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Discuss the DALSP, the ongoing remake of the game, and how Kurumi is the cutest

Remember to do your dailies!
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What's left worth doing in this game?
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Based OP
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Imagine drooling all over Kurumi's ass
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I love Yoshino!
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Before I start I want to first thank AIC Plus/Kadokawa for making this into an anime into the first place. I don't think I'd appreciate this series as much as I do today if it wasn't for this adaptation. Just a genuine thank you for making this anime having such a strong impact on my life in the last five years. In no ways do I mean any harsh words to the people working behind this anime.
However, sigh its time to be honest about what this anime really is.
First whats my experience with the series and....well what is the series. This series is called Date A Live in which you follow the Main Character of Shido Itsuka. The series main focus is of course dating if that wasn't obvious enough. There are two options to get rid of these catastrophic killing machines in the form of cute girls or spirits as they call them. Either annihilate the forces which is very difficult to pull off. Or date them and "Make them all weak in the knees" as the series likes to put it. This may sound very cheesy and just straight up stupid that a series that revolves around dating these ticking time bombs is doomed to fail. However, it is so much more than the premise may put it out to be. Koushi Tachibana the author and creator of Date A Live aim at first was to just have fun and write a story with dating sim elements present. However, the amount of heart and just flat out good writing throughout this story shows how high his standards really are as a writer. My Experience with the series is when I was around 16 this is the first anime that really got me into anime as it wasn't my first but it definitely attracted me to the point where I wanted become a full blown weeb. I really loved every second when watching and I finished all 20 episodes and 1 movie (season 3 and 4 were not out yet) all in one day. I love it more than most and truly think its something special. I'm 21 now btw and just finished my rewatch of the first season.
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Now let's talk about the anime....what does it do well? What does it do badly? If its so special and well-written then this should be easy to identify the good stuff RIGHT!!!!..........right? sigh unfortunately there isn't any way to put it lightly the anime fails to capture what the light novel does. Credit to the studio this is a very hard task to accomplish as adapting a light novel as this with so much narration and how so much of the development happens in the head of the protagonist is not an easy task to tackle. However, the way AIC tries to do so is just unacceptable in my opinion. The many ways this adaptation in comparison to its superior version is the absence of emphasis on many scenes present, logic and purpose behind both what is happening in the anime along with why characters are doing what they are doing, and just the overall this adaptation IS JUST WAYYYYYY TO RUSHED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Sometimes it just comes off to me that the absence of time in most of these scenes along with the fact we don't have a clear understanding of how Shido Itsuka is feeling in many situations (unlike the light novel) kinda just makes him feel like a crazy generic MC that just does the right thing in every situation with no emotion behind it.
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Take the first arc for example Tohka's arc while leaving a lot of scenes cut from the Light Novel and kinda making the user scratch their head at Shido where his parents are what's the situation he's in? At least they explain spacequakes and what they are at least. What I feel this arc does worst is fail the emphasize the situation Tohka's in and how Shido truly wants to help her understand the world. As this arc should be about how Tohka truly is a victim in her own situation about how she has no other choice but to fight off the AST and how she truly doesn't want to do this. Much of this is lost in the anime as they rush through many of these scenes with very minimal emotional attachment to it. It just feels like both Shido as a character and his purpose of helping this spirit just get lost in the anime by the constant rushing of scenes.
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This does not change in the Yoshino's arc. As many of scenes here while im happy that they were at least adapted unfortunately fall flat and are victim to the constant rushing of scenes in order to get a grasp of what's really happening here along with the personalities. Take this very dumb and funny scene that I really enjoyed reading of the scene where Shido goes to Origami's apartment to fetch back the Yoshinon she had found after Yoshino fled the scene. It honestly goes by so fast that I honestly missed everything that happens in this scene. The emotions running through Shido's head the fact that he feels like he's about to pass out he feels like he's filled with sexual desire towards Origami despite that being not what he wants to do to a friend and origami keeps egging him on to do so. Its a very charming scene but yet so simple in which Origami wants to be closer to Shido and him having no ability to fight back because of the drugged up tea he just drank. However, the anime does all this in a minute removing any form of panic in Shido's personality I could barely even tell he was drugged up. One of my favorite scenes in this arc is the scene in which Yoshino tells Shido how important Yoshinon is to her and why she doesn't fight back against the AST. A super touching scene had me in tears in the LN specifically about Shido's resolve in this scene. And the fact that he tells Yoshino that he "wants to be her hero" not because that's what he really thinks but instead because he wanted to help her in any way he could because he truly felt she was one of the strongest people he met. I'll leave it at that if anyone who's reading this wants to read the LN I would highly recommend reading at least this scene as it is insane how much this adds to Shido's resolve and why he's helping Yoshino.
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And Now we get to Kurumi's arc (after a shitty filler ep don't make me review that pls) in my opinion this is the worst adapted in this season. Not only did this skip basically the first chapter of the entire volume but it skips scenes where it shows the evolution of Tohka and Yoshino since Shido sealed them. Just an overall rushed adaptation of a really good volume in the series where Shido goes through the sort of identity crisis about whether he wants to help this bad spirit he realizes is killing people and wonders if what he's doing is really a good thing. Along with the introduction of Mana Shido's blood-related sister. Mana is so shafted in the anime that it's actually insane that they don't capture any of her character at all in the anime and how she and Shido are so far apart because of the constant killing of Kurumi's clones she does. And I can't elaborate on this enough how Shido truly feels about Mana and who she is as a person along with the scene in the anime where Shido decides to save Kurumi. Mana's one of my fav characters in the LN so it was sad to see they really barely gave her enough time to let her personality shine throughout this arc to the point I started wondering what I enjoyed so much about this show 5 years ago.
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Kotori Itsuka arc the big bad imouto time. while suffering from the same thing from time to time in this arc as the other 3. The thing I disliked about this arc is this sort of arc gives time to shine to many side characters that usually don't get much screen time such as Reine but she gets a good amount throughout the series so I don't mind as much, the one I felt got shafted the most was definitely Kannazuki the vice-captain of Ratotskr. He gets a good amount of time to shine in this volume or at least should. Most of his characterization is unfortunately cut from the anime. But the thing that bugs me about this adaptation is, they single Handley cut-off one of the most important flashbacks in the entire series. You get a very touching scene between Kotori and Shido when Kotori obtained her spirit powers 5 years ago but they also introduce a SUPER important character down the line that shows how good of a writer Tachibana really is. But they cut all of it out of the anime by just literally fast-forwarding through the whole thing.
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So in conclusion, I know that this came off a little rambly by the end of it but I really just wanted to explain my discomfort towards the anime and how it fails to capture what the LN does so well. By constantly rushing through big scenes and just many of the characters came off as generic and emotionless because the studio failed to capture their personalities well. Date A Live is truly a once-in-a-lifetime series I just wanted to let everyone know that the anime isn't the end-all-be-all for the series if you disliked it. In fact, I feel that the anime isn't even an adaptation at all of the series and is more so a good introduction of what the series is. And if you were confused at times and want to know what most of this stuff means when watching go read the LN. I don't care if you gave the series a 4/10, a 6/10, or a 1/10 if you found the series enjoyable at least at one point of time please just give the LN a shot I know it won't disappoint truly think it's one of the best pieces of media out there and hope to share this with more others scared of reading LN's or were unattracted to the series for the bad adaptation. In my opinion, this anime shouldn't determine whether the series is good or bad for you instead it should open your eyes up to it and see if you should maybe try reading the LN.
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I'm glad it happened or sorry for your loss
Does the game have the short stories like Yoshino Fireworks or Kotori Birthday?
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Theater mode is back now.
s-sex with shiori?
Sure, any hole is welcomed at this point
Where's the content?
>no halloween event
>no thanksgiving event
>no christmas event
>no new years event
It's over.
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It's the year of the rabbit! Hope everyone has a nice one.
Anal with Yoshino
It's been over long before the rework.. I give them July at the latest until an EoS announcement.
You need to pay for it.
It's over.
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Mayuri, my love.
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Gyen, the game. Play the game. Gyen.
Mayuri, my love!
Mayuri, the cutest Spirit!
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Ded spirit, ded game. Let it go bro
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It's over.
Holy shit, a talking nothingness
But you never loved her to begin with.
It's nothing.
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Based, now have her get fucked by a horse.
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Nice drawing, now commission it.
Mio when?
Maybe after season 5, but likely only for CN and JP as they still get updates unlike global.
Time to switch to JP
I love my DAL girls, makes me sad to see them die like this
I hope the devs get a stroke for how shit they are
Not dead until the game is officially EOS'd.
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Where Hajime at?
He got banned from 4chan most likely.
Pretty sure he is shitposting in /alter/ and isekai
You weren't joking
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dunno what happened but I hope you doing ok
Everything became for the worse after he found Mukuro.
Come back bro, we miss you
Donovan vanished just like Mayuri who he dumped for Mukuro, poetic.
The fuck are you guys all talking about? This "Donovan" or "Mayuri"? Neither ever existed
Bring back Date a Sow as the new leader.
Come back
Dates are back next week, for CN that is.
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CNK rework never ever
Ded game
ded franchise
I still love my gals though
come back bro
everyone is crying for you
Game is now officially dead, CN went full retard so unless you want to pull 6 more dupes of your limited after getting C6 on her then this is the time to quit.
>he thinks it'll come to global
>I close my comment and let you all think
Me not speak English very well.
That you Donovan?
>That you redacted?
>that spoiler
Why bro?
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In the end, I won the greatest prize of all.
What went wrong?
Reworks always kill gachas
I miss Soccer Spirits
Is it over yet?
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maybe if the dev wasnt such a fucking jew...
they're bakas
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Finally over
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At last
Is CN still alive?
Yep. Good luck buying a chinese ID to play the game.
DAL V's budget without game funds.
At least we are free. But at what cost?
my DALvi BROS ...
Will our refunds be through PayPal, Google pay, or credit?
Implying you can get them.
God I wish they added Nia dates at least to the CN server, but I guess they only added the pre-rework dates. Still I wish for more Nia content
I would say it's unbelievable that people actually paid money for this kind of games but then I remember the state the whole gaming industry is in.
I can't say making another VN game would have been better but so far only the first game and some parts of the second were worth paying for if you were a fan of the series.
the game made a million on global launch, the devs would've been rolling in dough if they had half a braincell and weren't so fast to try to squeeze out more and more.
I remember how after the madoka gacha went eosed people panicked and alot of people quit DAL. The devs then decided to piss off the whales by releasing inverse tohka then nightmare kurumi right after during the timeframe genshin launched.
It's LITERALLY over...
Deitobros... we were supposed to dunk on the nepsisters...
EoS means End of sex with your deito
Wait we aren't? What are the neps up to now?
I only found out about this game EOSing after visiting the Priconne general during their EOS meltdown.
That kind of sucks, was thinking there would at least be some small group of whales supporting this game.
At least I had fun for a week during the revamp. Sorry to all the clubbros who are still playing.
Thank fucking whatever that decided to kill off this bullshit. Everything about DAL has been nothing but disaster. The fandom, the game, even the ending of LN... It's all deeply buried in a ship load of shit.

At least this piece of shit had some decent artwork that people datamined.
Kurumi sexo
That you, scrubp?
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Queen killed this game
Is that pic when Kurumi get Mio'd?
/dalg/ CN/JP edition when?
Let it go bro...
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Exis, Karkeys, come back bros.
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Come back, bro.
Never actually got around to trying this game, but figured I should try to save any cute art/voice assets of the DALs before the game drops.

Are there any better datamines or compilations online than https://github.com/n0k0m3/DateALiveData ? That one looks decent but also seems like it stopped being updated a while ago, unless the game literally hasn't had any new content for years.
It also sounds like it was syncing with EN, which I'm guessing means it's missing a lot of content from CN/JP.
Thats the github from the original game, it got a rework with a new app and thus that github stopped being updated.
Makes sense, saw you guys and others talking about how the rework finished off the game.
Am I missing much with just that Github from the original game? Or did the game mostly stop updating new art/voices for the girls after things got bad enough that they tried reworking?
Rework has some art changes + Nia and Mukuro.
Mukuro is beautiful. Seriously. I've never seen her in person, but I can guarantee you that she is. She is a woman. She is a female spirit. And for that reason she will always be a magnificent heralding of what millions of years of evolution has to offer, and men will find it mesmerizing. Mukuro is nature's work of art. You don't have to be the Mona Lisa or the Sistine Chapel to be beautiful. She has a lot to be proud of, honey. It's hard in our rigorously elitist society of late, but she is without a doubt attractive and appealing to the opposite (or same) sex. The tips in this thread will help, but confidence cannot be faked. Just know that Mukuro is fabulous and the world will follow her along.
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>Mukuro is beautiful
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Some seriously luscious lips!
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How is there such a seriously cute spirit??
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I've literally never seen anyone else I felt I could snuggle so hard with.
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It's like if Medusa melted your heart instead of turning you to stone.
>girl will literally create wormholes to snuggle with you
And people say deitos are low-tier waifus
They aren't low tier waifus, they are batshit insane
Don't stick your dick in crazy
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Exis, come back for Ren sex
Does anyone actually cares about Ren?
Unironically, my dick does.
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She's cute and makes my dick erect, so I do.
Ren porn when
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Tell me about Ren! Why does she wear the blindfold?
To cover her identity when she makes gangbang videos with random people
>random people
All me, btw.
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Ask the commissionbro, assuming he's still around.
He got laid and left.
/dalg/ is falling
What went wrong bros?...
probably the game that it's based on
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A smile worth protecting until forever any beyond.
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A culo worth fucking until forever any beyond.
Come back Exis.
Sex with Mio

That would be true IF talking about 3dpd, which we aren't.
Oyakodon with Ren and Mio.
Muku's odango
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There will never be a beauty as pure as this angel
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Let it die
You could have been here for greatness.
How many days left? 2?
46 hours left I think
I wish Exis would come back
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When is maintenance over?
It's over, at last
Mio, save us...
I hope the devs get shanked and mugged, along with that dogshit fanboy dechi.
i was wondering if the JP version was the same with the global
>Still wanting to play this shitty game
Let it go
nah. i gave up on the game way before all of you on day 1
>day 1
take me back
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stop posting and let the thread die
I will have sex with Mio again and again until she resurrects the game
>game dies
>have sex with mayuri
>game lives
>have sex with mukuro
Both are a win
We are all going to play at JP so these threads will never die.
wya senpai?
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You abandoned Nia
You abandoned Kurumi
I will now play your game
How much until JP dies?
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>Only 27k
It's Shidover
Pretty sure CN dies first, chinks are already wondering when its their turn.
What went so wrong?
Half-assing a rework and non-stop milking clockchads and queenfags
wrong guess bro
You abandoned Mukuro.
Everyone abandoned their deitos
It's over
/dalg/ has no foreseeable future
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You DID tell happy birthday to our wife, Kurumi right?
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I'm not a communist
Guys I’m trying to install this game but I can’t find it; what’s going on?
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Game is ogre
That you, Dave? Please come back.
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Have you given your spirit love a hug today?
Dave is dead bro, he's never coming back
Dave who?
The real paperbro
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about my waifu, you little bitch? I'll have you know Mukuro graduated top of her class in Ratatoskr, and has been involved in numerous secret raids on Deus Ex Machina Industries, and has over 300 confirmed Wizard kills. She is trained in gorilla warfare and is the top Spirit in the entire Date A Live franchise. You are nothing to her but just another target. She will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to her over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak she is contacting her secret network of spies across Fraxinus and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. She can be anywhere, anytime, and can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with her normal form. Not only is she extensively trained in unarmed combat, but she has access to the entire arsenal of Asgard Electronics and will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. She will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Everything went downhill when you threw away Mayuri and went after Mukuro.
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Anyone here playing on JP or CN?
Is it worth doing so?
Let it go, anon
>let it go
>hasn't let the thread go
CN gets Artemisia as a new character.
stop making me want
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We were so close...
You just had to let it go.
Why are we still alive? just to suffer?
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Never got around to playing this game, what was it like? Was it fun?
It was until they reworked it and killed it
Reworked? How so?
I've been missing the game lately. Cute girls, nice gameplay, date system. It was fun.
Now I'll can't play Yoshino while she runs around cutely yells "Gomenasaaai".
prerework of course
I've been missing everyone who left.
Why did they leave us?
>tfw DaS still MiA
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we were so close.
you have to let go...
>No news
>No game
What are we still alive? Just to suffer?
/dalg/ will never die.
Move on bros...
why is origami so hot...
also dal5 when???
Is that you Dave? pls come back
Total paper impregnation
Let it go, anon, they are all dead
But anon, they are all playing on JP, just like Don.
>Don still playing
Let it go bro, you are hurting yourself
Just learn JP bro
I may go back to the game if the game was like before rework
They added too much shit on the rework that I lost all interest
And if they stop being greedy jews
Because my favorite girl isn't high-tier/meta to casually plow through content with.
Not going to happen, maybe the new planned DaL game will be different.
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>new planned DaL
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fan game does not count
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>mfw hajime mogged us all selling his account early
>new planned DaL game
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muku countdown
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She should have been shaved bald.
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what did she mean by this .
let it go bro...
shes a retard, what did you expect
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Yeah, your head is as well
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>thread goes blank in thread watcher
>"it's actually over. . ."
>come back to old laptop
>(9) /vmg/
>thread watcher
>he watches a thread about a dead game
I don't wanna let go . . .
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Let it go bros...
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Realistically what is there to even look forward to for this? The series is over right? They ran out of girls and they'll run out of alts soon anyway.
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The novels are finished. The anime isn't.
And why the FUCK would anyone be looking forward to that 3DCG fest?
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I love Mukiro
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I love Mayuri too
Wish she had more art to share.
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i missed the live stream
but fuck... i think mostlikely april?
I think this is the second push back, right?
I would assume April too. Spring season just like DAL IV
They keep releasing seasons but the porn amount doesn't increase
>mfw no retard panty hampster
>mfw no bunny mossy cleft
>mfw no clock pink taco
>mfw no sister lady garden
>mfw no twin bearded clam
>mfw no cow fur burger
>mfw no witch meat sleeve
>mfw no paper coozie
>mfw no nun squeeze box
>mfw no space love tunnel
What is life with no Spirit front butt?
Doujins never, DaL seems to be dead in japan and the anime only being a thing due to chinks, but even they wont make doujins.
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I love Mukuro so much. I want to fall asleep cuddling with her.
Wanna slide into that spacussy.
Why the fuck would you even care about doujins when everyone and their mother either uses AI or Koikatsu to make porn nowadays?
Because quality matters
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>not come to this board in months
>mfw see a spirit pledge thread
>mfw it's the same thread from before
I knew this board was slow, but i didn't think it would survive this long after the EN release died.
Bro, what quality? Nearly all DAL doujins are also below your average doujin quality.
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We need these set of doujins but with deitos
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Who should get the next doujin?
Not really that surprising when you can pretty much just post a single reply every 3 or 4 days to bump a thread
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let's not mention it's just one person keeping it alive since literally nobody else gives a shit about this dead game anymore
just let it die bros...
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First off, based on that pic you're attempting to 'call me out'
Second off, fuck you, no I'm not.
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>New IP
Not him but he's right, you always bump the thread when it's going to die
So I'm being banned?
Doesn't matter I guess, but I ran my script to delete my posts like I normally do. Not really sorry, but it accidentally picked up posts in the loli thread. Wasn't given time to respond apparently, since it was definitely Gyen reacting to this. But you should have known since it stopped.
Or maybe you didn't like being called out that it wasn't me bumping threads and I was going to call it out every time it happened. Can't say really. But I'm done. Enjoy your deitos.
The fuck happened here?
don't worry about it
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Its easy to tell, first.. the micro-transaction hell that was the game upon first being brought over globally with a shoddy translation, then ALL the various servers, then the thinning of servers, then the rework with the new game.. a lot of stuff just went horribly, making it hard for the game to even get much attention or even people making videos about it.
Manlets attempting to compensate.
I wouldn't worry about it.
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I don't get it, is don a manlet?
I am the king of manlets. You think me latching onto one of the shortest spirits with the most overly compensating chest was coincidence?
I really MUST know if Westcott actually does have a knighthood.
Now post the part where they all get hot glued
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nice clocks sir
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Exis, come back.
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My account is probably deleted and I heard they scan your messages "now" at the point they can automatically ban you if you say something like "nigger"
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Yeah your account was deleted months ago, not sure if they actually implimented it as nothing was deleted from my end. Still a shame, I would have liked to stay in contact.
esl pls
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webm too long.
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Mayuri is made for rape and NTR.
All deitos are made for rape
Who is the number 1 deito to rape?
Miku is very rapeable
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It's her misandry that makes it hot.
Bumping this desolated wasteland has really damaged your heads.huh?
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All me, btw.
giving miku a christmas rape
And a merry christmas to you too
this shit outlasted the fucking game
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Merry christmas bros
Happy New Year
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This year I'm thankful for the perfect smile.
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my bad. here you more bro
>AI slop
How the mighty /dalg/ have fallen
Global might have flopped, but apparently Rio Reincarnation didn't since we're actually getting Ren's game in English.

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this a retard thread now?
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Did you foresee the foreshadow?
We need more deito porn
>Captcha: XXX8M
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I miss the so much
It was a good game after all
You playing on JP or something?
/dalg/world when?
What even is palworld to begin with?
Pokemon but open world and you need to construct a base, other shit and gather resources
You can use those pokemon as slaves to get the resources or build shit for you
Literally ARK:survival evolved but with Pokemon instead of dinosaurs with Breath of the Wild/Genshin Impact-like aesthetic.
I fucked up bad. All my Ddriveeitos, gone. Reduced to last July's backup.
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Take me back
Kotori sexo
You actually still playing?
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wait, we're all still not playing?
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So did the JP version survive?
yeah it's still going. they just got white queen.
Is she still broken?
no idea not playing it, i just saw their post twitter.
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She's waiting for you to come back.
I won't start all over again so she can keep waiting
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>release semi obscure franchise gacha
>beloved by all players
>make literal millions
>be chink dev
>update no one asked for
>full features pending
>loose player faith
>lost revenue
What went wrong?
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updates didn't start to kill this game, clock skin in the first week did, then WQ before its time
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>date cg live
Either die as an anime with high quality animation or live long enough to become CG shit
Same fate as SnK
What killed the game? Trannycord or WQ?
holy shit it looks worse than the first season
anon...everything looks worse than the first season
Did you guys not watch season 4? They used a lot of CG shit after Nia's arc and not just for obvious shit like robots or ships but for the actual characters as well.
This time they are being upfront on how cheap the new season is going to be.
Less gachabux, please understand.
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sudden clock
Give her the cock.
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Both are shit.
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We are so back.
Weren't previous seasons also anticipated? Look how they turned out. I don't think there is anyone left on /a/ who cares about this except for maybe circlejerkers like clockfags.
It doesn't help this seasons covers the arc where the author finally stopped trying and paved the way for that shitty final arc which I hope they never animate it since you can makesa8 an entire 10 episode season out of it
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Date A Live V is gonna reinvent the medium
5 seasons and the porn doesn't increase
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most of anime porn that isnt fotm have died out thanks to gachashit
>Every Date a Live thread on /a/ dies in less than 24 hours
>This close to season 5
Holy shit no one gives a fuck about this franchise anymore. Shame, it's not even that bad. Premise is decent for a harem and the girls are quite endearing.
author cucked out, shat out an ending on par with haganai and is now writing a story where the tranny mc cucks himself by hooking up his (badly written) crush's body with other men.
That happening in King propose? Give some details.
Reine sexo
I take it you weren't on /a/ for the last few episodes of season 4. Most people dropped after Mukuro arc since the studio made the retarded decision of adaptating half of a two volume long arc, fucking up the pacing beyond repair.
It didn't help season 5 would adapt the point the series goes the point of no return.
So um is there amy way to transfer my acc data?
Global no longer exist bro...
Global is dead, CN and JP will no longer any updates as HGS is basically gone.
>HGS is basically gone.
That explains the Geek Toys merger. Guess we're really not getting any more anime after S5 is over. Truly started thinking the whole thing would get adapted. Oh well not like the last volumes were great.
Buy merch so JC can save again.
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Speaking of new merch.
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wtf happened?
What's the chance of a limited preorder going to bin?
I stuck my dick in crazy and turned her into a cutie
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The perfect spirit,
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oops, wrong pic
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>Colors in Kabbalah order
>Shido using Zafkiel
Too bad the arc is shit
is the game worth downloading? i only played azur lane as a gacha, i like the dal series and am excited for season v
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SOUL vs soulless
Sex with Kotori
I asked because idk how this game is, I heard it got closed for EN
Chinks are getting a nostalgia server no clue if it will open for JP as well or even others. But it would be the pre-rework game but you'd never get updates.
So how is the JP version?
Is anyone of you playing it?
based boludos liking best girl
Are the chinese servers worth playing on?
No, ignoring the fact you need a Chinese ID or need to send them a copy of your passport to even get in, they won't be getting any updates regardless.
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Me have Chine ID, last long time.
I miss this.
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don't mind me, just posting cutest clock
Who died now?
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I'll miss him...
date a live
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date a live? more like date a dead
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>Mio can kill all the girls
>But not this thread
>no muku
bad battle
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Only the strong survive . . .
God, what a shit season
Also putting Tohka instead Kotori, Origami or Reine shows how retarded and gay facebookfags are, not to mention winning against fucking Aqua

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