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Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>10951232

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

Fixing frizz:
https://youtu.be/Q5BixBJG-Ik [Open]

Dealing with glue seepage:
https://youtu.be/JNT7EG507iA [Open]

Materials for customizing face, hair, and clothes:
https://youtu.be/iBtrDdHA8y8 [Open]

Sewing pattern books from Google+, reuploaded:
Sorry to be uniformed but I can't seem to find a simple answer through searches. What generally is the difference between a fashion doll and a BJD? Is it just aesthetics or that BJD is fashion doll but Japanese(anime) oriented? Thanks in advance for educating a pleb.
BJDs are ball-jointed and strung together. They are (usually) made of resin and are highly customizable, with swappable wigs, faces, eyes, hands and feet, etc. They are usually made by small companies and by artists, and for that reason are expensive and highly collectible (rather than playline).
The definition of a a "fashion doll" is a little fuzzier, but generally it refers to dolls that are plastic, ~11 inches in size (basically Barbie size, give or take), with swappable clothes and rooted hair. Articulation can be very high or very limited. These dolls are mostly playline but some collector lines do exist.
Another way of thinking of it is, BJDs are more like female-coded modeling kits and fashion dolls are more like toys.
Of course there are exceptions to everything I mentioned above, but that's generally the difference between them. I would say there is also a difference in community/types of collectors. Some people do collect both but the communities themselves seem to be very separate.
BJDs are typically more premium priced, Fashion Dolls include more playline dolls not just the collectors and premium priced dolls.
Also, just want to mention, anime doesn't really have anything to so with it. Some BJD have an anime aesthetic but not all. And BJDs were invented by Volks, a Japanese company, but companies that make BJDs exist in many countries now.
And some fashion dolls do have an anime aesthetic, especially Japanese ones like Licca.
So basically, the anime aesthetic (or lack thereof) can't really be used to determine the type of doll it is.
We need to add the edition title. I log into my phone. I type fashion doll general on the search bar and i get the old archived thread until it gets deleted.
BJDs are fashion dolls in a different niche.
BJDs technically could fit here, but discussing them here doesn't feel right.
Same reason why there's a lego general and a plastic building blocks general (not lego).
Idk. Just an autismo thing.
Like other anon said with african american fashion it's damned if you do and damned if you don't, at least mga give their black dolls variety with aesthetics.
They're also the brand with the most of black characters with omg and rh/sh but dolltwt will make you swear they're the most racist brands
BJD = Ball Jointed Doll, they are usually resin and held together with string. Technically shit like smart doll isn't BJD but is included because it's the same scale and play style

Fashion doll = fan slang for playline dolls with the main play aspect being dressing them up, usually plastic and 1/6 inch but can include some smaller/larger sizes, American Girl for example is larger like BJD scales but is a fashion doll

It's very clear what the difference is if you get into either hobby
I always felt like OMG had an interesting and authentic-feeling approach to diversity. There were some stereotypes but the difference between a stereotype and an in-joke is intent. They had enough variety that it didn't feel like they thought "all black ppl are like this, all latinx are like this, etc" which is what Mattel and Disney are guilty of. I couldn't imagine another doll brand making this doll for example, they wouldn't be able to image that a black girl might want to be cute and femme and wear pastel. They always make POC with natural undyed hair and brown eyes for "accuracy"; black girls can't be too femme but latinas MUST be femme. That feels more racist to me.
American Girls are fashion dolls? I guess I just mentally group them with baby dolls since they are so fucking ugly.
I thought the difference was BJD are always resin with wigs but I don't follow them at all.
We need to start asking the real questions: are HotToys fashion dolls?
just use the catalog and pin the thread
>We need to start asking the real questions: are HotToys fashion dolls?
very obviously not.
American girls are not fashion dolls. Tonner and Barbie are fashion dolls. American girls are play dolls, think raggedy ann, etc. However, people get them mixed up. AG does not have a focus on fashion, it is secondary to play.
wildly incorrect post you got there
Tonner and barbie were called fashion horses for a reason, AG are not fashion horses, at all. Not even in design, size, idea, execution, in no way are they the same class of doll.
american girl is a lot closer to barbie than raggedy ann. what a retarded comparison
>hurr durr if it dresses up its the same class
AG girls have a cloth body, or did you not know that? They were designed as soft play dolls, made out of soft plastic, in order to be cuddled. AG has nothing in common with Barbie.
>ag has nothing in common with barbie if you ignore all the things they have in common
We still allow any collectors to talk about them here if they want, it's not really that big of a deal since the collector base is so small especially in our little circle of doll collectors
I'm running through Braceface and although topic-wise I think a lot of it would now have "content warnings"
But the Bratz style vibe is there.
That's to be expected from any modern tween girl show from the 2000s
I love this doll, I've seen someone add eoh cupid wings to her and have been meaning to do that forever.
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Anybody here have Looks #13? I’ve been obsessed with her since I found out about her existence a few weeks ago (I’m not a hardcore collector or anything so I don’t follow all the doll releases) and I’m debating getting her. She’s not expensive but I’m an indecisive person lol. I also kind of want Looks #16 too because I don’t have a curvy Barbie yet and IMO she’s one of the best looking ones, but in a lot of the pics of her I’ve seen she has these weird discolored knees. Shame.

Also, side question, what is in your opinion the most beautiful doll you own or want?
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barbie tooth fairy
Yves Saint Laurent
It's not an autismo thing. It's because bjd collectors have insane drama over knockoffs and fakies, which very few other types of collectors do. Literally every time there was a bjd thread here on /toy/ it devolved into retarded drama, to the point that they just stopped being made altogether years ago. Excluding them helps limit the amount of drama we get in our thread.
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allegedly the 2024 howliday skelita
so skelitafags how are you feeling with the possibility that this yearly release might be the only collector dolls she gets?
Better than the last one I guess
This one is so much better than the first one
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the rupaul doll
The dress is so simple and the hate flat, where's her g3 doll ?

What the point of making her a monster if they're not gonna commit all the way ?
Why is it bearing its teeth at me like a snarling dog
You're not in /pol/ we aren't offended by drag queen or pronoms here
That's Ru's thing
>where's her g3 doll ?
I keep wondering the same, I feel like something should have leaked by now
Disappointed that they didn't really commit to the dragon thing and like actually make the doll a dragon monster, instead just doing dragon accessories
She looks more like an Ever After High antagonist than a Monster High character
I can't even tell if it's nice or not as everything is black with no detailing.
Gross. Monster High is so cringe now.
Apparently next year spring we are getting howleen and nefera so maybe in the fall with jinafire and mousecedes ?
I really hate g3 character roll out and how most new character second dolls are skulltimate instead of regular line
Ru Paul is a man
Most drag queens are but the "She" typically refers to the character they play, like if I'm talking about Trixie Mattel I'm not talking about Brian
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People are guessing the grey shoes are for the hocus pocus scullector and the ones above the grey shoes are nefera's for the collector 2-pack with cleo
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>Bring back G1
>Make Clawdeen and Toralei dykes for each other
This feels so contrived
I like it because it pissed off the Draculaura/Clawdeen shippers
I take great pleasure in seeing G1'ers seethe. Serves them right when they themselves are constantly so toxic.
Who gets those cool fish skeleton heels?
Monster Fest Lagoona. One of the only parts of her outfit that I like.
Who is this even pandering to? I don't feel like this was ever a popular ship. Anyway, both of them canonically had male love interests so I wonder if this retcons that, or says they're bi.
Someone at Mattel saw their chance to bring their rarepair into canon
Toralei is wearing a bisexual flag pin in her scarf. It's stupid, but it's there.
That's the lesbian flag, bisexual is blue purple pink
>both of them canonically had male love interests
Genuinely who, I cannot remember anyone actually relevant beyond the gargoyle Toralei brought up once and the brief moment Clawdeen was hot for a vampire
Honestly? Why would monsters be wearing normie fag flags anyway?
I don't particularly care either way, it's all performative from Mattel anyway
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Monster High apparently doing a collab with Killstar
Yeah, but it doesn't make any sense considering monsters consider most aspects of human culture either baffling or ridiculus.
Anon be so for real, the "normals weird" plot point was dropped almost immediately after it appeared, monsters basically do literally everything the same as humans except with a spooky or kooky angle, it literally doesn't matter
>"What is Killstar?"
>It's a brand of goth clothing & tat.
>Has a expansive plus size section...
>...With intimates & swimwear.

Why you looking
Yeah most brands have regular and plus sized options these days
Because you just can't look away from a train wreck.
I'm surprised Mattel is willing to collab with a brand so openly Satanic
You are actively looking further into stuff you don't want to see and even saving it
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You don't?
Clawdeen: Raythe, Vlad, a normie (anime episode), and I think one more dude from a webtoon episode.

Toralei: Rocco, maybe that was the only one but was explicitly stated to be her boyfriend.
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No anon, I do not
Wouldnt really call them love interests if they're such briefly mentioned flings, though yeah I'd see Clawdeen as bisexual, and same with Toralei but honestly I could see how they'd get away with saying Toralei is a lesbian
Too bad. Looking at cringe stuff is a good guide on what NOT to do. But methinks you're upset because you dress gothic and/or are fat and you're feeling self conscious right about now.

So I throw you a bone and say this gal is the best of the models on the page. She really does rock the goth look. But it's obvious that she works for it with exercise, proper makeup, and a certain confident "je ne sais quoi" that the other girls lack.
No I just look at what I like and ignore the stuff I dont, you should try it, like in all that time you took to complain about fat models you could have just posted more of the lovely model you do like. I'd honestly love to dress more traditionally goth but tragically I just don't have the tones for it, I look better in more natural shades, so the lovely inky black and ruby reds just aren't for me
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>I'd honestly love to dress more traditionally goth but tragically I just don't have the tones for it.

Ah, so I was right. Self conscious it is then.
Not self consciousness, just aware of my own fashion limitations, I'm a neutral autumn and traditional goth seems better fit for a cool winter, I can still dress goth but not the classic black/red combo.

Yep. Someone's butthurt that I made fun of their fashion tastes.
Idk where you're getting butthurt from, who even uses "butthurt" anymore, it isn't 2009.
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Okay last one, I swear. If I met this guy in the woods, even I would prefer the bear over him.
New Minibrands line, copying miniverse again but now the plants
Also miniature furniture and appliances series
Yep, you're definitely *butthurt* if you have to bring up a lame ad hominem excuse like that.

Now you've made me go back on my promise on showing the last pic. But at least I saved the best for last.
Man I'm just trying to make actual conversation, you're the one who keeps wanting to be pissy
I'm curious how this will scale, gotta be like mostly re-ment sized
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Another Carlyle monstrosity dropping this Wednesday.
What conversation? You're just getting pissy about someone posting stupid goth models online. If you don't like cringe, then don't even try to argue and just walk away.
Goddamn look at the DSLs on that Ken, and that chin goddamn
You're both annoying, try to stay on topic
Wait I just noticed the fucking moon shoes lmao what the fuck somebody help Mattel
He looks like a toddler that's dressing up in his parent's clothing.
Another carlyle self insert doll, it could have been a decent doll if didn't choose that ugly ass sculpt

They copied the worst part lol. Plants was the mid part of miniverse lifstyle the fish tanks, birds and candles were the better projects. Plus the upcoming lifestyle series has frickin molds to make vase, tea sets and candleabra.

Zuru is so stupid like why mixing the two? at least rement is a consistent scale but here it's all over the place, why can't they make the appliance compatible with their groseries minis then make another serie of furniture that are bigger to store and display the minis
Plants > fish tanks, but yeah the mini brands version looks so cheap, especially in comparison to series 2 lifestyles miniverse plants
I don't want to talk about the elephant in the room, but I have to at least point at the trunk.
the image is not what the poster believs it to be
it's a tranny
What's with the Facebook mom pearl clutching all of a sudden

Wow, the shoes are actually pretty good for once. The pearls look dumb as hell though
Nothing really to talk about, I think. Nothing good from RH, OMG is dead, we're caught up on MH, Barbie doesn't really have anything going on. I did come across the Odile mermaid everyone is obsessed over, she really is quite pretty, anyone gonna get her? I'm thinking about it
Lol what a fag.
>caring about the canon of a cheap youtube kids webtoon

move on.
Kind of the wrong place to tell someone to move on from old canon
y'know people really like to infatalize autistic people these days and think that they're harmless and can do no wrong but when I think about an autismo I think about this guy, just a complete mal adapted person with outlandish ideas of what normal behavior is.
someone has to do it. the franchise is moving forward and trying new things, having a story weight down by niche hard to find content is not the way to go and wont bring new eyes to the franchise.
>the franchise is moving forward and trying new things
It is, but the thing is it also isn't. As long as Mattel caters to G1 enthusiasts there will be continued interest in G1 canon.
I got her awhile ago, she is cute. The tan one has been way harder to get ahold of for some reason, she is never in stock.
i dont watch drag race but i like this doll, the boots and dress however are so mid and cheap looking
Oh cool, it's the alt clothing company that shills out cheap China-made slop for dozens of times the price of how it should be. Fits Mattel's practices really well in my opinion.
I bought her for $25 months ago because she was listed as 2023 release and had never come in stock, thought she was all sold out for good... now she's up there for $11, sigh. Oh well. She's absolutely worth it, most gorgeous Barbie I've seen in a very long time. I want the black version too but she still hasn't come into stock, nor even being scalped like this one was before.
>Serves them right when they themselves are constantly so toxic.
Shut up faggot retard
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>The tan one has been way harder to get ahold of for some reason, she is never in stock.
This one?
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This one.
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Hard to get because people tend to hoard them. I think I want 2 more.
Which made to move body do you have her on?
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Odile has no exact m2m color match so I have to experiment.
1st one is tan millie tinted with lipstick
2nd one is a darker skinned variant Odile with orange top m2m body (I'll tint her later with lipstick). I slightly shrank the waist of that one.
3rd one is tan millie tinted with dye
>Nothing really to talk about, I think. Nothing good from RH, OMG is dead, we're caught up on MH
It's not just that, monster high leaks are just not hiting the same way as omg and rainbow high leaks used to.
They're the same lineup ghouls with only two or three new character per year then they're only included skulltimate.

G3 is mid as hell, it doesn't hold a candle to prior line like omg and rh, it will also never touch G1 popularity and sales that's why to this day there's high demands for the og dolls.

$25 for a good head or fashion pack, being a barbie only collector must be so sad tho.

Everyone crying for her to remplace millie but while she's really pretty she just isn't a barbie mold, maybe a teresa or summer mold
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I actually like Millie
I dont, I'm sick of her, give us something new
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The problem is, G1'ers can't comprehend that people might actually enjoy lines other than G1. Like a while ago when the G3 show was rumored to be cancelled, pretty much everyone replying to the post was expressing their delight at it's ending because it changed characterizations, it had weird art, it was only watched by creeps, etc. And when I pointed out that my daughter & I would watch it together and she liked the dolls and shows, one of you cunts tried to claim I was a pedogrooming enabler. Despite the fact that my daughter calls G3 Frankie a 'she' and is actually her least favorite character. But nope, apparently I'm a shitty parent because my child and I enjoy the wrong generation of dolls. So yes, it's nice to see toxic posters in this thread cry after getting monkey pawed.
I'm not one of those anons but move on, you're petty for an old man
I like it. They look good together
Tbh, I wouldn't mind if they made more of the ghouls gay for each other because most of the boys kinda suck and they deserve better
Umh... boo hoo i guess.
Honnestly i never cared about the show only the dolls but i can still say G3 media is inconsistent af, the artstyle is fugly and do a bad job at promoting the upcoming dolls, they don't even have backgrounder that could be turn into dolls that's how ugly they are.
Imagine being a middle aged man with a child and whining in 4chan doll threads. Guessing the wife left and for good reason.
So we're assuming genders now, are we? I'm actually the mom in this situation but nice try.

I'm assuming you mean the show's art style rather than the box art? Because you're free to dislike the show all you want, but I will point out that the show is the consequence of the doll line, not the line the consequence of the show. Art, characters, fashion, etc. are all decided by Mattel first, then are passed on to the show team and told, "Fit this in, make it work." And it's why you have stuff like show Cleo wearing pants that were scrapped, show drac having her hat quite often that was also scrapped from core, but brought back for refresh, why episodes containing new line outfits got delayed until after the line had come out (creepover, ghoul spirit, monster ball, scareadise), etc. instead of using the show to try and hype up those new lines, and so on. The cankles were a choice that multiple people had to sign off on, though. And that doesn't really have or warrant an excuse. It's just kinda... A choice we have to live with having happened.

I am genuinely surprised given how much of the MH community identifies as LGBT, that there isn't more of that retconning in to G1. I'm also of the sentiment that the G1 pairings in general kinda sucked and the romance was pretty weak, and I just never really clicked with most of the webseries as it was relevant.
doesn't change anything,
I'm not one of those anons but move on, you're petty for an old woman
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I'm not even 30 yet, I've had a kid, and we do cute doll stuff together. If that makes me old, then so fucking be it lmao.
>I'm also of the sentiment that the G1 pairings in general kinda sucked and the romance was pretty weak, and I just never really clicked with most of the webseries as it was relevant.

I just think all of g1s writing is kind of bad. It's very much, sell toys first, tell stories second. Which is probably why it's lore is so inconsistent.

Which personally, I don't care about. I'm buying the dolls cause I like how they look. Don't care if the lore fits or not, or what the doll's "personality" is like. My fav two couples are Cleo and Deuce and Rochelle and Garrott, not because I think they have well written romances (cause they dont) but because I like how their dolls look and I think the couples look visually good together.
yeah imagine watching kid shows and reading kiddy comics.
I only collect dolls for their aesthetic.
dress is shit but her makeup is cute, much better than the first one, i'll probably get her this time.
yawn. barely even looks like a dragon.
honestly i can see toralei as a lesbo but clawdeen's absolutely bisexual even though that makes people shit their pants for some reason. dunno why they're pairing them up though, i guess it's the werecat/werewolf joke but i can't really see any chemistry beyond the slight rivalry they had. honestly if they were going to pair toralei up with anyone, cleo would've been a much better choice, but it's G1 so they probably just want to stick with cleuece even though i'm assuming this is a noncanon one-shot.
neat, i'm expecting shit prices as usual though.
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Go take care of your child instead of scowling at anonymous strangers on 4chan over opinions on fashion dolls.
I quite like the new designs, I just think the show's art style looks horribly ugly, and stuff like Frankie simply ridiculous. They couldn't even use the (literally) made up pronoun in my country's localization because our language is literally not built to support it, so they kept "misgendering" the character anyway.
>I'm not even 30 yet
Zoom zoom angry about toxicity waaaaah
I'm also very much an aesthetic person. It's actually why I like G3 so much. The dolls are much prettier to me than G1/G2. I appreciate the body diversity on them, and I've been enjoying the face screenings.

That's totally valid. The design, aside from the cankles, doesn't really bother me, but I get that it's such a difference from the dolls themselves, even the box art, that it's jarring. I misgender G3 Frankie all the time due to, y'know, growing up with the G1/G2 stuff. My girl does it because she's headstrong and is like, "No, Frankie is a girl because I say so!" And I'm not going to force gender bullshit anyways, so she can do as she pleases. Like, she does understand gender shit, she just doesn't care, and I'm glad.
New miniverse, now soap and bath bombs
Apparently real soap
Honestly, bathbombs seem like they'd be really really easy to make out of clay if you want clutter for your doll bathrooms
Same with soap
Having it be actually functional is... cute, I guess? But kind of a pointless gimmick imo
I HATE that they're real, I could have made mini soap and bathbombs myself with shit from michaels, I'm only into miniverse for doll accessories

Maybe slime kids will like them
>they did a Creature From the Black Lagoon doll
Damn missing that one hurts worse than Elvira.
Honestly though I can't think of any other character I'd be sad about missing so I don't have to lurk doll threads on the off chance they do a collaboration with something I like.
Then again I said the same thing when I found out about Elvira...
I got her recently, anyone know a good body match for her?
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The made to move tennis player
Sorry for wrongly assuming your gender. Allow me to correct myself. Imagine being a sad single mom and whining in 4chan doll threads. Haven't seen one mention of the dad at any point. So your kid is growing up without a proper father AND watching troon toons? That poor thing.
Nigger, you're in a thread about children's toys. Who are you trying to impress?
yes kids have integrity dolls
Just bookmark the MH Instagram page for announcements in case a doll that catches your fancy is announced
I'm married? I mentioned this in my original post like two threads ago. But hey, keep coping and seething.
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Lavender Lynn's hat made a cameo

>I'm married? I mentioned this in my original post like two threads ago. But hey, keep coping and seething.
NTA, you're the one coping and seething bringing up old shit this thread passive-aggressively.
shut the fuck up and learn to let go, you'll age faster.
You're the only one whining while a lot of anons call you out. Maybe you're the problem?
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dream besties leak. Opinions?
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Monsteristas Cleo
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Howliday Cleo's headdress
I hate the baby faces.
Hate it, I wish they'd just give Barbie decent fashion again instead of this big headed crap
Sister, please. Have you even checked the replies to my posts? You're very clearly one of the anons replying, probably the only one trying to "call me out", and all you're doing is saying to let it go, lmao. Nah, sis. I'm allowed to defend myself from pathetic attempts at harassment from salty bitches.

Inb4 LatAm only again.
Cute dress. Looks like her hairline is receding, though.
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LOL OMG series 9 will have 2 girls, Ace and Pearl.
2 upcoming lines for LOL Tweens and Tots - Neon Popstar and Winter snow. Those lines will have 2 tweens each.

that's a common criticism in doll twitter. Pancake heads and ugly proportions.

>Sister, please. Have you even checked the replies to my posts? You're very clearly one of the anons replying, probably the only one trying to "call me out", and all you're doing is saying to let it go, lmao. Nah, sis. I'm allowed to defend myself from pathetic attempts at harassment from salty bitches.
yes I am one of them in this thread but I didn't say anything the previous threads because I thought it was a 1 time dumb drama.
Don't let those bitches bother you. Bringing it up again and again in new threads shows they really got to your skin and you're the one who's seething.

>Inb4 LatAm only again.
2024 W Club members only integrity doll fashion packs
Reddit and Twitter are that way, you lost little tard. You don't belong here.
I know people are partial to Drac, but Cleo is literally always the best doll in any G3 line that includes her. Low, low bar to clear, but still. Good for her
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an older prototype before her budget got cut
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I got a monster high doll. She's cute but when moving the limbs around, her arms feel so short compared to her legs.
Who'd you get?
I’m so fucking sick of pale asian girls in purple. Why is this ALWAYS their go-to color scheme.
morticia and wednesday sold out within the first couple of minutes, public sale is tomorrow at least
Probably a couple different things, asian girls are sometimes troped as the mysterious one so purple goes with that, it's also a very alternative color so it fits the asian girl who wants to stand out from her more traditional culture, in a similar vein purple can also be seen as a high-tech related color so they relate that to the high tech city night life of Tokyo or Seoul
I was thinking about trying for them, but I'm saving up to buy a nice book shelf so I probably won't, I really only want Morticia anyway
This feels like they want the RH market with the rounder heads but they miss the mark hard because they are still trying to tie into the Barbie IP.
Looks like the articulation is gone now? There goes any interest I had in them
I was so mad. Sold out while I was checking out. Hopefully can snag them when public sale starts because I refuse to pay the crazy markup prices of resellers.
This, also there's this weird money flexing going on in their community more so then TikTok fashion doll collectors
What's ag
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so according to dollynews the new g3 characters for next year are jinafire and skelita
skelita's claim is a bit shakier but people already found jinafire's shoes in taobao
Just a basic Clawdeen. I like how the little claws on her hands feel a little sharp!
American Girl
Thank you anon
someone else independently checked and skelita is indeed kinda shakey
>Wait a minute HYV57 is a 2024 Hot Wheels car
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I don't like the skirt but that thing will probably get sold out. The white color and create doll was top selling for the holidays last year according to circana.
I wonder if MGA drops the darker skinned color and create dolls and if it will cause seething in twitter
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Ancient egyptiant aesthetic being elder god tier sure helps a lot. They just need to stick to the theme and it's a guaranted win, no effort required
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>Ancient egyptiant aesthetic being elder god tier sure helps a lot.

Speaking of that, I know fuck all about Monster High, but I keep seeing weird ads for this one in many places, and I don't know why, and I want it just because it looks so cool, and I've been looking at different MH dolls, and I sorta want to dive in. Would this be a good one to start with?
I think she's a fair bit over priced at $75
Morticia and Wednesday sold out in 8 minutes.

Site did that thing again, technical error processing payment, repeating until it sold out. Logged out phone checkout worked. Maybe Mattel is punishing me for not buying fang club again.
Any other good ones you'd recommend as a starter, then? Wouldn't have to even be Cleo.
4channers are just very offended when they find out regular boring people browse these threads and its not and has never been their secret club house for the socially disabled.
That's nice to hear, it seems that doing whatever you want with your dolls goes right out the window with some people when one does something "wrong", by now I have distanced myself from every MH space but here to avoid it.
You sound a bit like my parents, in a good way, I'm glad your kid is confident to do whatever she wants. Hope she grows up well anon.
Here's hoping they get a Latin America release like the other 3, God knows I've been hunting for a Cleo down here, it was tough enough to find the other 3 near their MRSP.
Your options for Gen 1 are limited but this Frankie is available on Amazon and is even on sale
Replying to >>46802021 so I can ask you guys too. I'm at a loss for what to do with curled saran.
I might be stupid.
Never done any wig nor handle curly saran but i would maybe use water soluble glue or hair spray to keep the hair in place in the middle of the weft, and do it on a plastic surface so it can be peel off.
Also maybe use a little of tape on your machine foot, closing the gap bettwen the "horns".
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Wich Barbie head sculpt is the most similar to the generic instahoe face?
I know it's not Millie nor Odile.
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My Scene Barbie. By a mile.
heide, repainted
if you're not poor and don't mind resting bitch face, Poppy parker fits I think
We don't take kindly to dumbasses who use twitterspeak like "toxic" like that bored housewife did earlier. Don't coddle her, you twat
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Does /toy/ even have jannies at this point? First the tard spamming random off-topic model pics and then the sperg with a bunch of off-topic whining about getting "harassed"... and not a single one of these posts was removed? The absolute state of /toy/...

Anyway Catty is up on Amazon now, for those who have been waiting for her. The listing doesn't say anything about her being exclusive, like the paulsmart guy claimed, so she should be showing up in stores soon too.
maybe it's like the walmart situation where they dropped their exclusives later on?
I think they reduced mod activity after putting in the 2 week life limit on threads
I will get her in sale, she's not worth it compared to the refresh or monster fest
God, could they really not have painted more of the details on her shoes? I guess you could always do it yourself if you wanted to, but it's such a pain in the ass
I feel like a lot of the G3 shoes would be elevated immensely, even with the generally weak sculpts, if they just bothered painting them
This is one of the more heavily moderated threads on here, wdym?

Also, ew. Catty just looks awful. I'd rather them release Purrsephone/Meowlody in a 2-pack, rather than a $100+ 3 pack.
It used to be. As >>10987482 said, it's nonexistent now. All the off topic posts were reported by several people and nothing. You can't argue the model stuff was even tangentially doll related.
I thought the models were modelling the clothing of the crossover? As like, an example of what to expect, but on a MH doll. Except these models were icky and I disliked the clothing so I just tried to ignore it.

I do think they need to speed up the release of CORE G3 stuff, though. I don't mind shit like the skulltimates, fearbook, monsterfest, etc. taking a while, but god damn if the releases for things like Jina, Skelita, Nefera, etc. aren't slow as shit. Going in to 2025? Fuck that, mattel.
None of the clothing was crossover related, it was just random pics of the models he didn't like
I would be surprised to see MH make it to next year without being canceled t b h. Show got canceled and all the dolls besides Draculara shelf-warm for long ass times... first wave core dolls that aren't Drac are still sitting there unsold in every store. Doesn't seem like they're making enough of a profit to keep going vs RH and OMG which fly off the shelves.
MH is Mattel's most profitable doll line rn. I think they'll try to keep G3 afloat.
Although exclusives being dropped is a bad sign.
I got a ban last thread for telling a transphobe to relax so that should tell you something about the state of this board lol

Reported all those same posts rather than arguing this time and I'm completely unsurprised
Do you have a source for that? No way it brings in more money than Barbie and Disney Princess. Those have wider appeal and move off the shelves much more consistently.

Do you know where you are?
Twitter and Instagram users must come here thinking we always release doll leaks because we're the notorious hacker 4chan or something, then forget that this is the same 4chan that doesn't take kindly to fags for the most part.
Go back.
Relax and talk about dolls, ladies
yea, people sometimes use other websites. websites are free.
traditional tv show tied to a network is outdated. They got a bit too big for their britches on that one. Shitty Webisodes and occasional movies served G1 really well. G1 also had those books for kids who wanted a deepest lore.
The franchise can make due without
maybe at one time, these days its just a poorly made forum with folks like you who think they speak for everyone.
Any of the users who had contributed to leaks or anything of value to the community in the past have moved on to other platforms.
Hello new user, different boards have different cultures, /co/ is for gays/women and trans but mostly bi guys use it, /LGBT/ is for transgirls who are lesbians and now very recently gay transguys, /tv/ haven't been there in 10 years but last time I'd been there is for /pol/tard rejects and /toy/ is for center-right or normie cis people, if you don't like it go back to social media or use a different forum
So that explains why people stoped using the terms "newfag","artfag" or "dollfag"
But anon I can fix her, she would integrate eventually
Back to dolls for a second, ran into the new LUV dolls at Walmart, they're much shorter than expected, the LUV fashion packs are also out now, probably too small for Barbie but might fit the more average sized MH dolls
I don't know how to feel about luv dolls the Blondie and the dark skinned one are very adorable but their outfits are so ugly not to mention everydoll feels like they went to a beauty salon that doesn't know how to do eyebrows that actually fits the face shape
I feel like they were a good idea with poor execution, the sad thing is the execution seems like it was really close to being good but it just didn't reach that mark
She’s pretty but her screening pixelization is awful. There were four at my local Walmart and I chose the least pixelated out of them to buy, but when I brought her home I noticed her eyes and lips are misaligned from the mold. It’s not wildly bad though so I might be able to ignore/accept it in favor of the smoother screening. Maybe I’ll try touching her up with some paint to balance things out. Plus she was 11 bucks so I guess I can’t ask for much.
God I wish that were true
Stay seething, retard.

If you hate it so much, the door is right there.
>It's a poorly made forum with big fat meanies!!

Literally just leave then???
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>/toy/ is for center-right or normie cis people
well I'm the list-wristiest, femme-iest little fag and I'm here

Anyway to stay on topic, I got these 2 yesterday and I love them. They're so reasonably priced and the outfit pieces are great. I knew the heads would be big but in person they're huge, these are my first big-headed dolls so it's a little strange to me but I still like them. But I have no idea whether I want to keep them in the box or not, help me /toy/ I have a dilemna
can't, I'm having too much fun.
Take them out and just keep the boxes in case you wanna pop them in for display now and again
Did you see the black version at the store alongside her? It seems impossible to find that version so far...
i used to post a lot of leaks here, i indeed do it elsewhere because g3 stans are annoying
>i indeed do it elsewhere because g3 stans are annoying
I feel like G3fags drove quite a few people out of the threads or caused them to be less active. They caused us to get raided multiple times in addition to being insufferable too. Can't wait for G3 to get canned.
>Can't wait for G3 to get canned
Any bets on how long it's got left before the inevitable?
Idk how they're selling elsewhere, but god knows the shelves always seem completely untouched here
I'd say if the new live action movie doesn't get shit moving, or whatever they have planned since the nickelodeon cartoon is gonna die off, it'll probably die off in a year
I give it another year but I'd be surprised if it lasts that long. People will say it's not gonna happen because of all the leaks, but they've forgotten that G2 had a bunch of lines planned with stock photos already released (hoodie line, fairy line etc) and then was abruptly canceled anyway.
Lol omg series 9 are now available on mgae store, Ace and Pearla. Sadly it's the last omg release of the year and probably of the brand.
Tween are replacing them since they have three upcoming lines and a movie coming up this fall.
I gotta say omg had a great run, it was a really consistent brand with a lot of experimenting fashion, they were "extra but never too much"
I like the gamer girl but confused why she has roller blades. Is that some current egirl trend?

Ngl I've always preferred the tweens so I'm not mad. Their size suits the face style much better.
That pearl one is gorgeous. It reminds me of that cancelled candylicious fierce doll but sea-themed instead of candy. The other one is cute too but I'm not really into the gamer girl aesthetic. At least the OMG's are going out with a bang instead of a whimper with those nail set dolls.
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Has anyone bough the scene kid Frankie? What do you think of them?
go back
Ngl I might get her just because I like dolls with brown eyes and lighter skin, which are relatively hard to come by. I think the only other RH dolls like that are Sheryl and Laurel, and I think Sheryl’s ugly. The lack of wrist articulation might hold me off though.

Nope, just the asian one, but I’m sure she’ll show up eventually. I’ll probably look periodically just to see, but I’m not sure if I want her for myself. I feel like she’d look better with a different hair color. Maybe I’ll get her one day just to customize.

I’m starting to think MGA should just make RH dolls with LOL style designs
Id like it more if there wasn't any pink in the hair
i actually like the design of the backpack and shorts but that's about it, i dont know why but i dont like the face they have, they look like a background character rather than a main, also hot take but people should not get shit for calling G1 frankie a she
>Can't wait for G3 to get canned.
but i like cleo and abby
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Next MH repros look to be of Torelai, Operetta, and Nefera. They'll be releasing some time next year.

From what I've seen, Robecca, Venus and Rochelle have always been more popular with the fanbase but Mattel wants to go in order with their repros.
This might be the only decent looking G3 Frankie imo. Good on Mattel for finally figuring out how to make the assymetric pants not look retarded for once
But I'm not a G3 collector, so no, I have not and would not buy her

God, I am actually going to have to try and get my hands on Toralei. What's the best way to get your hands on the Creepros when they're not available in-store? Amazon?
Good to know, thanks
>only decent looking G3 Frankie imo
I actually really like the Skulltimate Secrets Fearidescent Frankie. When the first review pics of it dropped I passed but I found it in an overstock bin store for only $10 and it's actually a really cute doll, or I just got lucky and got a decent one, but both the shoes were ugly so I swapped for some RH shoes
>scene kid Frankie
Is the scene actually in the room with us ?
Pin straigt hair, no raccoon tail, no arm warmer, no stacked bracelets, no studded belt, no rainbow animal print, no converse and no late 2000s style.
Yall be hyping up monster high medriocrity fr, don't get me wrong it's a cool design but it's not scene
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>It reminds me of that cancelled candylicious fierce doll
it probably helps that she grave robbed fierce candylicious, those were her glasses
Yep that true, they had all the molds and pattern ready, i don't understand why they just didn't release the fierce design as regular omg instead of the sweet nails line that could have been any other omg
how different are the lol omg bodies to the fierce ones? maybe changing the pattern to the new body is not worth the money
Now now, don't make fun of the little zoomzoom for not knowing what scene actually is. Their generation unsuccessfully tries to copy old fashions and fails at it, so then they misinterpret what the actual fashion is supposed to look like (see also emo, gyaru, y2k)
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The fierce are longer, torso and legs. I feel like the regular omg use less fabric plus they could have simplified the pieces to fit the $25 price point.
Most omg dolls follow the same layering design, a bodysuit or two pieces undergarments plus a top/jacket and a bottom pants or skirt, that why they consistently deliver intricate dolls.
but mattel's designers are mostly millenial
Isn't that what basically every generation does, takes fashion from the old and makes something quintessentially -that- generation
Mattel didn't call it scene, anon did.

That's what previous generations did, but Gen Z only knows how to copy, have fake nostalgia for trends they never actually experienced, and try to claim those old things were totally "feminist" or "queer coded."
Early gen z kids probably did experience scene culture, the earliest being born in 1997 would have experienced it in the late 2000s to the early 2010s in their tweens and teens
her style feels more like cunty horse girl. she reminds me of an old HS friend who wore a baggy jacket all the time and brought a wild bird to school.
and for that mattel can have my money
I remember hanging with the emo kids in HS and they were a lot of genuine sociopaths in those cliques. They bullied their "friends" and acted like victims when they're bad behavior had consequences. They were still insufferable teenagers, and extremely homophobic as a lot of teenagers were at that time.
On top of that they were also little drug addicts.
>They bullied their "friends" and acted like victims when they're bad behavior had consequences.

Aw man, the sheer amount of Livejournal callouts from over a decade to two decades ago for people exhibiting that exact same behavior. Fun times.
I was an emo kid and we were just weird art and anime kids, the ones doing drugs were funny enough the horse girls
This is very clearly diet alt/punk
Upgrade from her original G3 doll, but that pink in the hair looks like shit
Agreed, don't know why she needs the pink. The yellow is a good choice for a color that "pops". They probably only add it cause pink sells, but it doesn't work for her. She always looks too busy, which is why I don't own a single g3 frankie.
I laugh when people create or cite fake niche aestethics that only exist on pinterest to praise a doll design, like i remember someone calling g3 draculaura style "bubblegum punk" lol.
It's ok if a doll don't wear poppular aestethics or sub-cultures fashion but let not call them things they are not.
I'm pretty sure Bubblegum Punk is an actual thing, but I was always under the impression that it was a reference to the late 80s/early 90's retro-future anime aesthetic. Stuff like Dirty Pair, and whatnot.

Pretty much nothing at all what MH is like...Though, people think they coin new terms all the time, and its just rebranding something that already exists.
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catty was finally found at a mattel store, a comparison with abbey
according to the reviewer, she doesn't fit rainbow high tops
Honestly, does she fit ANYTHING except the clothes she comes with when her body sculpt is that different?
Meline's coat perhaps?
She might fit barbie tops and maybe the curvy barbie bottoms, if not the only other option is probably etsy and making your own clothes for her
Congrats to Catty for being the ugliest doll of G3, maybe of the year!
Still better than Lagoona
Is it just my eyes or did they make her less fat compared to the promo pics? Her waist looks only a little bigger than Abbey's.
I think she looks bigger in her regular clothes/stock pics because her clothes are generally unflattering for her body, with that gaudy hot pink shoulder cover not helping especially. Redress her in something more form fitting and she looks like any other curvy woman you'd see around.
this is so preety are those clothing handmade, i dont think i saw such top anywhere
Looks like a generic pink barbie style sweater that someone cut the front out of
This perfectly illustrates why molded-on underwear sucks ass
Here's a better look at the RuPaul MH doll
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I hate how short and squashed her face looks, especially now I've seen her next to Abbey. I did a quick and dirty photoshop, did I fix it or did I make it worse?
I hate the expression, the mouth looks like a white blob of nothing. I get what they wanted to achieve but they failed. The outfit is really nothing special, just scraps of fabric and plastic. I do like the shoes, best thing I can say about it.
Honestly yeah it's an improvement, I get what they were attempting with the round face but it just doesn't look right
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She not even on shelves yet they already stole her clothes... anyway lagoona look really good in pastel, even in their lowest mga still deliver good quality fashion pieces
She has the face of an obese person, which is exactly what it's supposed to be. Your edit makes her look thinner which wouldn't match the body.
Checking if the thread is on autosage, I have some things to contribute but don't want to on a dying thread...
Yeah, threads on /toy/ autosage after two weeks now.
Here you go.

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