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KG thread
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why couldn't g-reco look this good?
For better or for worse G-Reco seems to have been designed to mimic the style of 80s/70s anime.
It doesn't move as fluidly as Gainer, which I agree is a shame.
Because some of the most memorable fights in G-Reco such as the Episode 6 battle against Dellensen and the added Bellri and Mask duel in movie 4, are scenes where a more modern style of animation is employed.
Gainer is Tomino's best digital era work imo.
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Why did SEED look so much worse despite being a contemporary Sunrise anime with a higher budget?
It didn't have Yutaka Nakamura. Also, Mobile Suits can't do crazy stuff like the Overmen.
That's something that's been on my mind for years, need to find the time to look into it some day.
If I had to make an educated guess it was probably different staff working on the projects, Tomino probably attracted more skilled animators.
SEED was Sunrise Studio 7 while Gainer was Sunrise Studio 4, I'm not sure how strict Sunrise is about these studio divisions or if there's any overlap on staff teams. Studio 4 also worked on Scry-Ed and Planetes which are also early digital shows that looked pretty nice.
King Gainer's designs also have less lines, are more cartoony and use organic shapes so the animators can be a bit more flexible.
But even then that still doesn't fully explain it because outside the MS SEED looks substantially more amateurish than KG.
Really need to compare the staff on the two projects and read into some interviews if they're available.
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Gainer was Studio 2 aka the studio that became BONES.
>King Gainer's designs also have less lines, are more cartoony
I dunno, The animation was pretty consistently on-model for the Over-man designs, which probably actually added a bit of challenge to animating them since they didn't have easy to define geometic shapes most the time. Dominator being a living cartoon was kind of it's unique gimmick. Animating things like Brunhild consistently doesn't seem like it would be easier than animating a Gundam.
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I feel like almost all Sunrise shows that were released in the early 2000s look significantly better than Seed. Along with what >>22641787 said, maybe Seed being twice as long as the other Sunrise shows that were released around the same time caused the animators to be spread out between more episodes and have less animators work on each individual episode, but I might be completely wrong about how animators are allocated while working on a project.
You made it worse
G-Reco looks better.
G reco doesn't look better.
G-Reco looks better.
G reco doesn't look better.
They did just spend roughly a decade (?) remaking the entire series, so it's probably pretty comparable now.
The movies are just the tv episodes cut together.
>They did just spend roughly a decade (?) remaking the entire series
Sure is a lot of talk about g-reco in this king gainer thread.
They've got a lot in common.

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