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This time starting off with sleeping with the fishes.

Previous thread: >>3977022
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Anyone have any good Lamia Yuri?
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That Naotin humanxmonster couple.
love how she goes from being terrified of monstergirl to be relying on monstergirl to protect her from whatever terrifies her now
She figured she might as well enjoy the free amazon gf with extra long fingers.
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Weeks late-bless the slow nature of /u/-but I do adore the little crumbs of yuri MGQ gives us.
Kinda wish it gave us more, but considering the shitshow a certain other MG franchise is, it's a massive blessing.
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>Kinda wish it gave us more
Only "kinda"? I'd prefer them a lot more than the MC basically just going "I'M C O O O M I N G !!!" for the 69420th time.
>but considering the shitshow a certain other MG franchise is, it's a massive blessing.
Which one?
Your tears are delicious.
Gay girls with big ol gazers

Gay-zers if you will
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Seems fanartists are going crazy over Queenbeemon.
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>Endless honey
Who wouldn't?
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>A moment of carelessness

>The reason why the strongest female hero lost was because she underestimated the monster since it was a low-level monster.

>She was caught with a speed that was unimaginable for her size, and in the end, she and the lamia were tightened as if with with bellows, unable to resist in the tight fit.
The moment she carelessly opened her mouth after being forced to inhale the strong paralyzing and aphrodisiac breath, the lamia thrusted her tongue into her mouth.

>Her tongue was devoured with a vulgar vacuum kiss, and her long tongue was roughly stirred deep into her throat, and her consciousness gradually became a mess with pleasure.
Even the invincible hero who was hailed as the strongest in the world was reduced to a mere kissing slave once in the hands of the lamia. She supplied the lamia with saliva, and turned her into livestock that continued to orgasm with humiliating deep kisses...

>Eventually, the lamia picked up the female hero who had fainted from too much pleasure, and disappeared into the depths of the cave.
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>The strongest female hero, who was defeated by a low-level lamia due to a moment of carelessness, is taken back to the nest where her fellow lamias devour her mouth with lesbian kisses day after day.

>In a few days, her mouth and throat are trained into a fine erogenous zone, and it floods with saliva every time she is kissed.
>In this world, lamias consume women's saliva as nutrition, so their bodies have been modified through training to allow for efficient intake.
>The female hero became addicted to pleasure and became a sow whose only thought was kissing lamias.

>A few years later, she was saved by a passing adventurer, but the traces of her training did not disappear.
>Unable to suppress the constant throbbing in her body, she eventually disappeared back into that cave without anyone knowing.
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>Osmosis imps hydrate through their heat reactive skin which they also use to tempt unaware travellers.
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