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Any other black anons here? Post in this thread!
What's going on man?
Nothing. Just waiting for the big booty black femcels to show up.
Ass is avg but my thighs are huge, hi
Haha got them birthing hips ;]
Words mean nothing, pics can change the world
If you got a discord, hmu haha

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How do we start a sex cult like Nature Boy?
and my cock is massive
That nigga is in PRISON
Yeah but imagine if he wasn't all rapey and psychotic. It was actually a solid idea, just led by the wrong guy.
You are a black man, don’t say cock!!
Lmao, got added, but now I feel I need to clarify. I am just a white guy who likes dark girls
You're welcome to the party, larry bryd.
I'm always torn between skinny, dark skinned otaku boys and thick, light skinned resting bitch face girls
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Fuck light skin girls
I feel like the trick is to find a girl with natural hair
I just want a girl who won't wear a bonnet 16 hours a day.
add me black queens
Haha thanks anon
Fucking love these pics
i like reading, cooking and playing video games. i'm a pretty boring person. sorry.
>looking for
black anons to be friends with, males and females, i don't have a preference.
>not looking for
non black anons and coomers.

white muscly english guy here looking for a cute black gf

snap: potchuck
why do these threads always get infiltrated by the (very cleary and definitely not) racist white dudes

race fetishism is weird
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Evening, blackanons.
Yeah, not gonna put my tag unless there's interest. Last time I had multiple adds from racist russian dudes.

If anyone is looking for friends: 27, Male. USA located. Nigerian-American. Can drop my discorrd if anyone's interested.

Not looking for weird raceplay stuff
Am I the only black dicklet here?

Which tribe?
I'm Black, 30, and from Virginia. I look forward to Assassin's creed shadows, bros. Stay strong, and don't internalize any of the idiotic racism you against us you see on the internet.

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21 m tx
Kinda lonely, looking for a chick to get high and have deep conversations with (or b horny)
Can be a quickie if u want, discord is blackyangenergy
What’s your discord
r u a girl (vagina)?
homies over hoes
Fellow dicklet here I'm the same size as the big aniki himself
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All I want in this life is to find a cute black girl to marry, is so rare to see blacks in my city period, and I don't know any in my inner social circle, everyone around me is white including me, but God cursed me to be into Chocolate, I simped so long for this weeb black girl back in highschool and I even went to some dates with her, but her family clearly hated me so much due to my whiteness and social retardation.
So is every brown skin cartoon character black to you?
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Black girls hmu
Discord: jadedindividual
Hah ur brown
do any black femanons here want a slav bf? im dead serious. just dont be fat.
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I am once again asking if any qt black girls would like a /fit/ slav bf

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Added (I assume that's discord?)
Black-Brit, 22 UK.
Any black [spoiler]trans[/spoiler]girls online?
>Niganon thread

Anyone in the northeast? would prefer a girl but just want a buddy to go to conventions with
Would it be a faux pas for a white man to come here in search of a black wife?
Nope. Looking for a white husband. add my discord montreal.badgyal98
from your past posts i'm not what you're looking for anon, but i wish you luck finding your future husband <3
this is such a great thread i would love to talk to other black ppl or just white ppl into black femanons ig

kik: strwbryspit
murdoch_industries on dc im accepting everyone
server: /WHBFhyew
>non black anons
Holup das racist! (jk)
Why would the russian dudes be interested in you? Sounds strange.
Don't do that, Vadim, bitches are temporary, the bloodline is eternal. We don't want another Pushkin, do we?
Black Chicago anon here recently lost my virginity to a white girl
Hey alice, you lurking? Hope you broke up with your bf
literally check your discord
>Town is filled with other blacks, whites, and asians
>Asians stick to their own community and hate darker skinned people
>White girls call me ugly and don't want me because I don't act like a stereotype even though they're all mostly overweight or have attitude problems
>Black women want tyrones, but the ones with actual sense only want white men
>Most became single moms by early 20s limiting my dating pool further
>Was a Virgin until I was 31 and only because someone took pity on me
>Halfway through being 32 with issues approaching relationships

Tired man. Didn't really have anywhere else to type this but to all my other brothers and sisters out there I hope you find someone nice
Yoruba lol

Idk mate, let's use some critical thinking here. They're obv there to troll me around lol
Look like a typical muttley to me, yep ur black :)
aww you're cute, and yes you are black enough.
can we date?
YESSSS IM A BLACK ANON!!! Discord is landminebunny_ would love to speak to a fellow brother/ sister of color
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Discord: fentanylcore

I’ve learned how to emulate the quirked up whiteboy sexual style, hmu for the method real yakub shit g
White guy who loves black girls.

Any cuties in UK?

Discord: btb2690
The light skinned/dark skinned discourse is cringe. People will find anything to cause division.
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Anyone in Baltimore wanna go out or something?
Ugh gimme a cute black girl that is funny and I can talk to (not carly). Also I'm black with two black parents that are still together.

I don't cheat and I am tired of white women talking about how they like wearing ugg boots and unfixed dog dicks.

I'm attractive and funny and just ssk you not be a loser hikki neet lainpilled goblinmode rottmaxxing buzzword buzzword buzzword femcel.

All the black people I have seen in my city are in front of the courthouse and are old men that just greet me with "All right now!""

I would like someone from the southeast (not carly).

Be older than 21 so I can make you kool aid hennessey pops with lemon pepper wet jerk wings fried hard.

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Black woman here. AMA.
>they like wearing ugg boots and unfixed dog dick
what in the goddamn
How do you deal with colorism, either from external sources or internal sources?
How do you beat back prejudice you didn't know you learned?

>kool aid hennessey pops with lemon pepper wet jerk wings fried hard
you know... black people...
Can I get a booty pic with your panties on and one without them on? Can I also get 3 different pics of your boobs any position. Also, can i get just a normal pic or your pussy from the front and one where it's spread a bit open. Can i get a picture of you fingering yourself? Can i get a pic of your pussy and ass from behind in one shot? Can i also get a pic your full front body in just your bra and panties? And can I get a pic of your ass while your panties are all up? Can I also get a pic of your boobs while you're in the shower? For the rest of the pics can you just send whatever sexy things you want? For the videos can i get a video of you twerking in just really short shorts? And one of you fingering yourself? One of you actually cumming? Also, can i get one of you playing with your tits while not wearing a shirt? If you have a dildo can you send my a
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I need a black girl to do my hair.
whats your kik
I'm like 40% black and there is no /mixed/ general on /soc/ ever.
Are there any mixed/lightskin chicks here?
I wish mixed dudes and mixed chicks would date each other more often but that's not really a thing in America. I don't know what to tell you, anon. Try going to Brazil or Cape Verde or something or moving to Louisiana and just talk to women.
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Hi y do ppl keep saying I look Indian lol
because you do
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ditzy midget chick who fidgets about most of the time and won’t stop talking once there’s something she’s interested in.
i’m into:
anime + manga (mecha • mahou shoujo)

>looking for
someone who she could talk to when she’s not busy, and those who have the same interests as she does-! she will not be able to get to anyone, disabling friend reqs when this happens.

>not looking for
horndogs lol

discord: kimagurefascinate
How short we talking?
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Ayo what we watching?
25 f eu
>About you
i mostly just make music
music (shoegaze, breakcore, indie etc), anime, vidya, chess, philosophy, history
>Looking for
nice people to talk to and maybe vc
>Not looking for
You look Sudanese, Somalian, Eritrean or Ethiopian. Not Indian.
Yup I'm East African lol
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》about me
I'm very proud about the fact that I entered the 6 figure club finally. I'm black and not in programming too!

I don't know what else to do with myself, honestly.

I try to volunteer my time to people or cook and give my food away to people that don't know how to cook. Videogames are fun sometimes. I don't play as much these days. I'm into politics somewhat, but not really because I don't do any activism. I like teaching as well but it doesn't pay. Turtles that have high pitched voices do too. I'm very adhd brained and ramble a lot if we vc. A bunch of other stuff too. Black girls think I'm weird for the most part. White and Asian girls think I'm cute and funny though. Also before you roll your eyes, my hairline is immaculate so shut up, I take care of my image.

I am a coomer if I have to be honest. I'm very horndog and I have to stop myself often.

Girls to talk to, I'll try not to be sexual if you don't want that. I won't ghost you either or make you feel bad either. But I will be honest and tell you if I will continue talking to you or not.

Hopefully we like each other.

Also you can be any race but it would be nice to be with a black girl for once. We're just more culturally compatible.


I'm not looking to pay for anyone. Girls that say "Spoil me" are huge turnoffs. Hookups. I'm horny but don't care for one night stands. Don't be too far from me. EST. Also if you're bad at talking and put no effort into conversations.

I think these are all reasonable.


I dont smoke. I do like the smell of cigarettes, though. They smell like my aunt who I miss.
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Afrobros, I think we need a mandatory afro check
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tfw hispanic male that likes black women but they usually go the usual secret racist white guy route who fetishize them.

Let me love you
cute for a dude meh for a chick but whats up?
>meh for a chick
why? i think she looks cute
Why do all 4chan black girls prefer white men?
21 male black anon from Boston
I'm down to chat with some brothers and sisters on downtimes
discord: whyyouromeo
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Hey 21F, anybody wanna chat on discord
nice pp anon, I'd suck it
Nigga wtf did I do to you?
you blocked me after I alluded to having sex irl, fucking loser.

You are in your 30s and have been trying to get autistic pussy from soc for the last decade.

Bitches beware
Are you male or female?
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as a half black half east asian tranny that that hasn't been clocked in over a decade and usually passes as tanned east asian/thai/filopina, i've found most black people especially the women lol, to be the hardest to talk to. the women get really jealous and the men are a bit macho (makes sense, black cultures worldwide are macho like latin). the colorism is worse than how women treat men's height with heightism. i dont tell people im trans but jfc the shit that comes out of these peoples mouth is insane. doesn't help that most are baptist or hardcore religious.

the few that've been cool have been gay black men or black people with an engineering/STEM background. i know this is very aggressive but, ive been trying to make friends but the culture differences seem to be a bit too much. i never really had any upper middle class black people living near me and the few that did were eventually evicted in 2008 crisis lol.

sorry again if this comes off as rude with lots of generalization, i just dont know how to cultivate and keep a relationship without crazy shit coming out of some person's mouth. im not even super left or right politically.
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Would you guys watch me stream incel talk?
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What do you think
I'd be down to chat, my discord is ewewewrawr
forgot to tag post, sorry
You still didn't post ur tag lol
why are you doing this :(
where do the eccentric or non conventional Black women hang out?
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Here. I only like white guys though. You may find one who likes non white men.
dc: solidgravy
Can you post more about you?
please i need you desperately (i am white)
are you european?
Being black online is so weird, have to develop a thick skin so quickly
Are you mixed or just lightskin?
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>>33199870 cuz why not
>>33204419 im just light skin
What’s your tag?
Damn. You're kinda cute.
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Yep I’m a black guy. However, I’m not an incel sadly
Can you timestamp?
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based same here. only dated white or half white/half asian guys.
What is it like to be "fully Black," anon? I am curious. I grew up in the hood and still don't know. Is it easier? Harder?
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What would you like to know? I want to be a stay at home wife for a white guy who will provide for me. I’ve been called self hating but I don’t care cause I love being black. I just don’t want to date a man who isn’t fully white (sorry Argentinians and half whites.) No Jews either sorry.

How come other races get to have preferences but black women can’t without being called “self hating”? Besides, White male black female marriages have significantly lower divorce rates.

No I’m in America lol.
>No I’m in America lol.
>What is it like to be "fully Black," anon? I am curious. I grew up in the hood and still don't know. Is it easier? Harder?
I mean it depends on the person I guess. I personally had an upper middle class upbringing, so I didn't really have any true struggles as far as I'm concerned. I would only get banter for being Nigerian, but nothing really more than that desu
Looking good that's what I think lol
I'd give u oral just for have the exia
Wait I thought this thread was just a black anon thread, not a international dating thread? Give it a rest.
Would you move to Canada?
Simping and attention whoring by desperate people is common on this board unfortunately. Nice afro by the way
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I thought so too? I’m a black fem anon who’s being honest.

I hear you can meet lots of black people in africa, why not move there?

ive met alot of illegals in europe when i was living there for almost a decade. half were good people but all of them had reprehensible beliefs. think southern usa but on steroids and lower IQ and world knowledge.

yucky yucky rubber ducky, dont mess with that fucky fucky
Wish I could date someone like you, unfortunately I'm a white skinned hispanic
>yucky yucky rubber ducky
hey now, leave duckies out of this >:(
Hey anon, m 28 white USA (South). If you have a discord anon, I'd like to see if we mesh. Gandalfthe_trey
Thats just life anon. I have no problem talking to women. I just wasn't an option in their minds until tney became single mothers, and I wouldn't want that for obvious reasons. I'm going to thailand, but that probably won't fill the hole of pining for what you never had. I just hope that other anons don't share my fate
I understand, anon. I just wish our women were not so shortsighted. I think the One Drop Rule is part of it because in every other place without it, there is a culture and mixed men date mixed women and vice versa. Only in America do you see that. You should know that Asians don't really like Blasians so I know they don't like Mulattos either. I think you would like Brazil or Guyana or Barbados better than Thailand. Either way, my brother, best of luck to you. Hope you find your dream girl.
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Hello Anons, I am not black but brown. I am your average MENA twink. I am looking for someone I can support emotionally and listen to. I love to care and listen for other Anons and hear their problems or they vent to me. Pic is my tummy but I am not looking for a partner.

>Discord: vexwillhex
I'm a loser. I'm not working or in school.
I love anime, gaming, and talking to people.
i just want friends to vc or text.
(not judgemental or religious)
>Discord: zacharydaiquiri
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5 ft 2 trans black guy here that grew up as "the black friend", AMA
wanna play mario kart double dash with me?
You like bwc?
yes to both :)
No idea. /soc/ is full of dicks, troons, BWC posts, etc. 4chan is a Japanese style site itself too so it attracts those who like Japanese culture more likely than not. Hikikomoris, weebs, otakus, autists, NEETs, AGP troons, wignats, etc are more likely to post on 4chan. A lot of those people happen to be White men and White women, Asian men and women, Hapa men and women, nerdy Black girls who may or may not be divestor/swirler types and Black men into White women or Asian culture.

So, the end result is the Black women who come here are more likely to want White men and/or be into anime + Japanese culture than not and the Black men who come here are more likely to be into White women or Asian women and Asian culture. This also kinda explains the racism and anti-black sentiments on boards like /soc/ with the Whites-only discord servers, /s/ and /gif/ where the OPs demand "no blacks" because of both this aspect and the board culture from boards like /b/ and /pol/, which are more influential and permeate the other boards, including the blue boards.
Tips to lose weight? My bf is tall and buff and I would like to slim down
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Kik: drunk4drinks
Subby male looking to jerk off for clack cocks.
I know this is a larping white dude trying to stir the pot. Funny how it didn’t work though.
>I know this is a larping white dude
what makes you so sure of that?
Thread explicitly for blacks, black girl comes in here just to beg for white dick when there are plenty of bwc threads on soc.
>Being excited for ubisoft slop
Have some self respect. The fact that they have fucking rap beat play while yasuke fights should turn you off from the entire game.
Also its hilarious how half the thread is some slavic niggers shitting up the thread with their jungle fever.
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You have to remember women internalize the shit they see and hear alot more then men, so any woman that spends lots of time around people who, quite literally, start frothing at the mouth whenever black people are mentioned or seen and attribute any negative human traits to the "niggers", probably has a low view of us and wants a white dude because of internalized biases.
Also like another anon said, black girls into nerd shit are just generally more into white/asian dudes, shit sucks but what can you do.
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posting again, new name tho
im down bad, so i guess i'll post here
21 m texas
my favorite game is fortnite, my favorite show is GOT. i like to browse /co/ and talk about the fall of the western animation industry. i also do music, write, and like to sketch in the mean time. i'm also into history (mainly black, european, and chinese history). ask me about the liezi or dao de jing
>looking for
an e-girl to that's around my age group who loves to talk about meaningful and interesting topics. dont mind horny, but let's get to know each other first? let's distract each other for a bit and say nice things to each other.
>not looking for
dudes or girls with dicks
i doubt i will get any adds but you miss every shot you don't take.
Seethe harder, Jamal. Black men have shit colored dicks and like to blame the white man for everything.

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