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I just got back from Seattle and had my worst travel experience ever. What a miserable place. Dirty, ugly, and extremely dangerous. On my first day, I went to Pike Place and saw a crackhead taking a dump in the middle of the street. Drug users shouting and threatening people in broad daylight, and the population just walks around as if nothing is happening. I'm Brazilian and, despite agreeing that Brazil is a cursed country, I can assure you that a lot of what happens in Seattle doesn't even happen in Brazil.

Every business in the city was keen on displaying LGTV++++++ and BLM flags everywhere, and everything there seems to be wrong and bad. A $20 pizza costs literally double because of some stupid regulation to pay more to delivery drivers. Not only that, I also saw
a bunch of people eating French fries every single single morning (eating fried food in the morning should be a crime).

What really scared me was the number of leftist freaks roaming the streets. Combine that with black people, crackheads, and homeless people, and you have the worst city on the planet. I say with absolute certainty: I would have preferred to go sightseeing in Africa than in this sewer called Seattle. Such bad vibes.
>Such bad vibes.
I lived there for a year, I had instant regret the first week I moved and decided I had to get out after only 1 month, but could only do it later
I seriously think Seattle is built on a hellmouth or something. Everybody there is a whackjob or loser or psycho or depressed. Rampant drug use, prostitution (not the fun kind, the pitiful gross kind), homelessness, crazy bullshit in public.
never going back, absolutely disgusting city and insanely expensive for what you get (nothing)
Did you stay downtown the entire time or something? There's so much beauty around the area just leave the city jeez
>blah blah blah... in broad daylight, and the population just walks around as if nothing is happening
Probably because all that shit happens every day. People here are a fucking mess.

You're here for the nature, the money, or you're insane.
Chill, nigger. I'll give you a treat next time I visit Shitattle.
diaper don can fix it though
yeh it's bad
>Dirty, ugly, and extremely dangerous
have you ever been to an actual third world shithole?
what you said is true but im curious why anyone would willingly visit seattle. like even if the city was clean what actually is there to see? the space needle is a gimmick. pike market is ok but nothing you can't see in any other city
You realize its surrounded by better nature than 99% of the United States? All within an hours-2hrs drive.
You ignorant as shit faggot
seattle has top tier bookstores, food, outdoor stores and hosts pax west and a few other big conventions.
>liberal city bad!
lol you losers are so predictable. Seattle is lovely. Great place to visit.
Shit food

Shit weather

Everything is overpriced and still shit

Enormous amounts of homelessness, drug use, the usual degeneracy

Actual diversity has been replaced with a bunch of anger that never recovered from the 2016 culture war

It’s like Portland-lite. I genuinely don’t see the appeal.
You think Seattle is bad until you see downtown Portland Oregon. It's everything wrong with Seattle multiplied by 100.
Libshits and faggots love Seattle for the runaway meth cunny and bussy. Total weimar shit.
>Portland Oregon. It's everything wrong with Seattle multiplied by 100
I hear and believe that it is.
and that's wild considering how shit Seattle is
Insecurity here,

Portland or Seattle? Which place should I go next, I need a fucking answer
I prefer Portland. It has a smaller town feel and people are less stuffy than Seattle. Portland has bad homeless and drug issues in certain parts so be careful where you stay. I’ve heard the Pearl District is a war zone now. It used to be the nicest part of downtown
Ok, I live in Detroit, I've hitchhiked thru Chiapas Mexico to find EZLN compounds, stayed in Colombian ghettos, volunteered in Cuba-- my threshold for bs is high

But I've never been so sketched out my entire life than the 1-2 combo of Seattle & Portland.

In Seattle I tried taking a bus from downtown to uptown on the E line, I've never seen more junkies and unmedicated schizos in my life. Shooting up, stomping and swearing into invisible entities, One homeless guy literally had no legs, just a stump, crawled on his arms onto the bus.

Took the amtrack to Portland, and literally on my uber from the train station to downtown, a junkie just fell face first on the sidewalk, her head hit the pavement so loud it made the uber driver gasp. I'll never forget it.

Downtown Portland was a WARZONE. couldn't believe this was the alleged richest country in the world. Just tents, piss, shit, open air drug use, violence, chaos, and aggressive unpredictability. Signs on businesses asking please don't break in. This was 2021 for reference.

East Portland was pretty cool though.
it's funny that cucknada is doing better than the US in terms of this stuff. vancouver is outlawing hard drug use outside of safe injection sites and continues to tear down encampents. still a ways to go though.
They just outlawed homeless people in Portland tho, which seems promising
Portland’s mayor is also the chief of police. The last few mayors literally did not allow police to do anything to hobos. Portland had a bad homeless problem 15 years ago. It got exponentially worse during the Trump administration when all leftists went 3x farther left and passed laws pretending schizophrenic drug addicts sleeping and shitting on the street are normal people who just need a little help
Nothing will get better until they bring back asylums. 95% of people who get addicted to fentanyl and live on the street are not fit for society. They need to be in an asylum
>who cares
>who cares
>portland is cool
>visited seattle from brazil
Why did you go to Seattle? I'm also from washington and visit brazil often for family
>I also saw
>a bunch of people eating French fries
Like every single meal in brazil comes with fries kkkkkkkkkkk
Portland isn't even that bad. It's been cleaned up a lot. I actually live here instead of just looking at cringe echo chambers shitting on any lib city lmao
I've been to many Third World cities, and never have I seen more bums/crazies than normies in the downtown commercial district like I do in so many cities of America.
Yeah, I'm sure some Brazilian was able to afford 200 to 400 dollars a night for a hotel room in downtown Seattle.

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