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bring on the bugs
ive already gooned twice today anon have mercy
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and people say Japanese girls don't have butts.
fuck i've seen this one before... It was so good what was her name?
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>file no found
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Hikaru Aoyama not sure on the code for that specific clip though
/jp/ fucking suck
Something really depressing about looking at women that you'll never be with.
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Amazing. Name?
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marina nagasawa
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I love those very safe for work breads
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Every time you jerk off, especially to porn, you lose energy that takes weeks to replenish.
Through pornography, you are kept weak and docile. You are placated and are far less likely to actually reproduce.
Imagine an insect being tricked by a mirror into dancing with itself, when you consume pornography, that is what you are.
Abstain and you will regain your energy. Choose wisely anon.
You forgot to say "Jesus loves you."
Maybe try leaving your basement and it will become normal.
File: jav guy.webm (755 KB, 568x450)
755 KB
is it just me or has there been almost no new javs worth watching in the past 2-3 months?
Best videos were her first 3.
I don't fap I just enjoy watching the female anatomy
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I like it when girls are shown at this angle because they look like they're giantess who are going to vore me.
the whole bowl wo kudasai
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I'm not as much into the neotenous skinny girls when it comes to Asians, I love a good hag... can you guys post more stout breeding mares with round faces, like the girl on the right?
>jews want you to jerk off
>christians want you to find a wife to breed
really makes you think
what do muslims want?
For you to intercourse with goats
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I have the most energy and highest libido when I'm back on the jack train although I keep it to once a day max. Also, flaccid size is much bigger when you jack regularly. Nofap doesn't do shit and anyone who says otherwise is talking straight out of their ass.
>Nofap doesn't do shit
might help chronic coomers learn some discipline but most of them are lost causes like all addicts
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What a lack of athleticism in the way she bounces that ball. A good-for-nothing who is meant to please men only
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Cute feet
>far less likely to actually reproduce.
I don't wanna bring a poor child into this dystopic hellscape of a world.
look what they've done to my girl ;_;
I'll just give the honest response to this instead of some cope: I know that porn is le bad, but I'm addicted. Don't you know what "addiction" means?
they call him the eggman, he cured anorexia in hundreds of japanese women. with the sheer force of egg to mouth domination.
>once a day max
i fap about that often as well and that is more often than 99% of the male population.
>Nofap doesn't do shit

i also dont fap to this, just enjoy watching some cute nipon sluts. still wrong, i shouldn't do it.
File: yuanherong1229.webm (337 KB, 1080x1920)
337 KB
The only honest reply kek
Post more butts.
Take this shit to >>>/gif/ you fucking addicts.
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Coward, life is meant to be struggle. This idea that children should only be brought into a perfect world is insanity, nobody ever thought like that in history. You wouldn't be here if your ancestors had your attitude.
>You wouldn't be here if your ancestors had your attitude.
Not necessarily a bad thing.
What's the story behind this video
She has cute monkey ears
Those are barely butts
why do these sfw webms on a sfw board always ruffle the feathers of the american puritans?
I love the color of Jap women's crotches.
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2.9 MB
I fathered two kids, still fuck and get my dick sucked regularly, been married for 18 years, and jerked off nearly daily since I was 13
sauce me up
bet you have white marks on your fingernails

The mark of the coomer
Eat enough fruit and veg and you won't no matter how much you spunk.
Is that your wife doing all that?
Cute monkey, alizee is still a tranny thi
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Disgusting gremlin ears.

code? can't find this shit. I know it's Idea Pocket, but that's as far as I get.
nvm, some more researching turned up IPX-177
pornheads are sick and sad
How do these blokes get these jobs? And how do I get that job instead?
File: lol.webm (2.22 MB, 998x666)
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The only jav that matters
Gooners, you don't always have to goon. You can speedfap. See if you can break your shortest time or most faps records. You know, have fun with it.
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>you are kept weak and docile
Post body
i watched all webms in here and my peepee remains soft but I am instantly hard whenever I see NTR hentai with an ugly bastard. What does this mean? Are modern girls uglier now than 10 years ago?
Where do you guys torrent new grav releases? I used to have a list of uploaders I would check weekly on nyaa, but after it went down years back everyone on my list disappeared forever. It's been hard finding a reliable source for exclusively grav.
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>those super ultra white teeth

Unnatural as fucking hell, practically poisonous or even toxic looking.
it looks fucked irl but by god does it make me hard
Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it, lecture me to death?
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1.71 MB GIF
lemme know when you've found one (1) woman who is into me, not a whore and who i'm also attracted to, otherwise kys moralfag
Same. I've "quit" more times than I can count.
what do Jap girl butts feel and smell like?
like a nice croissant
Americans have low impulse control (it's why they're so fat) so they can't handle seeing anything remotely sexual without feeling tempted by Satan himself.
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100% false
if anything jerking off pushes me to do better in workouts
cool thread
i am just here to say OP IS A BRAZILLIAN MONKEY
Tranny mods don't like being reminded of what they will never be.
But faggot and furry threads are fine. Ok then.
nyaa is still up though? nyaa.si
Could you tell me the source of those?
do asians ever exercise? especially women? it looks like they literally never do, i guess it's not in their culture? they all look extremely doughy it looks like they literally have zero muscle
I think they only do cardio, mainly walking, and eat low protein high carb
Gggggggod I wish I was a Japanese girl please what do I gotta doo </3
just be a autistic weirdo faggot that acts like a little baby and doesn't exercise, that's all! so this is probably already you
You are correct. I am still allowed to look at cute girls though. Don't assume that everyone in here just comes here to jerk off that's simply not the case. Nothing wrong with looking at cute girls/woman. I would go out and say that it is important for a men to look at sexy woman regularly keeps your vitality up.
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>you lose energy that takes weeks to replenish.
So how the fuck do people manage to have sex with their spouse on the regular?
whut dis?
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vagine magic
Rape European women.
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please jav code
True anon of culture
Not related but the JAV code system shit is the greatest thing ever it makes it so easy to pirate like holy shit
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Why did she retire?
I married her.
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>takes weeks to replenish
lol, source?
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2.7 MB
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more butts and thighs.
>Every time you jerk off, especially to porn, you lose energy that takes weeks to replenish.
Sounds like one of the many, MANY horseshit quotes just spouted at people to trick them into stopping.
And why?
I dunno, I'm not the one lying.
easily the best of the thread, and it isn't even close.
>copy paste code
>Pornstar Name - Production Company Name - Pornstar Name Takes Gigantic BBC Dick Cocks of Bigly Mega Sized Watch Her Squirt She Cums A Bucket Load Also A SWC Cock Dick Penis Watches From Stage Left - Episode 420 Volume 69 Season 88 Series 2 Part 10 - Production Company Name - Pornstar Name - Subscribe Now For Unlimited Access Only $500.
Is it bad that I want to suck her tongue? Am I a freak?
I was skeptical about the supposed benefits of nofap, but decided to try it anyway. Two months ago I stopped watching porn and simply jerked off to memories/imagination whenever the urges came. The effects were astonishing. I literally went from being an introvert to an extrovert. The energy boost was massive. Quitting porn won't fix all your problems, but so far it's been the greatest productivity hack I've ever tried.
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4 MB
activates my almonds
Post big tits from lesser known actresses
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2.44 MB GIF
I don't know where you guys work, but I don't know if I'd call this safe
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anyone knows the source on this?
porn addicts fucking seething. I wonder how many of them have developed a cuck fetish from masturbating to women having sex with other men every day
Where is this from?
>takes weeks to replenish
yeah if youre a weak faggot maybe. for me it's 30mins
Tyrannical regimes love to abolish the orgasm because they want to redirect all love to their party. Also, sexually frustrated men fight harder in wars of conquest.
Wtf this is porn for my brain after quit porn for long time
jav code with mating press and deep creampie when
GVRD-45 Iron Heart

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