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File: 30mpix.jpg (145 KB, 1280x720)
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>30 megapixels

Holy shit, it's fucking over, ha ha ha ha hahaha
What good does all this effpeess do? Most iconic sports photos were taken with manually focusing, manual winding film cameras.

Are they preparing to replace the talentless hacks that are most sports photographers with sony/canon equipped drones with AI player recognition and just pick frames from HFR short exposure video feeds?
30mp is fine. 240fps is pointless even for sports and wildlife. That said >>4314464 "most photos were taken with <shit technology>" is such a dumb take. People always use the latest and best to maximize odds. It's not about whether or not you CAN it's about what makes it easiest. Old photographers had astronomical patience due to gear. If you apply the same patience with better technology you get way better results and more of them.
Get a load of this Goldilocks
Rebadged Sony sensor alert
Anything over 12fps with flash sync is pointless

My strobes dont even do 10fps. If you need more you are a shit photographer. At least megapickels are free zoom vs. carrying big ass optical zooms.
>Anything over 12fps with flash sync is pointless [for me]
>If [I] need more [it's because I am a shit photographer]
weird rules you make up for yourself, I don't envy your life desu, seems like a pain in the ass
>needs to make up a strawman to cope with his gearfag consoomerism
Instead of putting words in my mouth, take the cock out of yours.

We are progressing backwards...
>he is incapable of learning to speak for himself yet tells others to do the same
lol @ retard
There you go arguing with the turds up your own asshole. Heads dont go there - pull it out!
>nooooo not 30 MP!!!!
Canon listens to their pro users, not Korean basket weaving forums. If that's their decision it's because the people most likely to buy an R1 don't want more MP. And a high resolution R5R is likely in the works for people who do.
Boomers said make it go BRRRRRRRRR
If you think this release is gay sony is limiting C2PA to “loicensed journalists” only with their new firmware update (leica lets anyone use it)

Sure canon releases boring cameras for commercial, nonartistic sports/event photography now
But SNOY just established a LITERAL ministry of truth
Every camera doesn’t have to do everything. This will be a super solid dependable sports and pj camera. Cool. End of story.
Actually I think around 30mp is the sweet spot, if you *actually need* more you really should be buying medium format anyway
less mpx - less noise, as pixel density is less.
What do you want it to be?
Anon, the naming convention would be "R5s" like "5Ds"

Good, as it should be, for most usage high mp is a meme anyway.
>reused processor from R3
Uh oh stinky
The previous iterations were DIGIC 9's.
This is likely the first iteration of the actual DIGIC X.
>if you *actually need* more you really should be buying medium format anyway

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. MF is useless for shooting action.

The R5 has many perks of MF without any of the drawbacks. What canon should have done with the R1 is make it 50 mpix and compromise a little with the burst rate. Who the fuck needs 240 fps anyway?

This shit is basically R3 Mk2 and it's gonna flop like a motherfucker.
he has something of a point though. 15 years ago you would've said that you don't need more than 4 fps. It all feels very arbitrary
Use anything else
Hard to agree when Nikon has 45. Cannon could have at least offered 36
>This shit is basically R3 Mk2 and it's gonna flop like a motherfucker
Then what are you claiming the 1DX users are going to migrate to?
>mf is useless
Skill issue. AF-C CH snapshitter.

You really don’t need more than 4fps, but its getting hard to find a 4fps camera that isn’t $20k medium format or an ungainly blob of insectoid-designed plastic. There is just one 4fps camera that’s good, and its the leica m11 with an inferior ORF instead of superior TTL view. Tech so bad it was hipster shit already in 1950.
Z8 with a battery grip

At least nikon makes good lenses and could theoretically use the same mount for a larger sensor (just look at sony FE posting lower vignetting figures than canon RF)
>Then what are you claiming the 1DX users are going to migrate to?
R5 Mk2?
snoy makes a few true 4-6fps cameras but you need to turn on full quality raws to slow them down that much. they sell well and most people do turn on full quality raws.
>theoretically use the same mount for a larger sensor
They won't.
Much needed reminder that viewfinder lag and shutter delay are 10000000% more important than burst modes. Burst modes are actually a cope for laggy viewfinders and long shutter delays. A skilled photographer with a lagless OVF and mechanical, instant release shutter can reliably take a photo of the exact moment they want.

You are raping your CF card and wasting hours culling entirely because EVFs and jap UX concerns in general are inferior and japs are too disconnected from reality to prioritize UX.
>fastest possible human reaction time is 150 ms
You think the pros internally dial in their own lag and shoot early to offset it?
Z8 with a battery grip makes zero sense. It's bigger and heavier than a Z9 at that point. Just use a Z9 or carry extra batteries.
you need more than 4 fps for macro, wildlife and sports
if i want resolution i would go Hassleblad not shit Canon.
No, >>4314779 is just a dumb LARPer who forgets that cameras are ultimately just tools.
I am not wrong. I'm willing to be you have no photos in any of those genres
Muh camera takes about 1 picture/month

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