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I'm a bandwagon iPhone phototaker going down the Fujifilm rabbit hole.

First about to buy the Fujifilm XV100, didn't so almost ordered a Ricoh griii hdf, kept going and looking at Olympus Pen F, nope. Now I am at Sigma fp.

now considering Nikon d70s, for ccd

Where does this stop? :o
Where does this path finally end?
weak bait. kys faggot
By just considering buying and then not, you’re already two steps ahead of most gearheads. Good job keep it up.
Buy a Nikon Z6II+26mm f2.8 and install capture one
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It'll continue until you find the camera that fits you the best.
The hobbyist life is a costly endeavour.
I have a D80 CCD and had a D90 CMOS. the difference is negligible desu, both have Sony sensors. maybe get a Kodak CCD like an Epson RD1(s) or Leica M8.
but out of practicality, if you need those dedicated buttons and maybe a viewfinder, just get any smol, lightweigt dedicated camera that you will bring most of the time with you.
smol, dedicated, lightweight?

omg no, I need a gf not a camera
Is this what this is!?
It ends when you decides it ends. I rediscovered a photo I took a couple year ago and I thought it was decent. Then I remembered my hating it because my camera is shitty and makes a bunch of grain. I tried to find some bullshit ai app to try to fix it but it didn't work. Now I like the roughness of it.
It actually ends when you have a very nice camera, and a very shit camera. The gulf between the two will make you appreciate each.

Don't fall for the film meme that just starts a whole other gearfaggotry quest full of cope because the sunk costs only grow and there are no refunds.
It never ends. You will eventually find something like >>4310799 said. But what happens then is that your style of shooting will change, or your hobbies outside photography will change, or your subject matter will change and then you'll start the whole process over again. It really never ends, learn to enjoy it and only buy what you can afford to lose 30% of your money on.

It's either that or start shooting film.
lets be real "normal" interchangeable lens cameras fit everything you could do perfectly well and it takes borderline schizophrenic neuroticism like "everyone can see my camera because it has a viewfinder bump and its ruining my shots and it looks so much bigger on pxlmag" to convince yourself otherwise
>a Kodak CCD like an Epson RD1(s)
I thought the R-D1 used the same Sony-made sensor as the Nikon D100 and the Pentax istD.

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