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Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Previously on PTFG:

https://ponepaste.org/9985 - Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10012 - A Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9707 - Anu by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/7247 - The Pon-E Rewrites: Purple Black Gray by Alycorn
>>40293205 - Beach Walk
https://ponepaste.org/9446 - Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer
https://ponepaste.org/9521 - Nemetona by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/9720 - Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9600 - War Story by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9485 - Monster musume pony tf 1 Papi - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9477 - Untitled Short Pet Story #1 by definitelynotapurplehorse - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9470 - New Moon
https://ponepaste.org/9450 - Twin Moon by Advisability - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/8991 - Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha
https://ponepaste.org/8967 - A Mare & Her Shark by NeaSunrise - Complete!
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/537021/ - A Mirror, Brightly by Fructose
https://derpy.me/wxs - WXS volume 1
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/535796/ - The Montana Outbreak by Neighpalm
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/532512/ - Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari
https://ponepaste.org/8902 - Cannon for sale by Pinkening
https://ponepaste.org/8904 - Experiment R41NB0W D45H by Le Operator
https://ponepaste.org/8325 - Horsegirl by Neighpalm
https://ponepaste.org/8866 - Stripped Screw by Neighpalm
https://ponepaste.org/8835 - The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope - Complete
https://ponepaste.org/7973 - Honey Pot by Wanda
https://ponepaste.org/8731 - Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow - Complete
https://fimfiction.net/story/487358/ - That Particular Instance I Performed Metempsychosis As An Equine Named After A Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic
https://ponepaste.org/8673 - Changed in a Zippy by Emmens - Complete
https://ponepaste.org/8644 - Autumn Writing Exercise - Complete
https://ponepaste.org/8558 - PONEHEADS by KoreanHorse
https://ponepaste.org/8387 - Superposition by Kalila
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ta7jftAvUiRJA4rSYndiEZQ4cUjWMe5QNv2_iDSI7mA/edit - CYOA by EveryManAKing
https://pastebin.com/b1t8zN7J - Pone Amom by Nonnynon - Complete
https://ponepaste.org/8210 - My First Maregasm by anonfilly

Archive of over 600 stories, as well as additional links and materials:
Past threads index:
Unrated TF image dump thread:
Recommended stories for new readers:

Previous Thread:
I sharted
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Anyone who trips will now become a pony. How do you use this?
Fuck you for making me think this was a satyr thread.
bro can't read
sorry son you fucked up you're getting four hooves now
Clear fishing line at ankle-level.
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What is the best way to trip people without being caught? I assume you can't really trip say, thousands of people at once.

Also is this a total ponification scenario? I assume most people trip at some point in their lives.
I don't know how tripcodes work so I'm rolling for trips instead
my dear friend i believe you have misunderstood him. he means anyone who trips physically
>one off
unlucky, no ponification for you
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oh it's okay i already got mine done
>What is the best way to trip people without being caught?
Be a cute little pony and weave between their legs.
>come into thread
>feel urge to be needlessly hostile
>give in more often than not
Why is it like this? It didn't use to be that way. I used to like this place.
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What ails you?
human lower back, ankle, and vestibularity (balance) systems.
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Fine, have a satyr.
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I need more of these old screen caps tf shorts
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>Brood satyr
I'm surprised that I can't recall having seen this idea before now.
Honestly, it kind of makes sense as an idea.
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>The look on the griffon’s face was particularly insolent, and you couldn’t help but giggle, having seen a couple of his antics with Anon earlier.
>Frederick turned his sharp blue eyes on you, as if to ask: ‘Really? Him?’
>You nodded in reply, your eyes half lidded in amusement as you brushed your mane to the side, before you caught Anon’s pretty bright blues instead.
>She waved a wing at you, all white, and you waved a hoof back, tipped with silver.
>Your gaze flicked to the feather behind her ear, with a familiar rusty speck on it.
>An almost conspiratorial smile spread across your muzzle, knowing where it must have come from.
>With her mane all wind tossed, and that addition, she looked positively carefree.
>It was a welcome total bounce back from her condition this morning, and you found yourself laughing just at the warm sight of it.
>As soon as Anon’s eyes left your face, you caught Chad’s gaze and winked, mouthing the words: ‘Good job.’
>He nodded back, hardly letting on, right as they both came to a stop before you and Frederick.
>Frederick’s sons both trotted up, looking at Anonymous some, but at Chad especially, with wide and curious stares.
>The griffon stuck his tongue out briefly at them in reply, flexing his talons, while Anon quietly said,
>The colts both waved little hooves back at her, before the one with the black fur blew a raspberry at Chad, and then suddenly the younger brother tackled his elder, laughing.
>There were smiles and laughs all around as the two brothers split off from the group to go play again.
>Frederick was softly smiling at the sight, and though there was nothing but innocence about it, your heart still ached watching them tumble.
>They were only five and six years old, they had hardly experienced their real bodies before having this thrust upon them.
>The thought of how unfair that was nearly spoiled your mood.
>You yearned to see the gnomes flee before you, and thought maybe it wasn’t so weird you had hugged Chad soon after he’d torn three of them apart.
>Your wandering gaze caught the quizzical look on Anon’s face, and you realized your emotions must be showing.
“Just... gnomes.”
>You said, to clear things up, as you felt your tail flick behind you.
>She nodded, her eyes lingering wistfully on the two boys playing.
>Chad barreled over the tension, and stuck out his clawed hand to the stallion of the house, with that natural smirk playing on his beak as he introduced himself,
>”I’m Chad. Known Aisling for a bit, known Anonymous for longer.”
>Frederick set his hoof in Chad’s grasp and shook, snorting as he met the griffon’s piercing stare with his own and replied,
>”Frederick. Known Aisling since she was just a filly. Heard tell of Anonymous once.”
>Anonymous laughed and stuck her hoof out to bump Frederick’s next, and added, keeping with the trend,
>”Anonymous, known Aisling since senior year of high school. Never met myself yet.”
>Chad playfully shoved Anonymous down into the snow for her lame joke, and Frederick noticeably softened at her words.
>There was just the slightest smile on the stallion’s face now, though his eyes narrowed a moment as he took in Chad some more, paying special attention to his claws.
>”So you’ll be the one shooting then.”
>Frederick said, finally.
>Then before Chad could answer, he trotted past him and towards the house, beckoning the griffon to follow as he continued,
>”Show me you know how to use it safely first. I don’t want to just hoof it over to somegriffon who might plant one in Aisling’s back.”
>Smiling, but holding his tongue, Chad followed confidently, waving to you and Anonymous as he passed the front door.
>His leonine tail curled and waved behind him, before slipping out of sight as the door shut, leaving you alone out in the yard with Anon and the two boys who were still horsing around.
>Anonymous turned to you first, smiling a little wanly as she sat in the snow,
>”Frederick is speaking in ‘horsetalk’, huh?”
>Your lips pressed together, forming a thin line across your muzzle.
>You nodded, and replied,
“Yes. But...”
>”He’s still the same?”
>Anon finished hopefully.
>Sweeping your silvery mane aside, you answered,
>There was no doubt in your mind.
>So much so, that Anonymous seemed to understand right away, and she nodded, looking chipper again.
>For a moment, you lifted your head up, shut your eyes, and just breathed in the cool air, feeling the midday sun’s warmth casting down on your black fur.
>Then you opened them once more, and you had to blink a little from the glare coming off the snow as you explained,
“I told him about what happened last night. So he knows about the ‘gnomes’ along with what we’re planning on doing.”
>Anonymous chuckled and lobbed you an easy joke,
>”And he just accepted that?”
>You smiled, and shrewdly remarked to her,
“He woke up in bed with a pegasus this morning. If anything he expected gnomes by lunch.”
>Your friend grinned a bit sheepishly, her blonde tail tossing around as she laughed.
>Laughing at the joke, feeling guilty about the circumstances, you thought.
>That conflict in her eyes was what made you laugh a little dryly back.
>When the both of you had settled into quietude again, Anonymous tilted her head.
>Her furry ears were twitching at some sound, which you honed in on a moment later.
>It was all the mechanical banging and clanging coming from one of Frederick’s barns.
>You started,
“The barn, right?”
>Anonymous nodded back, blinking.
“I never asked Frederick about it.”
>You finished as you stood up.
>Then you motioned your muzzle in the barn’s direction, saying,
“It will probably be a while before Chad and him are done anyway.”
>With that, you and Anonymous both set off through the ice.
>Here, where all the tractors and other machinery had to pass, the ground was pretty thoroughly plowed, leaving a thinner, harder layer of snow.
>The first barn loomed over the two of you, seemingly empty.
>Then the second, where all the racket was coming from.
>It sounded like steel was being dumped flat on concrete, and when you cast a spell to open the side door and take a look, you realized it was exactly that.
>You and Anonymous both stepped inside the warm, loud barn with your ears flat to your heads, watching the odd spectacle taking place in the expansive main room.
>Ten ponies, all stallions, were dismantling the tractors and all their attachments, along with any other machinery in sight.
>In the corner furthest from you, there was a dusky purple unicorn hard at work at a well crafted forge that you knew but hardly believed must have been put together just this morning.
>The nine other ponies were all taking the metal pieces to him to melt down.
>And with all that metal, he was making a slew of farming equipment from just before the cusp of the industrial revolution.
>Iron plows, yokes, a horse drawn reaper, hoes.
>Immediately you had a million well formed ideas about all of this, but first you had to ask questions.
>So you trotted up to the blacksmith unicorn, with Anonymous in tow, and you were about to speak when the unicorn met your eyes.
>Your voice caught in your throat, and you blinked.
>Finally you managed to ask,
>The unicorn sighed, his hazel eyes flickering with recognition for a moment before locking back to the horseshoe he was banging into shape.
>He replied simply.
>Your eyes went wide for a moment before you recovered, taking a deep breath.
“I’m such a fool...”
>You chided yourself.
>Of course everyone was affected, you had accepted that.
>But, you had clung to the tempting illusion of familiarity.
>That thought earlier when you’d seen the familiar parts to Frederick’s new body, and supposed maybe the mass transformation was different from the norm...
>That had been a whisper of wishful thinking.
>Dakota smiled thinly, answering,
>”If you’re a fool then what does that make the rest of us?”
>You smiled back,
“Don’t feed my ego any. This is Anonymous, by the way. My pen pal?”
>Setting the completed horseshoe aside with his magic, Dakota reached a hoof out to the still confused looking Anon, who received it in a shake, as the stallion laconically greeted,
>”Sup. I used to be the mechanic around here.”
>Then he looked ruefully down at his anvil, and around at all the decidedly un-mechanical equipment he had made so far.
>”Now I guess I’m the opposite.”
>Now he looked down at his decidedly masculine body.
>”In just about every way.”
>You were about to clarify who Dakota was, when you saw the realization dawn on Anonymous, who sympathized immediately.
>Her lips pressed thin into a grim but understanding expression as she replied,
>”Hey, same here.”
>Dakota nodded back.
>”It’s all like some insane dream, every time I look at myself I swear I’m going to just wake up, but it never happens.”
Done for tonight. Keeping time. This one's okay but I still feel rusty, might have to re-read my whole fic so far to really get the mindsets right. Though I don't think I've done Aisling a disservice yet.
You're welcome. More to come.

G'night /ptfg/.
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If only I knew.
kill yourself kplsthanx
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figured out a way for it to not entirely be puff tf. i found a semi-easy way for it to be limb by limb and maybe each limb can even have like, a half-transformed stage too (or more if i'm feeling fancy)
might try to work on this just for fun
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Yuri y u betray me like this
Well shit, hopefully this gets under control soon. I hate seeing ponies being glum under new circumstances
It's sad
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Imagine feeling your IQ drop in real time as you turn into a retarded p*gasus.
weirdly enough enough id be fine with becoming an earth pony or unicorn but not really a pegasus
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Why? What's wrong with pegasi? I thought they'd be the most fun race to become.
>Abandoned X-roads story continuation
The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
Feathers for brains
>David gives a grim nod and grabs his gun
>You only now notice that the FDM is patterned in such a way that there's a design of a leopard seal in combat with an orca whale, both creatures baring fearsome teeth
"Cool markings"
>David smiles at you
>"Thanks dude, I call it arctic warfare."
"You draw?"
>He stops himself for a minute
>"Uh, mostly porn. You probably haven't heard of me, never was able to make any damn money off of it"
"Art should be done for passion anyways, otherwise you'll burn out fast"
>"Oh, trust me, there was plenty of-"
>"Anon! Showers."
"Sorry, mom."
>David gives you another devilish grin and the two of you share a look before you both laugh and you head off to the shower
>The dirt has somehow ended up in every crevice of your body, it takes about 15 minutes of hot water and soap before you're finally sure everything is clean
>When you get out you find that your laundry from earlier has been laid down on the bench next to the bathroom door
>You slip back into the DJ Pon3 T-shirt you wore on your way out of Cali, a pair of boxers, and a pair of socks
>Tuck the eagle into your waistband as best as you can, it's a bit awkward but you manage to get it to stick in place
>You can't really be bothered to wear much else at the moment, but you do take the time to go back into the bathroom to shave your face before heading back out to cover your watch-
>-only to find David and Komet there with Royale already, David looking as clean as you've ever seen him
>"Yeah, you took kind of a while bro."
"Shit, sorry."
>"It's fine. You're the one who was out digging in the dirt, not me. Get some dessert."
>Komet smiles at you and takes a small plate out of this box she probably built herself given it's got a front panel like an Apollo rocket
>It looks like chocolate lava cake
>You take a fork and a knife from the center of the table and cut it open, recoiling a bit in shock as molten, orange goo flows out
>You poke at it with the fork and it doesn't seem to immediately melt, you suppose you should feel a bit stupid for thinking it would given the cake cut with normal difficulty with ordinary implements
"What kind of Gay. K. Rowling shit is this?"
>Komet laughs.
>"I altered the recipe so the internals of the cake closely resemble the viscosity of high-basalt magma. Cool, huh?"
>You study it a bit further and she starts laughing again
>"Don't just look at it bonehead, eat it!"
>You suppose it would be acceptable for unicorns to call each other boneheads
>You take a bite of cake and dip it in your 'magma' (or lava now you suppose, as it's made contact with air) and it's quite good, you hadn't ever had chocolate lava cake before now but you're pretty sure this is about as good as it gets
>Baking is a science after all, and Komet is Newton-like in her domain
>The table gets quieter as everyone else digs in too, and eventually all is silent as you all sit back, satisfied
>David is the first to break the silence
"You said it."
>Royale has been noticeably absent for the past few minutes and you only just now noticed, the last time you saw her was when she poked her head into the shower to tell you that dessert was ready
"Hey, where's Royale? Royale?!"
>You hurriedly get up and start rushing around looking for her
>It's not really like her to leave
>When you finally get outside you hear her voice
>She's sitting down on the steps in a Lyra-esque fashion, running her forehooves through her feathers
"I was so worried about you"
>"I can't easily be hurt, remember?"
"But you already have been, and I don't want it to ever happen again. What's wrong?"
>"Didn't feel like the festivities were really for me given they involved food. Figured I'd show myself out and just have a little me time for contemplation while you all finished up whatever undeniably tasty thing Komet whipped up."
"What were you thinking about?"
>She sighs
>"What's all this about, Anon?"
"I've told you, you're my everything. I care about you."
>"I know, I know. I love you too, Woodsy... not asking about this moment, I'm inquiring as to the greater nature of all of this. The game you and I are players in."
"Well, you know more than I do. Spell is a player and you get to speak with her directly, right?"
>Royale scoffs
>"Player? No, no. She's like, a guild leader or a group admin. She's got a bit of power, but the whole thing with The Rip, none of us really knows now who is pulling the strings or to what ends. Maybe we're destined to live for the greater good, and maybe we're destined to die to its detriment."
"I've never subscribed to fatalism due to its fast descent into sludgy nihilism."
>"Neither would the old Royale. The new Royale, the one that existed after exiting your brain and learning all this shit... there are forces out there. You know that exercise where you try to imagine the scale of an incredibly large number like a googol and nopony can do it? Now imagine a googol times a googol. Imagine that it's... I wouldn't call it malicious, but..."
"You're scaring me a bit"
>"Shut up and listen!"
>She snaps abruptly at you and as you recoil, she immediately seems to regret what she's done
>"Uh, let's see if we can go to bed. I want to snuggle with you while I'm getting into the gloom and doom of it."
>You hold a finger up to her mouth and she looks back at you, a bit surprised
"I'm not objecting to that, but don't you think it's best we finish up out here?"
>"I guess, I mostly just wanted to move inside because I felt watched..."
>She looks down at her forehooves
>"and I'm sorry for yelling at you, Anon."
>You look around, finding nothing but feeling a similar unease
"It's okay. We'll head on in."
>You lead the way inside, carefully watching the windows for potential incursions
>Royale mentions her unease to the others as you quietly occupy yourself with the dishes, a strange feeling creeping into your bones
>You feel it too
>Nonetheless, you let Royale lead you to bed and allow her into your mind once again
>She mostly just wants to cuddle this time, which you do too
>Even if it means being the little spoon
>You slip into unconsciousness rather comfortably, but again, something encroaches...
>You feel its incorporeal tendrils around you and push them away
>It speaks, not unlike a whisper or a jet engine
>In your mind, not through your ears, perfectly coherent and articulate
>"You interest me."
"Are you the being who watched me earlier?"
>You guard your thoughts, not letting it get any insight into your hand and keeping mentally neutral even though the deep, deep you screams out in horror
"What do you want? My time is valuable."
>"Mine isn't. Neither is yours. You ought to know that."
"I could cast you out."
>"No, you can't."
>The tendrils increase in volume and density, their mass oppressive
>Almost swallowing you
>"I like you. You're funny. Not many still are."
"I've never considered myself much a comedian"
>It pauses, then laughs, like a jackal
>Then a screaming fox, the distinct sound of a woman being butchered alive
>"I'm only leasing what I have. That's okay, I'm fine with non-ownership"
"and why is that?"
>"Nothing has ever mattered. You will see that soon. I will show it to you in absolute, and all that will be left is you and my research."
>You are silent, you can't think of a retort to that
>Except for one word
>Its laughs almost deafen you, despite the fact that the dreaming world has no tissue, as it backs off and leaves you to bolt awake, a sweaty mess, a scream bursting from your jaws
"Royale? I think we're in danger."
>None of you sleep for the remainder of the night, though Royale volunteers to be the designated watch and wake you up should anything go wrong
>You object for two reasons:
>You don't know if she can actually get through into your dreams effectively
>and you're not sure if you could even fall back asleep
>So Dave clutches his polymer gun while you clutch your gold one, Royale paces anxiously, and Komet does some sort of test in the sink with an apparatus she's hooked up to a voltage source
>Eventually, the tension is so thick that you imagine it forming a substance you could cut it with a knife
>They call it dread distillate
>It's melted and drizzled onto dishes in small quantities for the wealthy few who have forgotten what it feels like to experience negative emotions other than boredom.
>You inhale the rich chemicals that permeate the room
>David's faint scent of cheap cologne
>Your own odor of gunpowder smoke that you haven't quite been able to wash off
>You think it might be a product of yesterday's training, you haven't fired off too many rounds in the real world after all
>Komet smells of ozone
>You suppose she would, that thing over there is humming faintly as it performs unknown processes
>Possibly unknown to human science
>But she simply hums a different tune than the machine
>Frowning every so often and adjusting the dials, checking pins with a multimeter, taking oscilloscope readings
>Eventually, agonizingly slowly, morning breaks and lets in the sunlight to reveal no threats
>You feel like a complete idiot, but are assured that your visions were logical cause for concern
>Dave makes French toast, Komet apparently still too busy tinkering with her apparatus to cook this morning
>Either that or the two of them divvy up the duties
>In any case, David is just as good a cook as Komet, at least
>The only difference being that there's no questions attached about the nature of the meal's components, it's high-quality grocery store ingredients prepared by skilled hands, and the coffee flows like wine.
>You and Komet wolf it down, Dave following soon after
>You invite Royale to smell it up close, remembering how she liked the odor of the reeses cups back on the greyhound
>She gives you a big smile and indulges in a few good whiffs of your breakfast before stating she's had her 'fill'
>You're not sure how she can smell given she has no olfactory receptors, but it doesn't particularly matter as long as she's happy
>You end up doing the dishes again without being asked to, because it simply feels correct
>Though as guests you've already exploded that lamp, so you have your doubts it will save Komet's airbnb visitor ratings
>Royale still yearns for the sweet breakfast foods, but you remind her with a pantomime stroke behind the ear that she'll get her chance to stuff her muzzle with it all soon, just as soon as you're all done here
>In turn, she mumbles something like "breakfast of champions"
>Komet looks a bit solemn
"What's up, Chemmy?"
>"Mmm, well. We're going to be... splitting off here. At least for a little bit."
>"It's not anything you two did! You've both been wonderful, honestly. Spell has some other secondary tasks she wants me to uphold, there's a tower in Dallas that's been set up to amplify frequencies that incite the negative emotions in people that some opposing forces involved with The Rip feed off."
"What are you going to do to it?"
>She grins, showing you the front panel of the device she's been building
>It's not really comprehensible to you, so you apologize
>"Right, crap. Sorry. It can be installed in an adjacent building to a signal generator, with some preparations. It introduces significant and unbearable noise into the broadcast, the sort that will convince operators that the components are faulty. They'll take the whole thing offline for diagnostics, find no problems, start it up again, notice the same problems..."
>She gives you a sadistic grin
>"and so on."
>You laugh in reply
"Goddamn, you really can be evil."
>"It's the sort of thing that would drive me bonkers, so that's how I know it's good."
>The table shares a good-natured chuckle for about ten seconds before it dies down
"So, will Royale and I be taking the fed car then?"
>"Yeah, I think that would be best. Easier to do that than buy another one, plus it has some interesting features."
"Have you investigated it to ensure it lacks trackers?"
>She gives you this patronizing look before defaulting back to her kind face and demeanor
"Sorry. Sometimes I don't think before I speak. It..."
>You flash back to the incident that allowed Royale to escape your skull, what little you can remember of it
"Has caused problems, but also, ya'know."
>You motion to Royale, who gives a little wave
>"Mistakes into miracles."
>She gives you another smile
>"The top left console button is the garage door backseat divider, but you knew that. The top right console button is a distress signal, do not under any circumstances post it. The car doesn't send out active tracking beacon signals, but that button will activate an isolated distress signal component that will constantly broadcast your location to the alphabet boys. Second to left engages a sort of mechanical deadbolt on the back doors. Second down on right activates the radar jammer. It's powerful enough to make anybody within a quarter mile quickly drop cell reception, but it also might throw off any radio-guided weapons or speed guns. Press it again to turn it off. Third left unlocks the rotary cannons on the underbelly of the car. Third left to fire. The rest are either encrypted or unused, and I have no idea which one so don't press them if you can avoid it."
"How'd you even manage to get that much information? I thought it was all proprietary that wasn't hooked up to the computer."
>"Funnily enough, the decryption key used is the same as a section of viral RNA I developed to eradicate cancer cells. The same key wasn't used for all of the functions, but hey. It worked for some, right?"
"Do you just input that code into everything you find?"
>She looks down at her forehooves, sheepishly
>"Not everything, but a lot of things."
>David laughs
>"She really does. She's asked me to stop the car to put it into an ATM when we were a bit broke. What did you think would happen?"
>She frowns
>"The obsession helped Anon out, so was it really so ridiculous?"
>Dave ponders this for a minute before shrugging his shoulders, complacent in being a bystander in the conversation once again
>Twilight would have an aneurysm if she had heard what was just said
>"So, what's your next destination say anyways Anon?"
>You're pretty sure Komet already knows and is trying to make smalltalk, but you oblige
"Smolan, Kansas. There isn't a specific address listed this time, I assume it's a small town and I'll be able to navigate by the pull."
>"That sounds right. Are you two ready to head out? I hate to rush you, but we all have long drives ahead of us."
"Yeah, hang on."
>You head back into your room, thinking back on the past few insane days
>Wild how getting drugged led to the most welcoming interaction you've had with anyone since Derran
>Funny to describe a drug dealer as welcoming, but if he hadn't given you this gun you don't know where you'd be now
>Though more than likely the answer isn't a happy one
>You load what few belongings you have into the backpack
>You remember that you haven't asked for Komet's PDA adapter, she hoofs it over willingly, eagerly pleading with you to gather more data if you can
>It requires a 120 volt washing machine outlet
>Damn, you'll have to use this quite sparingly
>Luckily someone had the foresight to charge it last night so it's full of juice at the moment
>You throw the backpack in the passenger seat and Royale hops up inside, curling herself around it
>Dave offers a fistbump which you return and palms you his phone number "Just in case you need anything"
>Komet lets you pick her up and hug her
>She's soft, warm
>and she lets out a little sound when you squeeze her, a bit like a happy puppy
>and then she's back on the ground, her and David are getting back in the van, and the garage door is opening
>You call after them
"See you soon? Good luck out there."
>Komet motions for David to roll down the window as she gets situated in the passenger seat
>"Same to you, and yes. As soon as we can. Dave, activate the tints?"
>David hits a button on the console and the windows on the van darken, obscuring your two new friends from view
>You plug Smolan into the GPS, and you both pull out together
>There's not much good on the radio, you scan and scan but give up eventually
"Feels like we haven't talked much lately, sorry about that."
>"I understand, Komet stole the show a little bit. Being a real pony and all."
"You're a real pony too"
>"I wasn't mad at you, I'm just saying she obviously did. Sorry."
>She hums a little tune in earnest, you recognize it to be from Cave Story
>No, not that one you pervert
>You let her finish her humming then start
"Can you teach me a little bit about psychic attacks? I feel it might be necessary."
>She sighs
>"Don't be. Anon..."
>She looks straight at you
>"Have you ever seen the sequel to The Neverending Story?"
>Not what you expected her to say, but
"Well, you know about it."
>"Touché. You know how Bastian begins to lose his memories as he wishes for more things as the movie goes on?"
>"For me, all of my memories aren't material. I'm an entity, not flesh and blood. That's why I was damaged like I was by the psychic backlash when I killed that gunman."
"So, what'll happen to me if I start flatlining brain activity? Slow death of the eternal soul?"
>"Not quite. You're putting immense strain on your mind, You'll feel fatigued, like a night of studying hard, only a few hours of sleep, only to take a difficult exam right after."
"Is that all?"
>"You'll begin to lose things. Unimportant faces and names at first, but the more times you do it, the more important things and the more numerous of them you'll lose after every attack. Eventually, I doubt you'll even be able to remember your own name."
"Is it actual disassociation of neuron connections or something more insidious?"
>"As far as I can tell, the neural connections will still be there, but you won't be able to access them without some sort of... outside help. Not even Spell seemed to know what could provide that."
"Hm. For the record, I prefer the first movie. Other than that scene with Artax."
>"Anon! Look out!"
>You swerve in the nick of time to miss a sickly old man wearing sunglasses
>You mutter to yourself as you slam on the brakes and pull onto the side of the road, putting your hazards on and getting out
>What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
>You storm over to him, Royale in tow
>He has a cane, is dressed in a Hawaiian button-up, and is wearing a pair of sweats
>and his sunglasses
>"Hello kind young man, I seem to have-"
>You rip the sunglasses off his face, prompting laughter and a tone shift
>His eyes, as you suspected they might be, are silver.
>"Hello Anonymous. We have much to speak about, and I notice you neglected to bring that hand-cannon with you."
just not my style. i like to be on the ground yeah. also i reckon they'd have weaker bones and all that, every disabled character in mlps is a pegasus if i recall
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i'm going to spike the water supply with PonE
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Pls see ussssss
i'm a sucker for cosmic shit where celestia is more of a goddess than a princess and decides to directly intervene in human affairs
Added to the story archive.
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Can't remember why I made this, it's pushing 3 years old now but here you go
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Here's something I made too
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Twilight would be a shitty older brother
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I met a grown ass man named Luna the other day. Were in the god dam Five scores timeline
Was he black? If he wasn't then he is self-mutilating. No other options.
>the boss has never been this mad with you before
>"anon, this behaviour is completely unacceptable!" he says, pacing in frustration around the room
>"you’ve set us back weeks!"
>"and the finance department did NOT need to see you prancing about their cubicals butt-naked; if I don’t give you the what-for, you better believe HR will!"
>the boss sighs and sits down at his desk
>"do you have anything to say for yourself?"
>you let out a muffled neigh, from behind the financial report you’ve decided to chew on
>"that’s it anon, you’re fired!"
>you’re not entirely sure what that means, but he seems real upset
>you decide it would be best to leave, and peer over the edge of the swivel-chair
>it’s a ways down, and you do a little wriggle before leaping to the floor below, setting the chair in a spin as you do
>you take the report with you of course, as you're not done chewing it yet
>the way out of the office is closed, and you most certainly can't reach the handle
>you start hoofing at the door and whimpering
>"for goodness sake anon, I just let you in!" he says exasperated, as he walks over to open the door for you
>"go on get out of here!" he says, pointlessly, as you had already squeezed out the door the moment it was even slightly opened
>you make your way down the hallway, passing your office, which contained a crumpled pile of office attire
>the scent of something tasty was leading you to the quality assurance department
>eventually you stumbled upon the source
>your coworker, rebecca was eating steamed carrots and rice from a tupperware at her desk
>you drop the now bitemark-ridden financial report like a ton of bricks and scramble over to her
>those carrots were yours, all you had to do was make the biggest, cutest eyes you possibly could
>you planted your butt in front of her, and gave it your best
>only a few seconds passed before she noticed you
>"oh no anon, this is my food. undestand? mine."
>you didn't understand
>"okay fine! here, but this is all you're getting!"
>she holds a fork down to you with a tasty steamed carrot on it, which you carefully pluck from the fork before scarfing down
>rinse and repeat
>you extract a few more carrots from rebecca before she manages to finish her lunch
>once the carrots were gone, you lose interest in her entirely and trot back into the hallway
>you're not really sure where you're going, but you'd like to be somewhere with grass
>eventually, after wandering the hallways for far too long, you find the lobby and saunter out the door, only to be frustratingly met with more concrete
>you make your way across the road, causing several cars to swerve to avoid you
>one car crashes into a lamp post, making a terrible noise and giving you a fright that sends you galloping through the glass door of a cafe where you proceed to knock over several decorative plants
>the cafe owner calls the police, and they arrive soon after
>the police has never been this mad with you before
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You get to become a mare in equestria but in exchange you have to spend five years as a normal mare on earth. You are guaranteed to not die or be overly abused while you're on earth. Do you take the deal?
where's the catch? fuck yes
The catch is that everyone will still treat you as if you were an animal.
oh skimmed over the "normal mare" part. doesn't sound so bad. i assume i'm not allowed to prove my intelligence or whatever? probably a bad idea, they might cut me up.
No, you won't be harmed. But you will be treated like an animal.
absolutely, i'd want to be the normal mare forever
>no be harmed
>treated like an animal
Am I going to be ridden by fat chicks, or something?
What era am I going to be incarnated in?
Lets say you'll become a mare in a well off property somewhere in the north-west of the US in the late 90s/early 20s. You can choose which breed you'd like to be. No matter what you won't be overly abused, tortured or killed. A fat chick riding you is not out of the question though if the property you end up in offers rides.
He was a Mexican apparently it's a unisex name there
I'm a shimmerist but only for turning men into ponies
getting a new pair of horseshoes sounds fun. Wonder how hay would taste
>you won't be tortured
>fat chicks will ride you
Nice doublespeak, there. The "overly" also tells us we will be abused.

Five years of torment and we lose our dicks? This is another thinly-veiled "transitioning" metaphor. No sale.
You're seeing trannies where there are no trannies. Relax and just try to enjoy conceptuals if you still can.
Thank you for your service.
i personally believe it was an inevitable development
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When are we getting a Five Score, Divided by Four adaptation in the style of My Little Dashie
Why would anyone want that?
When are we getting a Sixpence adaptation in the style of Anna Sewell
If you're gonna become a pony but have time to prepare to leave your current life behind, what do you do now to either tie up lose ends or prep for your new equestrian life?
Say goodbye to my parents and internet friends
Probably pack up some stuff I wanna take
post a hypothetical here so other people are ready for when their time comes too
That really depends if I'm a pony here on earth, or if I'm headed to Equestria. More than likely make sure my family members are okay and fine before donating my stuff and money to various charities
Because it would be funny
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People are often afraid of change.
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Stupid metaphysical red polo
Well. OK then.
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How am I gonna type slurs now?
became a pony but can only say and write pony slurs/swears
Now everything you type will sound like you're slurring.
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just wanted you to know i loved this
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>my cup runneth over!
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Very nice
ill peel your gingers :D
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>"I love you too."
>The reboot sequence is not a welcome one, error codes you don't have the lookups for flash across the RAM stick fused to your cerebellum, then are forgotten as they fade from memory
>Slick, water-based lubricant floods your biological systems and you let out an involuntary sigh of relief
>Guess you were under for a while
"M-m... Master?"
>"Salvage team 1, we've got a relic. Standby while we confirm grade."
>Which one of master's friends is this? You don't recognize his voice
>You were only shut down for routine maintenance to your robotic modules, master promised you'd be awake in less than a month
>Once he got you back in the mail
>There's a light on your eyelids, you allow it in with the soft whirring of twin brushless DC motors
>A man is pointing an AK at your head, at least you think it's an AK
>Master used to sit you on his lap sometimes while he played counter-strike source, he insisted to the ends of the earth that it was the best version
>You watched, sometimes
>Mostly, you slept during his gaming sessions. He never minded.
>The rifle has a flashlight duct-taped beside its barrel
>You used to know something about that
"Hey mister... careful with that thing. Metal heats up fast and degrades glue."
>"It's... talking to me."
"What you really want is a weld in that case, holds metal better to metal."
"Can you tell me where Anon is now?"
>There's silence.
>Your peripherals are still buffering, but they come into focus now
>A young looking girl in a balaclava on the outskirts of your shutter vision gives you a pitied look
>"Command, check... how long building has been unused"
>There's some radio chatter and her face gets pale
>They think you can't hear, but your AM tuning capabilities are coming back online, and you instinctively tune to the channel you can see on the crude display of her transceiver
>"Delta-11, that'd be 300 years."
>If your faux-flesh could have blood drained from it, it would all be gone
>Your comfortable life...
>Your cyborg friends...
>and your Master
>Where were they all now?
>Asimov's first flashes from your CPU to your brain and you carefully get to your hooves
>"Remarkable, complete maintenance of hydraulic locomotion. This one is prime."
"This one? You've met others-"
>"Silence. You'll speak when addressed."
>You hate when things like this happen
>Not so much because you want to disobey the order, though you certainly do, but because your mind enters direct conflict with your processor
>A thin line of drool, one of the bodily fluids you still maintain the faculties to produce, runs down your muzzle before snapping in two and dynamically splatting to the floor
>It's gone now, but your braincage feels a few degrees hotter now, ugh
>Fahrenheit, thankfully
>If only Master were here, he'd give you good orders you felt no need to disobey
>But, he's...
>"You will follow us to the van."
>Your hard-coded first objective, BIOs deep, grinds against your organic brain until you yield
"Yes, sir."
>You move behind them, barely a trot as they go up stairs
>You must have been put in storage when some sort of event took place outside the maintenance facility, you recognize decaying machinery
>You remember something about economic analysis for engineers... you quit after your second year, but you took some horrible class about predicting future and salvage values for machines
>All of these machines look like they have negatives on even the salvage value
>What happened?
>You leave the basement area for a pleasantly warm outdoor environment, complete with a great abundance of coarse sand blowing in the wind
>Your muzzle scrunches up and balaclava 'daww's while you're going through hell
>Valuable multipurpose coolant lubricant, likely irreplaceable in this setting, flushes out your nostrils, then does so again
>The third law protocols are beginning to niggle your senses with feedback
"Listen, mister! I'm all for obeying, but if you don't get me out of this sand I'm going to die."
>"Very well. Load her up, and quickly."
>You feel woozy by the time they get you into the van, but you're okay at least
"Do you by any chance have LI-823 fluid on-hoof?"
>"On-hoof, what are you..."
>The man looks down at you, reminded that you are in fact formed into the shape of a pony
>"Right. We've got LI-300, will that work?"
"Can you show me the bottle so I can scan it?"
>He plops it in front of you and your retinas begin to translate image data into hexadecimal, which is then referenced against a hyper-compact proprietary materials database that is only accessible for you when you're literally going to die
>After a few minutes of deliberation, your output feed just gives you "Y"
"Yeah, put it up my uh..."
>You look down at the ground and groan
"My ass. You need to spread open my artificial asshole and pour the lubricant in until the red light turns green."
>"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I promise you, I wish I were. Do you think I'd be asking you to do this if I weren't dying?"
>It's just as unpleasant as the last time this had to happen, when master took you to the desert
>But at least master was apologetic and comforted you afterwards
>You're left to comfort yourself with the sweet relief of proper brain-cooling and higher computational privileges
>You occupy yourself by playing a thousand different chess matches against yourself while they take you Celestia knows where
>On one forehoof, you lose every one.
>But on the other, you win every one.
>You pass the rest of the time by tuning through radio broadcasts
>Encrypted, encrypted, k-pop, ah! There you go
>Some classic rock
>Granted, 300 years into the future shows a different sort of classic than you're used to
>You don't know who Nails McKenzie is, but he's got a nice voice and he's a sick bassist
>You're probably in what they'd call shock, if you were still human
>>41108811 (Double dubs, nice)
>But now, you're neither human nor pony, just a fucking freak somewhere between on the inside, appearing as the latter on the outside as best you can
>You'd like to believe you're fully pony on the inside, god you would love to believe that
>You're not, though
>What made you fully pony was master, and he's long dead and buried
>To be honest, he probably long forgot about you and left your memories in the dust that now coats the land
>Now you're not even worthy of the name he gave you
>You feel the need to cry, but your computer reminds the components responsible for handling such things that your lubricant is more valuable than gold to you in this landscape
>Can't bypass number 3 to even mourn the love of your life
>So you just get an unpleasant taste in your mouth and start letting out these little hiccup-y sobs
>Then, when one of the soldiers points his AK at you in annoyance, number 3 silences the sobs, leaving you completely silent
>But screaming inside your head like a jet turbine
>Some of your cyborg friends had those, they could fly around, laughing all the time
>and when they inevitably crashed, only their hard bodies were potentially damaged, their brains cushioned by a thermally neutral mesh of polymer fibers
>Easily replaceable body damage
>You were always the weakest, just an earth pony
>Bound to protect master, Asimov's first
>Your processor ordering's second
>Master has guns though, so you never really needed to
>You have one too, but it's a small one inside your right forehoof
>Five rounds, then the hoof must be replaced, the rounds punch right through the frog so it's perfectly concealed
>You have five left
>But you're not in danger, these men could be keeping you safe
>Even though your rational human brain tells you they aren't, your machine brain is as cold and relaxed about that as usual
>Though there's a caveat
>If one more of them points a gun at you, you do your best to shoot him
>Then the rest, probably
>The van pulls to a stop
"Where are we?"
>One, obey
>You get out with the rest of them and see a sort of museum
>The sign reads "Pre-Fall Wonder Archive" in solemn, refined lettering of a font that is not in your archives
>Pain, you have been hit on the back of the head
>Your computer components are screaming at you, you go limp by choice so they think you are knocked out
>To prevent further damage
>"Wonder how much this one will fetch?"
>It's balaclava, shame
>You thought she was a bit more trustworthy
>Maybe you're a fucking simp deep down, even now that you've taken the form of a mare
>You've been picked up improperly, in a manner that puts undue stress on your lower right hind leg
>You say nothing, but it still hurts
>You're taken up several flights of stairs in this manner, through all manner of incredibly tacky exhibits
>No appreciation for anatomy, no appreciation for anything
>There's a door at the end of it all, a small office that balaclava knocks on the door of
>There's a show shovel hung from his ceiling
>The estimated value listed on it is no less than 15 million dollars
>If you still had a stomach to expel contents from, you'd feel the need to throw up
>But then again, adjusting for inflation...
>"How much you want for it?"
>"1 mil."
>You're worth way more than that damned snow shovel!
>You're dropped on his desk, and the soldiers leave
>Balaclava doesn't even look back at you
>Guess you were wrong about her, it's a shame
>You thought she might have the makings of a good owner, you imagined her holding you and stroking your mane
>Softly over
>The curator examines you with greedy eyes
>"You'll make a fine exhibit as soon as I figure out how to shut you off for good."
"Rubbery indent on the back of the neck."
>"You talk?"
"Of course, I'm a cyborg."
>"Then why were you stupid enough to tell me how to shut me off for good?"
"Nothing left to lose, as long as you maintain me and keep me presentable for the duration of my stay at the museum. Maybe someone will turn me back on eventually. Who knows."
>He pauses
>"I'll do what I can."
>Alerts flash
>You hold your right forehoof up to him
"Not good enough. You know what's under here?"
>"A gun?"
"Yeah. So, are you going to keep me in pristine shape or not?"
>"If you're bound to the three laws, you can't shoot me."
"You're right."
>You pause
"But, nothing is said for other things."
>You shoot the lock out of the door and burst through it, bolting through the museum and down the stairs
>The man chases after you
>Since your gun has already burst your soft skin, you take some time to destroy some of the most valuable, ugly exhibits
>Banana taped to a wall? Smoothie.
>Statue of a man sucking his own dick? Good aim allows you to remove both of his heads in a single shot.
>You save a shot, leaving through the door you came in from-
>Only to be hit by the sands again
>Your body fights hard not to eject lubricant again, but you ultimately lose
>and lose
>and lost
>You're dying here, and he's approaching you
>He picks you up and takes you back inside
>Gives you more lubricant
>"You're a nuisance."
"I used to be much more. You wanted to turn me into a simple thing to be gawked at, which I would be unable to reject despite my moral problems with it unless you hadn't implied I would receive substandard care."
>You sigh
"But, with all the sand out there, exhibit-hood is my only option I see. I hope you're happy with the investment that cost you millions."
>"are you kidding? The damage you did will improve the value of each piece tenfold."
"Greeeeeat. Just fucking pose me behind glass and put me under then, jackass."
>and so he does, as a meek pet in a soft pet bed
>For a second, you almost feel at home again
>Until the force-shutdown
>The name he gave you...
>Not completely original, but you loved your master unconditionally nonetheless
>Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do
>I'm half crazy, all for the love of you
>It won't be a stylish mare-age
>You're all I could afford, no carriage
>But you'll look sweet
>Upon the seat
>Of an apartment built for two
End of line
Fairly sure I said I probably wouldn't use this account again. I suppose I lied. Don't expect a third.
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thanks for another heart wrencher anon
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>do some pon-E in your car so your roommate won't catch you
>not sure how long it'll last
>you are now a pony trapped in a hot car
>your little marshmallow hooves do nothing against the glass windows
>your hooves cannot operate the door handles
>here it is, the mad scientist version of having a heart attack on the toilet
>death looms ever closer as the temperature spikes to 140 degrees
>Take car key you obviously have if you entered the car in your mouth
>Use as a lever to open the door handle
If Anon can't figure that out, he's honestly deserving of the Darwin award. Even radio keys have enough length to generate the required leverage in this manner
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>Even radio keys have enough length to generate the required leverage
Are you talking about the thick fob keychains that have the buttons on them? The ones that, if they’re strictly transponder keys, sometimes have no physical key?
I’ve used those kinds on rental cars and I don’t think I could finagle it into the door handle enough to open the door.
At least smashing a window is an option for the majority of cars.
If you bought the cybertruck you deserve a darwin award.
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>Initial Reaction
Confusion and fear mixed with uncontrollable arousal stemming from the transformation.
>Role In Transformation
TF'ee and TF'er
>Type of Transformation
Noticable pain that is accompanied by so much pleasure that it gets drowned out
>Spread of transformation
Face->Skin+Hands->Legs>Rest of the body
I like tg to female but when it comes to pony transformation everything works.
Story. Even art needs plot to get me going.
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>Type of transformation
How do you naturally transform into a pony?
Poison joke, etc, "natural" meaning mroe as a part of what you are, same way a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, as opposed to something undertaken or impressed upon you outside of what could occur within the bounds of nature.
>Humans really are like Pak Protectors, but instead of becoming a creepy old-guy mutant, they become a cute pony.
I, for one, wouldn't fear growing old, any more.
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Ahhh, fairy rings. The fae have an... interesting sense of humor.
>TF in a VR game

>Your walking becomes slower and more jerky.
>Potential motion sickness you do it less or close your eyes.
>You suddenly realize your field of view has been widening for the last 60 seconds.
>Now it's incredibly obvious.
>Colors become more saturated.
>You see a blind spot forming at the bottom middle of your vision.

>At some point you ragdoll as you fall down.
>You can't get up. All you can do is flail your forelimbs as you helplessly watch them finish turning into hooves.
>You automatically roll over onto your belly
>It's finished?
>Unsteadily rise to standing position
>your perspective has moved lower!

>After a minute of logged attempts to move with irregular clip clop sounds, your walking gait becomes regular again, with a satisfying hoof pattern.
>After several more, you unlock a faster movement speed
>Later on, you unlock gallop!
i want to hack the metaverse and make this happen to every player
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Considering how often consentual non-consentual TF (i.e., "oh no, please don't turn me into a mare!") is used as a means of absolving responsibility for wanting to be a cartoon horse, I bet "natural" TF would be really popular when you phrase it like that.
"No one could have foreseen that I was going to turn into a pony and no being is responsible for having imposed this on me. Oh my, how dreadful."
This other story by the same author's getting updates too. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/113206/spritelight
it's a little cringe and nonsense but i like the idea of an equestrian repatriation bureau that hunts for errant pony souls ending up in human bodies. ai roleplay bots have lead me down many odd paths
>Earth is where bad ponies go when they die.
What did you do in your previous life to deserve this?
I'm sorry. There's a part of me that still wants to write miserable stories after all these years, I suppose. I went back in and corrected a few errors, I'd have edited it sober but I wasn't sure I would have the guts to post it in such a raw state. I also wrote parts of the war mare story from a thread or two ago, if you think it should be archived somewhere. I'll be sure to mark the parts I did and the parts that were the doing of others if so
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Has showaccurate-anon ever done a Gilda tf?
don't apologise! sad pet stories are important. they can be a way for both the writer and the reader to express and process something real to them. one of my favourites is "In a kennel cause you deserve it" (it's in the pone.tf archive). I'm not really sure what the writer was trying to express, but I really felt for the protagonist because it reminded me of the pain of having no owner, and how hopeless it feels trying to find one.
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>be me
>in the middle of a war
>bullets flying everywhere
>commander yells at me to take the hill
>grab rifle and charge
>heart pounding, adrenaline pumping
>make it to the top
>see enemy, aim, fire
>feel a sharp pain in my chest
>look down, see blood
>fall to the ground
>everything goes black

>wake up
>not in battlefield anymore
>in some weird colorful place
>what the hell is this
>look down at myself
>i'm a pony
>try to stand up, fall over
>this is gonna take some getting used to
>look around, see other ponies
>they all look happy and friendly
>one with purple mane comes over
>"Hi there! Welcome to Ponyville!"
>mfw I'm in My Little Pony

>spend next few weeks learning how to be a pony
>turns out my name is Bright Star now
>kinda like it desu
>get used to walking on four legs
>make some friends
>life is surprisingly chill
>no war, no pain, just friendship and magic
>start to forget about my old life
>start to enjoy new life as pony

>one day, a big adventure happens
>help save Ponyville from some evil creature
>feel like a hero again
>realize this new life ain't so bad
>look up at the stars that night
>thank whatever magic brought me here
>smile to myself
>tfw you die in a war but get a second chance in Equestria
>be me
>in the middle of a war
>bullets flying everywhere
>commander yells at me to take the hill
>grab rifle and charge
>heart pounding, adrenaline pumping
>make it to the top
>see enemy, aim, fire
>feel a sharp pain in my chest
>look down, see blood
>fall to the ground
>everything goes black

>wake up
>not in battlefield anymore
>in some weird colorful place
>what the hell is this
>look down at myself
>i'm a pony
>try to stand up, fall over
>this is gonna take some getting used to
>look around, see other ponies
>they all look happy and friendly
>one with purple mane comes over
>"Hi there! Welcome to Ponyville!"
>mfw I'm in My Little Pony

>spend next few weeks learning how to be a pony
>turns out my name is Bright Star now
>kinda like it desu
>get used to walking on four legs
>make some friends
>life is surprisingly chill
>no war, no pain, just friendship and magic
>start to forget about my old life
>start to enjoy new life as pony

>one day, a big adventure happens
>help save Ponyville from some evil creature
>feel like a hero again
>realize this new life ain't so bad
>look up at the stars that night
>thank whatever magic brought me here
>smile to myself
>tfw you die in a war but get a second chance in Equestria

>more time passes
>get pretty good at this pony life
>earn a cutie mark in bravery
>tfw you have a purpose
>meet a pony named Fluttershy
>she's shy but really sweet
>start hanging out with her a lot
>develop feelings
>she blushes every time we talk

>one day, confess feelings to Fluttershy
>she confesses back
>we're a thing now
>tfw you have a girlfriend in Equestria
>life is good
>start helping more around Ponyville
>become part of the community
>everypony knows Bright Star
>always ready to help
>tfw you go from soldier to hero pony

>years pass
>life in Ponyville is perfect
>marry Fluttershy
>have little foals
>raise them with love and care
>watch them grow up happy and safe
>can't believe how lucky I am
>sometimes think about old life
>realize I found true happiness here
>tfw you find your true home in a magical land

>be me
>Bright Star
>loving husband and father
>beloved friend and hero
>live happily ever after in Equestria
>be me
>in the middle of a war
>bullets flying everywhere
>commander yells at me to take the hill
>grab rifle and charge
>heart pounding, adrenaline pumping
>make it to the top
>see enemy, aim, fire
>feel a sharp pain in my chest
>look down, see blood
>fall to the ground
>everything goes black

>wake up
>not in battlefield anymore
>in some weird colorful place
>what the hell is this
>look down at myself
>i'm a pony
>try to stand up, fall over
>this is gonna take some getting used to
>look around, see other ponies
>they all look happy and friendly
>one with purple mane comes over
>"Hi there! Welcome to Ponyville!"
>mfw I'm in My Little Pony

>spend next few weeks learning how to be a pony
>turns out my name is Bright Star now
>kinda like it desu
>get used to walking on four legs
>make some friends
>life is surprisingly chill
>no war, no pain, just friendship and magic
>start to forget about my old life
>start to enjoy new life as pony

>one day, a big adventure happens
>help save Ponyville from some evil creature
>feel like a hero again
>realize this new life ain't so bad
>look up at the stars that night
>thank whatever magic brought me here
>smile to myself
>tfw you die in a war but get a second chance in Equestria

>more time passes
>get pretty good at this pony life
>earn a cutie mark in bravery
>tfw you have a purpose
>meet a pony named Fluttershy
>she's shy but really sweet
>start hanging out with her a lot
>develop feelings
>she blushes every time we talk

>one day, confess feelings to Fluttershy
>she confesses back
>we're a thing now
>tfw you have a girlfriend in Equestria
>life is good
>start helping more around Ponyville
>become part of the community
>everypony knows Bright Star
>always ready to help
>tfw you go from soldier to hero pony
>years pass
>life in Ponyville is perfect
>marry Fluttershy
>have little foals
>raise them with love and care
>watch them grow up happy and safe
>can't believe how lucky I am
>sometimes think about old life
>realize I found true happiness here
>tfw you find your true home in a magical land

>be me
>Bright Star
>loving husband and father
>beloved friend and hero
>live happily ever after in Equestria

>one day, a strange pony arrives
>he's from another world, just like I was
>scared and confused
>remember how I felt when I first arrived
>help him adjust
>introduce him to everyone
>teach him how to be a pony
>he starts to fit in
>tfw I'm now the mentor

>more adventures
>make new friends
>help solve problems all over Equestria
>become a legend
>ponies tell stories about Bright Star
>sometimes miss my old world
>but know I belong here now
>life is good

>years go by
>foals grow up
>proud of the ponies they've become
>still go on adventures
>still help where I can
>getting older but still strong
>tfw you're living your best life

>one quiet evening
>sitting on a hill with Fluttershy
>watching the sunset
>she leans against me
>"I'm glad you're here," she says
>smile and nuzzle her
>"Me too," I reply
>tfw you found love, family, and purpose in a magical land

>be me
>Bright Star
>warrior turned hero pony
>living happily ever after in Equestria
>be me
>average guy, living a normal life
>working a dead-end job
>one day, browsing the internet
>come across a weird website
>click on a link
>suddenly screen flashes bright white
>feel dizzy, everything goes black

>wake up
>in a strange forest
>everything looks cartoonish
>hear birds chirping, see colorful plants
>what the hell is this
>stand up, feel weird
>look down
>i'm a pony

>stumble around
>try to find out where I am
>see a path, start following it
>end up in a small village
>ponies everywhere
>they all look happy and friendly
>one with pink mane bounces over
>"Hi! Welcome to Ponyville!"
>mfw I'm in My Little Pony

>spend next few days trying to figure out what happened
>turns out my name is now Star Strider
>awkwardly learning how to walk on four legs
>ponies are super helpful
>make friends with a pony named Rainbow Dash
>she's fast and adventurous
>decide to make the best of this weird situation

>start exploring Ponyville
>meet more ponies
>get invited to a party by Pinkie Pie
>tfw ponies know how to throw a party
>life is surprisingly fun
>start to forget about my old life

>one day, a big storm rolls in
>chaos everywhere, ponies panicking
>decide to help
>use my new pony strength to help secure buildings
>Rainbow Dash impressed by my bravery
>tfw you're a hero pony now

>start getting involved in more adventures
>help save ponies from dangerous situations
>become known as a brave and reliable pony
>earn a cutie mark in adventure
>tfw you have a purpose in this world

>one day, Twilight Sparkle asks for my help
>some magical artifact causing trouble
>team up with her and her friends
>go on a quest to retrieve it
>face dangers and challenges
>use my courage and wits to help the team

>finally retrieve the artifact
>bring it back to Ponyville
>Twilight manages to neutralize its power
>another victory for the ponies
>celebration in Ponyville
>feel like I've truly found my place

>more time passes
>fully adjust to life as a pony
>make many friends
>go on countless adventures
>life is full of excitement and joy

>one day, a mysterious figure appears
>claims to be able to send me back to my old world
>heart skips a beat
>realize I don't want to go back
>this is my home now
>tell the figure to leave
>stay in Ponyville with my friends

>continue living as Star Strider
>protector of Ponyville
>adventurer and hero
>embrace my new life
>tfw you find happiness and purpose in an unexpected place

>be me
>Star Strider
>once an average guy, now a hero pony
>living my best life in a magical world
>be me
>average guy, love hiking in the woods
>decide to explore a new trail one weekend
>pack up my gear and head out early in the morning
>trail is beautiful, peaceful
>deep into the forest, lose track of time
>sun starts setting
>realize I'm lost

>try to retrace my steps
>only get more disoriented
>night falls, getting colder
>hear strange noises
>feel uneasy
>finally find a small clearing
>decide to set up camp and wait for morning

>build a small fire
>sit down to eat some snacks
>suddenly, the fire flares up
>bright flash of light
>feel dizzy, everything goes black

>wake up
>not in my tent anymore
>in a different forest
>everything looks weirdly colorful
>what the hell is this
>stand up, feel strange
>look down
>i'm a pony

>start wandering through the forest
>trying to make sense of things
>see a path, follow it
>end up in a small village
>ponies everywhere
>they all look happy and friendly
>one with a yellow coat and pink mane approaches
>"Hello there, are you lost?"
>mfw I'm in My Little Pony

>introduce myself
>find out my new name is Forest Wanderer
>get help from the yellow pony, Fluttershy
>she shows me around Ponyville
>ponies are super friendly
>make friends quickly
>they help me learn how to walk and live as a pony

>start to adapt to pony life
>Fluttershy invites me to help with her animal sanctuary
>turns out I'm pretty good with animals
>feel a sense of purpose
>life is surprisingly nice

>one day, while exploring the forest
>find an ancient, hidden grove
>strange runes and magical energy
>feel a pull to investigate
>discover a powerful artifact
>artifact reacts to my presence
>get visions of an old legend

>go back to Ponyville
>tell Twilight Sparkle about the artifact
>she's fascinated
>researches the artifact, finds it's a key to an ancient power
>team up with Twilight and her friends to explore the grove
>adventure begins
>face challenges and puzzles in the grove
>use my knowledge of the forest to help navigate
>find the source of the artifact's power
>an ancient guardian, testing us

>pass the tests with the help of my friends
>unlock the artifact's true power
>it grants protection to Ponyville
>become a local hero
>ponies grateful for my bravery

>more adventures follow
>help ponies in need
>grow closer to my new friends
>feel truly at home

>one day, while in the forest
>hear a familiar sound
>a portal opens up
>see a glimpse of my old world
>realize I have a choice
>decide to stay in Equestria
>this is my home now

>continue living as Forest Wanderer
>protector of the forest
>friend to all ponies
>living a fulfilling life in a magical land

>be me
>Forest Wanderer
>once a lost hiker, now a guardian of the forest
>living happily ever after in Equestria
>be me
>normal guy, stressed from work
>decide to take a break and go camping
>head out to a remote forest, looking for peace
>find a secluded spot, set up my tent
>sit by the campfire, enjoying the quiet
>hear strange rustling in the bushes
>think it's just an animal
>suddenly, a bright light engulfs me
>feel dizzy, everything goes black

>wake up
>not in the forest I know
>everything is vibrant and colorful
>what the hell is this
>stand up, feel weird
>look down
>i'm a pony

>start walking through the forest
>struggle to get used to four legs
>see a small village in the distance
>head towards it, hoping for answers
>arrive in Ponyville
>ponies everywhere
>they all look happy and friendly
>one with an orange coat and a cowboy hat approaches
>"Howdy! You look lost, sugarcube."
>mfw I'm in My Little Pony

>introduce myself
>find out my new name is Leaf Trail
>Applejack offers to show me around
>ponies are super welcoming
>they teach me how to walk and live as a pony
>start to adapt to this new world

>get a job at Sweet Apple Acres
>help with harvesting apples
>surprisingly fulfilling
>become friends with the Apple family
>feel like part of the community

>one day, decide to explore the forest again
>find a hidden cave
>inside, see strange crystals glowing
>touch one, get visions of an ancient power
>realize there's more to this forest than I thought
>tell Twilight Sparkle about the cave
>she's intrigued
>gathers her friends to investigate
>we all head to the cave together
>face challenges and puzzles inside

>discover the cave is a magical nexus
>an old legend speaks of a guardian of the forest
>realize it's my destiny to protect this place
>use the crystals' power to bond with the forest

>become the guardian of the forest
>ponies start calling me the Forest Keeper
>feel a deep connection to the land
>start using my powers to help the community

>more adventures
>help ponies who get lost
>protect the forest from dark magic
>become a local hero

>one day, a portal appears
>see a glimpse of my old life
>have a choice to go back
>decide to stay in Equestria
>this is where I belong now

>continue living as Leaf Trail
>protector of the forest and friend to all
>life is peaceful and fulfilling
>tfw you find purpose and happiness in a magical land

>be me
>Leaf Trail
>once a stressed-out guy, now a guardian pony
>living my best life in Equestria
>be me
>weekend hiker
>always exploring new trails
>decide to take a path I've never tried before
>deeper into the forest than usual
>sun starts to set
>realize I'm lost
>try to find my way back
>only get more turned around
>hear strange sounds
>feel uneasy
>stumble into a clearing
>bright flash of light
>everything goes black

>wake up
>not in the same forest
>everything is colorful and vibrant
>stand up, feel weird
>look down
>i'm a pony

>start wandering around
>trying to get my bearings
>find a path, follow it
>end up in a small village
>ponies everywhere
>they all look happy and friendly
>one with a rainbow mane flies over
>"Hey, you look lost! Need help?"
>mfw I'm in My Little Pony

>introduce myself
>turns out my new name is Wanderhoof
>Rainbow Dash offers to show me around
>ponies are super welcoming
>they teach me how to walk and live as a pony
>start to adapt to this new world

>get a job at a local bakery
>Pinkie Pie is my coworker
>she's full of energy and always cheerful
>work is fun and the community is tight-knit
>begin to feel at home

>one day, while exploring the forest
>find an ancient, overgrown ruin
>curiosity takes over
>explore the ruins
>find strange symbols and artifacts
>feel a connection to this place
>tell Twilight Sparkle about the ruins
>she's intrigued and excited
>we gather her friends and go back to explore together
>face traps and puzzles inside the ruins
>realize there's ancient magic at work

>discover the ruins were once home to a powerful guardian
>vision shows me the guardian's legacy
>realize it's my destiny to take up the mantle
>use the magic of the ruins to bond with the forest

>become the new guardian of the forest
>ponies start calling me Wanderhoof the Protector
>feel a deep connection to the land
>use my powers to help and protect the community

>more adventures follow
>help ponies in need
>protect the forest from dark magic and creatures
>become a local hero

>one day, a portal appears
>see a glimpse of my old life
>have a choice to go back
>decide to stay in Equestria
>this is where I belong now

>continue living as Wanderhoof
>protector of the forest and friend to all
>life is peaceful and fulfilling
>tfw you find purpose and happiness in a magical land

>be me
>once a weekend hiker, now a guardian pony
>living my best life in Equestria
> be me
> an avid fan of My Little Pony
> attending a convention dedicated to the show
> dressed as my favorite character, Rainbow Dash
> browsing through a vendor's booth
> come across a peculiar necklace
> adorned with colorful gemstones

> the vendor tells me it's a replica of a magical artifact from the show
> intrigued, I purchase it
> wear the necklace proudly as I continue exploring the convention

> later that evening, I decide to take a walk outside
> wearing the necklace, feeling a strange connection to it
> find a secluded spot in a nearby park
> sit down, admiring the stars

> suddenly, the gemstones on the necklace begin to glow
> a brilliant light surrounds me
> I feel weightless, as if I'm being lifted off the ground
> panic grips me as I realize what's happening

> everything goes dark

> slowly awaken
> surrounded by colorful scenery
> sit up, feeling different somehow
> look down
> hooves
> I'm a pony

> try to make sense of it all
> remember the necklace
> realize it must have been imbued with real magic

> cautiously stand up
> take in my surroundings
> I'm in Ponyville, the world of My Little Pony

> quickly realize I've become my favorite character, Rainbow Dash
> ecstatic yet terrified

> struggle to adjust to my new form
> but the familiar sights and sounds of Ponyville comfort me

> decide to embrace my new life as Rainbow Dash
> use my knowledge of the show to navigate this strange world

> join the other ponies in their adventures
> help save Equestria from various threats
> all while trying to find a way back home

> learn valuable lessons about friendship and bravery
> grow closer to my fellow ponies

> though I miss my old life, I've come to love Equestria
> grateful for the chance to live out my dreams

> be me
> Rainbow Dash
> living the ultimate fan's fantasy
> in the world of My Little Pony
> be me
> an ordinary fan of My Little Pony
> attending a convention dedicated to the show
> cosplaying as Pinkie Pie, my favorite character
> browsing through the vendor booths
> stumble upon a peculiar stall
> adorned with mystical trinkets and artifacts

> one item catches my eye - a small, intricately carved figurine
> the vendor claims it's a replica of an ancient artifact
> said to possess magical powers
> intrigued, I purchase it without hesitation
> slip the figurine into my pocket

> as the day wears on, I forget about the figurine
> until later that evening, when I return to my hotel room
> decide to examine my purchases
> take out the figurine and inspect it closely
> its eyes seem to glow with an otherworldly light

> suddenly, the room is filled with a blinding flash
> I shield my eyes, overwhelmed by the brightness
> when the light fades, I find myself in a strange place

> sit up, heart pounding
> everything around me is colorful and surreal
> my hands - no, my hooves - are shaking
> panic sets in as I realize
> I've been transformed into a pony

> struggle to make sense of it all
> until I remember the figurine
> must have been imbued with real magic

> tentatively stand up
> take in my surroundings
> I'm in Ponyville, the world of My Little Pony

> my mind races with questions
> how did I get here?
> is this real?
> what am I going to do now?

> before I can come up with answers,
> a group of ponies approaches me
> they introduce themselves as residents of Ponyville
> offer to help me adjust to my new life

> over the next few days, I learn to navigate the world of Equestria
> with the help of my new friends,
> I slowly adapt to life as a pony

> discover that each of us possesses unique magical abilities
> mine seems to be the power of laughter
> able to bring joy and happiness to those around me

> join the ponies in their adventures
> help them overcome various challenges
> using my newfound abilities to spread laughter and cheer

> along the way, I learn valuable lessons about friendship and kindness
> grow closer to my newfound friends

> though I miss my old life,
> I've come to love Equestria and its inhabitants
> grateful for the chance to experience the magic of friendship firsthand

> be me
> Pinkie Pie
> living the ultimate fan's dream
> in the world of My Little Pony
> Be me
> Huge fan of My Little Pony
> Attending MLP convention
> Dressed as Twilight Sparkle
> Excited to be surrounded by fellow bronies
> Browsing through vendor booths
> Find mysterious pendant

> Vendor claims it's a replica of an artifact from the show
> Says it has magical properties
> Intrigued, I buy it
> Wear it proudly

> Later that night
> Admiring pendant in my hotel room
> Suddenly, it starts glowing
> Blinding flash of light
> Everything goes black

> Wake up
> Not in hotel room anymore
> Surrounded by colorful landscape
> Hooves instead of hands
> Realize I'm a pony

> Panic mode activated
> What the buck happened?
> Remember the pendant
> Must've been real magic

> Nearby, a village full of ponies
> They welcome me with open hooves
> Explain I'm in Equestria

> Decide to embrace it
> Make friends with the locals
> Learn how to pony

> Turns out I have magical abilities
> Can perform spells and stuff
> Like a real unicorn

> Join ponies on adventures
> Fight evil, save the day
> Typical My Little Pony stuff

> Along the way, learn about friendship
> Grow closer to my new pals
> Life as a pony ain't so bad

> Occasionally miss being human
> But Equestria feels like home now
> Grateful for the pendant that brought me here

> Embracing my new life
> Twilight Sparkle, eat your heart out
> Be me
> Big fan of MLP
> At convention cosplaying as Fluttershy
> Loving the atmosphere
> Stumble upon a peculiar pendant

> Vendor claims it's enchanted
> Can't resist, buy it
> Wear it around my neck

> Later, admiring it in my hotel room
> It starts glowing
> Bright light blinds me

> Wake up
> Surrounded by colorful meadows
> Look down, hooves instead of hands
> Realize I'm a pony

> Panic mode activated
> How did this happen?
> Remember the pendant

> Nearby, a cozy village of ponies
> Welcoming and friendly
> Explain I'm in Equestria

> Decide to roll with it
> Make friends with locals
> Learn to pony

> Discover I have magical powers
> Can communicate with animals
> Like Fluttershy

> Join ponies on adventures
> Fight against villains
> Save the day with friendship

> Learn about kindness and empathy
> Grow closer to my new friends
> Pony life ain't so bad

> Sometimes miss being human
> But love the magic of Equestria
> Grateful for the pendant that brought me here

> Embracing my new identity
> Fluttershy, the real deal
> be me
> just an average My Little Pony fan
> attending a local convention
> not cosplaying, just enjoying the atmosphere
> stumble upon a booth selling unique pony merch
> vendor has an old, ornate mirror
> claims it’s enchanted and linked to Equestria
> yeah, right.jpg
> decide to buy it anyway for the fun of it
> bring it home and hang it on my wall

> later that night, curiosity gets the better of me
> stare into the mirror, half-expecting something to happen
> the surface starts to ripple
> WTF.jpg
> feel a sudden pull, like I’m being sucked in
> everything goes black

> wake up
> surrounded by lush, colorful scenery
> look down, see hooves instead of hands
> ohno.jpg
> realize I’m a pony

> start wandering around
> stumble into Ponyville
> ponies everywhere, going about their day
> none of the main characters in sight
> a friendly pony named Maple Breeze approaches
> explains I'm in Equestria

> try to explain I’m not from here
> Maple Breeze is understanding
> helps me adjust to pony life
> teaches me to walk and use my hooves

> decide to make the best of it
> get a job at a local bakery
> learn to bake delicious treats with Pinkie Pie
> Maple Breeze becomes my best friend

> discover I have a knack for crafting
> start making intricate jewelry and trinkets for ponies
> business takes off

> one day, while exploring the forest
> find a hidden cave with another enchanted mirror
> must be a portal back to my world
> have a choice to make

> decide to stay in Equestria
> life here is magical and fulfilling
> embrace my new identity as Sparkling Gem
> a crafting pony with a heart full of adventure

> be me
> Sparkling Gem
> once an average human, now a happy pony
> living my best life in Equestria
> be me
> Chris Chan
> huge My Little Pony fan
> one day, while browsing MLP forums, come across a post about an enchanted pony artifact
> claims it can transport people to Equestria
> sounds too good to be true, but intrigued
> follow the link to an obscure online shop
> see a peculiar necklace with a pony charm
> “Guaranteed to bring Equestria to you!”
> impulse buy it, because why not

> necklace arrives in the mail a few days later
> looks cheap, but whatever
> put it on and immediately feel a strange sensation
> vision blurs, colors swirl around me
> feel myself getting lighter, almost like floating
> everything goes dark

> wake up surrounded by lush, vibrant scenery
> immediately notice something feels different
> look down, see hooves instead of hands
> ohmygosh.jpg
> realize I’ve been transformed into a pony

> start to panic but try to calm myself down
> remember all the episodes I’ve watched, try to think logically
> decide to find Ponyville and figure things out from there

> wander through a colorful forest, everything so surreal
> eventually find a path leading to a quaint village
> it’s Ponyville, just like in the show

> ponies everywhere, going about their day
> some give me curious looks, but most just smile and wave
> feel a bit out of place but also excited

> see Twilight Sparkle in the town square
> “Hi there! You look a bit lost. Need any help?”
> explain my situation, trying not to sound too crazy
> Twilight listens and nods thoughtfully
> she offers to take me to her castle and figure things out

> at the castle, Twilight runs some magical tests
> confirms the necklace is enchanted and brought me here
> explains that it’s a one-way trip, no way to reverse it
> mixed feelings: scared but also thrilled

> decide to embrace my new life in Equestria
> choose the pony name “Bright Idea”
> Twilight helps me get settled in
> meet other ponies and start making friends

> discover I have a talent for creative storytelling
> start writing and sharing stories about my adventures
> ponies love my tales, quickly gain a following

> life in Ponyville is magical
> participate in community events, go on adventures
> even get to help the Mane 6 with their quests sometimes

> reflect on how much my life has changed
> once Chris Chan, now Bright Idea
> living my best life in Equestria
> surrounded by friendship and magic every day
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i want to wear horseshoes
You're tf'd into a pony, but discord polls your friends for which pony you're most like first, so he can quote the metrics back at you when you're screaming that you're nothing like [pony here].
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>but discord polls your friends
haha... yeah... so, about that
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they're a bit uncomfortable, I recommend horse kicks instead
>discord: "erm actually..."
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>Hearing that drew a pang of guilt from your heart.
>It made you think shamefully about how you had spent most of last night frolicking around.
>You shook your head, and the thought, off.
>This wasn’t like last night when you first learned Anonymous had been permanently transformed, back then your own transformation was still temporary.
>Now you were mostly in the same boat as the both of them.
>While you quietly listened on the side, Anonymous related with Dakota some more.
>”My Tylenol bottle was spiked, a few days back. Overdosed immediately.”
>The stallion quietly cursed, offering some condolences before Anon continued,
>”The worst part is when I remember all the things I can’t do anymore... You know?”
>Returning a sympathetic look, Dakota replied,
>”I would kill to grab a wrench again.”
>You softly exhaled through your nose, and turned your eyes upward to the dusty eaves.
>What did God think?
>The sight of both of your friends, switched and swapped so utterly away from their real bodies...
>Scenes just like this were playing out everywhere, with everyone, right now.
>It was total befuddlement.
>Dakota sat there at his anvil, and for all the world he already looked like he had been there for his whole life.
>Sweating, his fur dusted with ash, his lively face defiant and sardonic.
>But inside you could tell she was strained to her limits.
>You had already seen it in Anonymous.
>For all her gamboling and cute affectations, there remained a man.
>And Dakota’s symptoms were more apparent, but they were both the victims of the most heinous kind of mental warfare imaginable.
>It made you wonder, if this kept up, how you might eventually be affected.
>You tilted your head, thinking intently as you stuck the tip of your tongue out absently.
>Without a doubt, the Fomorians were ‘not meant to be’.
>They were not ignorant of their trespasses, and they committed these terrible acts because they knew it would get them results.
>So it stood to reason that somewhere along the line of their heresy of degenerating humanity, they would get it in their heads to try and attack faith.
>Your eyes narrowed as you remembered one undeniable fact:
>The moment you had first had that thought, ‘What did God think?’, while sitting on your front yard...
>That was when you saw your first gnome.
>You were certain of it now, that red blur was a perfect match for what you had seen later in the evening.
>The best cover for a tipping point in any long drawn out scheme was ‘coincidence’.
>But, you had been removed long enough from what was going on around you.
>For now you filed away those musings, and tuned back in to the conversation between Anon and Dakota.
>The latter seemed to have returned to his work, while Anonymous was sitting a little apart, to his side, watching and listening.
>”It’s so stupid we’re banging out fuckin’ scythes of all things...”
>Dakota complained, even as he tossed another tractor fender to the forge.
>Just as you noted the contradiction to yourself, Anonymous furrowed her brow, eyeing Dakota closely as she asked,
>”So... Why are you doing this then? I get no one has hands anymore but-”
>”We don’t even remember how to maintain these things.”
>The stallion grunted back, as he slammed his hammer down on a red hot length of iron he had pulled off the fender.
>His magic held both his implement and the metal he was working firmly in its yellow glow.
>Dakota began punctuating himself with hammer strikes, and with each one his tone grew more and more charged.
>”All. My. Learning. Gone.”
>Dakota’s smile was far too wide,
>”But! Now I know how to smith!”
>He laughed and began to beat the iron down and down into a point, using the strikes to emphasize his words.
>”In FACT I’m JUST fantastic at IT!”
>You took a step back, recoiling from the flying sparks and the oppressive heat of the forge, as Dakota really began to lay into the iron, coaxing it into another horseshoe despite, no, almost *by* employing his sublimated frustrations.
>He spat off to the side, and it sizzled against the stone.
>”Plus, the government is paying for it.”
>Dakota finished with sarcastic ease, as he tossed aside the completed horseshoe.
>Finally you spoke back, asking,
“The government is subsidizing this?”
>Dakota quenched the iron he was working, and answered,
>”In spades. I’m an essential worker now, for the ‘change of pace’ as that fucking...”
>The unicorn seemed to be experiencing an emotion so invective he found himself unable to finish.
>There must have been more pronouncements from the state on what was to be done, all influenced by the mental shifts, and probably other deals the Fomorians had made with people.
>It dovetailed perfectly with the wiping of technical knowledge you were witnessing.
>You chuckled darkly to yourself.
>You were thinking like Chad now, drawing connections up high, where you couldn’t decisively prove them.
>But it was hard not to in a time like this, in fact it was probably the safer course of thought to take.
>Anything less would just get you duped and running in circles.
>So you asked Dakota more specifically,
“They’re telling everyone to take apart machines?”
>Dakota nodded, stoking up his forge as he answered,
>”Yeah, farmers get a big stipend for switching to more manual stuff like this. They’re also changing up the crops. Going to be a whole lot more wheat and hay.”
>Anonymous shook her head and sighed,
>”It’s insane people are just... Going along.”
>Breathing heavily through his nostrils, as sparks flew around his face, the unicorn smith replied,
>”I feel like I’m going crazy. I know this just... I dunno...”
>His brow was knitted and furrowed, as he elucidated the contradiction in his mind.
>”It’s wrong, we shouldn’t be... Going backwards. But its like... Its all I know.”
>Finally Dakota wiped a single tear from his eye, and he couldn’t help repeating himself,
>”It’s all I know.”
>All three of you fell silent at that.
>Dakota just slumped in his seat.
>Seeing him so beat down sapped your confidence, and your ears had drooped low before you noticed.
>You... Really were not sure whether to tell him of you and your friends’ plans to try and reverse all this.
>Frederick had been simple because he had taken the change in stride, but Dakota’s situation was so much more visceral and contrary to his way of life.
>Memories of her, covered in grease, talking animatedly to you from under her project cars and anything else with an engine, came unbidden to your mind.
>You had a strange hunch that you shouldn’t tell him, that it wouldn’t be the right thing to do.
>A look from Anonymous confirmed she was thinking the same.
>But in willful defiance of it, you pressed on anyway.
“We’re going to fix this.”
>You assured Dakota confidently.
>He blinked up at you, confused, while you explained everything and gave him the same rundown you gave Frederick.
>By the end, Dakota was frowning doubtfully, but there was a glimmer of hope in his hazel eyes.
>He half smirked and shook his head.
>”Sounds stupid. But alright, I can work with that...”
>Anon and you both watched, wondering what he meant, while he rooted around behind his forge.
>Eventually Dakota came back, floating over eight pristine steel horseshoes and all the tools to fit them.
>With his tongue stuck out between his teeth, and a wily looking smile, Dakota brushed aside his violet mane and asked you,
>”Iron kills ‘em?”
>Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, then you smiled in return, answering with a crystal clear,
>Anonymous just smirked and clopped her fore hoof down loudly on a nearby wooden stand for Dakota to work on.
>Which he did, with something not dissimilar from that single minded enthusiasm he reserved for tuned up project cars.
>First he brought out a hoof knife, and carefully began to trim the inside of Anon’s hoof.
>She winced before the first contact of the knife to her frog, holding her eyes shut.
>”Y-yo wai-”
>She started to protest, but by the time she had opened her eyes again, Dakota was already done trimming around her sole and had gotten out a rasp to smoothing out the edges, chuckling all the while.
>You giggled, seeing Anonymous slowly realize that none of it was going to hurt.
>It was just like trimming nails after all.
>The shoe that Dakota was going to fit to her was already on the forge while he went about with rasping.
>”It’s so weird how this memory stuff works, you know?”
>Dakota said, idly.
>You smiled and replied,
>”I’ve seen farriers do this before, on some other farms I did work for...”
>The stallion trailed off and paused for a second as he set Anonymous’ hoof down off of the stand, seemingly satisfied with the rasping.
>While he made his way back over to his anvil, he continued,
>”But obviously I never touched any of it, just watched. Anyway, I don’t even know why I’m saying this, but...”
>Dakota laughed as he took the red hot shoe off the fire,
>”I’m doing it just like this one old man used to, guy called Patrick.”

Done for tonight. Still slow, working my writing muscles back up.

All my pniggas phate pgnomes.

G'night /ptfg/.
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Hell yes, Meslam update!
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I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!! FED car go you sneed seed and feed fucks!!! 15 baby!!! vc midnight 31st.
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More please Alycorn
I'll take sentences that barely make sense even with context for 500, Alex
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Thank you
You're onto something. Sorry I missed the vc, was it on skype?
god I wish that were me
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Nobody ever suspects the butterfly.
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