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It's been 50 years since the last moth pony thread.
1974 was 50 years ago
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i haven't been on this board in over a year, how the fuck was I to know?
Moth! I love them!
Didn't the bat ponies kill them all?
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They tried to, but they were warded off by this motherfucker.
how long do moth pony live?
awh so cute
Can't moth ponies project large poisonous plumes of dust/dander that would have thwarted the bat ponies? Moth ponies may be super soft, but I would think they are not incapable of putting up an absolutely ferocious defense.
Not long enough.
>try logging into /vg/ for old times sake
>forgot they perma'd me
How? Were you posting lewd pics of underage foals?
uploaded tons of clopfics to the library, they covered it up and banned me for "being a shitter"
Just reset your IP bro.
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>be some old-ass mothpony
>you're wings are starting to deteriorate, and you leave dust everytime you even think about moving your wings
>you could complain about it, but being the classy moth-erfluffer you are, you refer to it as your "angel dust."
>>you know for a fact, due to your diet of tobacco leaves, it's known to cause people to...get a little buzz before crashing
>sometime later, and you're chilling with your other equally as old mothpals in the forest sipping on some herbal teas
>you're all discussing about how all the younger mothponies will never know what it was like before the invention of lightbulbs, where you had to learn real quick about not being attracted to bright light sources
>you all chuckle at the thought of it
>ruffling starts coming from the bushes
>simultaneously, you all turn your heads to noisy thickets, assuming some birds are hopping about through the leaves
>a giant fungus-creature jumps out of the bushes, making some eldritch noise as it charges toward you, releasing a trail of spores behind it
>it's ready to infect your group with it's offspring
>your friends jolt and begin to run off
>you, though, have dealt with unfun-gus creatures like this before over the years exploring the vast forests of the world
>you quickly turn your back toward the creature and raise your wings
>"I've got spores of my own" you shout, "let me show you"
>you beat your wings like mad, and a plume of dust comes forms behind you
>it begins to surround the fungus-creature, and it's movement retards
>eventually, not more than a few meters away from you, it falls to the ground as it becomes engulfed in the toxic cloud of your own wing dust
>you chuckle to yourself as your friends come out from hiding
>being a dusty old moth has it's benefits.
aww that's sweet
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Wtf I love moths now
So if I leave my phone on between my legs what happens?
Batponies, Snake ponies, Plane ponies, Moth ponies, there are just not enough lovers of these niche subjects for their threads to exist.
You guys are better of conglomerating all these different fan made pones into one large general. Think of it as a Federation, one nessacary in order to keep them alive. Alone they are weak, together they are strong.
This is something that gets brought up every thread. It could happen, but it doesn't. Why? I really have no clue; petty stuff from 10 years ago probably.
I thought mothponies were all but forgotten to be honest. I remember when they were a regular general.

Batponies are way too popular compared to the others but I get what you mean.
Well the Lamias and sphinx thread is up currently too

personally the problem with mothponies is that the thread culture seem(ed) at least very very group autistim with the wiki for ocs and everything, where with lamia thread everybody is fine with just doing whatever, all the oc are personal stories rather than every character effectively “belonging to the thread” like moths (and bats) tend to be.

I don’t know why some threads use ocs in that communal way and others don’t, I ended up not sharing my moths because I didn’t want them to be absorbed that way, but it’s not a worry in other threads

Some of it I suppose must be from characters having formed collaboratively in said threads and not having a single creator, anybody can use them for greens and art without it feeling weird, but that doesn’t seem to explain all of it, maybe it’s that once one character is communal then anything else introduced is treated as an expansion on it?
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you can't own a pony man! that's why you won't share yours, because once anons get it , its fair game.
This reaction pic makes me wonder how hasn't anyone made a mothified rainbowshine pic yet. Imagine the level of snowpity we'd reach with such a creation.
Please put bat ponies in for butterflies
Yeah that’s what I said, moth and bay anons can’t be trusted but snek anons can, I’d be fine with a merge and showing my characters otherwise but it doesn’t seem like it would work on that basis
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Are moth ponies the same size as normal ponies?
What is our lore for the origin of all these different types of ponies. Is there a Grand Unified Theory of pony type origins?
No grand unified idea

but bat ponies are corrupted by dark magic, similar to how crystal ponies are forever warped by the constant exposure to the crystal heart

lamias are not technically ponies, they’re chimaera that include ponies like the hippogriffs, sphinx are as well, as are the real hippocampi

it’s slightly doubtful that the mothponies can be explained as chimera because they are so largely normal, but the magical mutation angle for them would also take a lot more specific explaining in their case, I don’t really know where they would even fit in with canon but I’d call them the flutterponies like in G1 as a way to tie them in a bit

Some people tie them to changelings but that brings up a ton of issues and changelings are one of the other other races where I don’t really know what their origin could possibly be

Plane ponies are not real. Draconies are not real, but theoretically plausible under strict conditions

Still working out exactly why the kirin are the way they are but I posit that the kirin and the abada are related and both started out as larger eastern style dragons, but why they changed to their current shape and how that’s related to their unique abilities isn’t clear to me
I liked one idea that an anon had where kirin are draconies. Horns, scales, breathe fire.
They don’t breathe fire, and they are not hybrids or chimera.

Pony shaped dragon-adjacent creature for sure though

I suspect that their closeness to ponies is on purpose and I have some suspicions about gusty they great but there’s arguments against her being a kirin too
I like this one.
God, imagine the cuddles... so fucking soft
What fabric most resembles moth softness?
I would definitely cry
How to get mothmare to come down from the walls and snuggle at night time?
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Silk lol
Bro, I'd just let her stare at me while I sleep. I bet she enjoy that.
I like to think moth ponies just...happened. Like, no explaination; they just spawned into existence like any other creature. God just be like "let there be cute" and snapped his fingers and boom, mothponies.
Moth ponies are changelings that spent too much time in the forest and evolved into herbivores.
>Let there be cute
That's such a fun thought. After such a command, all the comfy things of the universe come into existence.
That doesn’t fit with the lore, anything unnatural is created in some magical way, and not from nothing
>That doesn’t fit with the lore
I've stopped caring about lore long ago. Well, mostly, anyway.
Things like the world map of different settlements and the Rot, I still care about. Though, to me, I fell the lore is pretty solid the way it is. At this point, let's just try to have fun with what we have.
I could see this being true. However, I think it makes more sense if it is magical evolution in a mysterious forest, like Everfree.
Goddamn, is that real?
that is very real. it's called a venezuelan poodle moth.
Mothponies could be flutterponies from g1, or wherever they were from.
There was a bit about their valley being protected and given life by the magic of the "sunstone", a powerful artifact (haven't actually watched G1 yet, only read the wiki).
Some writers already made headcanons that changelings were descendants of flutterponies after something destroyed/corrupted the Sunstone and them with dark magic (Sombra, Grogar or the like). Could be a situation like the one with the Blood Elves in Warcraft: after the destruction of the Sunwell, their thirst for magic turned them into monsters (changelings) who drain magic from other creatures.
The ones that managed to resist the corruption after losing their solar stone became attuned to the Moon instead of the Sun, becoming moths instead of butterflies.
No it isn’t, it’s made of felt.
Once more
aww adorable. i really want to be a moth pony. what do i have to do to become one
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What does it prophecy does she convey?
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>'The prophecies she conveys as she glides over the small hamlets at night'
>'Ponies asleep in their homes below, locked in their dream states find their dreams interrupted by static and wavy lines'
>'Comforting transmissions received from the Princess of the Night are blotted out'
>'Only to be replaced b y silence'
>'then visions that portend'
>'Then follow visions
It's a fake plush, but people keep perpetuating it as real. It's based on a domestic silk moth.
>pirates music
>is racist
She's perfect.
New headcannon activated: Mothpony magic consists of understanding prophecy and in being able to see events before they happen. Most mothponies can only sense the very immediate future. It's like Pinkie sens; it let's those mothponies avoid immediate dangers, etc. The most magical and wise mothponies can give prophecy far into the future. But, they do so in riddles (and also in the dream-like manner you describe). They do this so that only the wisest and well-intentioned ponies can know what is to come.
I’m fine with that, honestly. Something that precious shouldn’t have to exist in this shitty world anyway.
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Based head cannon desu. New headcanon that Grand Moth Tarkin talks entirely in riddles like Zecora and holds ancient-ass knowledge.
Very tru. I'm sad for all the living moths that have to deal with this sad, blue hell orb.
One free page 10 bump from your friends over on /plone/
Much appreciated. I always thought you guys were cool.
Mothpony plane (Mothplone)
That sounds really interesting. I just thought that MothMare might be consumed by some tantabus or something. The way that you speak of them the Moth Ponies are literally Agents of the Future State who reside in the present. They are the messengers of the future.
Grand Moth Tarkin is the Sybil? Her throne has to be above a volcano then. That's where the sybils reside.
Now that's just weird
>imagine the squeaks
There wasn't even a consensus on the moth eye style and you're getting your panties in a twist over lorefagging
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I personally love how varied all the different moth ponies are with all their different mothy parts.
Isn’t that how moths work in Elder Scrolls?
I haven’t even touched my own moths in like 6 years because of lore, lore is the most important thing, I need to kind a way to justify the moths. I made mine with very varied body parts and then realized that none of it made sense

The very first time I saw a moth my first thought was that it didn’t make sense but that’s was overruled but how cute they were but I was right in the end
Which ones are your moths, Anon?
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bug pony friendship
Nice! They probably maintain diplomatic relations.
Did her floof get blown off by jet wash?
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Yes, they're both voting members at the WBPC
>Jumping Spider Pony
As a fan of both ponies and jumping spiders, this is an overload of cuteness for me.
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She's happy to hear that!
Kek. Imagine how fuzzy and soft!
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Ar moths experts at herding bees?
hexferry is a deaths head hawkmoth. so she's probably a beekeeper.
>Mothpony is good at bee herding
>Her colors and design resemble or remind one of bees.
Perhaps moths, in lieu of cutiemarks, acquire colorations and appearances the remind of the thing they are good at.
tfw 2016 was 25 years ago
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The first moth pony greentext
Painfully sad. It's hard not to get teary-eyed when reading this.
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You need to let her in, Anon! The hell is wrong with you?
I don't wanna get moth dust on the furniture
just wanted lomp :<
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>he doesn’t want to fuck a moth pone so good that her dust covers his bed
Are you kidding? Imagine cuddling her in it afterward... the softness of it. The faintly sweet scent, and her embarrassed look before you reassure her that you love it, and her.
>Sex with mothpony results in cloud of sweet moth dust.
Unf! I have added this to my headcanon.
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Mothpony mare is impersonating a lamp.
Do moth ponies enjoy having their wings rubbed gently, or are they too sensitive?
Early morning bump. How do moth ponies handle mornings?
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Like this
I think they would appreciate having their wings cleaned of. However, I don't think they have nerve endings in their wings. So, they wouldn't feel their wings being rubbed. Maybe I'm wrong on that. Anyway, what are their wings made out of? It must be some super silky material.
Morning stretches and massages are a great idea. Smart, healthy moths.
If only you knew what you just said in reference to that image.
I don’t know, man. I was just trying to avoid the obvious, which was to praise that glorious rump. Whatever it is I accidentally said, I fully endorse it.

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