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No edition edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Previous: >>121856403
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I found a french website with really comprehensive Magma lore I've never heard before and apparently back in 1970 they formed a very brief side-project band called TRANSITION which was a Coltrane tribute group, and for whatever reason they opened for Deep Purple playing jazz, but after the audience was deeply uninterested and confused. The next day, they changed their band name to DIS POPAUL, made up and improvized overly technical and mocking parodies of Deep Purple songs on the spot and simultaneously pissed off Deep Purple and their fans, and apparently they started chucking rotten vegetables they brought with them into the audience
On today's episode of "Is It Prog?"
while the music itself isn't prog, there's a lot of guitar parts that i would call proggy
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>psych prog
>kino organ sound
>based wah-wah guitars
>bangers from beginning to end
>kot on the cover
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When did you get over your "Tool is bad" phase?
Cool, maybe we can talk about Jethro Tull for the millionth time instead of King Crimson. Do you guys like Benefit?
when i finished Lateralus and began listening to their next album
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What’s up with the leg thing?
First for José Cid

Baseado e tugapilado
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obrigado, irmão. Toma um Peter Hammill
I'm the one guy who likes Under Wraps but the studio versions of the songs have awful instrumentation and mixing.
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We told Bill to paint his face red and he actually did it, the absolute madman!
Holy based
have you tried playing flute? that shit's hard as fuck
i play the drums, they're so much fun. i think in the court of the crimson king is the best drums-album in prog
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happy birthday bill!
De nada mpt, recebe um Waters de volta
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A child, my child
My childhood, a misplaced childhood
Give it back to me, GIVE IT BACK TO ME
Every /prog/ thread needs the best version of Echoes

Now edit the rest of the article. Fully commit to the bit.
When I but a wee lad I tried to play the flute for my elementary school band but I couldn't even get a sound out of it. So I ended up switching to the clarinet with the cope that the flute was a girl's instrument anyways.
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>listening to pic related in silence with no distractions
The second half clicked bros.
SABB is officially GOATed.
I took lessons at music school as a kid but quit after a year and something, now that I got into prog I regret it a little bit
Still remember the fucking song I played for my first year exam and it was like 25 years ago
TIL this was the first instance of this meme
>Is it prog?
I think so.
Kek, who would've thought?
Jon Anderson's voice prolly ages the best compared to his contemporary, man's pushing 80s and yet still can sing with the same exact range back in his prime and we all know Yes' songs aren't exactly the easiest to sing.
>missing the 1976 bar fight or 1973 "heil hitler"
ᴸᶦˢᵗᵉn ᵗᵒ ˢᵘᵖᵉʳᵗʳᵃᵐᵖ
>1973 "heil hitler"
i think it took me a handful of months to know the proper angle to blow it but even now (almost 2 years in since I bought mine) there are times where the angle is fucking with me so I keep doing trial and error.
the real shit stuff is obviously when knowing that the speed of your wind you blow (also decided by the shape of your mouth that gets smaller to produce a stronger wind) also decided which octave of the note you want to play, and that's the reason why playing from C# note to D note is quite a challenge because it goes from going fingerless to play all the keys but you have to change the way you blow your flute.
of course me being a lazy ass fuck who happens to be a wageslave means I don't really spend that much time training flute to begin with hence my progress is rather slow. Nowadays I can play all the notes (although it can be a hit and miss whenever I try to hit high notes) but playing an actual piece is still very hard.
klaus blasquiz claims that in the early days, magma used to mock the "magma are nazis" crowd with the rest of the band chanting sieg heil or heil hitler when vander did his autistic screeches (keep in mind the line-up at this time included two jewish guys and a black guy)
never liked the 2016 mix of this
way too boosted in the high frequencies
Unfathomably based if true.
interview from 1973

translated with deepl

>What is the origin of the "Magma fascist" saying that has dogged the band since its inception?

>Until now, we didn't fight it. We were what we were. Now we're going to fight it. Because if people don't understand what we are, we'll have to make it clear. People just don't get it. For one thing, they have no sense of humor. For example, they can't understand Christian's speeches. The speech on the first double album, if it sounds like Hitler, then that makes me a priest! A small man making a violent speech can only be Hitler! It's not Mussolini or anyone else, it's Hitler! Because the big star right now is Hitler! You only have to look at the covers of "Historia", "Machin", etc., Hitler is the taboo, it's the first thing you put out of your mind... and then a speech you've never seen before... Well, there you have the reasons for the initial misunderstandings.
>Then, as we had fun with it, we didn't miss a chance to shout "Heil Hitler", we died laughing at people's stupidity. but we didn't think it would go that far, we didn't think people would come to concerts to stop us playing because we're supposed to be fascists. Well, buddy, we've had it!

pretty much they fanned the nazi accusations for laughs to mock stupid people until it blew up their faces
Ahh yes, another project shamelessly named off of yet another Coltrane work. Kinda unoriginal but kinda based.
Is that old band that same as this bandcamp stuff?
>On today's episode
This show fucking sucks and needs to be cancelled
What? speak up boy we can hardly hear you
Are you sure? It has pretty low scores on Wikipedia. Think I'll just stick with Breakfast in America...
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I think Starless would have left as big of a mark in prog rock culture as Larks and Red did if it didn't have the only dogshit cover in their discography
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it's honestly one of the best ones. even if you don't enjoy the look of it you can't say it doesn't fit the music well
It's jutst the ugliest text I've seen with some green smudges stamped over a beige white background, how is it "one of the best ones"? And what part of this album's sound screams "text over a beige white background"?
Starless and Bible Black is an album about anxiety and dread, hidden behind a cold, indifferent face. The records starts with Great Deceiver and Lament, which was standard KC shit for the time, and then later descends into the experimental and unsettling. The cover is so stoic because it's a lifeless mask, covering the secrets which lie beneath. plus i just like how it looks, it's very cool
If mediocre album art was that much of an anchor then Red wouldn't be hailed as much as it is. The art has to be REAL bad before people start making a point of it, e.g. Iron Maiden's Dance of the Dead (which admittedly isn't prog but it's the worst album art off the top of my head).
Based on a lot of his interviews he'd probably say he had no idea what he was thinking here but it was probably fun at the time.
neat song but what the fuck is this video
damn this is a very good story... i don't think i could do that
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john cannot be the greatest guitarist ever when phil manzanera exists
It's an imitation of an old software MIDI visualizer program, but with all the assets rendered at a much higher resolution, in native 16:9 aspect ratio instead of stretching and cropping from 4:3.
i didnt ask what midi is, i asked what the fuck is this video
That is what the video is. Whoever made it said "There's a certain charm to old shitty gimmick software and I want to iterate on it." Why? I have no clue, maybe they were just inspired by the "mm2wood" meme from SiIvagunner or had that software as a kid.
oh great the frusciante retard is in /prog/
funny old meme midi visualizer
Did anyone say midi
oh no /prog/
i ii just i jsut progged all over the place ya hearddddddd!
It's proggin' time!
2018-2020 Black Midi: based
2021-2023 Black Midi: cringe

Make sure to save these old pages in archives. archive.org is well known. But archive.today and ghostarchive.org are also decent archiving sites, though not as heavy duty.
I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll PROG this house down!!!
I don't recall exactly but I think it was around the start of 2023. I even enjoy Fear Inoculum.
I personally never had one, and I've never understood why anyone who likes this kind of music could have such strong negative opinions about Tool. It's the same focus on technical skill, deeper concepts of music theory, long tracks, concept albums and lyrics derived from deeply personal places that aren't necessarily relatable to the listener. The only things Tool does that the acts which are generally uncontested in being described with the adjective "Prog" are the generally more vulgar concepts and visual aesthetics. But even then, it's not as though Psychedelic visual aesthetics were totally unheard of in conventional prog circles, and the difference mostly lies in the tools which weren't available to those conventional prog acts as compared to Tool whose brand has been built on a remarkably consistent body of digital artwork. Honestly, the biggest condemnation of Tool that comes to mind for me, from a prog purism point of view is Robert Fripp's (absurd) claim that "King Crimson has taken more inspiration from Tool than Tool has taken from King Crimson" is inherently associated with the three King Crimson albums that no one talks about anymore. Which is to say, I guess some people think Tool made King Crimson worse? Maybe they just don't like that Tool has songs about vulgar things?
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ween is prog
Honestly, I don't disagree, at least in the sense that it's music made by music nerds fucking around and trying new stuff. And really, why are we still calling it Prog(ressive) if that's not the main criterion?
12 Golden Country Greats is the best Ween album
I don't like Keenan's vocals. Everything about it just doesn't appeal to me. Same goes for Dream Theater
Those are minor, taste-based judgements that shouldn't be the basis for claiming whether something is good or bad. It's fine to say you don't like it. But just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's reasonable to say "This sucks and everyone who likes it is wrong." At the very least, you need objective qualitative claims to do that. By all accounts everyone involved with Tool is an extremely talented musician and their compositions are built on a very strong understanding of music theory. There are no grounds, technical, aspirational, or financial to broadly declare Tool "bad."
Thoughts on Eloy?
Nothing's objective. To argue otherwise is straight up deluded
Fucking love Eloy. Consistently great, enjoyable albums straight from Inside until Ra. Floating is my favorite
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>half the album is their best work since gabriel left
>the other half makes you fall asleep
what did they mean by this
I would be kind of disappointed if I bought an album with that cover and it didn't even try to achieve that.
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>everyone involved with Tool is an extremely talented musician and their compositions are built on a very strong understanding of music theory
thinking the same desu. remove the drum and it's as basic as it gets.
Does your familiarity start and end with Undertow? I don't know how you can come to that conclusion when every single album after that has at least one track with a guitar part in an unusual time signature.
even I can play in unusual time signature if the riff is just your usual power chords in D drop tuning.
I genuinely believe that every single person who likes Tool and hails them as forward-thinking doesn't actually like progressive rock or even progressive metal.
Based and true take, Duke is simultaneously the best and yet somehow the beginning of the worst of Genesis

Fripp loves Tool and hates the "progressive" label, so in a way unintended to you this checks out
They should have kept the title track intact instead of scattering it across the album. I don’t know why they were so scared of doing 20 minute epics after suppers ready
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bill ponders his orb
Does owner of a lonely heart count as prog? It's a great song, but its seems like a single bait (dont get me wrong, this isnt mutually exclusive with being prog).
This probably isn't a prog song, but are there prog songs with a similar vibe:as secret of steel by manowar?

They are mostly a straight forward power metal band, but this one stands apart from their other songs because of the bass playing.
>I genuinely believe that every single person who likes Tool and hails them as forward-thinking doesn't actually like progressive rock or even progressive metal.
tool fans want to be smart so bad kek
>butt rock riffs but in 7/4
wow, mind-bending stuff right there
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How did he get away with it?
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this album's really good
what's some /prog/ that never fails to get you pumped the fuck up and ready to seize the day?
they really should have used the "this night wounds time" thing from the back cover, I love Tom Phillips's art
I unironically think radiohead could've been an amazing prog band.
is shellac prog?
The marillion album you guys keep shilling has fucking ATROCIOUS cover art. The music is fine, but christ, babbys first CorelDRAW edit is not suitable for commercial use.
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Thoughts on this album?


>inb4 trust fund band
Great, even if it would have been even greater with Hugh and David still on board. It's definitely much more of a Peter Hammill solo album than all the albums before it, but I think Peter's also skilled enough as a bandleader that I don't mind. My favorites are "Last Frame" and "Cat's Eye".
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Klaus's reaction to the guitar at the beginning of this video is fucking hilarious, first he looks like he's been jumpscared and then cringing in pain as the notes get higher.
Acknowledge Banco
Just listened to its entirety. You're right, it's very good. One more to the discogs wishlist kek
I don't think the bands have much money left to spend on album art after the 70s. That or they just have shocking taste.
Top 5 VdGG for me. Check out the violinist's previous band
filtered, it's a 10/10 album
Mark Wilkinson is pretty high profile now and went on to design covers for Judas Priest and Iron Maiden
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The instrumentals are great but the vocals here are awful.
Acknowledge pre-Kansas
I know it's not politically correct, but I do quite enjoy a bit of prog rock
The woke mob's gonna get you for this one, stay safe out there buddy
I'm just gonna go out and say it: I think the opening track is kinda ass. Great album otherwise.
fact check: false, this track is great and has amazing drums. but the live version might be even better
whole album is ass actually, bar the part where Jon sang
I have a masters in progonomics
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*autistic screeching*
Red's cover is classy
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Who would win
>look at me im sooo much smarter than stooopid tool fans!

projection, bud.
>>look at me im sooo much smarter than stooopid tool fans!
this but unironically
poor guy had to listen to the entire Rush discography for science
Here are your (you)s bro, you sure seem desperate for them
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Hehehe, such is the derangement of the median Tool hater that they will actually use four different devices connected to four different networks at once
I know right? When the posts are made from different IPs it's definitely a samefag since no samefag would be dumb enough to expose himself
Its a very good album. I will even recommend people listen to their grandpa era albums

To me VDGG pawn hearts is overrated because thats what everyone always says you gotta hear and it invented the prog epic. I just don't think pawn hearts is very good but the rest of their discography more than makes up for it
I have not listened to this album yet, but will soon. Also trust fund band.
well what would you think if it wasn't by Yes
>Genesis: Mike proposes an album based on The Little Prince against Peter's Lamb
>Camel: Doug proposes an album based on The Snow Goose against Peter B.'s Siddhartha suggestion
Why are bass players like this
I'd gladly succumb to the wave,
If I thought the water taught a way to light;
I'd gladly succumb--I'm not brave,
And it's easy to believe what the preacher says
Except for the conflict raging between my head
And my brain.
I don't want to die, but just the same--
Some day....
didnt know this one from them
10/10 rec
any more like this?
I've met like 5 zoomer girls who like VdGG, what is it about them?
trust fund girls
That album is actually great you homos.
I don't expect PLEBS like you to understand why lizard is good. You know it takes a fairly high IQ to understand the genius of something like Indoor games.
fuck off steven
tbf even Fripp got filtered by Lizard for decades
Lizard is a very odd album, brilliant ideas all around, but also some of the silliest shit they've ever done
also, the mixing is terrible
Islands is their true underrated masterpiece, to my knowledge
tbf fripp is a fucking retard who couldn't even understand his own band
he was lucky to have been in a household name and surrounded himself with far more talented musicians
so even a retard can make it in music
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bill kino with eddie jobson on electric violin
They do be VROOOMing
Gordon Haskell's vocal is gross and it immediately poisons almost the whole well
haskell's vocals fit the content of lizard perfectly. His only problem is that on the calm tracks (dancing water, dawn song) he clearly wasn't as good at the smooth/calm stuff as greg lake was. but with the first three tracks that call for manic and zany, he was all there
>Why are bass players like this
they all have bassed & redpilled-itis
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I like the sound of ReconstruKction of Light with the more acoustic drum kit but it seems a little overperformed in some parts
i feel like the intro to Frakctured especially, should have just left it as it was with the two guitars without mastelotto gooning all over the kit
Lucky you. I had to convince mine to listen to Hammill and VdGG more often (usually in the car with me during trips). At least she likes Killer and some of Hammill's softer songs ("I Will Find You" and most of Fool's Mate)
It can't be because Alone Tonight is on it
your favourite projekcts?
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>Carey was arrested at the Kansas City International Airport on December 12, 2021 after allegedly using a homophobic slur and repeatedly jabbing someone in the chest with two fingers. He was charged with a municipal assault violation. The charges were dropped in January 2023.
maybe i listen to tool now
Wow, what a tool
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Get me to the reality where Moraz stayed on Yes for more albums
>poking someone is assault now
really brings new stakes to the "not touching you" game
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The original album was really bad mixed, everything sounds too thin and clean.
I prefer the new mix, but I also agree that Mastelloto sounds too loud at times.

That's something one could expect from Maynard
Fripp really liked shredding during those years
Post top 5 KC
1. Red
2. ToaPP
4. Islands
5. Discipline

It always was
What's it like to be an adult that enjoys prog? Do you consume drugs? I stopped enjoying it when I died inside circa 2009. I'm not trying to be mean, I like prog but I no longer enjoy it.
Sorry I don't converse with dead people
I haven't lost my sense of curiosity and imagination yet
His voice is unique and adds to the atmosphere
Curiosity is killing me, I just got to know
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I have managed to combine Absolutely Free, Safe as Milk and Lumpy Gravy into a double LP with around 18 minutes per side:
0- Safe as Free (The Magic Mother's Band): 72:00.
1- Zig Zag Wanderer (Don Van Vilet): 2:30.
2- Plastic People (Frank Zappa): 3:30.
3- Call On Me (Don Van Vilet): 2:30.
4- Call Any Vegetable (Frank Zappa): 2:30.
5- Dropout Boogie (Don Van Vilet): 2:30.
6- America Drinks & Goes Home (Frank Zappa): 4:30.
7- I'm Glad (Don Van Vilet): 3:30.
8- Invocation & Ritual Dance Of The Young Pumpkin (Frank Zappa): 7:30.
9- Autumn's Child (Don Van Vilet): 4:00.
10- Status Back Farm (Frank Zappa): 3:00.
11- Electricity (Don Van Vilet): 3:00.
12- Brown Shoes Don't Make It (Frank Zappa): 7:00.
13- Yellow Brick Road (Don Van Vilet): 2:30.
14- Abba Zaba (Don Van Vilet) 2:30.
15- Plastic Factory (Don Van Vilet): 3:00.
16- Lumpy Gravy (Frank Zappa): 18:00.
Frank Zappa: 46:00.
Don Van Vilet: 26:00.
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1. In The Court of the Crimson King (An Observation by King Crimson)
2. Starless and Bible Black
3. Discipline
4. Beat
5. Lizard (or maybe Larks)
1. Talking Drum
2. Schizoid Man
3. Mantra (live from Epitaph album)
4. The Great Deceiver
5. Cat Food
I can’t stand most other genres of music. I also take it really slow when it comes to discovering different bands so I’ll still be discovering “new” stuff for a while. I’m 31. No drugs or anything either
decent album ranking but wtf is that song ranking
i almost put epitaph and pictures of a city instead of great deceiver and cat food, but i think i just got some nostalgia for cat food and great deceiver because they were some of the first KC songs i liked when i first listened to them. Talking Drum simply is #1 you're not changing my mind about that
THRAK sort of day
Im 22 atm so it's still earlyish for me. I first got into it when I was in high school, I'd say around 14 or so, I started at itchy cock and Red and enjoyed it, but kinda phased out of it for a little while
probably wasn't until I was 18 or 19 that I got back into it properly, and it's all I usually listen to these days, aside from some other similar genres like fusion. I think I also appreciate it more now that I'm writing music that's directly influenced by prog, I find it pretty challenging and satisfying, especially now that we have a drummer in our band that can comfortably play in odd meters
I think it's just one of those genres that's ingrained in my musical DNA or something now and I'll always be into it
Three of a Perfect Pair
Starless And Bible Black
In the Court of the Crimson King

All four opening tracks from ToaPP (1. Man with an Open Heart, 2. Sleepless, 3. Model Man. 4. Three of a Perfect Pair.) I can't pick just one.
21st Century Schizoid Man (USA Live 1975 version)
Walking On Air.
gotta disagree with putting USA schizoid man. Earthbound schizoid was much better. respect for TOAPP left side though
I only got into prog recently so it's still relatively new for me. Maybe when I get older it will lose its novelty but I will enjoy it while it lasts.
>Debut album released before the ones from most other major prog bands
>never mentioned in the "who was the first prog band?" discussions
Also the liner notes featured the first documented use of the term progressive rock
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Wait a fucking second
I was just thinking about this the other day. I love Caravan 1968 and it's one of my all-time favorites, but i wouldn't call it the first prog rock album. Although, Where but for Caravan Would I has a strong argument for being the first prog rock song released on an album. You would at least have to discount the first Nice, Family, Pink Floyd, and Procol Harum albums, as well as the first two Moody Blues albums, as not containing a prog rock song between them. While those albums have Some songs that sorta edge on prog, like Interstellar Overdrive or Repent Walpurgis, Where but for Caravan Would I is the first one that is inarguably prog, 100%.
*i forgot a saucerful of secrets also came out before Caravan did, that shakes up my theory a little
Did they know?
1. S&BB
2. Discipline
4. Thrak
5. Lizard

(This is hard)
1. Easy Money
2. Larks Tongues in Aspic part 1
3. Sailors Tale
4. The Night Watch
5. Exiles
>I stopped enjoying it when I died inside circa 2009
i kinda get what you mean
there was a point in my life where i thought i heard enough prog for a long time and for years the only thing that rivaled my love for it was classical music.

I later undetstood that i wasnt tired of prog but just got disenchanted with life
and what got me back to enjoying not only prog but life in general was psychedelics
of course i wouldnt recommend to take those kinds of drugs without some precautions but they do help if what you use them for is getting help
At one point, Camel was half composed of Caravan members.
It's almost like caravans across the desert used a certain kind of pack animals. Hmmm
>only one animal
>doesn't pack anything
i just wanna know how they climbed up those fuckin pillars in their nightgowns
It's magic, I ain't gonna explain shit
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i love 90s crim bros...
>ad hoc
concession accepted
>What's it like to be an adult that enjoys prog?
I don't understand the question.
Larks' Tongues in Aspic
The Great Deceiver
Larks' Tongues in Aspic Pt. 1
Sartori in Tangier
21st Century Schizoid Man
Easy Money (The Great Deceiver, Edinburgh version with the great Fripp solo)
wtf robert and bill's bdays are only a day apart
made me look up john's
>What's it like to be an adult that enjoys prog?
I don't understand what these two things have to do with each other. I am an adult and I enjoy prog. I listen to the music and I like what I hear. I don't really know what else to say.
>Do you consume drugs?

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