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I like this mod
tomatofaggot shilling his garbage mod
Why are 'sector threads being killed so quickly?
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Retard forgot to put the name of the game in the subject:

We can save this thread for later.
are the Red mecha faction and the green and orange faction mods back yet?
>red mecha faction
If you're referring to Diable Avionics, then yes it's being maintained for 0.97.
ok so, do rapesector have memory leak issue? i heard TNP have the issue before so i assume rapesector fixed it
i'm trying to find what shit made my game memory leaked
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>come back to starsector after half a year hiatus
>mod drama with malicious code again

So has Alex clued the fuck in yet with this unofficial discord of incels and the incompetent dumbfuck mod team he has on his forum or is he still turning a blind eye (tacitly endorsing) this kind of shit?

Seems like this time he couldn't just pretend it wasn't his problem and banned the fucker, but from the look of things it still hasn't been jammed far enough up Alex's ass for him to actually clean house. Which tells me the dumbfuck supports it. Said it over a year ago, Alex needs to clean his shit up or something was going to happen, and OH LOOK AT THAT.

What mods are being maintained by malicious sociopaths that I have to blacklist now?
All of the shit tartiflette was maintaining? Anything else?
Honestly just play vanilla. At least your reboot playthrough will be interesting due to new colony content. After that wait another 2 years or so.
>This change does not brick save files or harm you computer in any way
It's a breach of trust and maliciously intended, into the gulag it goes.

You're a genuine idiot of you trust any of the people pulling this stupid shit.

They got their assholes puckered in after going too far, but now they're putting feelers out again for where the new boundary is.
The new boundary should be zero tolerance good bye stay banned forever fucko. If only Alex had the balls to actually crack down on this shit instead of tolerating it.

Haven't even read the patch notes to see what's been added, but I can't imagine there's much new on the colony side of things that's particularly interesting. It was always the weakest part of the game; pretty much just free income and ships with zero narrative component and barely even makes sense (what do the zoomers call it? Ludonarrative dissonance?)
>know one update Alex is going to make it so that your shit gets stolen from one or something kek

Needs to happen. You either put up some defenses and pay for mercs to watch your shit or random riffraff make off with it all. Player shouldn't be getting a free lunch like that and it's honestly insane it's been left like this for so long.

The whole dynamic of the game changes the second you can't park all your shit in one of those stations for free and anyone playing with and using those stations does themselves a disservice.
Paying for planetary storage is not some great challenge. Ignoring trade and black market shenannigans and other trival ways to make money, it's still extremely easy to make hundreds of thousands to a few million in a month just from easy early game bounties and survey missions, it's how I start most runs after all. Paying a few thousand a month for storage is literally nothing. I don't even get why people use the abandoned stations now, they're so out of the way that any money you save not buying convenient storage is lost in how much time you waste flying around to get to them.
anybody have an answer? or is it nexerelin/version checker that is more retarded because it is more prone to having memleak? or is it because i use stellar network?
Why is this thread in /vst instead of /vrpg?
nexerelin will leak like horny bitch on its own, anything on top of it will only make it worse
this, vanilla is fine
just a couple of quality of life mods and not some "NEW EDGY SAMURAI FACTION WITH WUNDERWAFFLE SHIP FOLDED 10000 TIMES"
Why is your clitty leaking?
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Because the game doesn't really have any role-playing elements compared to even superficial RPG games like, say, Fallout 4.
What little flavour options in dialogue there are are almost always very vague about your character's true position on the matter, and often don't result in any different resolution on a quest.
Most Starsector Quests are have the same resolution and reward regardless of your words and actions, with even the main storyline being very rigid about the outfomes for different characters.

By comparison the Strategy side of the game is far more pronounced than the roleplaying side.
Different skills dont give you different dialogue options during gameplay, they just affect how you play the game on it's strategic and tactical layers.

By comparison, Mount&Blade and even Battle Brothers, two very similar games, have more roleplaying elements to it than Starsector, but no one is questioning their place here.

I actually with the game had more roleplaying elements, like relationship with Officers and Contacts mattering more, and dialogue options changing depending on more traits, like skills, relationships, fleet conmposition, etc.
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Also, don't use this thread yet.

>>1755080 is still alive, and it will take several days to die yet, since it's barely on page 7 on /vst/. Us that one until it dies, then come here.
Man, I need to better proofread my posts.
I'm coming off as the ESL I secretly am.
nah the game just has you outsmarted
instead of making you think you have to grind stats other than faction rep, the game judges you based on your dialogue decisions and keeps hidden record jf your alignment
The buckbreaker download
Where is it
Which does nothing whatsoever.
>handful of autocracies with extreme income inequality banding together to oppose an industrially and numerically superior expansionist democracy
The Persean League is functionally the Confederacy in Space, and that's based. Get yourself a Persean League commission and BTFO screeching Hegemonkeys for the aristocratic freedom to enslave poors across the Sector, today!
>amerimuttie reads everything on amerimutt lens
The PL is based on the leagues of ancient Greek city-states. There is no reason to believe that the worlds of the PL are have more inequality than other worlds in the sector. The description of Eventide makes it very clear how things work over there.
The PL is just an alliance of planet-states banding together for protection against the Hegemony. Nominally equal, in reality Kazeron has hegemony.
It is the exact same as the Delian league, led by Athens, against the Persians and Spartans.
The Hegemony is literally a Military Junta born from the XIV Battlegroup's abuse of a Pre-Collapse military protocol that allowed it to maintain martial law.
The Hegemony has independant civilian hierarchies of varying degrees of democratic freedom governing each planet, but all of these are subservient and answer to the military branch of the Hegemony on everything, not the other way around.
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Download doko?
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I like the idea of the demilitarized Mora in it's description, a cruiser sized utility ship that does surveying, construction and mobile drydock, too much to give up a mod that adds it to the game.
>quality of life mods
Any reccomendations? I've only been playing a week and I haven't really wanted for anything.
The only thing I could think of is I'd like an after action report for battles.
Does it?
which mod?
the mods on discord ban u if u are against malware in code.
argument is that if u dont use approved mods that they arbitrarly make up on the spot u deserve it.
its bascially trannys raping u in the womens bathroom and justifying it with u were already rapemeat.
its a slippery slope if u dont have a 0 tolerance against this they will push the boundaries more each time.
next its complete OS corruption because u didnt have a trans flag in your bio to show support.
this legit happened. some dude just pushed a auto update to some small plugin on github IP wide broke all servers that had any sort of russian IP
Stop Gap Measures, though I just took the sprite and ship stats and made my own little mod that just added that one ship since it's all that I wanted.
This is why i haven't played in 6 years
ngo wasn't a good enough mod to have this years long of a chimpout over, these people are severely mentally ill
>t. brdy ost is kino don't usually post here anon because of you schizos
Once Starsector is complete and put on Steam, I wonder if trannoids will continue infecting their mods with scrapcode.
No, Steam does not tolerate that shit.
Also, gimme the skinny on the new modder drama pls
Coomer modder makes a mod that allows you to rape and kill captured enemy officers.
Butt-hurt activist modder, who's relatively influential in the modding scene, decides to put a malware code in his mods (plus some that he worked with) that activates if installed with the rapemod to break their saves.
Drama ensures with even Alex saying fuck this shit and bans anal modder.
>Stop Gap Measures
I'll have to try that one, I only have right now good old ship/weapon pack and support ships (pretty nice stuff)
>I just took the sprite and ship stats and made my own little mod
Based beyond belief
>broke all servers that had any sort of russian IP
uhhh based??? the internet would be much better if the russians weren't on it.
>t. nafoid tranny
Alert. Turkish tranny modder is about to shill his shit again, man just should buy an ad at this rate.
just ignore his shillposts. if you need just report him for breaking advertisement rule
>Turkler wants to fuck Nia Tahl
colour me surprised
>some dude just pushed a auto update to some small plugin on github IP wide broke all servers that had any sort of russian IP
Almost based, if only indogs and sirs were included.
So how's things going on?
I stoped playing starsector after malware mod drama.
Unsurprisingly, more malware mod drama
Stellar networks, QoL pack, Captain/Fleet log, Officer Extension
I haven't played in awhile. What are some good faction mods that have come out in the last couple years?

I fucked with shit like HMI, FPE, tiandong. Not the over balanced tranny mods with crazy high sci fi ships that fold vs vanilla. You know what I mean.
>What are some good faction mods that have come out in the last couple years?
there aren't any
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>expansionist democracy
game is defacto finished but alex is doing pointless gameplay balance polishing instead of actually adding fucking content.
mod drama finally ended with a malware code ban and most schizos self-exiled or retired
south asian anime mods won the mod factions war
hottest thing in the modding scene today seem to be QoL fixes like a mod manager
biggest worry today is veterans retiring and popular old mods getting abandoned, or worse, taken over by retards.
it sounds perfectly situated for a 1.0 release on steam now
Well, with the next update focusing on qol, only thing game would need for release is a finished story.
Funny how the Persean League and the Hegemony completely flipped roles in the community's perspective of each other since the Crisis overhaul.

Now everyone just hates the Persean League because they're the first and easiest colony Crisis to activate, while Hegemony are relatively simple to deal with, where previously they'd be extremely annoying the moment you started using them.
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You need to breed the Queen RIGHT NOW!
Do not redeem the seanig sir
Thanks. Those first three look really good but what do mean by Fleet Log? Google gives me two different results. Fleet Journal and Fleet Action History.
>Fleet Journal
This one. You can also have advanced gunnery controls to manually control gun behavior and flux reticle.
Some of them haven't been updated for the current version of the game. Can I just go in and change the modinfo.json?
That's what I've been doing for portrait mods but they really don't do anything that would break things.
>Can I just go in and change the modinfo.json?
And it will It Just Works?
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Does Officer Expansion worth with TNP(RS)?
It just adds more utility to officer management, like suspending and demoting them
I can get suspending them since it's lets you have more officers than you can actually use.
what is the point of demoting them?
If he rolled a useless skill for a certain ship, you can demote them by a level to pick another one, for example.
Okay that makes sense.
Putting my peepee in and out of Selkie fleshfolds very rapidly against her will
If it's not on the official forums, I just assume the mod maker did something retarded and don't bother
>All of the shit tartiflette was maintaining? Anything else?
Tartiflette's mods are all clean, as other modders have taken to maintaining them. Mutt Damon's versions were all scrubbed from the repositories. Besides that, the usual suspects.

>Nia Tahl
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Starsector gameplaybros, how the fuck do I stop gravitating towards the same few ships every new game?
Anyone else got any other fun favourites?
Doesn't matter which factions, vanilla or modded they are from.

I fucking love these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe.
They just work. Honorary mention to the Apollyon and UAF rillaru too.
i too enjoy enabling god mode in video games
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>Anyone else got any other fun favourites?
This thing pops capitals like they are frigates while screaming about stepping on the gas during battles, and only for 55 DP
Does anyone know how i can add glow effects for Sierra's ships that only activate during phase?
Anyone have the download link for buckbreakers?
Do you play secondlife?
Where the fuck do i get this game at?
The internet.
t. Naoh
I like the Excelsior, but it's too fucking overpowered if you know how to fly it.
There is a download button on the official website.
>modded cheat ships
niah thats you
You're right. The Ziggurat needs to go.
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You download the full game from the site and you need a key to activate the product, like with oldie games.

>Download game:

>Get a Key for yourself:
>Use Sseth's key:
>spoonfeeding this hard
You missed a discord ping
Here, so you two won't cry anymore:

>Unofficial Starsector Chat
>Lots of mods and shitty jannies.

>Spaceport Corvus
>Illegal Mods and other noncomformists.
How many illegal mods are we talking here?
You missed another one.
Champion or Eagle?
Eagle. It is a lot more flexible ship, while Champion only fits as anchor for the fleet.
>anchor for the fleet
What does that mean? I've seen the term anchor used a few times but don't know the context.
Fleet anchors are ships that you use to control a chunk of the map
Champion kinda sucks imo, it has big dreams but neither the OP or flux to achieve it. Eagle is just a top tier generalist.
But I ever so much like watching things get evaporated with my https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89F5fpvwPr0 Lance.
Boy does that thing generate some flux though.
Champion with Squall, tachyon lance and two hvds is one of the best non SO cruiser in the game besides Eradicator while eagle just cant break through anything since its stuck with only medium slots with no offensive abilities like HEF or AAF.
i hate eagles with a passion so champion all the way just remember to extend the shield arc a bit since the ass is vulnerable
Champion, because most player's attempt to make an Eagle work is to fit it as a "support ship", which means it can't do anything by itself and is only useful when it happens to be attacking a ship someone else is already attacking. No thanks, I'll rather just kill a ship twice as fast instead.
>temporal shell on a non-omemega capital
>temporal shell on anything bigger than a non-omemega frigate
>ship with cyberwarfare suite
>generic alpha instead of Inky
You absolute buffoon.
Where, you mean the one near the cryosleeper?
Corvus doesn't have buckbreakers
That's Barrow
So, who are we talking about
Inky, the third AI. A random system (usually not too far from the core) has a wrecked remnant ship with a pather fleet guarding it. You can recover both Inky (much like Barrow, she has no real storyline) and her ship. The ship itself is unremarkable outside of the cyberwarfare suite.
Huh, never found one. Does i require an automated ship skill to recover? Maybe i salvaged it without paying much attention.
Actually, it's not actually wrecked, just inert. Open comm-link with it and you can recover it.
>Does i require an automated ship skill
No. Her ship has a unique version of the automated hullmod. It doesn't require the skill for recovery and it doesn't count toward the point cap.
Is it green? Like, does it have a green outline, like coursers?
>muh super special discord tranny ai core mod!
It does. The system she is in also has a special warning beacon with a green outline and different dialogue.
Both are really good.
Eagles are a safe generalist which are meant to be given long range weapons (eg.: HVD) to kite the enemy.
Champions are battlecruisers, they got a large weapon mount meant to hit hard but they don't have the flux or armour of capitals. Don't give them something that will overflux them like a plasma cannon.
The one you used to only get from a custom start
Get the buckbreakers out already you retard faggot
Too many trannies like (((you))) use it, mod canceled.
t. Noah
You are supposed to pick one, anon.
>there can only be one good ship
My standard 240 DP fleet is: Onslaught (XIV); 2 Heron; 2 Champion; 3 Eagles (XIV); 1 Eradicator; 1 Manticore; 4 Centurion.
that's not how midline works anon
How exactly does Champion's special.work? It has charges so does it.just effect "the next shot" or.is it just timed but you can spam it three times.real quick or what?
>High Energy Focus increases weapon damage by 50% for three seconds. It has three charges, with one charge regenerated every 20 seconds. The damage bonus is applied when the weapon is firing. This means energy projectile weapons need to have the system active prior to firing to get the bonus, as opposed to when the projectile hits
So if i activate it it WILL affect beams already firing?
Aleste or VX Custom?
Why does Alex like ugly portraits so much?
VX Custom, Alestes only real advantage is their sword/pilebunker which requires them to get too close to the enemy.
While I don't use them I swear by the swordsmen they fucking rule. Put your pilots on drugs today!
For me, it's that rare Aleste that dual wields moonlight blades. The one you find on the abandoned station in the Nekki system, if memory serves me?
beauty is reactionary
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There are a hundred mods for waifubait coomer anime portraits.
Anyone know how to get that mech from Arma Armatura? The one with four wings shaped like an X?
champion is just a dominator with extra cope
Not him but there is a middle ground between anime coomshit and the ugly mutts in the base game
You need 90 or 100 relationship with Sera Pha, she'll gift you the BP then.
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>PD Laser
>LR PD Laser
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Bubble shield
PD laser is pretty weak as it is, requiring at least 2 beams to take out a single missile before it reaches you.
But LRPD is even weaker and longer range of engagement does not saves it.
So I read a devblog from this year that says Starsector is going to be updated to Java 27.
I also read on a modpage that in the meantime you can upgrade it to Java 8 to improve preformance. Should I do that or is that only if you using big mods (currently using no mods).
Not a big deal, but even vanilla can benefit from performance boost. It is a pretty simple process, too.
I've only been playing two weeks.The last update was in February.
Any idea when the next update will be? Does it only get like one big update a year or are they more frequent than that?
Usually a year or two per update, yeah, next should be in a few months I think.
And, if you are completely green, don't mess with anything, unless you have to.
Well I'm thinking of Installing the mods this >>1765281 anon recommended.
Pilot skills are op.
Those are fine. I can recommend a few more if you need quality of life things.
Less intrusive mods - CaptainsLog, Flux Reticle, Detailed Combat Results, Leading Pip, Logistics Notifications, SpeedUp, WhichMod;
More substantial alterations - Attuned Drive Field Hullmod, AutomatedCommands, Console Commands, Fleet Size by DP, Neutrino Detector MkII, Objects Analysis, Order from the Boss, Officer Extension, StelNet, SpaceTruckin;
those QoL mods are fine, you can install them safely, it's fine to run in java 7, you can mess around with vanilla QoL and java 8 unless you are a nerdlet who cannot follow an instruction and troubleshoot your own computers.

just play vanilla with QoL until you think you're good, after that then you pick some tranny mods that broke the game in half and upset the game balance + your RAM
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>Leading Pip
Thanks for that
You can just change the version in the mod file if something happens
>Fleet Size by DP
That's interesting. I'm not anywhere near hitting the 30 ship limit but I will have to start benching my Wolfs eventually.
It would neat to have a huge fleet of small ships.
I don't think I ever needed more than 30 ships for vanilla content, so it is not super impactful.
Even if you running a nothing bigger than a destroyer fleet?
>nothing bigger than a destroyer fleet
Well, I don't do challenges like this, so there could be some problems with this. Not exactly what game expects from the player.
But again, my (more varied) fleets are rarely eclipses 20 ships, so human waves tactic could just work with full stack.
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Maybe I should raid more often. 200 supplies for 5 marines seems like a net profit.
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Found some more colony stuff.
Should i stick it in the bank with my nano-soil? I assume it will come in handy "eventually™"
Stash all the shit you have no use for on some station, yes.
Is two units of productivity a lot?
The other thing I found "increases fleet the colony sends out on hot planets by 25% and very hot planets by 100%" whatever the fuck that means.
Game does this weird thing where every unit of productivity means 10 times more goods production. You want to have enough productivity for your other colonies to be satisfied by in-faction trading, being less dependent on others is nice.
About fleet size - one of the things you can build adds your own military patrols around the planet, to fight pirates, mainly. If you have some extra hot rock in your system of choice, you can colonize it just to get this bonus and protect your other, more useful planets.
Is Ashes of the Domain compatible with Nexerelin? I like the idea of having events like Paradox grand strategy games, but I like the alliance and invasion mechanics of Nex.
>Ashes of the Domain
Do not fall for this shitty meme and only use it's cryosleeper module
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>You want to have enough productivity for your other colonies to be satisfied by in-faction trading
Is that handled automatically (sort of like making a caravan in M&B) or will I have to ferry the stuff myself?
>one of the things you can build adds your own military patrols around the planet
Are the ships "generated" or do I make the fleets myself and then send them off? (similar to companion parties in M&B)
Don't worry, it's all automated. You can set what ships you want to use in fleet doctrine, but not much else.
There is no way to send your military to raid enemies, for example.
Agree with the other anon. The research system is a cool idea but the implementation is dogshit, if it just slowed down the early colony game I'd like it but they insisted on adding a whole bunch of stupid commodities and alternative upgrade paths. I don't think the mod author really understands how production works in this game.
Does anyone have any of Quartofel 's Mods backed up somewhere? After Google purged the Drives all his links are broken and he hasn't reuploaded them.

He only had like 3
[0.95.1a] Vanilla Armatura 1.1
[0.95.1a] Mayasuran Fighter Expansion 1.2a
[0.95.1a] Roider Armatura 0.2

I had them but they got purged at some point. I already checked the 0.95 and the 0.96 archives and they were't there and I'm not going to discord to try and get them.

Seems like you can't fucking delete anything anymore with everyone deleting all their own shit.
My PC from 2019 can run vanilla just fine with no performance issues anywhere.
LR PD benefits from being cheap and stacking across multiple hulls in close proximity to each other

But most mods have better PD for similar or lower cost
How does in-faction trading work anyway? If I have a volatile mining operation in a system, and it produces 4 things of volatiles, does that mean that this covers a need for 4 things of volatiles on my other planets? Or does this only apply to the planet in question? Because it's always been confusing for me.
iirc basically yes. If its all in the same system I want to say its automagically supplied. Once you have to jump systems i think it sends a fleet every now and then
largest source of supply is shared to all your planets no matter where they are
you will magically lose shipments to your other planets every now and then because of pirates and shit even if the planets are right next to eachother in the same system
>this covers a need for 4 things of volatiles on my other planets?
Assuming no trading fleet destruction/sufficient accessibility, yes. The math is a bit fucked but a planet producing X amounts of Y can supply an unlimited amount of planets requiring that good. I'm the same vein, no amount of planets producing X amount of a good will ever satisfy a planet that needs X+1.
what 'must-have' changes do you guys like to make to the config settings before you play?
Whats a good next factory choice after Hull Parts? I'm not really making much money off it yet but I'm trying to look ahead. I thought about claytronics but it seems like that may be above my paygrade at this point.
argon station shit uses hull parts, energy cells, and claytronics. I was thinking about using them since that would cover the 3 main items I use for construction.
Terran only for me.
X4 is a lot like Starsector, but not quite.

Also, you won't go pour selling Advanced Electronics or Weapon Components.
Its weird ever since I parked a carrier with gunboats and fighter escort on top of the gate where the xen faggots were coming from they just don't want to play anymore.
kek don't ask me what happened
oh no I confused someone else kek
>sword/pilebunker which requires them to get too close to the enemy
Just give them Advance Optics and the sword will become actually viable
that "mod" isn't even released yet and the one that already has isn't yet updated to 0.97
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>The one with four wings shaped like an X?
It has a name you gigafaggot
get HMI hardflux hullmod and use mining lasers with advance optics
We're not all nerds who play Robotech.
Yet you know what Robotech even is
Is that a mod or vanilla?
Are you blind or just retarded?
The Kshatriya makes me diamonds
Is Alkemia Armoury good or bloat?
It's cringe
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>60 ships
>20 officers for both ai and myself
>force all ships on the same tab instead of having the retarded story point tab separately
>mass transfer with alt
>larger zoom out
>fog of war false
>zero flux engine boost increase so capitals arent so fucking slow to reach the enemy
>max colony size 10
>allow remote industry management true
and thats a good start theres like 50 more things you need to change to make the game less retarded
>larger zoom out
still crazy how you need to edit the files to get something as basic as this
the basic zoom out so fucking shit
To be fair, most players probably don't need to zoom out beyond their weapon range of max 2350 in vanilla.
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Anon-sama I kneel
Why are full blown furfag mods allowed on starsector now?
Something about the text windows in Starsector makes me really not want to read them.

i do these, too.

i've never understood why devs like to gimp players in a single player game, but at least they give you the tools to make it fun again. if only i could get rid of the shitty space clouds referred to as "deep hyperspace"
How do you increase the amount of officers the AI fleets can have?
It's because Zooming out more than it's allowed in vanilla allows you to cheat the Fog of War feature since the FoW only appears in the tactics map, not while controlling your ship.
It used to be just portraits which don't do much
but now there's entire fucking quest shit involved

What the fuck man
I thought Buckbreaker and Rapesector was supposed to prevent this kinda shit from happening
It's partially because the main text themselves are pretty small in font size and not centered (tilted left to make space for portraits and art), yet the choice dialogues are centered on the bottom and with bigger font size. The ergonomic flow isn't really that good, and it's bit tiring on the eyes if you have to read continuously.
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>Why are full blown furfag mods allowed on starsector now?
Who do you think composes the highest echleons of the modding community?
Every single inch of text in vanilla Starsector is written like babby's first novel, no matter how mundane it is and no matter how many times you're going to see it over the course of not just one playthrough, but even over the course of thirty minutes. The writefaggotry should be reserved for the story, the not 500th generic pirate giving you a generic mission in the bar. You very quickly learn to just tune all of that shit out. It's supposed to add flavor, but ironically, it just amplifies the monotony.
Faction mods ruin the game and its balance.
Most of them are so mary-sue it makes me vomit.

Random Assortment of Things should be a good mod but everything is so overtuned it breaks the game balance in half.
RAT is a faction mod you dumbass
I can't believe the gate quest was added six years ago and there's STILL nothing to follow it yet.
>Random Assortment of Things
The only thing I'd use this mod for the interactive rectangular map it has. The mod has become so bloated I'm not even keen on installing it just for that anymore.

As for Faction mods I only ever try to use more subdued ones, or just content expansion mods increasing variety of ships.
If Nexerelin's 4X feature wasn't as messy as it was I'd like to use it to make faction mods that slowly start settling the outer edges of the Sector and founding their own colonies like the player does. They'd grow in power over time like the player and eventually be forced to deal with the same issues the player's colonies do, at which point you could try and intervene in their favour or someone else's including yourself.
It has more than just faction stuff you fucknut.
thanks for sharing balancetard. please feel free to just not install shit you're incapable of enjoying instead of bitching about how people should cater to your special needs. you already got to ruin DA.
enemy officer cap is a different value in the settings
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>if only i could get rid of the shitty space clouds referred to as "deep hyperspace"
thats an easy one
go to data > scripts > wolrd > sectorgen.java and edit the following to 999 to get rid of clouds
float minRadius = plugin.getTileSize() * 999f;
you can use a basic bitch notepad and it just works
I always wondered why 'murica's tech have so much furries in it. Is it like a evolution from interest in cartoons (that has anthropomorphic animals in it already) that went to cosplay in fursuit? Genuinely curious because this is distinctly American thing.
The common denominator is neurodivergence.
Furries exist but aren't as big outside of culturally western countries and the ones who can afford the most expensive and impressive fursuits will have high-end paying jobs to afford them, mostly on wealthy countries who have a big impact on internet culture.
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america is run by and for degenerates
>no no they are all furries honest
keep projecting you retarded troons...
No one worth a fuck in tech is a furry. Just like no one worth a fuck in tech is indian.
Starsector is a game for diverse people. The entire main story is about helping a lesbian couple get back together.
Some of the non-faction shit was already extracted and made into a separate mod in corvus so I don't gotta deal with his exoship nonsense
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>The entire main story is about helping a lesbian couple get back together.
And I don't give a shit
I want to help the Nazi empire retake the entire sector only for me to take it from under them and kill those lesbians


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How do you think the story is gonna end? Are we gonna defeat Omega to reconnect the gate system to the Orion arm, just to find the desolate ruins of the Domain? Or are we gonna fight off some mega niggerman before shutting down the gates for good?
we will discover that Ludd shut down the gates when xer discovered that the Domain was heckin' mysoginistic, homophobic and transphobic, and then we will destroy all the technology that could reopen the gates to protect the two beautiful and valid women who built the Janus device in order to protect them and show that in the end, we are their greatest ally.
Baird will go for being a violent creepy chuddette, to be replaced as provost by Gargoyle.
And then Baikal Daud will defeat the TTC (because fuck capitalism), the SD (because fuck nazi hero worship) and the PL (because fuck the bourgeoisie) and install a then he will end the Diktat of Hegemony and return to democracy, with the starfarer becoming the first president.
everyone dies as p space niggermen spawn out of gates all over the place
>do you think the story is gonna end
>What's it stopped the Tri-Tach plot? (BBC!)
>What was it ol' Ludd forgot? (BBC!)
>What've we got that they have not? (Big, big, BBC!)
You go to the wedding of the two whose names I don't remember. No options to not go or to not congratulate them
kek he doesn't know
I'm telling you guys the rainbowhairs are going to be heads of a new faction that can use the gates to move around. The game will expect you to want to support them after those retards fucked you over so badly with the bald dyke at the academy and tried to kill you more than once.
Biard isn't a dyke
she was Old Man Kallichore's fuckbuddy
Yup. Everyone think she's a dyke, because how she was emotionally hurt/disappointed in Scylla for leaving the academy. Granted a lot of lesbians do have a wide age gap and a high rate of abusive relationships, so in that sense Biard does kinda fit the bill of a former ex...
I'm more surprised at just how Fucking DEEP Kanta's love is for Loke
Have the chuds ever even noticed that Gargoyle is non-binary
she's a dyke
You will never be a woman
Nobody will ever love you
I love him
>wherever I am, I must project
I'm annoyed that there was no option to reverse engineer the Janus Device and manufacture copies of the thing for other empires to use, as political capital for the player and to reshape the sector. It's something built from scraps in a ghetto pirate lab with no access to a nanoforge.

I had no objection to Baird, other than not being able to say to Daud that "I trust Baird to do literally anything to be the one who responsible for reopening the gates." She's predictable.

As for how the story will end, player reactivates all the gates and there's a big boss battle against something, then the player is dumped back into the sandbox and nothing will have changed.
>third worlders when they go 5 seconds without thinking about america
I agree mate whole heartly. Baird is a cunt but I have the stupid macguffin right here. I didn't even attach it to a ship my first time doing it I actually flew around the whole system and left through the edge hyper point. When she got sad and mopey refused to take the thing no dialogue about thing and sent me out of her office and blacklisted me for telling her she was judged by God I was confused. I looked up a guide to find out
>Ahem LOL I didn't learn anything! It's not a finished game what were you expecting.
I was let down. That game I also couldn't figure out why I couldn't dicivilize the Tri Tech place near Mayasura.

No one ever tells you that if it's a story mandatory place it's invincible and you can get unlimited free stuff from them forever. All these poor new friends could just round up Marines and Valkyries and have unlimited free stuff. I only needed to buy Crew and Fuel for long ass trips across the map that game.

In Defense of the "rent free" guys. If you actually talk to normal people most folks don't have Tranny shit shoved in their face like gamers do. Most I've heard fromm normal people is they had to take a class at work or they are worried about their kids. Everyone knows there are more furries in Germany anyhow. Plus the Starsector Mod scene is rife with that garbage Keruvium, Lost Sector, Stinger, Genemodding, Anything Noah touches. I'm frankly astonished this thread isn't /v/ tier and I thank all of you for not being that shit.
>Plus the Starsector Mod scene is rife with that garbage Keruvium, Lost Sector, Stinger, Genemodding, Anything Noah touches.
I agree with all of this except for Keruvium. I don't think the authors a tranny, just a traditonal fag and he added the rainbow ships in there to counter-troll. There's a basic level of respect in there somewhere.
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>you dont understand this is different
Why so aggressive
>I'm annoyed that there was no option to reverse engineer the Janus Device and manufacture copies of the thing for other empires to use
I don't think we'll get away with large scale usage of the gate network without any sort of consequence to take care of first. Either it's going to be luddic alien niggermen getting annoyed enough to step out of the gates to fuck shit up or Omega trying to go full Carthage on the sector because everyone's essentially provoking the mind-raping aliens with uncontrolled gate usage.
By the way, I actually remember reading that Nexerelin now had NPC fleets use gates in limited scope, but I think it's currently just your own special task forces using them if the system they're currently in and the system they're traveling to both have gates.
>I'm annoyed that there was no option to reverse engineer the Janus Device and manufacture copies of the thing for other empires to use, as political capital for the player and to reshape the sector. It's something built from scraps in a ghetto pirate lab with no access to a nanoforge.
Yeah that is what the dangerhairs are going to do. Thats what their faction will be. Anus device'ing on people. see >>1768002
Is there any mod which adds lategame content? This game needs some endgame ,,crisis'' to make it complete.
KoL, Lost Sector (kinda), HMI (just the one uberboss), Blade Breakers, UAF if you you antagonize them, tahlan's Legio, supposedly the Hivers and Adversary.
Note that ever since the last Nex update the AI loves throwing blockades left and right (though that might just be me due to having starting planets protected from invasions) which will cripple some factions. I currently have six different factions blockading the Adversary system because everyone is vengeful to them.
Is there a way to unhide the Omega weapons in the for the mission refits? I'd like to test them out during the missions.
Removing ", restricted" from the entries in weapon_data.csv works. I don't know how that tag interacts with the campaign.
Thanks anon, I'll try that out. I guess I'll just keep two copies of the weapons data file.
When you are fighting against weapons that melt metal, using armor is pointless. Use whatever portraits you want, it won't matter against spaceship-sized explosions.
>melt metal, using armor is pointless
Armor isn't always metal you dumbass
You use fucking ceramic tiles for heat shielding during atmospheric re-entry since metal would just vaporize
Keruvium author loves riding cocks and gargling cum
>atmospheric reentry
there is only like 2 ships that the codex says are able to renter
I'm currently in the process of merging all the portrait mods I like and into one big mod.So instead of having a bunch of portrait mods cluttering up my modlist I can just have two (one that adds and one that replaces).
I've already pruned the portraits I don't like now it's just merging the .FACTIOn fils together.
t. shrike about to get raped by two talon wings
Wake me up when we can lewd our ships.
>he does not know about onsluts and vulnerable asses
>portrait mods I like
Show us some examples so anons could decide if they want it or not.
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>he doesn't know about Homestead Foundation
but 590 is wearing LOTS of armor and she does great
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It's pretty much just the non-anime portrait packs from nexus and the forums. I still have my own to make.
I've tried to keep them sort of cohesive by removing the anime-esque ones and all the darkies with the exception of a few pretty girls.
I'm also including all the Girl's Frontline portraits but as player-only since I might try out a "Stranger in a Strange Land" scenario.
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I've also avoided the packs that have, I'm not sure how to describe it. The signature "AI Slop" look? Packs like PIC RELATED.
Still better than vanilla space mutts and seanigs
How's the new SoTF update?
crayon drawings are better than sloppa
Im just gonna ms paint the graphics folder
>random sloppa in the middle of decent of portraits
Pretty cool
>killed both tesseracts near both hypershunts
>killed a rare tesseract remnant bounty
>killed most IBB bounties
>settled a colony but waiting for something to happen at a cap of 60 is very boring
Well, diable 18 fps run was fun but its time to go to sleep for another year or two until another update to add nothing interesting.
Hyperspace ghosts are one of the best flavorful additions the game’s gotten. I hope Alex does more with them at some point.
pretty sure someone already made that mod
>want to start a new moded save
>while the new update might be around the corner
Fuck I hate this.
who wants to tell him
Even if update drops right now, you will be able to finish your game before mods get updated properly.
>while the new update might be around the corner
It's not.
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What artstyle do you prefer the game's portraits to be in?

>Western cartoon
>All sexy women to use alongside RS
>Don't care about artstyle cohesion.
Slightly better than this https://www.nexusmods.com/starsector/mods/89
Himawari plus the collection I made of stuff I like from the degen pack plus the Orks from the Warhammer mod.
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So my fleet is big enough to take out small pirate/path stations now but should I?
I've seen bounties on some of them. Besides the regular salvage supplies is there any advantage to taking them out?
In M&B it helped the economy because:
>less hideouts
>less raider spawns
>villagers and caravans reach their destination
>economy grows
I'm not sure how "alive" the economy is in Starsector though.
worth it for the bounty payout if there is one, or if they're harassing your colony
So here is some super-fast fleet that just keep circilng around me. Normally I've learned to just ignore these but this one keeps sending off a pulse that sets my speed to 0. It's REALLY fucking annoying. How do I make it go away?
Use Interdiction Pulse or whatever the ability was called
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How about Remnants. If I think I can take them on, should I?
I mean as long as I salvage more supplies than I spend, it's a good outcome, right?
>should I
the answer is try whatever and see what happens
the game is not long anyways just start a new playthrough if it goes to shit
Champion ends up being my main fighting ship most of the time, put a tachyon, some railguns and a hydra or another long range missile and you've got a nice siege ship.
I love it since it punches above it's weight class
What hullmods do you reccomend?
I went with: Advanced Optics, Extended Shields, and ITU.
I can only afford 3 Tier 1 Leadership skills.
What should I get?
the one that raises ship cr for your whole fleet
the one that gives you nav rating from officers
the one that gives you more damage or wolfpack tactics or one of the carrier ones, depends on what you want from your fleet
NTA but
itu is almost always good for cruisers and capitals, keep it
advanced optics is fine for beam-heavy ships, keep it
210 degrees is plenty, personally would use that op on pd lasers in the back for dealing with salamanders but that's my preference.

any ship with a large missile slot should lean into it. i'd at least get extended missile racks and use squalls. hurricanes are also very fun and effective but require eccm
tons of people like locusts but i personally don't get it, torpedoes aren't very useful on a long range ship
To add to anon, If you plan to just use 90% frigates and have 10~12 ship fleet, take wolfpack and you can skip Support Doctrine entirely.
>tfw look identical to one of the default portraits IRL
I've always just used that one. It is a kino feeling not needing use a helmet pic. I've got that brachiocephalic drip, if you catch my drift.
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t. pic related
Top kek
new armaa update when aaaaaaa
I want too see what the "Morgana" will turn out to be
So what are some content/mechanic mods you guys would recommend?
I was looking at RapeSector since I like the idea of capturing enemy officers. Anything else?
I think those are the only mechanics adding mods I use:
Officer Extension - to level dude down if he didn't rolled useful skills.
Order from the Boss - to manually force ships to vent in battle, they are really stubborn about it.
AutomatedCommands - to set personalities for ships without officers and make them retreat on their own.
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Any of these worth buying?
My current fleet is a Champion and 3 Eagles a Mora along with a random assortments of smaller ships.
I have another recovered Champion and a Legion sitting in a storage shot to hell.
Depends on your needs, really. Bigger is not always better. All capitals are powerful, but require high maintenance and slow down your fleet. Do you need power to fight stations and big fleets?
Battlecruisers (Odyssey, Conquest, Retribution) are probably the safest bet if you just want a new toy.
>random assortments of smaller ships
I wouldn't recommend to ignore your escort, they protect your slow ships from backstabs. Build a proper support with Centurions/Monitors/Omens, more aggressive ships will die quickly in bigger battles.
I'm not sure if I've seen these except Omens.
It's mostly Hammerheads and Wolves.
Hammerheads are fine, but they are more of an artillery ship and not fit to fight frigates.

You can also lean into carriers to clear enemy chaff. A few Condors (and maybe another Mora) with interceptors (Gladius / Thunder) will be a cheap solution to the lack of protection.
Grab an Odyssey, give it an AI captain. They're fast and have great shields so it can act as a fleet anchor while your other zoom around.

If you don't grab the Ody you should upgrade your Eagles to the XIV they're peddling.
Two of my ealges are 14's one is normal.
It seems all the carriers I find "in the wild"
to recover are the Mora or another front-line cruiser I forget the name of.
Nothing that's really a dedicateed cruiser. I fight lots of Condors but they always seem to break up and not be recoverable.
>not be recoverable
Just… buy them? They are common enough to be available on civilian markets.
If you are friendly with hegeniggers, your current setup of a slow but sturdy frontline ships is similar to what they use, might be a good idea to grab a commission.
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Okay then I will.
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I'll keep an eye out for Gladius and Thunder interceptors. Talon will have to do for now.
Don't forget that you can manually target a specific enemy ship for your carriers to focus on. They don't always pick the best target to swarm.
I was going to ask which options works best?
>Select the carrier and order it to attack X
>Select the target and issue a "fighter strike" on it
but they both seam to do the exact same thing.
I mainly use "Fighter strike", it affects all of your carriers at once, nice way to quickly annihilate some annoying little shit.
Attack order may prompt carrier to go and fight personally, which is usually a bad idea.
You said "a few Condors". I've been using my Wolf frigates as a literal wolf pack to team up on enemy frigates and lone destroyers.
Should I replace them with Condors then for that function and just keep the Wolves for flank deployment when chasing down fleets.
Wolf pack tactic is great and all, but when the rest of your fleet are sitting ducks you are not getting the most out of it.
I would bring some frigates in combat, just in case. Condors are not particularly survivable if enemy can slip through your interceptors, so mobile firepower of a wolf can save some lives.
But again, a proper defensive frigate would work a lot better for that.
What is a "proper defense" frigate?
I mentioned them earlier, Centurions / Monitors / Omens.
They can take hits for your ships without dying and agile enough to go where they are needed. Not particularly strong, they role is to buy your ships some time to react.
I actually love the AI slop look, just got back to playing this game again since last year how is the AI slop potrait pack? I was hoping that mod with mark zuckerberg, donald trump, and the merchant had a update with AI images. Its my favorite.
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>more "save it for later shit"
I've got so much of this shit saved up I might as well start my own colony.
I would wait until you get at least 5mil in the bank.
And a bigger fleet, properly equipped to fight off every single faction in the game.
One noob anon really struggled with crises.
Also, is the AI still being a little pussy not fighting or literally stopping to get a kill shot on the target just to vent?
>ai captain
>fleet anchor
anon, its time to stop posting
Any mods that increases performance, slow leakage, and all that?
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continuing this, the odyssey has
>extremely good speed for a capital, outruns most cruisers
>meh shields for a high tech ship, 1 flux/damage
>ok flux stats for a capital
>2 broadside large energies that can handle dual plasma cannons, 1 offbore large missile for whatever you need, bunch of medium missile slots for sabots or the like
>2 fighter wings for xyphos to help active venting and disabling weakened ships

odyssey is exactly the opposite of an ai fleet anchor, it's an oversized aurora. it's extremely fun to pilot and excels at flanking the enemy fleet, but the ai can't do that well
Doing this will significantly improve the performance of the game.
Is that alex after transitioning?
No, that's a real girl. You can find her naked booby pictures online.
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No that's you.
Now take off your pants
The Oddysey is one of those ships I can't picture in 3D. It's just too lumpy.
>faggot OP is also running anime coomer game general
Now we need a mod that replaces glatia with artificial academy
Oh nononono already deleting it
It's not the first time this happens. I guess it is a sign to go back to my roots and download aa2 again…
visually it's one of the worst designs in the game and it should get a huge overhaul
I returned to starsector but I need some ship builds. I can't play only with Afflictor's because of fighters + most builds got old.
Try to copy PL strategy, missile oversaturation and long range artillery. Sounds fun.
Mules with converted hangars.
>artificial academy
It's called Mimikko Assistants
Just add a couple Dooms to take care of those pesky capitals and fighters
you missed a discord ping
>Afflictor's because of fighters + most builds got old.
If you never tried it. Try an afflictor + phase anchor w/ anti-matter and reapers. It's a blast. Once you have energy mastery and wolf pack, you can kill 4 cruisers and a capital in series.
that's just a bot i've seen on just about every vidya board i've spent more than 3 minutes on
considering it uses the same exact copypasta every time you'd think that jannies would just make distinct parts of it wordfiltered, but no. they're not paid to do that.
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Wtf bros, the Astral is good now???
anon I'm terrible at the game and astral has always been good
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fuck you
i like my wacky blob of plasma cannons and missiles
kinda reminds me of some gallente ships from eve online, both in aesthetics and playstyle (melting enemies at close range with plasma blasters)
t. Noah
Nah thats you.
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You thought it was bad because it's got ass in the name. You forgot that ass is good.
This anon has solid logic.
well he does like big butts
which therefore makes him incapable of lying
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Why isn't it symmetrical? What the fuck is this shit?
because fuck you its so overpowered its asym
You have no idea
It's to remind you to correct your sitting position
the ai has no concept of hit and run or pushing an advantage to this day yes
Tell me about your favorite faction mod.
Blackrock Driveyards, I just think their ships are very pretty, and the music is pretty good too.
I like the look of their blocky, tank-like ships. Their home system is too far away, though.
Dead mod
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>New guy takes over maintence of mod
>Step one NERF it into the ground
>Step two QoL and actual improvements
>Step three more improvments then abandoned for other to fix again
>Be me, decompile .jar, unfuck step one nerfs,
>recompile FAILURE
>"illegal start of expression" 6 found, 10 found.
>Code would work but modern decompiler refuse to compile it because it recognises it as bad code.
>Learn why it's bad code...Hours later

I'm not fucking fixing it. So many people look up to these modders like god damn savants when their shit is so poorly written it won't pass muster. I know if I had "better" tools, older compiler or one without verification, it'd be a non issue but Jeez. I also understand why people bitch about it being an older Java version because finding shit that works feels like a damn chore. I've done this before with no issues but this was an older mod. Hell if I had more time and patience I could get it probably.

Making your own simple mods are VERY easy. I need to learn more scripting for this shit for what I'd like to do in the long run.
Why did all the tranny mods get an update nowadays but not Buckbreakers?

How are spacers going to break those bucks with no buckbreakers to break them with?
I didn't try it. I might use it.

Dooms are sloooooow

I know, I use this build many times.
>Dooms are sloooooow
Skill issue
git gud you faggot
when you code it
Give me the ship sprites then
Ok, so. What mod is it?
fuck off you discord infiltrator
the REAL successor to buckbreakeranon would know where the sprites are without having to be spoonfed
>>Step one NERF it into the ground
he buffed it first THEN nerfed it to the ground
then stepped back the nerfs a bit
then slapped on even more nerfs than before so its actually worse than before he even had it in the first place
It's either Metelson or Diable
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I stole this ship from the HTE fag and managed to remove the shitty sprite from the large mount but the engine on the lower right infuriates me, it sticks out like fucking shit, anyone know how to fix it?
use aurora or fury to overlay it
I will always have an affinity for Diable Avionics. Luv me some mechs. Though Arma Armatura is also nice.
Too bad Diable is the town bicycle of starsector mods
Every fucking troon to ever exist has touched it and made it worse and worse
So are there any good mods outside the forums and nexus?
I really like the odyssey, it looks like one of the only ships you might actually want to serve on. It definitely has too many viewports and lounges and I bet there's even garden areas and other nonessential nonsense like that on board.
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What would be the ideal system?
I'm guessing I'd want a terran world for farming, a source of minerals and volatiles?
It is better to have a few mediocre colonies in one system than several separate ones. To have patrols work together against pirates and other small threats.
Otherwise, you want to have as much self-sufficiency as possible, yes.
Another thing to consider is your ship production, nanoforges create pollution debuff on habitable planets and you probably don't this to happen. Other artefacts you have can also influence your decisions, they were specifically introduced to make shitty planets more useful.
Is it just one industry per planet or can I have multiple?
Which kind of planet makes money? Is it like other space games where population (tax) planets are the moneymakers?
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You can have 4 different industries on each planet. Different planets can have same industry, if they both have farming bonuses, for example.
Refined goods are more profitable than selling ore. You can use this site to plan out your colony:
At first, you will spend a lot of cash to to promote growth of population, so don't expect profits straight away. But if things are dire, you can turn this off.
There's 2 types of planets you should try to find for good money making, a habitable world with farming and no rare metal deposits, and a world with no atmosphere and ideally 150 habitability but less than 200 is fine. Those are the money makers. You can't have rare metals to use soil nanites in farming industry, and you need the no atmosphere condition to use synchotron cores in fuel refining and catalytic cores in metal refining.
Apart from that, planets with good minerals and whatnot are secondary but worthwhile. Finding a single system that can supply everything usually isn't too hard.
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What is that? The Hazard rating?
I believe he's referring to a "habitable" condition on most terran and jungle worlds, which reduces the hazard rating by 25%. It gets nullified if you cause pollution on the world, so don't build a heavy shipyard with a nanoforge on it.
Rapesector questions:
>Can I marry an Officer?
>Will that officer still cost upkeep?
>Can I marry more than one officer?
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I've been playing around with voice recognition software for gaming macros. What voice commands would you use for RTS gayming as the admiral, and what commands for a capital ship captain?
Some things that come to mind for me are "engage burn drive" and "fire torpedoes."
Very hot for fat fleets.
Food is garbage just ignore people talking about it.
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So what does this mean exactly?
Hard flux (that you get from taking damage with your shield) can only be dissipated when shield is not active. This is to prevent ships with good shields to just tanking indefinitely, I guess.
With this perk you can (slowly) get rid of your flux anyway, as long as you don't generate more. Probably helps with AI stubbornly keeping their shield up even when there is no danger around.
So then my hard flux dissipates at 20% it's normal rate? Seems like it might would be pretty strong on shield-heavy flux/efficient ships.
I assumed it meant, like, 20% of hard flux generated will dissipate or something like that. Seems like it might would be pretty strong on shield-heavy ships.
It means you can keep an Aurora's shields up forever.
Like replace the engine or something? How?
>the REAL successor to buckbreakeranon would know where the sprites are without having to be spoonfed
Forgive him. The last couple of additions I shitbased myself and I haven't bothered uploading them to the archive.
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While messing in simulator, I stumbled upon this goofy budget build.
Probably not the best use for Dominator, but all weapons are quite common and even flux is at manageable level. Excess of points in caps can be redirected to add missiles or hullmods. Neat.
>3 free missile slots
this thing is gonna get dabbed on. dominators are still expensive to maintain due to the relatively high deploy/maintenance cost and the very high fuel cost, so this thing is a drain
mortars and dual light autocannons are a shit load of recoil and low damage/shot, so this thing will be bad against armour and fast shielded targets. large ships will just outdamage it, i just don't see it being a useful build
grab heavy maulers and some medium missiles from the black market at least
>Leaving three medium missiles empty
more specifically, this thing is built to be neither a good brawler nor a good sniping support ship
Thats autistically cool.
>shit load of recoil
It has armored mounts mod and mortars are in hardpoints, so it's not as bad.
Autocannons are supposed to hit a shield which is a usually twice as big as the ship behind it, there is no need for precision.
>low damage/shot
Eh, mortars are not that bad, anything that below the capital weight class will feel impact. And it's a lot more spammable than mauler.
Dual autocannons have a good dps to pressure shields, their main objective.
>free missile slots
I just was not sure what to put there, I don't like missiles very much. There is enough points in caps to fill all three.

It was performing fine in sim under ai control against the stock dominator, so should not be completely horrible. And I am going to use it anyway, just a funny way to equip a thing. Unlike many other ships with large ballistics slots, Dom doesn't have integration mod, so I wanted to put medium weapon here and watch how it'll do.
>And I am going to use it anyway,
NOT going to use. Worst place to miss a word.
>I don't like missiles very much
Missiles are the best weapon type in the game.
>i don't like missile waaah
Sending 50 reapers inshallah
I never said missiles were bad. I just don't like the extra step between pulling the trigger and enemy dying.
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guessing you tested it against the piece of shit gauss+pilum dominator, because this annihilator dominator destroys it
after the rockets run out, it becomes a loop of your dominator retreating, venting then coming back in, with the trade being basically even
since fleetwide skills are affecting it, i would consider it worse then the ai dom
but its all moot because dominators suck and only exist as flying bricks for my tachyon lances to shoot at
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Guys what do you think of this eagle build? I'm finishing up with this playthrough and have used a fleet of mostly these to beat most major encounters, zig, multible ordo stack fights, the hypershunt fight, etc. The only fight I couldn't beat was the omega remnant bounty. Any improvements or things I missed?
>find very high importance female station commander contact at Chicomoztoc
>she sells me an onslaught of the xiv for 200k
>she then offers me a contract to btfo a regular pirate base in the coreworlds for 550k
My early game only had issue with energy weapon (esp large energy) as early fights usually don't have enough high tech enemy. And some hullmods. Large ball are common thanks to mudskipper mk2 from pirates. Now with manticore also available big ball are as common as trash.
Medium missile is also the most common missile mount to salvage from. Most destroyer and crusier carries it.
A crusier that has advantage after enemy runs out of missiles? By that time your frigates and destroyers ran out of time.
>augmented drive field
>hardened shields
>armored weapon mounts
>insulated engines
fair enough
>heavy armor
Unnecessary; I'd prefer reinforced hull
>solar shielding
Also unnecessary imo
What went wrong with omega rem bounty? I guess it has to do with omega fighter shards?
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Love it how trannies accepted the corporate tradition. Literally the perfect servents to will of merchants.
I've used the terraforming mod to make Mairaath have a mild climate, but it also says it's hot still. They both cancel each other out. I'll just console command it away?
Is there any way to influence relations of a faction? Bit bored of the ai never wanting a bit of peace to recoup losses and regroup.
Alright, finally re-installing starsector, what are the essential mods?

Other than the one that adds Sierra, of course.
for you? iron shell, uaf, etc
I'm not looking to make it an anime girl fest, I just like Sierra because she's an AI core with a personality (cute girl) instead of being a nebulous ominous nothingburger.
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Does Diable Avionics work for the newest version?
There's about 4 versions going around the internet being maintained, each of which was cleansed of Matt Damon's trash, but the old version should still work with a json file change.
Anon i have no idea what any of that means, i haven't been here enough to know about any drama. I just wanna know which version works the best.
Okay, I'll give you the tl;dr

If you want to use the old version of Diable, use this: https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=10046.0

It still works with the latest version, as long as you know how to change information in the .json file in the mod.

There's a newer version, maintained by another modder, here:


No json file changes necessary, as it's fully supported on the latest version, and it has some cool extra content from the original makers of the mod (that never got implemented before)
Is it worth installing iron shell solely so i can kill those bitches with my own mecha-hands and blow up their shitty planet?
There's this thing in photoshop and other image editors called LAYERS
ever heard about it?
Is the latest version of scynation safe? I really like the ship with the modular armor but i don't wanna get the crash code.
kinda? but no.
>tfw forgot to turn off the setting from last run that disabled hyperspace clouds
>already having immense fun within the first hour of playing

Hot damn, I forgot what a terrible mechanic those clouds are.

Latest version is maintained by someone else. No crash code. All of tartiflettes mods should be safe.
good thing i jumped ship when that cockroach started simping for random roblox thots (of indeterminate gender) that he paid robux to commission art for
no i'm not fucking joking about the robux commissions
well at least you're able to admit it's a shitfit
which makes you far better than all the shitfitters on reddit/youtube
Is it a good idea to have more than one capital?
I'm currently hauling two onslaughts and they slaughter everything ahead of them but it does reduce the amount of ships I can field. Would it be better to have two Eagles instead?
Paragons ONLY.
Get mimikko assistants then
>I just wanna know which version works the best.
My version works best obviously
but no way in hell am I sharing my masterpiece with any of you poor louts
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couldn't get the glows to work but I'm gonna upload this anyways.
mech for sierra, type in "addship sotf_oath" in the console if you want it. dunno how balanced/good it actually is so be advised.
Just b yourself.
I think mg build would work better with a falcon, since it faster and can get into a close range combat far easier.
But I would either add two burst pd in frontal small slots. (or maybe replace phase lances with heavy burst? Not sure how well they would work.)
I am not sure why you would need both shield and armor, would use only one of them. Probably a shield. Don't see a big reason to use insulated engines, either.
Taking these two hullmods out would free enough points to max out caps for a better shield tanking, and maybe get a few more practical ones: stabilized shields, resistant flux conduits.
Oh, and I am sure hope your officers have elite point defense skill, to extend the range of these machineguns.
Replace the HMG's with Arbalest Autocannons, and replace the middle Phase Lance with an Ion Beam.
>fuck you
>i like my wacky
yes, of course you do. it's an incoherent mess.
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>Getting the Luddic Church Crisis is practically impossible on almost any playthrough because the only way you're getting it is if you build a colony, grow it, but only ever build a single Industry on it (Agriculture), always leaving you with multiple empty Industry slots on a planet.
Why did Alex design it this way? Is he stupid?
i am glad to not be gullible
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Yes, I KNOW what it is, the problem is that whenever I touch it, it still looks like a sore thumb, probably gonna redo the engines, cant believe HTE fag managed to create a high tech ship I like
>cant believe HTE fag managed to create a high tech ship I like
He didn't

Bultach fag was the one that made the new sprites
Drgn doesn't make jack shit
all he does is develop more crashcodes
not even Apex sprites were drawn by him
he had them commissioned
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Kek, had a feeling that HTE fag sucked someone else's cock. Anyway, best build for symmetrical Aurora?
You like that piece of shit?
It looks like a blue dog turd, man
your ship will be after mine starts unloading plascannons
>Large mounts go boom
Lol, a downgrade from the original
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>only two
I'm gonna assume these things are scary.
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What the fuck was that they shoot clouds.
You can get this weapon too, if you lucky.
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I probably should have spoiled those.
I'm not sure if PIC RELATED is the cloud shooter but DAMN all the weapons these things dropped are very valuable. I should probably hang onto them instead of selling them though.
Im more interested in why did he make light industry a rural building while turning mining into heavy industry, thus causing luddic butthurt abot "muh tech".
>ok with producing tons of recreational drugs through placing a fucking fetus in a factory
>shits the bed and screams when you mine some ore
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Is it worth it trying to settle near this thing for this bonus? I'm going to assume from what >>1769988 said having a fifth industry is a relatively big bonus despite not knowing how many industries there are.
I'd assume going off my extensive Port Royale 2 knowledge, there are probably 2 for food (raw finished) and 3 for goods (raw > intermediate > finished). for a total of 8 industries. Food, fuel, and some sort of metal or something.
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This system seemed like a good candidate since it has a terran world and super-rich ore/rare-ore worlds and it's right next to >>1770783 but I realized there is no volatiles.
It's pretty restrictive, chances to find a decent system in that range are slim and you'll need a very high supply of refined rare metals.
I tend to ignore them when picking a good spot, too much hassle.
Industries are all over the place, food is only 1 spot, fuel and domestic/luxury goods are 2 (mining - refining), ore needs 3. But you don't have to be completely self-sufficient, trading exists.
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Found this adrift in hypserspace.
Is it worth a Story Point to make this my first capital ship?
Never mind I looked it up in the codex and it's ugly.
unless you know what you’re doing, good luck trying to make a good fit that won’t overload every minute without sacrificing too much survivability or DPS in proper capital ship fights

but since it’s pristine besides special modifications, maybe try it out, it’s just one story point
>laser light shows
Don't sell them you dumbass, there's a limited amount of them per save + they're the best weapons in the game.
In its defense Executor is rather fast, which makes piloting it a lot more fun than lugging around a real capital.
Well I'm looking it over and I think I could outfit it similair to how i've been using my Champion. i think I'll recover it (mothball it I reach a market) and try it out.
Don't listen to this faggot >>1770799
Those guns fucking suck
They don't even have blueprints precisely because they're utter SHIT
Dolon are you trying to trick me again?
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Is it wrong to sell stuff on the black market to the Path and then immediately raid them to rake that stuff back?
Asking for a friend.
Just found an Asratl, which mod should I built in? Is augmented field drive worth it or shoul I just buy some tugs?
all Black Market is Pirate property
install Better Vanilla Hullmods and give it Civilian Hull then spec into Bulk Transport
boom free +2 burn
Well all the stuff I sold showed up as green icons in the trade/raid menu since I sold them so much of it.
No that's the morally right thing to do
If I accept a commission will I still be able to claim bounties from factions they are hostile to, or will those missions not show up for me anymore?
The only thing I know about Astral is that its system extremely good for bombers, allowing them instantly reload and go for the second run. Tugs are inevitable when you start using capitals, just embrace them.

You still can take any mission they post, no restrictions.
Might as well edit the file and incrrase the burn speed fomr 7 to 8.
Is two Atlas' too much?
but BVH lets you have the High Volition Attractor back
If anything, thats not enough
So besides the usual suspects (ITU, Expanded Missile Rack) what hullmods are good for it?
It has a competent shield, so you can focus on that for survivability. Maxing caps and adding hardened shield on top.
It is flux-starved, so maybe Flux Distributor?
Expanded Magazines if you want to put autopulses on it.

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