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>dont polish a turd
>finish your drawings
Can someone elucidate this for me?
I spend 30 hours on beginner exercises in the sticky book keys to drawing
Oh no, NOOOOOOO!!!!
Anon you're not ready for this, stick to easy ones!
fuck that glass actually looks really good, nice, good work
Thanks I appreciate it
Im not sure if it is the most efficient way to practice
80-20 rule is what's happening here. 80% of what makes a drawing good happens in the first 20% of working on it (the rough stages). When you're a beginner the most efficient use of your time (if your goal is improvement) would be to practice that first 20% as much as possible, which is where don't polish a turd comes from.
But if you only focus on roughs then you'll get really good at only that. I'm under the impression a lot of people here practiced the rough stage too much and are incapable of finishing their drawings at the same level of skill as their rough, which is where finish your drawings comes from.

The best balance for improvement would probably be mostly roughs, with the occasional finished piece.
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Yea pretty much this, sketching is most of the intellectual effort and the stage where your skill is most important, inking is a good deal less, and rendering is a good deal less still, while each of those steps also takes progressively more time. If you ink and render every single thing you ever do, you're going to learn very very slowly, because you're just not actually drawing that much.But if you never ink and render, you'll be incapable of producing anything that looks complete.

As an absolute beginner, you really should just worry about sketching, but don't wait too long to start doing finished peices. As soon as you're capable of making stuff that isn't pure scribble you should be doing them occationally just as a skill bench mark if nothing else.
Finishing is a like a song with an overall good composition. Polishing a turd is like having a guitar solo that never fucking ends and overstays its welcome, and dominates your song.
crab, you're the reason tis board is dying.
>Im not sure if it is the most efficient way to practice
it is, and it applies not just in drawing but everything else, you start with the easy ones to grasp your fundies well BEFORE moving to more complicated stuff. I had to enlarge the photo to understand what I'm seeing
How should I practice sketching? quickly? deliberately? How do I get the most out of it
well done crab, now he will stay in the beg trap forever
I spend 70% of my time thinking of what to sketch, 20% on sketching, and 10% on finishing.
This entire thread demonstrates why /ic/ is worthless
good job, and keep doing difficult things
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even trad chads should learn minimal amount of photo editing in GIMP and or KRITA to boost their pieces in form of photos.

Very nice beg glass.
That seems proper to me
I appreciate that good video
I see what you mean, like having bad discipline
I suppose so if you can find a good balance with it
probably yes
Thank you appreciate that
Saved thank you
Thank you you sound like a psychologist
This makes OP pic look even better
Damn OP you make want to to try out stuff I don't have patience for
i only started getting paid decently for my work when i became a rendermonkey, people will forgive even the worst anatomical mistakes (except in the hands and faces) if your rendering is convincing.

sketches are cool but people only care about your sketches if your finished work is good, or if you use them to provide content for a very specific niche (e.g. gay genshin impact comics). but your floating anime head on a white canvas.. eh
Because you're confusing a study, which should be done, quick and dirty and with a purpose, with a practice work, which is meant to be a finished piece, where you put to test what you learned with the studies.

Boxes humanoids, are practice and should be done fast and with no other purpose than to warm up and build brain muscle.

Portrait studies should be done slowly and with care, trying to focus on polish, not fast shit.

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