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Female character x female self-insert/reader art by women
One Piece girls are really popular in these.
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Tokyo Revengers Kawaragi Senju
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Osomatsu, Totoko
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Pokemon, Cynthia/Shirona
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Blessed thread. What tags should I be looking for?
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Hypnosis Mic, Ichijiku Kadenokoji
百合夢 is the one specifically for it, but often they don't use that specific tag so I look through 夢絵/夢漫画 and through those find specific series tags (for example One Piece is OP夢)
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Girls love Robin.
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Is Robin actually lesbian? I know Nami is, but I'm not sure about Robin.
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Both are gay for each other and their female fans.
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don't worry, the snake is female
That's creepy as fuck, why not just have POV art.
I want to self-insert as a mannequin.
How about faceless women?
"Eww sex bad, let me look at something I don't like and tell everyone about it!"
File deleted.
not what anon was saying
most of what's out there IS POV art but doesn't have any part of the "viewer" onscreen so I was wary of posting it cuz people would get anal & report it since "it's not two girls"
anon/character art is pretty common, so it's nice to have art with femanons in it to make it more relatable. i don't see the issue.
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gonna see if mods delete these. till then just gonna post self-insert OC x female characters and the dreaded mannequins
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Chainsaw Man, self-insert OC x Quanxi
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and Makima
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(there's the faceless girl aesthetic anon wanted)
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KnY Shinobu x butch fem OC
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>drawing yourself spreading your legs and giving everyone a close up view of your pussy and butthole
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More KnY, excuse the "sample".
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Wait this is so odd though, why one piece specifically? It's not a very romantic manga either way, is this just a side effect of it being the most popular manga of all time? Not complaining though because the girls are nice.
I think part of it is japanese women tend to be drawn to stuff stylized in a cartoony way.
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Pokemon gijinka
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this one is really cute, does anyone know where it comes from?
Learn how Pixiv filenames work https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79191732
I remember the case of a fangirl of Amanda from LWA, anyone know who was?
There's probably more than one.
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Holy shit yes. I suggested a thread like this in the general thread years ago and people weren't very enthusiastic. Glad yuri yume is starting to get more recognition in the west. Love you OP.
Contributing with some Umamusu.
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mods didn't remove >>4006116 so I'm posting the POV ones too
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OC x self insert
>百合+カノジョ not stickied
Yuri+Kanojo is a yumejoshi anthology and the only title popular enough to get 5 volumes. Some scans can be found on /u/
Where can I find volume 1? that mega link is down https://archived.moe/u/search/text/%22yuri%20kanojo%22/

2 and 3 are still up:
ok nevermind anon provided it in the general https://pastebin.com/kU8JbSPv
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Blue Archive
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That’s probably why. There’s not enough content of it out there so we need some
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Any drawfags?
Makes sense. If I could draw I'd do a self insert OC snuggling up in Robin's boobs too.
Good taste anon
Yuh. She really always was more appealing than Nami that's for sure.
I always hoped Boa or someone would do that
They are both good, especially together
Just in terms of aesthetics there's no complaints here, but the whole money fixation always rubbed me the wrong way. It makes sense early in the story but pretty quickly becomes more one note lol gag material. Robin though is consistently selfless and understanding, which I like a lot more. Well maybe she's almost too selfless to a self-sacrificing extent but yeah. Weird conversation to be having but whatever.
It's likely a fujiko mine inspiration and girls love fujiko mine so I doubt it's an issue

Even after the initial crisis where she needed money it makes sense the basic drive remained especially since now she can actually enjoy that money
Makes sense. Anyway, Robin gang for life for me.
Robin seemed to enjoy crushing franky’s balls.
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here's a very specific self-insert.
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>yaoi hands
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Male hands typed these
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Path to Nowhere
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This artist really likes Lenalee Lee from D.Gray-man.

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Rika makes me weak in the knees.
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What's the difference between yumejoshi and himejoshi?
Yumejoshi is a girl who has waifu/husbando feelings towards a character and typically enjoys self insert content with them. Think of reader fics or OC/canon as the western equivalent of it. Himejoshi is just a girl who likes yuri.
There are girls who are strictly one or the other but also plenty who like both just like there's overlap between yumejos and fujos.
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Anything with some Kill la Kill characters?
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Haven't seen any; I'd say Satsuki & Ryuko's BL-eqsue dynamic filled the fangirl art role well enough.
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genderbent Transformers gijinka
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Rika is so powerful she won an actual yearly yumejoshi poll that had 99 other characters...twice in a row.
Rika strong. Other yume favorites come close, but Rika seems to hit all the spots.
All female chara placements:
1: Rika - Pokemon SV
56: Sirius Symboli - Uma Musume
70: Tayu Yugata - Cipher Academy
94: Katsuragi Ace - Uma Musume
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Courtesy bump
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This artist really likes Uta: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/90216626
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is there anything implying the first lewd batch of images is futa? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114645132
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Cute. It's funny since I believe Uta is a somewhat unpopular character in the fandom in general, but I guess for lesbians she's more appealing.

This one is kinda more puzzling though, since Devon is deliberately an offputting character. Guess it takes every color to make a rainbow. And kinda cute that it exists.
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OC x Boa
>Cute. It's funny since I believe Uta is a somewhat unpopular character in the fandom in general
She's one of the most popular with yumejoshi if not the most popular and that's what matters. If you're thinking of western fandom I don't care.
>This one is kinda more puzzling though, since Devon is deliberately an offputting character. Guess it takes every color to make a rainbow. And kinda cute that it exists.
A lot of the goofy characters get yumejoshi art
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My wife Nico Robin...
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Good taste anon
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Seriously she's so peak. Both when she's cool and distant pre timeskip and when she's calm and relaxed post TS.
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Darkstalkers, Morrigan
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More Rika
Monika x the MC (Female)
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Cipher Academy, Shitsuke Koshibai
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Rika is so dreamy.
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Someone should scan this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118394456
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