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> buying land and ruining it with invasive crops, invasive livestock, pesticides, and killing native wildlife because they are "pests" to your invasive crops and livestock.
Literally trust-fund kids LARPing for a couple of years before they flip the property for profit to another retard who doesn't understand that they're buying ruined land. When will this trend end?
hey city retard where do you think all your food comes from?
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> defending city retards who buy rural land and ruin it, whilst calling someone a city retard
my food doesn't come from big pharma like youre, suburbanite soigobbler
>nooo you can't move out of the city to improve your life
>nooo city people are ruining everything
You're not making any coherent sense. Try laying off the meth for a few days and try to make this post again.
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Don't backtrack suburbanite.
Is this because it’s bait? I’m confused anon.
Stop replying to shitposting retards any time, dumbass. He just wants to argue about none issues.
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> t. homesteader
you don't get to come into a thread and claim it's bait just because it triggers you. cancel culture won't work here. go back to etsy.
Pretty cringey anon, you should have just moved on
deleting your fuckup won't make you any less retarded, anon. Just accept it.
Well, this newfangled trend has been around since the stone age when the first known instances of agriculture were occuring, so it probably won't last too much longer.
take down this useless threat please
> Why we're selling the homestead.
There is a reason why this is a popular YouTube title. kek
>When will this trend end?
Never, niggas been going back to the land since the time of Cicero.

It's actually quite a bit of effort to get native plants, invasives are so widespread and plenty attractive to birds who will shit out their seeds everywhere. Native plants are expensive, especially trees and shrubs, unless you want to wait decades for seeds to germinate and grow.

Virtually all of the ornamental plants on my property are invasive/non-native. Burning bush, flowering quince, rosa multiflora, Japanese barberry, forsythia, autumn olive, cornelian dogwood... even the apple tree isn't a native plant come to think of it.

I planted eastern redbud and ninebark this year. A native rhododendron last year. It's a long effort. Especially since my land is so fucking rocky and full of roots, I had to rent an auger to get the ninebark where I wanted it.
Monsanto. Where do you think it comes from? Enlighten me.
>omg le native plants!
This is the call sign of a reddit retard. Native plants are good for the autist bugs that will only eat one type of species but those bugs aren't the basis of the food chain. Things like grasshoppers, aphids, beetles; species that are everywhere are everywhere because they can eat everything regardless of whether its native or not. That's why we haven't seen the "muh ecological collapse!!" and never will.

Btw your pic >>2732719 is filled with a shit ton of Ailanthus and Japanese stiltgrass so better do something about that for your native plants
you don't even know where I'm at first of all. second of all, thinking it's ok to bulldoze forest and replace it with a cash crop is the sign of a suburbanite that only cares about comfort. stay in your apartment complex.
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my corn is reaching critical levels of dark green that defy all bounds of reality
Forests are shit ecosystems if you don't manage them. Since cutting down a bunch of trees and letting sunlight into my backyard I have never had more rabbits and birds and snakes everywhere.
>you don't even know where I'm at first of all
You're on the east coast where both those species are invasive together
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On the other hand, a lot of the times these properties have been overgrazed by cattle ranchers for decades, and buying them gives them a bit of respite.
time for you to learn about snake and rabbit habitats, just because you like "well-manicured" suburban lawns doesn't mean it's better. stay in your backyard domesticated man.
Don't forget making a youtube video about it, which actually brings in the majority of the revenue of the whole venture
This is a good point. I want to do regreening
Ha ha ha... pussy you don't even know how to plant anything
>niggas been
Why would anyone on /out/ type like this?
Look up "project dhun" and "african half moons" on YouTube, this is the kind of homesteading I plan to do. Buy some dead land and turn it into a native species habitat with a food forest and a small area for me to live
>invasive crops
Is that a thing? Can crops take over wild areas without human aid?
Yeah. Ever heard of dandelions? What about kudzu?
Very nice
One word. Bamboo.
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GOATed reaction image
I'm gonna buy a bunch of rural land lol
>this is where you're food comes from
>it's going back to the land
These are "hobby farms". Any agency that deals with agriculture and the local communities call them that. OP is right and anyone that is mad didn't like being reminded that most of these "buy property to live off the land and escape society" fantasies end up like he described
I moved from the city to homestead. Half of my property I am actively restoring- seeding with natives and removing invasives. The other half I grow and live on. My mother raised 7 kids on 30k/ yr (us) without gibs.. where do I fit within your generalization?
A couple pesticide fans in here sure had an emotional reaction to being called out
My favorite are the collapse fags that talk about how the dollar is finally gonna collapse in the next 6 months(since the Nixon administration) and they'll be a bad ass living off the land. It's like bro, you're never gonna be 100% self-sufficient and even if you had the option to you're likely gonna have to work a job. Maintaining an off-grid farm that fully sustains you from eating ze bugs takes a lot of time and effort. It's doable but it's being romanticized and a lot of those people are doing it on debt which again defeats the whole point of it since you're not even gonna own the land when you lose your job. I say this as someone who lives on a property with chickens, a large garden, and horses. It is absurdly expensive and a lot can go wrong that will take up your time. Not to mention it anchors you down from something very fun which is travelling. It's nice and rewarding but it's not really good for remaining competitive in this economy. If you wanna do it it's fun but you should have the expectation that you're not really building any skills that could translate to a higher paying job. Farming isn't a good career either. It's over regulated and underpaid.
>It is absurdly expensive
Sounds like you're doing it wrong. Try getting rid of the useless horses.
bro that corn field grown up in popple after jimbo quit hosing it down with roundup 7 years ago is not pristine wilderness. You're not "ruining" it any more than it was already ruined.
>not really good for remaining competitive in this economy
>not really building any skills that could translate to a higher paying job
You'd do a lot better if you quit treating it as some kind of get rich quick scheme
Not really. He was spot on with everything.

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