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>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
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After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up): femcel, neurodivergent, eccentric, damaged goods or "different". Also a girl with extremely fucked up kinks (I'm open to everything and I never judge). Write to me if you feel broken in any way; we will have a good time and you will feel better. I can help you :)

Expect me to stalk you and lovebomb you every waking hour if I like you and find you interesting. You will feel like a queen (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Troons, timewasters

>contact info
discord: demaistre
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
I can't believe you people have the self-awareness to realise you're toxic yet still consciously seek out these "relationships" rather than trying to fix yourselves. The only thing more absurd is watching people come into this thread to cry about people they added from here treating them poorly.

What the fuck do you retards think is going to happen?
26/M/US - philly area

>About You/Hobbies
I make Virtual Reality content, and everything that it entails including coding, modeling, texture painting, etc. I also like to do video edits and I normally do this kind of shit for money and for fun. Pic related is something recent I made. Other than that I like drawing, music, 40k, vidya and some anime. I sometimes like being an edge lord or just making stuff just to get a rise out of people. I can be a little too honest at times. Other than that I'm relatively laid back most of the time.

>Looking For
Female Anything really. I'm so fuckin lonely I'll settle for anything even this has to offer.
>Not Looking for
Anyone underage/able to get me in trouble, and transgenders

>Contact Info
Discord: belicure
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23/afab nb/philadelphiia
college whore who loves getting fucked & getting fucked up.
love twin peaks, watching pretentious films, dwugs :3
looking for women/nb
“uniz.” on discord. pic is me blonde
>describe yourself
188cm, 105kg, kinda handsome face. Introverted, kinda hate people with too much self-esteem
Games, music, trivia stuff
>looking for
Bio or trans F for long-term relationship, any age (18+) or body type
>not looking for
Men, friends
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22 / M / Germany

>Long Distance ?
Yes, but only within Germany or NL

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height

hiking, reading, travelling, cooking, vidya, getting wasted,

>Looking for
Biological woman preferrably shorter and younger than me

>Toxic traits/cons
I can get quite obsessed but also plagued with terrible seperation fear and also trust issues & i have terrible self esteem plus im often painfully honest

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, hookups, NSFW shit

hieronymus21 (discord)
>in philly
>likes getting fucked
>looking for women/nb
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
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30s/Male/East Coast USA
>Describe yourself
ASPD and a little bit autistic but easily pass as normie. Very passionate person, cares about a lot of things, loves learning and teaching. I hide how serious I am with a constant stream of sarcasm and facetiousness.
Fair warning in regards to kinks: I am sadistic.
Lifting, rock climbing, running, photography, digital art (video editing, post, 3d modelling/animation), making and listening to music, retro hardware/tech, video games, lulcows, other dumb shit.
>Looking for
I'm not looking for a toxic relationship per se, but I won't sit here and lie to you by saying I don't enjoy my BPD women for obvious reasons. Anyone (with stipulations set below) can add me if you think I'm cool, interesting, or if you could have a good conversation. I'm easy to talk to.
>Not looking for
I am exclusively straight, and trannies aren't women. So take that as you will.
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>about yourself
video games, alcohol
>looking for
Cute skinny twink who likes cutting himself, ideally masochist and is fine with being berated. I will encourage you to sh and loose weight
Also dont be over 23. bonus if you want to get drunk on vc together, i am in eu timezone
>not looking for
fat, ugly, old. If you do not fit description in above section, refrain from adding me.
Show tits!
use the catalog >>33062817
>what you are looking for
Daddy Dom searching for his little princess.
I'm emotionally mature, caring, possessive, and strict when I need to be.
I'd like to be the father figure in your life
and provide the attention, care, and validation you've always longed for.
>not looking for
Guys, sellers, larpers
Discord: pizza2732
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for cool stuff.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

>About Yourself
My main interests are music, movies, shows, cooking, fps/strategy games, geography, comedy and history.

>Looking for
Girls that are willing to talk and present themselves honestly and just have a good time. Someone to play games with or watch shows with is what i’m mainly looking for. Preferably more of a mean attitude from a girl is what I find attractive. I would love to vc and get to know you. Feel free to try and manipulate me. I prefer to VC but if you just want to text at first thats cool.

i like feet btw (pls send shoe pics)

Apex, Tarkov, Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, vrchat when I’m bored.

>Not looking For
People who need the entire conversation carried or are too cool to reply.

>about me
A hard working straight guy with heavy 90s vibes, few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for active conversation, impulsivity, and creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming.
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>describe yourself
i'm a hikki neet who spends every second of his time on the internet. i'm also severely mentally ill and unstable so if things don't work out, it's not you, it's most likely me!! sorry in advance
weightlifting, comics, cartoons, pro wrestling, old vidya games (specifically PS1 through PS3), giant robots, music (i mostly like grunge, nu-metal and hip hop), random movies and tv shows, mostly stuff from the late 90s-early 2000s
>looking for
ideally a long term relationship with a girl who's on the same wavelength as me, whether it's mental illness, being a shut-in or whatever else. lemme ramble about whatever autistic thing i get obsessed with that day and we'll get along great!! if we click, i wanna spend all my time with you and get super close until we're in an unhealthy codependent relationship where we're physically unable to live without each other, at least that's the dream!! regardless, i'd want you to be willing to be vulnerable around me and tell me as much about yourself as you can (i'll do the same!!)
>not looking for
dudes, trans
please don't add me if you're just looking for small talk or someone to waste an afternoon with. i would also say please don't be a normie but that's actually impossible right now, so i guess please don't be too much of a normie
20 / m(tf) / western europe
>describe yourself
chubby weirdo
nerdy stuff, philosophy, anthropology, politics, lewd stuff, a lot of lewd stuff, playing stardew valley
>looking for
treat me like your pet;cat, dog, bunny, pig, whatever
cutesiefatso on discord
>describe yourself
white, blonde hair, blue-gray eyes, 6’0, lean muscular, vaguely mentally unwell
like to go on hikes, fall down wikipedia rabbitholes, go to the gym, play the guitar, visit museums, take care of animals (I have chickens), photography, gaming occasionally, etc.
>looking for
A girl to talk to and hang out with and date if we get along, preferably also a bit mentally ill and clingy, someone to talk to about music and other stuff and go to museums with
>not looking for
one word responders, men
Discord: this.it
24 years incarnated into this body. white man. residing in america.

I work out and read and increase my knowledge that's about it besides what's mentioned below. I'm homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, etc etc but it's not my entire personality.

interested in body cleansing, conspiracies, spirituality, and the occult. I also watch (kino) movies and anime and play videogames sometimes. I like music, have been listening to jungle, darkwave, and soft rock.

might help you with any health issues you may have (physical, mental, or spiritual) at my own discretion.

looking for women. no minors.

will discuss anything in my interests and beyond. we'll see where things go.

if you're mentally ill be upfront with it. fake women (trannies) and fags are unacceptable.

disc is jailbreaker
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd
Same person
>ASL/Describe Yourself/Hobbies and interests
33m, from Texas. ADHD as fuck, hypersexual obsessive clingy yandere with crippling co-dependency with whomever I get into a relationship with. I will drown you in affection attention and love if you reciprocate in kind.
I'm tall, slender, pale and nerdy and an absolute degenerate (but a romantic one at heart.) I love talking about my hyperfixations and would love to hear yours too :)

some of my hobbies/interests include: Anthropology/Archaeology, nature,sci-fi/horror films, animation, psychedelics, medieval weapons, martial arts, tabletop games like Magic the Gathering or D&D

>looking for
(preferably)Autistic or BPD women who will give me that pure, devoted, obsessive all consuming clingy love that only they can provide and drown me in attention and affection.

>not looking for
anything purely platonic or purely sexual. I want an actual genuine connection.

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29/M/US (Central)

>describe yourself
Autist who wants to make friends but has trouble expressing himself. I tend to be an overly analytical thinker who is also a big gay coomer and I'm hoping to find someone who has a similar energy.

My longest lasting hobbies are roller blading and learning the Japanese language. I used to write gay shit and I hope to have a friend I can write with. I listen to Japanese music and I've been getting into digital art to draw cute guys, but I ended up drawing mandalas instead lol

>looking for
Good conversation partner, preferably a gay man, who has a whole world in his head he wants to talk about and gives me his thoughts about things in life

>not looking for
I don't know yet

discord: meoleo137
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for cool stuff.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
There is no such thing as NB
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26M, Europe

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, pic in profile.

>looking for
A girl meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Some who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world.

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
There is if you are stupid and/or mentally deranged enough
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25 Femboi (questioning trans) Id really love be brainwash and corrupted. Would love to be a hypnotized play thing!
I will watch anything and listen to anything sent to me!!!
Kinks are Forced Feminization, Forced Bi/Gay, Brainwashing/Hypno, Cosplay, Cumplay, Degradation, Bondage, Latex, femdom, Humiliation, bimbofication, dronification, dollification, ego death, personality changing and cnc
Limits are Blood, Scat, findom and blackmail.
Discord: hypnofemboi0138
>describe yourself
Very dominant and controlling, and possessive. i enjoy spending time outside hiking and camping, but also inside reading, gaming, etc.
>looking for
Someone who is submissive, obsessive, or deferential. Bonus is you also have something like autism, bi-polar, or boderline personality disorder
>not looking for
someone who doesn't want a relationship
kik/snap/discord: bdinsac88
Why do we need two toxic threads ?
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30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website control my twitter and catfish/expose as me any way you like and more also open to exposure games, setting up a video feed in my room and open for any hot proposals or ideas Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
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27 CD in the uk. Looking for dominant, controlling, right wing men who want a trad wife type CD who they can mould into their dream wife.

Dream man is masculine, controlling, jealous type who wants a long term committed relationship. Ideally based in UK but would relocate for the right man.

Age not important.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
Femcel Tradwife or Bust, If I don't find a happy relationship before 2025, I'm running off to join the Foreign Legion

21 / Male / Florida, USA

>describe yourself
Average/Muscular build, 5'11, White, Brown Hair Blue Eyes

Finance bro disillusioned with society, I want to either join the foreign legion or volunteer in Ukraine soon if I can't find someone to tie me down.

Guns, Lifting, Running, Reading philosophy stuffs,
I play some video games and watch a lot of movies
I'm an orthodox christian and I'm really into talking theology that's always fun

>looking for
Bio foid to talk to, other than that Idk, only 4chan girl I ever hit it off with was a British girl who lived too far away, but I'm still open to try

>not looking for
Men, fags, trannies, whores

Disc: kiaser

Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
I hate that I'm even trying this! And I'm actually already dating somebody... so I'll have to be vague. I do want to share more! Contact me privately though to get it

M, 34, Boston.

>describe yourself
Sweet and thoughtful, gentle with dark kinks.

Making music, listening to music. Being outdoors.

>looking for
Something 100% online. Someone in a relationship but needing more. Someone who overshares. This is weird too but I always seem to go for girls with anxiety - it's not on purpose but if you have a lot of it, I'm probably going to like you.

>not looking for
I don't know how to answer this. Just don't actually become a stalker. Do threaten to become one though. Just don't actually do it. Also, and please know that I hate to say this, but anyone AMAB. Gender is a social construct and all, it's just that there's an energy to people who were socialized male that I'm not attracted to.

discord is npaulrus
lost access to that account
new Discord: watsyall
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website control my twitter and catfish/expose as me any way you like and more also open to exposure games, setting up a video feed in my room and open for any hot proposals or ideas Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv

> Describe yourself
Your regular neighbourhood alt dude : piercing/tats/long hair

>What you're looking for
I'm looking for a dominant, agressive mean buddy.
Ideally someone who'd like to play games like Final Fantasy XIV and League together - but we can do without the whole gaming part aswell if you don't care about that.

I really like playing with guys who don't hesitate to get toxic/demanding/agressive, or like to trashtalk me in-game/in VC, for example. You don't even need to play better than me, just acting like it is great too. Toxic and sweaty players are a huge turn on, but we can definitely alternate if you wanna play "normally" sometimes too !

Toxicity and arrogance are incredibly attractive to me for some reason, and I'd love to let you vent out your frustration. Apart from that, I have a major thing for humiliation/degradation, but I'm also pretty much limitless outside of that, so don't hesitate if you have ideas ! I'm open to sharing pics of me, face included, and I'm pretty much an open book, so you can ask anything, no matter how personal, and I'll tell you the truth.

I play League on EUW (low bronze, don't play a lot of ranked tho), and FFXIV on EU/Chaos (hi level char and I'm happy to help out new players!), but I'm open to trying out games you own, too !

Discord : ad.victoriam
18 ftm usa
>describe yourself
hi I'm really clingy and needy I'm into a lot to the point that honestly if you ask im probably into it, I'm chubby not the best looking and honestly not willing to send pics quickly
>looking for
someone who's manipulative and wants to fuck with my head (preferably while I smoke weed) no one over 26 (almost any gender) please be sweet but mean
>not looking for
Cis men, people who just want pics, people who think degration is just looks
>contact info
kik: strawberrryslut
>please be sweet but mean, and also manipulative but not people who just want to use me to get things
Join our lewd server
2000+ members
Coomers, gamers, weebs and neets welcome.

Keep nsfw stuff in the WildKat Cafe channel.
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website control my twitter and catfish/expose as me any way you like and more also open to exposure games, setting up a video feed in my room and open for any hot proposals or ideas Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
20 f
chronically online, average, introvert, trol,

>looking for
anything, no nsfw

>fuck off
libtards,wokies,normies,newfags,dark people, men over 30

buuum p im drunk come bully me
Stop looking on fucking 4chan ffs.
>30, male, Texas but trying to leave
>Straight, bend for real femmy femboys
>Burnt out former gifted child who went on to make nothing of himself, dead-end job, pursues escapism through vidya, ttRPGs, and excessive masturbation. Fatass, small dick, okay face? Kinky, switchy, pervy.
>Obsessive and possessive, when I fall for a girl I want to know everything about her, see her thoughts and read what she writes in secret, know where she is and who she's seeing, know what she's saying about me and about the other people she knows, etc. Bad habit of falling in love with someone far away who gets a boyfriend and then seething that she's happy with someone else who can treat her better than I can.
>Girls who somehow like the above, want me to be obsessed with them and who can reciprocate, and who are interesting enough that I can fall in love with you.
>Discord is locustking14
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29 / mtf / New England

>describe yourself
Basically all of the emo/goth stereotypes. Everything I own is black, I mostly listen to emo/skramz/goth stuff, I have all kinds of mental baggage (anxiety, depression, suicide attempts, cutting, OCD, BPD, a touch of 'tism, all the trans stuff like dysphoria, occasional bouts of anorexia), enjoy Halloween too much, and watch too many horror movies. Aside from that I try to be a really kind person, I'm very open-minded, kinky but demi/graysexual, I go on all kinds of constant adventures and live a very interesting life, and I will send you long walls of text like OP's picture.

World travel, adventure, gothy or emo stuff, going to concerts, reading, PC gaming, programming, starting entrepreneurial stuff, trauma dumping, weird stuff, obscure movies, and petting cute animals

>looking for
"I can fix her", adventure, people who live highly unusual lives, people who will trade obscure emo/goth/skramz playlists with me, people who wear all black, or just a really great personal conversation and then we never talk again. Lowkey maybe someone who just wants to make me their pet and say mean things to me during sex? ^^;

>not looking for
People who type poorly, boring people with no interest in doing unhinged stuff at least sometimes, anyone who will be very sad when I ghost them, people not okay with me being poly (I often date multiple people at once), people only interested in sex, anyone under the age of 27.

Discord: emo_gf
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
>describe yourself
insanely obsessive, bpdemon + dpdemon, weirdo with no friends, anxious attachment style, cutter
true crime (specifially mass and school shootings), resident evil 7 and 8, ranfren, animals
>looking for
dominant weirdos (nonsexual), stalker types, mental illness, cluster b, possessive, talkative, clingy
>not looking for
women, healthy relationships, nsfw
why are there two threads? reposting I guess:
32/M/USA, midwest/central
>describe yourself
I'm in a long distance relationship with a girl who unfortunately is not around very much, and she thinks it would be good and fun for me to find a girl to spend time with and I think I agree. I'd also like to meet up and take it all the way.

I'm 5'10 and approximately 170lbs so I have a bit of a dad bod. Long blonde hair, blue eyes. If any of that matters.
gamer nerd, film enthusiast, vinesauce and oneyplays enjoyer... just an internet weirdo, really
>looking for
A girl who is willing to chat, be lewd, and of course eventually meet up and ideally have regular sex... but also understands that she can't ever be my wife.
>not looking for
A girl who is looking for a husband. I just can't be that. I can be everything up to that. I can be romantic, passionate, and loving, but I can never be your one and only and I can never marry you.
22 Female USA
>about me
I'm a student in STEM. I'm a volcel. Asian, feminine, and not fat. I hate men. Love learning about all things, anthropology, feminism, science, mathematics
>looking for
A male (23+) who may be able to change my mind about men (highly unlikely)
>not looking for
LGBT+, feminine men
>Discord tag
I'm in search of a girl who's ugly but not fat. Reason being, I'd like a temporary GF and an ugly girl is probably the only one who would put up with such an arrangement.

The ugly girl attribute is just the initial ask. After we start dating, we can avoid ever mentioning it again. Like I said, it's just an initial ask so I won't treat you with contempt or treat you badly in any way. I'll treat you nicely just like I would any other GF.

What's in it for you is that you could turn out to be super cool and become a permanent GF. I'm a pretty good catch and am most of the things a girl wants in a guy. If there are any details you'd like for me to elaborate on, feel free to ask.

I'd prefer if you were somewhere within driving distance near the Northern VA/MD region.

My Discord: compoundthrower
>describe yourself
188cm, 105kg, kinda handsome face. Introverted, kinda hate people with too much self-esteem
Games, music, trivia stuff
>looking for
Bio or trans F for long-term relationship, any age (18+) or body type
>not looking for
Men, friends
makes you feel like garbage n then blocks, avoid.
31 male Midweast
As a kid I use to make small incisions on those stretchy rubber frog toys and inject them with fishing lure worms. I'm normal now.
No degenerates plz.
Smol breasted catgirls preferred
27 F Canada
>describe yourself
Corporate worker. Woman of color that is of mixed roots but black-passing. I always attract toxic guys outside of my race or culture but same race ig, idk why, but maybe because the women in my family are in the same boat too, idk... I just wanted to try this and see what is gonna come out of this ig, one reason is for shits and giggles tho
Music, lately ive been getting into Phonk, streaming platforms, travelling, going shopping, hiking, wanna get back into playing Xbox one day if I find a new good console
>looking for
Something serious, looking to have a family, romantic, caring, loyal, tires of cheaters, Love a strong man woth a strong personality
>not looking for
Racists, guys who dont wanna settle down, not gonna waste my time, and non-judgemental people, cucks
discord - montreal.badgyal98
oops I meant that I was looking for people that are open minded and non judgemental sorry
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>Willing To Relocate Y/N?
Find out <3
>Looking For
(older) sadistic mommydom wife to own and lovingly abuse my entire being…
>Not Looking For
overly crude people, fake sadists, men, bottoms, short term
>Physical Description
5’6 125lbs, dirty blonde, cute bullyable dog girl
>About / Interests
expressing myself through whichever medium is resonant at the time, recently its been music but i create a lot. movies, animanga, games, learning, obedience, satisfying my masochism.
>Discord Tag
m, east asian.

>looking for
a bio white girl who is into AMWF (raceplay), lewd, reliable, and will spam me with her unfiltered thoughts every day.

>not looking for
unresponsive, inconsistent sillies.

>discord (introduce yourself briefly)
29 M socal

Video games, nerd stuff

>looking for
F, clingy, annoying, attention whore, passive/sarcasm is a big plus,

>not looking for
Bunch of tattoos/piercings, trans

Kik crazydavidd
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>MtF doesn't want another MtF, wants a "real" woman
lmao deranged pooner
Paywhore not worth messaging Has been pretending to be 22/23 years old since 2021. Search her in the archives and you can literally see her nudes for free.
If I wanted to see low quality nudes I would go to /s/
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I need another girlfriend
Please do what I say, 25m
discord me aloerosie
I quite enjoy /s/ desu
Lol wut
Stay away from this one. Bad news
>describe yourself
Asian, neurodiverse, bpd. usually get mistaken as a trans women. long hair.
programming, reading academic paper
>looking for
white girl who accept attention whore and affrimation. And playing breed role play
>not looking for
GAY. I'm striagit.
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>describe yourself
I have been helping out with lots of family things, a little behind on where I was supposed to be I suppose. Just looking to see if I can find a soulmate, who does not mind someone who is not in a mansion. Easy to talk to, if there is a good vibe there is a good vibe.

weightlifting,video games,music, movies and tv shows (usually anything pre 2010),gardening,herbalism,etc

>looking for

Looking for soulmate who I vibe with even if your a shut in or some what autistic, does not bug me, if we click. Mostly just want to talk and see if there is a click. To be able to open up maybe help if anything inregards to new angles on things. Maybe help send out those positive vibes too.

>not looking for
Men,Trannies,People who ghost,One time pm's and never get back to ya,SJW like folks.

Discord = Grimpickle#6464
More info in picture too
twenties female pnw
i'm an evil hikikkomori neet. i play video games and watch anime all day. i like the 2000s weeb culture (fanime, amvs, etc), hyperpop and rhythm games. my many mental illnesses include being pan/bisexual, being a pervert, diagnosed schizophrenia, and an eating disorder, among others. i've been especially insane lately.
>looking for
people to be mutually obsessive with. i need to form some unhealthily close relationships that make other people worry. lets control each other's lives into oblivion.
>not looking for
irl sex. men.
>not looking for men
pick one
not interested in /soc/ men specifically, my apologies.
What are soc men?
What if im not a soc man can i add u
add me please I miss you
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>describe yourself
Physically or characteristically? Eh i’ll bang out both. Average height and build, little pale but covered in freckles with long luscious black hair and a… decent beard. I bounce between wanting humanity to go extinct and wanting inner peace, normally im polite but that depends on who im talking too. If i fuck with you i’ll wanna talk 24/7
I like drawing alot (will probably draw you if i dig you), same with listening to music. I love dinosaurs and kaiju (basically anything extinct or giant) and just like learning about stuff in general. And ofc i love movies and games
>looking for
Idk… a woman? Someone who seems to genuinely like talking to me, or atleast is good at acting like she does. Hell honestly i’d take you stalking me over 2 word answers lmao. Honestly im curious to see just how insane someone can be online
>not looking for
Dudes and normal people in general? If you cant pass as a batman villain keep it moving
If you ever get back here. My discord is Lazystraycat.
Your contact aint working
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>Contacts (Discord)

Old fashion man. Experienced and controversial.

Looking for biological female into 1950 gender roles - in a hard core way ... Talk on kik.

not looking for>
modern people

kik > dd76dd
>Traditional gender roles are now considered inherently toxic.
Idealized versions of traditional roles are pretty toxic and very larpy.
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>describe yourself
White, dark hair and blue eyes. Typical white-collar salaryman during the day, something a lot worse at night.
Video games in general, both playing them and as a discussion piece, NBA basketball, Cards, specifically solitaire and blackjack, occasionally anime
>looking for
A mentally ill, pathetic, and broken person who I can use and abuse to my liking. My preference is boys, but overall gender doesn’t matter to me, both are equally corruptable. I am not a good person, I am someone who finds entertainment in hurting others. If I’m particularly fond of you, I might clean up afterwards and show you some type of affection.
>not looking for
Healthy or committed relationships, people who don’t know their place
Disc is zyotoken
18 (femboy twink girl? idk ill be whatever for u im cute :3)
>describe yourself
174cm 55kg (vry fem) also extremely mentally ill (extremely depressed, schizo, bipolar with 2 alters) i can be clingy at times and sperg out but chill for the most part
vidya(all kinds pls play w me!!) and music pretty much(im into a lot of genres but usually on drain time)
>looking for
obsessive people
23, trans woman, america, 5'7 135lbs
goth/alt, high energy, "sporadic"
horror games, movies, tabletop games

interested in friends or like, whatever
not interested in a partner
uhhh contact?
oops sorry

its okie added ya
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5'7, not fat, long hair, i have interests and thoughts but those arent important and im not a total freak weirdo i promise <3

looking for women who will be obsessed with me so i can be obsessed with them, preferably older and taller but idrc i just want to obsess over someone

not looking for troons, men, fats, browns, etc

discord is .sladger with the period
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19 M Europe
>describe yourself
Feminine twink sub with low self esteem
>looking for
A cis dom girl who is very controlling to dom and controll me in all sorts of ways and even cuck me if she wants to
>not looking for
discord: v1l000

This is a long-time soc psycho and troll, also using the discord tag randomestburnername

He's pretty easy to troll back if you want a good laugh, doesn't seem to understand that there's people who keep creating new accounts that he keeps adding from here and ends up getting trolled by them repeatedly lol
>admits to being one of a few people that keeps making new accounts to try and fuck with me
>in this situation, I am apparently the psycho
Not exactly the own you think it is considering how long you've been stalking me tee bee aitch
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I'm an absolute menace
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not toxic but not a normal thing either

my ideal weirdo
got a lil busy and dropped off for a bit
*important: must be willing to visit, sooner than later, prob this summer!

when you add me, please save image and have highlighted which things fit you, in the context of like... "this is how i would act if enamored with someone" so i can read over and see if you're a good fit. thank you :)
*do not apply if you don't want to make out with my feet
discord is nekrosister
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>describe yourself
ensouled mythopoetic white boy sealed away in my mind palace. at war with the world. larping through it all.
wandering through rain and fog. singing poorly. daydreaming ceaselessly. adoration. baseball. old MMOs. reckless overtakes. writing for myself. reading for others. hard techno. lullabies. castles. gentleness.
>looking for
a real human being in need of shelter
>not looking for
caricatures, vampires and yeast.
listeneise (all lowercase)
24, straight m, Australia
>physical description
5 '9 caucasian with brownish hair and blue eyes. I go to the gym several times a week and am in decent shape.
>life situation
Almost finished my masters, travel abroad regularly, work part-time
Literature and film are hugely important to me. Some favourite writers include Chekhov, Graham Greene, Joseph Conrad, Tolstoy, Mann, Ivo Andric, Kafka. I also enjoy writing, playing chess poorly, collecting vinyl, smoking weed, watching soccer, drinking, and cooking. I studied history formally and it remains an interest and I also speak halting Russian.
>4 songs you like
Holland, 1945 (Neutral Milk Hotel), Road (Nick Drake), Lotus Flower (Radiohead), A Song For (Townes van Zandt)
>4 movies you like
In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar-wai), Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders), City of God (Fernando Meirelles), Come and See (Elem Klimov)
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
I despise zealous, hyper-ideological thinking in all its manifestations. It's a social disease.
>looking for
Women; I don't have strong race preferences but am generally most attracted to asians and slavs; someone with hobbies; mental illness, dependency issues, daddy issues are all hot af, damaged goods need a home. Kinky shit welcomed and encouraged.
>not looking for
stupid, uncurious people; vegans or vegetarians; obesity; poor conversationalists; puritans (a degree of religiosity is fine but don't start fucking preaching at me); political radicals
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I don't know why you blocked me, I understand you're going thru it but I did really just want to help. I'll be here if you want to talk again
27 CD in the uk. Looking for dominant, controlling, right wing men who want a trad wife type CD who they can mould into their dream wife.

Dream man is masculine, controlling, jealous type who wants a long term committed relationship. Ideally based in UK but would relocate for the right man.

Age not important.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96

>About Yourself
My main interests are music, movies, shows, cooking, fps/strategy games, geography, comedy and history.

>Looking for
Girls that are willing to talk and present themselves honestly and just have a good time. Someone to play games with or watch shows with is what i’m mainly looking for. Preferably more of a mean attitude from a girl is what I find attractive. I would love to vc and get to know you. Feel free to try and manipulate me. I prefer to VC but if you just want to text at first thats cool.

i like feet btw

Apex, Tarkov, Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, vrchat when I’m bored.

>Not looking For
People who need the entire conversation carried or are too cool to reply.

come on bro, you're only 19 don't destroy your brain with porn
wagwan my bad gyal
>describe yourself
shy, clingy, and easily jealous
>looking for
a girl to have an abusive and controlling friendship/obsession/non traditional relationship with. i would not be the abusive or controlling one. i want to talk about everything all day and obsess over each other
>not looking for
guys or troons or fat girls
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Male 25, Yurop.

I'm looking for a completely miserable girl. Someone who has not experienced a drop of actual affection in her life but is craving for it. Ideally someone who has nobody and truly needs a friend and a life partner.

I'd wife you up and make you happy, shower you with affection everyday and make you feel special and loved, in a sincere and genuine way: it's something I'd truly enjoy doing and a relationship dynamic I'd enjoy.

You must be willing to go all-in if we end up liking each other and possibly relocate (although I'd be willing to relocate for the right person, too).

If you are interested, send me a friend request and tell me something about yourself. Let's get to know each other.

Discord: fusteldecoulanges
>describe yourself
188cm, 105kg, kinda handsome face. Introverted, kinda hate people with too much self-esteem
Games, music, trivia stuff
>looking for
Bio or trans F for long-term relationship, any age (18+) or body type
>not looking for
Men, friends
I’ve cheated my way through every aspect of life.
I’m used to getting everything i want even if i don’t deserve it and even at the expense of others.
I’ve used my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
A good example would be the position in my job that I’m at, which only people with a 30+ year experience can get, yet I got it in less than half of that. I also, have 3 rich BFs at the moment who don’t know about each other. Those r just 2 examples, there are many like it behind the scenes.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the less unfortunate. I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you:

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute,.
Discord: nnaayyaa
>Moid, 26, EU

Narcissist. Physically, and verbally abusive. Likes hard drugs, and domestic violence. Hates dogs. Likes cats. 6’1”, athletic, short brown hair, green eyes, pale, two small tattoos. I have good hygiene, am self aware, and am attentive. A nice car. A steady career. A nice place. For these reasons, moving is basically impossible for me. I like reading, writing, and cooking. I enjoy horror and action movies. My favorite bands are Pantera and Kreator, though I enjoy Lebanon Hanover too. By default I dress in black. As far as red flags go, I’ve cheated before, and for the duration of this year am busy as hell with work, so buyer beware. I view relationships as agreements. If you hold up your end of the bargain you’ll have nothing to worry about as far as fidelity goes. Shockingly, I have some soft side for some people sometimes. If you want to know something more intimate, just ask. I’m not shy.

Biological woman for a long term relationship. LDR is fine, but not forever. ASPD, NPD, and schizophrenia are good. MacDonald Triad. Criminality. Abuse of substances or other people. If you’re a victim of abuse that’ll interest me. If you’ve sold yourself, that’ll interest me. If you start shit for fun and get into fights, that’ll definitely get my attention. Self harm. Ideally black hair, and skin that’s so pale that it looks pink. If you also enjoy dressing in black, that’s good. Tattoos and piercings are good. Self awareness is a must. I like people who are attentive to details. I want someone who I can really treat like a peer and count on. Someone who knows what they want. Body type is largely irrelevant.

People with low self esteem (some wiggle room here). Bad texters. Generally BPD (some wiggle room here). People who lack self awareness. Incompetent people. Grossly overweight people. Darkies and Asians. Anorexic people. Shy people. Open relationship people. Moms. Indecisive people. Losers. Dirty people.

>Disc: alimonyactual
you're either a larper or the actual scum of the earth
I’d say that flattery will get you nowhere, but that would be untrue.
if you truly consider that flattery, that only proves my point. good lord, if only I could get my hands on you
Oh man, what a cyber-commando. Listen, if it’s any consolation, having to share a planet with billions of sorry sacks of shit like yourself is grating enough for me.
i'm happy that you couldn't be more wrong
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20 m usa
>>describe yourself
loser dork clingy coomer gooner dude
vidya, porn, porn vidya, music (mainly metal and weird edm and sonic music)
>>looking for
a woman I can give myself to fully and give lots of attention to and also recieve lots of attention from and send porn to and be pretty horny with
>>not looking for
someone who'll just take my attention and not respond to messages or whatever.
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m 24 usa
30/Male/Pacific Northwest
>Self description
Darkly poetic dreamer. 5'7. Interested in politics, video games, and Gnosticism (no hylics, please, LOL!!) I am very confident and lack any and all self awareness.
>looking for
Woman to indulge my bizarre sexual fetishes. Needs to like being beaten and locked in a cage in my basement all day. Also looking for a big hairy bear daddy to rape me in my ass.
Fat women (>22" waist), atheists

I get along with pretty much anyone, but you have to be clean. No STDs or drugs and we can hang out pretty much all day and talk about things I'm interested in.

HMU (hit me up) to listen to all of my favorite music. I'll ghost you at first so you don't think I'm pathetic. Looking forward to strangling you and dumping your body where your parents will never find you
Oh, and my tag is

I hate that I'm even trying this! And I'm actually already dating somebody... so I'll have to be vague. I do want to share more! Contact me privately though to get it

M, 34, Boston.

>describe yourself
Sweet and thoughtful, gentle with dark kinks.

Making music, listening to music. Being outdoors.

>looking for
Something 100% online. Someone in a relationship but needing more. Someone who overshares. This is weird too but I always seem to go for girls with anxiety - it's not on purpose but if you have a lot of it, I'm probably going to like you.

>not looking for
I don't know how to answer this. Just don't actually become a stalker. Do threaten to become one though. Just don't actually do it. Also, and please know that I hate to say this, but anyone AMAB. Gender is a social construct and all, it's just that there's an energy to people who were socialized male that I'm not attracted to.

discord is npaulrus. You'll need to tell me where you found my handle, in your first messages

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