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anime r63 thread is here >>3043454
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don't mind me just dropping off the trash
Boy Frankie works very well.
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Totally Spies is getting a reboot on may 12. It could be interesting.
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nice, i forgot that show even existed
not to be that guy, BUT adding dicks to female characters just makes them futa, not rule 63
Shemales aren't futa. Futa means hermaphrodite.
Shemales with literal hrt tits have been allowed for years, albeit they're still disgusting, but these are femboys with flat male chests. You're retarded. Go away roastie cunt. NOBODY here likes your sperging.
>not to be that guy
those characters are already female tho, thats the whole point. genderbending would be making them MALE, not just adding a dick and not changing anything else in their female design, its not only lazy as fuck but also defeats the whole purpose of rule 63. maybe learn to take a criticism instead of getting so triggered next time
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Yawn. Fuck off tranny nobody cares about your roastoid bitching you pull in every thread.
Ignore the dumb cunt, if she keeps sperging let her get banned. She’s not worth the spit that flings out of her used up std ridden mouth.
i'm not that anon, i'm not even saying anything against femboys, just pointed out those pics
don't look genderbend at all, just the exact same (female) characters with extra meat, but go ahead keep telling yourself whatever you want
don't take the roastie's bait, just ignore and report
>thread gets bumped
>tranny sperging about feminine males again
Every time.
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jesus fucking christ
No that's James Wakeman, akshually.
I don’t like the totally spies art, or any art posted in this western shit thread, however adding a penis and removing the breasts and vagina is by definition making something male.. and exactly what rule 63 always was when it was fresh.
You will never be your desired sex, btw. Tired of you idiots pushing your agenda on us. I’m gay because my cock only gets hard to cock and titless male chests- not because I like the hairy smelly musclebod cuntboys or hypermasc smegma fartdicks with vile saggy milk dripping gyno ‘pecs’ you tumblr/cyrstal refugee twats pretend to like.
irrevocably based, anon.
This is why I generally dislike western character design, women get cool and attractive designs but men are always just generic and ugly, so if you wanna jerk off to western characters it's usually gonna be rule63 stuff
LOL had to look this up, it's lolcow fujotranny terminology
fuck off roastoid, ywnbam
Can I fuck your pussy? Always wanted to see how it feels.
She's really a broken record shitting up this place.
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genuine question:
if you see a femboy on the street, but you don't know its a femboy, because he's clothed, but looks very much like a female. you will be attracted to him/her? you don't like females but he looks like one, so at first you won't be attracted to him, right? so if he suddenly reveals a dick, all the other secondary sexual characteristics that marked him as female, are suddenly attractive? because of the dick alone?
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keep your smelly 'masculine' cunt to yourself
>>if you see a femboy on the street, but you don't know its a femboy, because he's clothed,
>she thinks men can 'pass' as women in any circumstance
if you mistake an effeminate male for a woman you're just retarded
even kim petras is clearly male
we don't care that you'd fuck masculine ftms, sexually is an attraction to genitals plain and simple
your dumbass forgot what male means lol
gay men fuck biological men which includes trannies
ywnb your desired sex you esl freak
we do all the time you roastbeef ugly female but you wouldn't know since we don't want you ugly ftm slags with hairy pussies on grindr LOL
now fuck off and stop shitting up the threads you disgusting breeder sow, put a bullet in that ugly head of yours
Why even reply to her? She’s been seething about bara and traps ever since tumblr banned porn. Stop giving her the male attention her daddy never did.
baka bi fags in denial are so sad, i will pray for you friend
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This, just R&l.
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