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Continued from >>4177231
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So, little Marcille was carrying a Falin doll in her dream
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Is this allowed?
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Too bad Namari's leg fetish didn't make it to the anime.
I wonder how she'd react if Marcille were to call her chest feathers cute or fluffy.
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Blush and then invite her to touch them.
So is it head-canon to have Marcille be into female furries?
She's only into featheries.
It it worth it to read this manga if I only care about the yuri
No. It's really good, though.
The "yuri" is barely there even. Marcille gets shipped with the MC by a large part of the fandom, it's not like Gundam witch where the male romance options were just a joke.
sis you'd have to digging in /a/ or the mangadex comment section to find people who ship Marcille with Laois, I mostly see Farcille out there.
reddit, youtube, mal, it's pretty common everywhere
a lot of people seem to think she has better chemistry with him
And yet the Farcille content dwarfs it by a large margin. Het is the plebeian option for braindead normalfags who only know how to ship the first male and female they see.
From what I've seen of the Dungeon Meshi r*ddit (someone there posts translations of the extra content, okay?), it's mostly one persistent schizo everyone hates.

Laios and Marcille do have good chemistry and become very close over the manga, but there's nothing romantic about it, especially not on Marcille's side. The ending also makes them having a relationship very unlikely. Laios needs to produce a legal heir and Marcille is infertile.
no, there's barely anything romance related period and most of the yuri content comes from Marcille and Falin being long time friends and a very fanservicey bath episode. If you want to watch it you'll watch it cause it's a very well made show and story
Most people see het as a default so yeah, that's not a super new development. But Farcille is one of the emotional cores of the show.
Wait where did you get that info about Marcille?
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It comes up in the manga. Marcille is a half-elf, which makes her infertile. The tall-man you can see in the paintings inside her nightmare is her father.
>(someone there posts translations of the extra content, okay?)
she's also posting it on twitter and tumblr if that's the only thing keeping you there.
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Marking what is hers.
Would you ship them like this?
Laios() isn't dumb-looking enough
I know I'm late to the party but I just watched that episode and that was super adorable.
>dungeon lord Marcille still gets topped
Fuckin amazing.
Amazing episode in general
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Is Izutsumi too furry, or is it alright as long as she's not completely naked and catty?
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Sis if Izutsumi is too furry I don't know what the fuck to describe the last five threads of the various forms of Falin
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Lots of gay cat this episode.
I wanted to hear her purring
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How do we feel about the animated form of our favorite lesbian Leo DiCaprio elf?
She was a cool prop.
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The VA suit her
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Those or so good
Actual nostalgia from this photo.
Definitely miss this era of the internet that's for sure.
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I love how awful and canon this is.
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I just watched this episode, Izutsumi plopping herself down on Marcelle's lap was adorable. I read a fic recently where Izutsumi got horny in the Golden Kingdom because of the monster-taming spell and humped Marcelle and now it makes sense.
You know what this is. It's art.
All elves are gay.
fuck Misyl already, she wants you
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Actually fem Laios isn't dumb, the canon look is extreme hotcool
I want to believe she really has fetish for halflings as such and there is nothing pedo
may just be complex from her comical size 130cm topkek. cute tho
cute and canon
If she just liked halflings she wouldn't dump them when they turn 30. Judging by Chillchuck going gray at 29 that's about the age where they stop looking like kids.
This is really pretty.
Alternatively, the big 30 is when half-foots realize their time window for settling down is closing and dump her because she's a convict in the elf suicide squad.
I appreciate the work the artist put into drawing those shoulderblades.
Gotta try all the options.
Don't forget - last chance to get children. You know hoe yuri oneshots often mention lesbians getting dumped by their girlfriends to marry a guy (often rpobably due to the desire to have children), realistically that would happen in fantasy setting too.
Hopefully Marcille invents magical XX+XX fertilization.
Cat spotted a new cushion to knead.
Marcille felt this.

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