tacticool.
I'm leaning towards beam because the tip of the barrel is in that style that seems more common for beams, and the fact that Prototype Hizack has a higher reactor output which means it most likely could use one without tradeoffs.
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It's a bit weird, because half the time they have stocks and half the time they don't. Even grandaddy's rifle didn't have one and that was a battleship cannon stripped down. Agreed with you on the muzzle though, plus I don't see any visible magazine so it might just drain from the reactor. Unless it is indeed a ballistic weapon and just loads pistol magazines into the grip, which lines up with the ejection port, but that means the thing is just an oversized SMG then
It's a giant robot arm holding them. They don't really need them. Even designs with stocks are rarely ever actually bracing with them. They certainly look way cooler for my money though. I hate "unbalanced" beam rifle designs a lot. I know giant robots have little concern for human ergonomics and weight distribution but it looks a lot cooler to follow it.
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And then the rifle with the biggest recoil ever doesn't have a stock and instead we get this abomination, which is in the running for most retarded MS in all of Gundam
The beam magnum's joint damage is extremely dumb and I just don't worry about it. I do like the Silver Bullet Suppressor conceptually anyways. It gets so dumb it makes me smile at the sheer insanity of designing arm replacements on a fairly rare machine with some of the weakest arms around thanks to being designed as wire-guided arms. It reminds me of real life overengineered failed prototypes using ridiculous ideas to solve simple problems. Unicorn and Narrative is pretty brain off territory for me from how dumb things get so it just is what it is, at least it's a cool Doven derivative machine instead of another glowy Gundam.

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