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>ITT you post IC as a monster hunter from WoD. Every user has an unique number appending their username. Need more info? refer to /wodg/

Reminder that conact and discussion with God_45 is strictly prohibited.
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>Don't ever stack more than 3 pumpkins together at night
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Hey guys, I have this drinking buddy of mine thats been acting odd for the past couple of days. He was telling me about his sorry love life over a couple of cold ones, and how recently a new bartender at the nightclub he bounces for has caught his eye, of course I told him to go for it, what'd be the harm? Well the next time I see him he's got these bloodshot eyes and looking a bit paler than usual, I ask if everythings alright and he says its all fine. I asked if he was able to score with that girl he was telling me about and he just blankly stared at me for a few seconds and said "there was no girl". How worried should I be? I'd really hate to merc this guy
in OP's defense, there's another thread just like this up called /shreck/ that's the exact same premise but with vampires and no one's bitched about it so far.
Fuck you guys.
If your close enough ask him about any substances he is taking and if the bartender was a trap or something.
Jumping the gun puts you at a disadvantage regardless but keep a watch on him.
Since you have drinks with him already I would also recommend shadowing him home one night and if you know his schedule taking some time to look around one of these nights.
Who knows at best you could help a guy kick a drug habit and at worst you found a issue to manage and send the guy to a sunny vacation in rehab.
how do you do fellow hunters??
The entire british isles is cursed. If you are operating in this region I highly reccomend you relocate. if you can't for whatever reason, stock up on guns, silver and paraphernalia for whatever god you worship, your gonna need it.
That's some pretty sound advice, thanks man. I'm thinking of scouting out this nightclub, the more I learn about it the sketchier it sounds. It seems like the club just popped up one day and became a mainstay with the youngins overnight.My younger coworkers have been there before, and the next time they show up on the job they're unfocused and can't find the strength to do their damn job and move the boxes out of storage.that place just gives me bad vibes. I'll go alone, the last group I worked with ended in tragedy. if asked I'll play it off as visiting my buddy and how he keeps talking about how cool the club is. hopefully I'm just being a paranoid geezer, but I'll prep for the worst
Godspeed Man
Don't make eye contact
And don't actually drink anything there.
I used to run with a group, but they wanted to rob a gun store :/. It all came to a head when we came across a vamp that was just a kid, and the first thing they did was levy a gun at her >:(. I was barely able to deescalate the situation, and now I have an injured vamp kid living in my apartnment. Apparently her sire was abusing her :(. I've been buying mice from pet stores, y'know the ones they feed to snakes? I figured it'd be a good enough substitute to the real thing, atleast for now.She's got some really nasty scars that haven't been healing the way I've seen other vamps heal before, and I don't really know how to help. I can't be home 24/7 and I'm worried some bad hunters or another vamp will find her. The good news is that we are starting to build a rapport I think, though she is not very talkative, and I've heard herself late at night. Any help or advice would be appreciated :)
Some context, there's been a recent string of murders near my neighborhood with the only thing stringing them together being the intense brutality of the slayings. I'm talking guts on the ceiling and limbs shoved up asses kind of shit. The vics I've managed to do background searches on all seem to be scum, but that doesn't mean some monster gets to just kill them and whoever else they want. How long until they turn their fangs or claws or whatever the fuck on innocent people? I didn't have many leads to go on, but there's been this drifter type I've recently started seeing at night. Real creepy fucker, the kind that makes you wanna cross the street if you were to walk past him. So with no other info, I follow him. Yeah, I know, total noob move to go in unprepared, but I only meant to do some reconnaissance. Now it didn't see me, I know it didn't. I can be stealthy when I need to be. But at some point everything just goes dark. I mean I'm out, I can't remember anything. Hours later I'm huddled behind a dumpster, drenched in sweat and what smells like piss. So what gives? Was I fucking abducted?
A gap in your memory means you where DEFINITELY seen. the good news is that your still alive and breathing, Him sparing you may give credit to this guy only killing criminals, but he's to dangerous to go unchecked like that.The bad news is your gonna have to see a doctor, the shady no questions asked type. Have him run scans on you, xray, ct, all of it. Look for anything out of the ordinary, If this murder guy has the slightest thought of you being a hunter he's probably got you wired or marked in some way. The last thing you want is to expose any nearby hunters to this guy. Also try finding the most credible nonbullshit gypsy psychic, 99% of these hags are bullshiters but there is that 1% that can tell if your cursed or not.
Amaze I need you to understand that despite thinking your doing the right thing you have just set yourself up with a timebomb
Once turned time stops for all of them
She could actually be decades if not hundreds of years old
It will end with if not you then another person getting killed
How many lives are worth her one
Its not even a real life anymore
Give yourself a day away from her and when you see her again don't try and look her in the eyes
Just do what needs to be done
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I can't tell if this is typical wit for the rabble on this board, or proof that even leeches have village idiots. I would suspect the former, but we have seen before that Witness1's protections have their limits.

You brought one of them to your own home? Does it have access to your personal information? Even if this is one of the "good ones" the merciful types refer to, you have seriously compromised yourself. I won't tell you to stop doing... whatever it is you feel you must do. But please, try to secure any resources or information that might fall into the creature's hands in a worst-case scenario.
Does this use the NEN system?
boy i sure am glad there aren't any hunters on this forum. i'm looking for a reliable provider for souls right now and i don't need the heat
I can't trust back alley docs with access to all the top equipment no more. My small group once had someone like that, and the dude was great, could patch up anything. But I had this friend we're gonna call Seth. Seth was more accident prone than the rest of us, so he's spending more time with our good doctor. Now it's like the more Seth sees this doctor, the better he got at the work we do. I'm talking suddenly he's lifting monsters above his head, kicking in steel doors, taking hits that should've left him dead and he's walking away fine. But I began to notice he'd developed discoloration on patches of his skin, his limbs would sometimes just go into fits of spasming like they weren't his own, and at times he'd get into like these fugue states and act like a completely different person. I was gonna confront him about all of this, but one day he just up and disappears. I check out his place, and there's medical equipment all over, his fridge was full of blood bags and unlabeled syringe vials. It weirded all of us out so bad that we set the place on fire with the intention of obscuring any evidence of oddity, but really we were just scared. Now get this, good doctor's office is just gone. Not only is it like he was never there, but now there's some shitty convenience store using the same space set up like it was always there. I honestly thought I was losing my mind when I noticed stains under their open air coolers as if it had been there for years. CT machines don't fall off trucks is all I'm saying.
I got a vet I go to now that does some work for small time mafia toughs. He's nothing fancy, but I'll have him look me over for any new incisions or protrusions. I mean, unless it really was aliens, what kind of medical miracles could they have performed on me to implant a tracking device without leaving scars?
As for gypsies, look I'm not trying to be racist but the last time I went to a kumpania, I "misplaced" my wallet.
I appreciated the concern but... I really can't do what your implying :/. I've always been the type to nurture injured birds or squirrels as a kid, its just my nature. I would hope she isn't taking advantage of me, I have seen bad vamps "compell" people before, and I have tried to take precautions, like using second sight when speaking with her but... have we ever considered that second sight could be biased? We don't know who or what these messengers are, whats to say that the vision they give us isn't a bit skewed to get us to do what they want us to do? I know this sounds crazy, but I just can't correlate the scared little girl with the bloodthirsty drooling monster in second sight. Perhaps I'm too soft, I've stopped hunting after all, I spend most of my time trying to research these supernaturals and try to understand them than seek them out to push them out. I have the bare minimum for self defence, a stake and a handgun, but I really really don't want to use them :(.

I've fallen out of contact with other local hunters, we never jelled well but the last incident was the straw that broke the camel's back. I only browse hunter-net during the daytime, I understand the importance of keeping the site secret. The only thing I really have are overdue library books and notes on different supernaturals, and brainstorming ways on how we could have a world were we all kill eachother alot less. I'm a good Samaritan at heart, I don't collect information or methods on how to hurt others. My current plan is to try to help her reccouperate, and try to convince her to not feed on people but animals, or maybe get blood from a blood drive. I know I can't care for her forever, and it'll be best to let her go after she recovers, but I don't want her hurting other people.
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AmazeSauce, if you are for real and you can get this girl to stay at peace with you, then you are a better man than most of us on this board and you are as amazing as your handle says. I still think you're going to get eaten though. If she eats you I will try my best to hunt her down.
But I am really hoping you succeed. For all of our sakes.

Anyway, if your only goal is to keep her safe until she's healed then you got the problems of safety of her, and safety from her.

Safety from her:
Ask the vamp kid what age she is, (both mortal age and how long she has been a vampire). Start researching child psychology and development. Any books for adults on how to talk to children can also be helpful. The biggest problem is going to be finding good material. There are so many parenting and psych books that are about as useful as toilet paper.
Build more rapport. Talk about how your family loves you and all your hopes and dreams, and connections with others. Make her see you as human and valuable. Militaries train potential kidnap vicitms to build rapport because the stronger bond you can build with your captors, the more hesitant they may be to harm you. But NEVER bring up conversations that may aggravate her.

If you are not willing to fight, then you better get ready to run. The car always has a full tank. Wherever you live has to have multiple exits. You better make friends with your neighbors. Carry that handgun at all times, don't let it out of your sight, including in the bathroom and shower.
Safety of her:
If you are tracked by vamps then remember that Fire is the friend of the hunter.
But now you have the kid as a liability. You can scare off vamps using flares and anything that burns but make sure your new daughter isn't hit by any flames or she'll rip through you to get away, no matter how much she likes you (or how much you believe she likes you). Stock up on fire crackers.

If you are tracked by "bad" hunters as you call them then remember, we are just squishy humans at the end of the day.

I would say lean on your fellow hunters of your creed as well, but only the ones you can really trust. Good luck
These things might have once been human, but they are not anymore. They do not think like us, even if they can pretend they do. You think you're building rapport, but it's only learning everything it can to utterly ruin you, and the people in your life that you care for, the moment you stop being useful to it. I don't pretend to know everything about these creatures, but I do know they need more blood in them than what feeder mice can provide. Eventually it is going to snap and drink you dry, and then it's going to pull the same scared puppy act on someone else. I do believe that there are some monsters that may not mean to cause harm to humankind. Vampires are not one of them. Do the right thing and put a stake in it.
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The voices are telling me to kill the clowns strippers we had over at my cousin stag party. Is this normal? before last week all that attracted their attention where the hobos that asked me for some spare change.
I'm actually a girl :3 but thank you for the insight. I said "bad" hunters because the people I used to run with, the people that where also in the same incident that changed my life, where not the people I thought they where, they changed. I guess I stook with them for so long because I felt like we were connected due to the experience we shared and our previous friendship, but even then I felt incredibly wrong. That "event" that happened to me... it wasn't as grandiose or life threatening as others where. we took a wrong turn into the right alley while walking to our dorm, found an vamp that was staked and his head was caved inwards. He wasn't the easy on the eyes and my first instinct was to try to help, I crouched next to him and asked if he was alright, I heard him groggily mumble something about "cammies" before I was pulled back by my friends. They told me to "not get too close to that thing" and that they'd take care of it. The next thing I know they grabbed some bricks from a nearby decrepit wall and... finshed the job.The brutality they displayed shook me to my core, I was stunned, and I feel guilty for not saying anything or stopping them. I understand that some of these vampires are indeed monsters in name and character, I've encountered some myself back when I hunted with the group, but that doesn't change the fact that these vampires where people once, and some don't get a choice in it. That's what happened to alice (not her real name ofc) She said that her family ran a profitable mining company decades ago, but their earnings was off the backs of hundreds of mistreated workers, and that one of them decided to get revenge on their family after he was "embraced". Her family publicly doted on her, and he decided that the best way to ruin them was to "sully their precious daughter" right in front of them. The only reason she's "alive" today is because he took sick pleasure in defiling her, and saw it as the ultimate defilement.
I know her story sounds like BS, and I would be hesitant to believe it too, if it wasn't for the fact that we found her chained and scarred in a dank cellar that seemed to be repuprosed into a torture chamber. We where there looking for her sire, he was the boss of a person, a "ghoul" they said, that my "friends" beat half to death for information on local supernaturals. I was lucky enough to stop them from killing outright killing him. We never found her sire, The others where still adamant on finding him when I broke off, but I'm far more concerned about protecting and hiding alice and I from him then seeking revenge. I stopped down by the local hospital, and through some connections I made back in med school I was able to procure some bags of human blood. I'm a bit hesitant to give them to her if the mice aren't enough I'll upgrade to rabbits before moving on to human blood, And i'm definitely going to pace her on it, the way I've heard human blood be referred to by vamps desperate to get ours during a fight it must be like heroine to them, so only a little bit at a time, let her get acclimated to it first. I live in a small offshoot of the city without much foot traffic, I owe stupid student loans to the banks so I can't afford a car, I got around by bike beforehand. The good news is that the appartment next to mine is vacant and has direct acess to the fire escape, which leads into a backalley away from the entrance. That tip on fire is good too, I own a zippo lighter, flicking it open and closed calms my nerves, I guess it was about time I bought fuel for it, that and an aresol can could work as "vampire pepperspray". I lost my younger sister in a freak accident, and I failed that man when I got my powers, I won't allow myself to fail again.
>clown strippers
You kids these days will never cease to confuse me. Are you sure these are the same voices from the Call? Maybe have the clown strippers over again for a different party, and then pay attention to how they act and what they say. DON'T get too friendly with them, the less they know about you the better, meld into the background and keep the booze flowing, you want these girls to have a good time and act as they would in a relaxed setting, if that turns out as preditorial and clingy than you might have some vamps on your hand
You sound unwell. Leave the work to the people that actually knows what they're doing. Get help.
Don't encourage them. If these are creatures of the night, then going out of your way to put other people in harm's way is the last thing you should do. More likely than not, these are just innocent women working a shitty job, and this psychopath is going to murder them.
>you might have some vamps on your hand
I thought that was the case too but then the party lasted when on until dawn and I saw them walk in the early sun before getting into the cab. the voices were screaming to grab my pans and smash their heads in instead of throwing my drink at them and setting them on fire so I am pretty sure they were the ones from the Call.
I am just worried about how to handle this weird shit and how trying to run it over with my hummer might go sideways.
ok nevermind you're crazy
I need advice and based upon what I have seen I think your the best people to ask.
I have really weird dreams, ones that tend to unearth old forgotten information.
Stuff from books I read ages ago and the like.
The kind of info that helps on hunts.
But recently I have been having the same dream once a week or so
I start out in a field and begin walking through this canyon filled prairie
Eventually I end up in the library of my old grade school
From there I go to access the computers on the far side of the room.
And suddenly there is this figure shaped like a man made of inky black shadow with no other features.
I can feel it posses immense malice
When I try to flee or rush past it it grabs me and I wake up
This has been going on for the last 3 months and I have developed headaches that have been worsening
Last night I tried to fight back and after it grabbed me I struck out at it tearing it to pieces.
Then as I tried to fall back asleep my fight or flight kicked in and I was stuck in a semi lucid state for a few minutes
I swear I could see it just for a moment in my room.
Does anyone have any experience anything like this or am I just starting to crack up?
Do you have any hunter friends you could bunker with for a while? It may help to have another imbued with you, I know some of us get these healing powers, maybe they could soothe your dreams for you? and if this ominous figure does show up in reality well, it'd be nice to have a friend with a shotgun on standby. Otherwise socializing and taking a break away from the hunt may help if this is simply your mind being overworked from stress and the hunt
I'm sick and tired of these goddamn wraiths. they have these most balls to the wall "well you know the thing keeping me here is the fact that when we were kids my sister called me a poopoo head so now I possess little girls that look like her".
I tried staking one of them and he didn't fucking die!
He just stood there, unmoving, we had to cut his head off. We made more of a mess than needed and now I'm tyring to get the blood off my clothes. It sticks like hell.
Get your facts straight next time.
Atleast staking them does SOMETHING. One of the people I worked with tried to load up on chocolate and grapes because "chocolate kills dogs and like, werewolves are just giant dogs right??"

Before you pricks say anything, yes I know anyone can wear a black suit, that's not what I mean. I've been staking out this vamp den for months now, real creepy place. It's some dude's plastic surgery clinic, and the mosquitoes must have some kinda ridiculous dirt on him cause the dude is a fucking mess. Surgeons are supposed to be rich right, so why is he living in a house that looks like a fucking crack den?? Anyway that's not the point.

Every week or so, a couple dudes in black suits step out of an unmarked van and walk into the place. It's never the same guys, but they all look like the most stereotypical government spooks you can imagine. Sunglasses, clean suits, the same haircut, and one of them always has an earpiece. Whatever they're doing in there, I can't figure it out.

So that's weird enough right? It gets worse. Last week I was trying to set up an ambush to kidnap one of the bloodsuckers for a good old fashioned interrogation. Right as I start prepping the trap though, one of those black suit fucks randomly shows up and asks me what I'm doing. Obviously I spill the usual oblivious pedestrian lines and the dude seems to buy them, but why in any fucking world was he there right then?? It wasn't nearby that doctor's office, and I've ONLY seen the suits there. I've never met a spook like that before in my life, and it happens right when I'm ready to snatch a vamp? Have the bastards been watching me the whole time? Do they know everything I've been doing for months? I can't even sleep at night thinking I'm gonna wake up with a pair of fangs in my throat now!
I'm in a bit of a pickle here with my cell, we were clearing out some leeches held up in a sewer and one of us got bit, and I guess embraced. He went on a rampage when he woke up, drained a poor woman and attacked us, but came down soon after and started sobbing. Must've been some kind of hellbeast that got him, he mutated after he got bit and his body is still warping just a night later, it doesn't take a doctor to see the tumors bulging out of his skull and chest.

I don't want to kill this guy. He's begged for death, but we've been friends since childhood. Fuck man, I can't keep up the emotionless attitude I'm verging on tears writing this here. Is there anything I can do to save him? Please, I don't want to kill some monster knowing my friend is still inside it.
How far gone is he? How much of your friend is still in there? I'd say its a really good sign if he's feeling remorseful over draining a person and as macabre as it may be, begging for death. It means he still cares about human lives. I'd say the best thing to do to help your friend is to not push him away, try to help him with his new condition, maybe try to see if he could feed off of farm animals instead of people? The last thing you want to do is make him feel like a monster or a freak,pushing him away would just lead to more people being hurt.
>How far gone is he?
He's fallen into an almost catatonic state at this point. We didn't even have to lock him up, he willingly went into his bedroom. Whenever I check up on him he's just sitting there, in the corner, face in his hands. I don't think he's taking it too well, we have him on suicide watch practically.

>How much of your friend is still in there?
He remembers everything, his voice is all fucked up but that's probably from whatever turned him. I've tried talking with him, telling him he's still of use to our cause, that he isn't a monster just because of his condition, but he pushes away any help I offer and tells me he'd be better off dead in his condition.

>Try to see if he could feed off of farm animals instead of people?
He's been refusing any food or blood we offer him, bagged, animal, it doesn't matter. If he calms down, and leaves this depressive state maybe he can live a life of feeding on animals.
Guys, is it true that some of you are Nation of Islam idiots? How did you get here, I thought this was a monster-free board
>he's been refusing blood or food
that's... not good. it sounds like he could be in denial, but I'm no psychological expert. the real problem is refusing blood, if he tries to starve himself he might end up going berserk again as his darker impulses takes over, its better to have him grow accustomed to blood(preferably animal but if you really need to than do bloodbags) and learn to pace himself and control his impulses rather than hide away and deny reality.
sorry rereading this it sounds less like denial and more like depression and suicidal tendencies, which isn't good either. my thoughts and prayers go out to you guys
What are you doing? You see a monster you squash it.
It doesn't matter how well you knew it, because its no longer your friend.
You either nip this in the bud or you let a real hunter take care of this
Just tell him about the rabbits and spare yourself the grief of seeing them degenerate into an animal.
Slug to the back of the head, nice and quick for both of you.
Don't listen to people like >>92846061 Alright? They ain't real hunters
There is NO such thing as a "good" monster
There is NO such a thing as rehabilitation for monster
There is NO cure for them besides a bullet

Those blood suckers down in the sewer you killed all probably started the same as your "friend" here
Probably swearing up and down how they are "reluctant" and "forced" to do it to survive
Don't you fool yourself into thinking things will be different this time
I guess it doesn't matter. He broke out of his room during the day, we found him, or what was left of him, as ashes behind our apartment. Just. Fuck. This is the first time our cell has lost a hunter, and I wish it could've been just a quick death. We're hosting a memorial service for him later today, I don't know what he would want done with his remains. We're telling his mom as much as we can, but I guess the plan now is to send his ashes to his mom.
my condolences, losing a friend is always hard.
It seems god sends you its most special warriors.
Tough shit. May his soul rest in piece and condolences to his mom.
Peace* Fuck this board doesn´t let you edit your messages.
Listen, if you got glowies protecting this leech, then maybe it's in your best interest to back down. Pick your battles and all that, but none of us are organized enough to take on Uncle Sam. Best to pretend like you didn't see anything and pray that you don't wake up one of these days at a black site. And if it makes you feel any better, you can even pretend that these men in black are going to take out this monster. I doubt it, it'd be the first good deed a government ever did, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
It's hard to hear, but this is for the best. I honestly believe that once turned, they are no longer the person you knew. There's an initial period of confusion where it THINKS it's a person, but once that passes everyone is fair game. I mean, it already killed one innocent person, that wasn't going to be the last. Count yourself lucky that you didn't have to put it out to pasture yourself. Killing monsters wearing your friends' faces is hard, you don't sleep right again ever after.
There's posts on shreck.net from some sewer rat going by abr4x4s, claiming that your friend isn't dead. They took him back. I'd move your cell ASAP, and come back for vengeance on the warren you thought you cleared out. They said it's in Miami, I don't live too far away (won't post locale for safety reasons) but meet me in Little Havana near that mexican grill, if you're a native you should know where.
I miss bookworm and oracle... I still can't believe what happened in montreal. those poor guys
I'm on my way. Got a few hours of prep. Bringing some molotovs. I'm making these fuckers pay.
If your planning on bombrushing these creatures like a neanderthal, don't. As lothe as I am to admit it, these sewer dwellers are clever,quick witted, and undoubtedly have traps set up within their network. You lost a comrade, I understand, but don't go losing the whole cell over an emotionally fueled hail mary.
Listen to the violinist, you're just going to get yourselves killed. Vengeance should be meted out, but do it smart. First things first, abandon whatever place you've been hiding out at. Clearly these fuckers found you out, and you're lucky that you're not already strung upside down from the ceiling getting bled out. Scatter, heads low, and go incognito for a couple days if not weeks. If you go down into the sewers, you are not coming back out. These creatures act like rats, treat them like rats. Stake out which holes they come out of and plug 'em up. Better yet, trap that shit with explosives, punji sticks, anything that's gonna hurt. Shouldn't need to say this, but do this all DURING THE DAY. One thing to keep in mind, leeches aren't mindless. If you can stalk them down, they can do the same to you. Keep on the move constantly. Don't settle down until you know you've crippled them. And just because the sun's out don't think you can rest. They have agents everywhere. I've never seen it personally, but I've heard some have familiars. Might sound crazy, but if you think a birds looking at you funny, shoot it. Good luck and happy hunting.
was my childhood friend a fae of some sort? Becoming imbued with these powers and having a second view on reality has had me and I'm starting to have some doubts about my past. So, some context, I was a lonely kid, didn't make friends and tended to stay couped up in my house. I spent my time reading and dreaming up fantastical scenarios to entertain myself, and in a couple of my dreams.. it gets really fuzzy but I remember there being this girl. brown hair, green eyes and about my age, maybe a little younger. She would show up from time to time and ask me curious questions, strangely looking back I feel as though I was more lucid during those parts of my dreams than any other. But fastfoward right, fresh face at middleschool ready for another 4 years of isolation and insulation, except... there was this new girl. At the time I didn't recognize it but the more I think about it the more I remember the similarties between her and the girl from my dream. I don't know why she ever struck up a conversation with me on the first day of school, I was short and nerdish, and definitely stumbled in conversations.But she showed an interest in the books I read, lord of the rings, a wrinkle in time, narnia series. We became such fast friends and we spent our times out in the backyard letting our imaginations run wild. it gets pretty hazy here, I can't remeber any specific times or events, but I do remember it feeling *real*, realler than a kid just playing pretend if that makes sense. But as quickly as she appeared she was gone come highschool, leaving me lost and confused my freshman year.I suppose I would just like closure, she was my first real friend and the person who taught me how to socialize, I remember her being so charming, everyone that came across her seemed to come to adore her. Now knowing that the supernatual is real has caused me to question my life's history, and all those odd things that were dismissed at the time.
Me too. I also miss Cabbie and Leaf.
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How do we stay sane?

I've lost most of my money, most of my family, the only reason I've kept my day job is to spend money on bread and bullets. My only friends are weirdos on this mongolian hunting forum who spend all their time being as crazy as I am.

Reminds me of the homeless vets on the street corner. You might have done something amazing for your country but it hasn't helped you at all.

What's the point of the hunt if we all end up losing our minds in the process? What does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?
If giving my eternal soul would secure the safety and wellbeing of the world and it's inhabitants, I'd give it in a heartbeat. My life has been one long malaise, I did fine in school, I had average parents, a lazy homelife,spent my teenage years lazying about and playing video games.I landed a shitty office job after my mom threatened to kick me out. It was drab and suffocating, and what did I really contribute in my time? pushing papers and increasing the gains of some tech billionaire by .05%? This calling has given me a chance to do *something* with my life, leave a mark and improve my community. The hunt is for the betterment of humanity, not the individual. Body and soul.
Has anyone else seen an angel? I saw this girl passing out fliers and had a second sight flash. Beautiful. Wings and everything. I got a flier later, some sort of recovery program. Should I go?
I say yes. if your seeing someone as angelic in second sight that doesn't necessarily mean they literally are an angel, but definitely a good person that the messengers want you to get into contact with. I say go for it.
I haven't got anything else going on. I'll go tonight and send back when I work out what's going on.
Be careful fren, demons can appear the exact same to mortal eyes, imbued or not. They call it their apocalyptic form, they reserve it to awaken mortals and entrance them into thralls. If you do go, bring a Crucifix, holy water, and a Bible. Pray to Christ before you enter, and if your faith in Him is great enough, he will keep you safe from any of the demon's temptations. If at any moment it starts recoiling from you or any symbol of faith, GTFO.
With all due respect, telling him to go in with only christian paraphanelia is a death sentence. Christianity won't save us, we need to save ourselves. God has most likely abandoned us, if he does exsist, perhaps christ himself is keeping the lights on in heaven, maybe he's the one behind the messengers, but relying on blind faith is NOT going to protect you when it counts. Milkman, if you have doubts I reccomend bringing a switch blade out of cold iron, and a switch blade made out of silver. bring a zippo lighter and something flammable aswell. that should cover your bases for whatever supernatural she might turn out to be.
Been stuck in a chair since a vampire hit me up against a wall six years ago. When she saw me she smiled. I'll tell you guys if it's anything.
It's exactly this line of thinking, this doubt, that makes it NOT work. Granted I should've clarified that symbols of faith alone wouldn't do the job, but it will protect you. The cross I keep in my front left shirt pocket alone has saved my life more times than I can count. The Supernatural exists to test us, the leeches exist to test our willpower and humanity, the beastshifters our strength and courage, the wraiths to test our senses, and the demons to test our faith in Him. I have given blood for my faith in The Lord, and in Him I find salvation.

Ezekiel 25:15-17
Thus saith the Lord God; Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred; therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

Further reason to tread lightly, demons perform false miracles, in guise of service to the Lord as His Angels. Were this a true Angelic being, should they offer any aid in your condition, they will request no prayer towards themselves, but towards The Lord.
how do you explain hunters of other faith? of islam and judaism? There is a higher power I don't doubt that, no world this fucked up wouldn't have one. But he is not all good and all knowing as Christianity spouts. Don't let your zealous human beliefs blind you to the phsycial human reality. We already have had hunters prove that monsters can be understood with scientific study. look at fyodor's writings, his experiments.
>how do you explain hunters of other faith? of islam and judaism?
The Brothers of the Faith worship the same God. YHWH, Jehovah, Allah, no matter what name you assign him, it is the same being, it is Our Lord. Read the Quran, and read the Torah, you will find a similar, all-knowing God, and especially one who trials His subjects, to test their faith and their resolve. Mortals simply cannot divine what He truly believes, I ascribe to Christianity because I believe Christ had died for our sins, though I can respect the belief of the Judaists, who believe the return has not yet occurred, and the Muslims who follow the teachings of the Prophet.

>We already have had hunters prove that monsters can be understood with scientific study.
I'm not one to argue against modern sciences, but in my belief it is only 2/3rds of the true nature of things. How else would you explain Wraiths and the definitive existence of the Soul? How else would you rebuke the ancient hunters who drove leeches back with His name alone?

I refuse to believe in this notion of God as cruel, for if He were so heartless, why would we be imbued? If God intended for the sheep to live without guardians, to be preyed upon by the wolves, He would've left the flock without His hounds. We are His hands. We are divinely chosen to defend His people, His creation. Is there not a more noble and loving purpose? For man to serve his fellow man as anointed by God?

I'll play it safe. Maybe God doesn't want me shitting in a bag forever. I'm tired man.
So you're a loser with low self esteem and some girl in middle school made the mistake of befriending you. Don't level accusations like that here. Some of us are crazy enough to search through your post history and try to compile enough tidbits of who you are to find this girl and murder her. There are fairies, goblins, trolls, etc. I'm not entirely knowledgeable about them, but from the explanation I was given; they're a type of spirit that possesses people, eats the emotions of normal people, and have certain powers, mostly of illusion. They will look like normal humans to everyone except those using the sight. I've had the displeasure of killing one, you'll be standing over the body of a normal man or woman after. I'm sure others here could tell you more.
>I've had the displeasure of killing one, you'll be standing over the body of a normal man or woman after. I'm sure others here could tell you more.
What drove me to seek solace in Him was killing a changeling. It isn't worth it, I'll be blunt. I don't know what the kind I killed was. She was a young girl, couldn't have been older than 15, with hair black as pitch and a sullen look on her face. It was late at night, guess she was coming home from school or something, I walked past her, looked over my shoulder and I saw it. I saw her true form. I saw her body grow emaciated in an instant, the skin around her lips and eyes blackening as her eyes themselves rolled back in her head. The first instinct I had was to magdump her, I thought she was a leech.

I was wrong. Standing over her body she didn't change into anything. I started dry heaving, I broke down sobbing thinking I had killed an innocent teenager. In some ways I had. The trauma of staring a human corpse in the eyes, doubting yourself if that really was a monster. It's not worth it. Not in a million years. Not when the world has far greater evils lurking in far higher places.
How do you do in the hunt these nights? I pray that you each come closer to slaying one of the demons, either those bound to the earth, or those bound to the souls of men.
Fuck you, leather man.

In closing, kill leeches and tear down their ivory towers. I heard that there is a particularly onerous one these nights in the Bronx. One who goes by ‘Torque’. He’s calling himself the ‘Baron’ of the Bronx.
Looks like a good opportunity for some Thug Hunters to make an example out of this fat leech.
You can lack in conviction and sob all you like, but mine had it coming. Slept his way around the local larp scene, which normally like cool, get it bro. Only everyone he fucked ended up killing themselves. Every. Single. One. Crossed the wrong person in the end.
Mine was beautiful by the way. Like, inhumanly. I still dream about him weird enough.
>Sodomite Post
Opinion disregarded
i fucked up trying to post this under the correct trip and i just cant be bothered trying to fix this embarassment i wanted to use the lizardman99 trip, im gonna kill myself k bye
do it yourself, though I have a sneaking suspicion that your a bloodsucker yourself, trying to use hunters to get rid of the competition eh? (I do agree though FUCK god_45)
Oh fuck off. I'm not even into dudes that much. The corpse itself was average enough, but that monster's eyes looked into your soul and made it feel like all of your problems would just disappear if you just let him. Fix you, save you, let him live. It didn't work in the end.
These thoughts are consistent with sodomite temptations. I suggest turning to the good book since you're clearly still suffering from the temptation.
Sadly, I'm stuck in Ohio, looking for some witches. I need to kill them before they get the chance to set up their cycle of reincarnation.
I'm not dead!

It's been a while hasn't it? and browsing the 'net this morning I'm seeing a lot of anti-supernatural sentiment, so I think an update is in order :D

Alice is doing better than before, she now drinks about 2 bloodbags a week. I'm not too worried about food for her, I was a nurse before I learned of the supernatural, and I made some connections that have greatly helped me without any questions asked. I went grocery shopping the other day but I felt on edge throughout the entire trip. I'm thinking of moving us to a cousins place in a small community to crash at. somewhere we can settle without looking over our shoulder. Since my last post I've been trying to spend at least an hour a day with alice, doing a variety of activities like knitting, reading and playing boardgames. At first she was very wary of me and barely talked, but after sharing about my family and my childhood she opened up a bit. She says that before she was turned she enjoyed taking naps in her familys yard during the summer, and that she used to care for her baby brother when her parent's where busy. overtime the conversation shifted to the future, and she said she'd like to learn how to sew and make clothing. She has been getting a bit antsy about going outside more, and I do want to let her out, I'm just afraid that she isn't fully recovered yet and we may run into trouble. Last weekend I promised to bring her to the park if she joined me in playing monopoly. I'm prepping for the trip now, I'm packing some nocturnal binoculars, a birdwatching book with the nocturnal birds bookmarked, a lighter, 2 stakes, a handgun with 1 extra clip, and a small compact homemade "macethrower" (mace but fire). I'm glad I was taking those welding classes at community college. I'm also bringing some snacks and I am bringing my emergency phone. I'll post an update about how it goes, and I hope to highlight with these posts that supernaturals are people too,often we jump to killing what we don't understand
My great grandma is haunting my old family home. I dunno what I should do
There is a fledgling in my neighborhood. The HOA lady has, at my request, bothered him to join one of our social events for months. Recently, ive found some people skulking around her home, and some movers have appeared as well. I believe he intends to flee tonight. Should i set fire to his home before, or find a way to break in and wait?
Perform a Seance and speak, ask her why she cannot move on. Do you know if she was close to something, something she may have lost before she died, or if something happened just before?
why even bother inviting him to a social event if your know where he lives and are considering attacking him now? and why did you get a normie involved? that poor lady is being stalked by that vamp now, don't push the dangerous work onto those that can't defend themselves
Hey I was wondering if slashers are real
Not like random serial killers but like killers you see in horror movie flicks
There has been a recent string of killings near my local area and they aren't disappearing in the middle of the night and they don't got claw or bites on them.
Anyone experience psychos like that?
It could just be a regular serial killer y'know? ted bundy was a normal dude as far as I know and he killed quite a lot of people
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I don't really understand the appeal of hunters. Mages are just hunters+. They can do everything a hunter can and more, they actually understand the supernatural they're fighting, and they're not just the disposable pawns of a supernatural group.
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Hunter's about being the underdog average joe thats had their world turned upside down. they are blindly stumbling trying to piece together the truth of the world, and protect the people they care about in the process. with vigil your just a normal human fighting against the supernatural, while reckoning does give hunters powers with imbuement, they are supposed to only be minor in comparison to the monsters they face, hence why they are called "edges", they are the edge a hunter needs to attain victory. Many a reckoning hunter die an early death because they rely too heavily on the messenger's gifts, and not their wits and ingenuity. In a large setting scale hunters shouldn't be a giant threat, they aren't supposed to be, hunters are rooted in the idea of "what would you do if you learned that your neighbor was a zombie? that the kindly old elementary teacher was actually a vampire feeding on the children? How do you(r character) deal with the ramifications of this new reality?
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God_45's advice is the only reason my players are alive lmao. In one of the supplements, the guy goes on a schizo post about how you should only sleep 4 hours a night, and suggests the use of electric shocks to break the habit of sleeping less than that. In the campaign one of my players cited this specific passage as justification for how he would know to use electricity to keep himself awake to avoid having his soul eaten by a ghost. It actually saved them all.

Thanks God_45, you did nothing wrong.
If he was just a schizo that occasionally gave good advice he wouldn't have been banned. Dude spent weeks tracking down a blogposting pacifist redeemer so he could mindbreak her into dismembering her vamp friend with a cleaver. also before that he jumped one of the vamps ghouls, beat the shit out of him and caved his skull in, and then dragged the redeemer out of her house so he could ramble at her while pointing at the brutalized ghoul. he is a very fun character though, and adds to the setting. I think the hunter-net posts are my favorite type of fluff
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Guys I need help.
I live in a town full of nutjobs talking about lizard people and vampires and werewolves and molepeople.

Thing is some of it sounds legitimate. There have been disappearances, strange sounds in the night and a lot of activity in places everyone knows you shouldn't lurk around. I think some of these people might have some real intel? How separate the legit stuff from the crazy?
Lets work with what we know. First off lizard and molepeople have not been sighted or verified by this site afaik. So we can safely put them in the unlikely bin for now, now werewolves and vampires are our most common foe. werewolves don't kidnap people, from my experience werewolves are extremely isolationist and only make them selves known either when they are rampaging or rarely I've seen them attack people/animals shouting about worms(?). Now vamps *do* kidnap people, either to turn them or to use them in some sadistic fashion. It sounds like your town could have it pretty bad if there's an odd amount of "crazies" wandering around, they could possibly be rejects from some cult's expereiment thrown back onto the street. Whatever the case may be if this is a town wide threat I heavily reccomend grouping up with other hunters. I worked with a mage once, they can be incredibly helpful or incredibly dangerous, if you find one tread with caution, though they could make a powerful ally (if they are still sane).I wouldn't reccomend checking anything out on your own without a plan, you could end up unearthing something far bigger than you can handle if these aren't just the ramblings of mad men
I don't care if I say too much but is there anyone living in Oklahoma or near Indian Country and can give me somewhere to live? Ever since this started I've been absolutely scared shitless living on my reservation afraid of every single sound that happens at night and I don't know what to do. All my cousins now smell like wet dying dogs and thgey even look like them too! I don't have much. But I'm willing to steal my grandmother's car and drive it as far as I can if there's anyone I can live with so please respond A.S.A.P!!

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