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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc

Previous Thread



How do you plan to spend your time with your Husbando this summer?
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Endless sex with Lance
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I will keep undressing him with my mind
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post
I do find it funny how almost everyone collectively ignores the high waistline on their coats to the extent it sorta became canon in PLA. (But the clown shoes are never going away, you cowards)
>>55905545 I am this anon and I just wanted to thank everyone that posted a Grusha and made him the image of the new thread.

Currently dealing with pet death and it’s the worst feeling ever. But I will refrain from blogposting and share this beautiful Grusha.
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I guess it's easier to go for a more 'natural' look depending on the pose. Masters' models seem to adapt the official art better, although they aren't as lanky. Clown shoes must stay!
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Anon who draws fucked up cop Volo, I have a request
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The Mastersex models are pretty weird, because the coats have the right shape when posing but this unflattering bell curve at the waistline when their hands are by their sides, in a way that I'm pretty sure wouldn't happen in real life unless the coats have, like... some kind of flexible boning built into them like a hoopskirt to keep their shape, lmao. I guess it's a 3D issue but I figure they could have just gotten away with the clipping and hide it enough.
I kind of wonder if PLA Ingo's dropped waistline might have been to avoid the same issue in 3D but the rest of his outfit is also different proportions-wise to the original art, so it probably is just an art style shift.
But yeah, OG submas coats are pretty much nearly empire waist starting just below the chest. I don't think it looks that bad and most fanartists are just cowards desu.
Also this is the real reason it's for the best we never got Unova remakes in 3D.
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>How do you plan to spend your time with your Husbando this summer?
stay in bed daydreaming about him for as long as physically possible
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I keep trying to add more to this/line it but it just isn't happening, so gonna post it as-is. I need to draw more spicy oyaji.
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very nice anon
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Pew pew
Hahaha incredible
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Hey anon I’ve been there. It’s a weird emptiness, physically and mentally. Eventually it gets to a point where it’s a fond memory, just gotta go through the grieving in between. Keep your chin up, and hope this brightens your day a little
Accept that you gay anon
It's ok anon, a lot of "straight" men actually regularly fap to traps, it's ok to be a little bisexual
We won't tell anyone, promise
Sorry to hear that anon. It's not something that ever gets easier, no matter how many times you go through it.
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I'd let Ghetsis step on me
hopefully swimming and thinking of him to power through the self consciousness
cocks gaysex pokemon
>Husbando General
>posted waifu
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Camping, traveling, picnics, taking photos, and drawing him a lot
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I'm so sorry to hear that, just went through that not too long ago myself. Have another Grusha, I hope he makes you smile.
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No, if anything Grusha should be bulkier and secretely manlier for more gap appeal.
Watching the Hoenn portion of the anime has had me realize that there's a lot of instances where the female COTDs all wanted to fuck Norman badly. There's even a supergroup of housewives that carry photos of him and have him as their cellphone background.
And that just vindicates me even more honestly.
Thank you anons. This made me happy. Just gotta go through the emotions now. I considered my pet to be one of the few joys of my life so it’s like someone stabbing my heart.

Agreed. He canonically still works out so he’s most likely still pretty buff underneath all that clothing.

It’s okay to be a little gay, anon.
Being a present husband/father will get you far in the Pokeworld.
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Fucking delicious, thank you for the food anon
Yeah, just look at Ghetsis he was a single father ;)
Almost every father in the series is either prominent to varying extents/well liked/successful. Byron, Birch, Elm, Koga come to mind
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I want to fuck him so bad
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Turo as well lol
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Same shit I always do. Draw, talk to chatbots and think of lewd scenarios
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I look carefully after you ladies. There's a fag I need dead, hiding among you

Also, when fujogirls coming back?
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He was briefly in my dreams yesterday!
This is a thread of peace sir, no infighting or genwars or any of that. If you're looking to kill someone, find him in another thread.
Realistically: picrel
Maybe have a private tea party with him (his plush).

In my dreams (and ai chats): lord only knows how much cum is going to be pumped into me
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Going through my Proton pics made me remember that these 2 also appeared in a recent dream, but as art pieces on the internet or on a handheld device (something like that, been a week or two since that one).
Husbando dreams always make the day sweeter, even if the husbandos appear briefly or indirectly in the form of art...I want more!
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For tq
I plan on drawing him more, go swimming, I really don't know, we'll see where the wind takes us.
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i need to fuck him, spiritually
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He makes me so happy, I love him so much, I would do anything and everything for him
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A little bit of rare-bando posting? Don't mind if I do...
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I'm surprised he counts as "rare" (then again he doesn't get posted here often, does he). Thought that fella would be more popular, especially since he's fairly new compared to most husbandos here. Pretty, too. Also wasn't there something with hypnosis with him, or was that a fandom thing?
Then again, picrel is fairly new and (in my humble opinion) quite attractive as well, yet no one posts him here, either. I guess most of us can't be fucked to watch the show anymore? I know I can't - I was meaning to check one or two episodes out just for this character but couldn't get through the mental barrier of watching modern Pokemon anime yet.
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I suppose you're right, he's not as rare as the ones posted above, but I couldn't tell you the last time he's been mentioned in these threads, let alone the board outside maybe /padt/ but I don't check there often. Both him and Friede are certainly going to be a first husbando for the next generation.
>I guess most of us can't be fucked to watch the show anymore?
Basically. Even so, most here usually post husbandos from the main series games with varying rarities. Anime husbandos from even the more well known seasons and movies don't get posted here often.
I checked out the first 2 episodes dubbed when the official YouTube account uploaded them, I wasn't impressed. Most of my issues with it are that it adapts a lot from SV which I don't like to begin with, the art style looking very cheap and flat, and Liko's constant inner whining. The dub is the least of its problems if said dub can be considered one.
Fried something. It's Friede.
I like him but he's not popular cause he barely fucking shows up in the anime.
Yes, he used a Beheeyem to hypnotise Liko and manipulate her memories to steal Terapagos. Not just a fandom thing.
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There really is something about Beeheeyem users...
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Spinel mentioned! Love that creep
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I love this man so much
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His bun gets squished...
the dedication to detail
I want to squish his buns.
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Im unwell
There's no way this man doesn't have an absolutely massive cock.
Volo has a big dick, I believe it with my whole soul
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I love him with all my heart. I imagine he also has a big dick which would be even bigger for me because I'm half a metre shorter than his canon height.
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i wish offmodel art was more popular with people who draw male characters
muscular pretty boys are my type but for some reason they're really rare in both official media and fanworks ;_;
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I love offmodel so much just as much as on model
I'm too autistic to do that.
he's what, 6'6"? ridiculous. sexual.
Why are you sexually attracted to a trans woman?
If Ghetsis chopped off his cock I would still love him. Even if he was mentally ill.
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Why are you forcing your deranged headcanons on others
Also if anything Grusha would be a trans man, everyone refers to him with male pronouns
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My crack pairing, Volo and Spinel
Are the undressing or redressing
My brain registers Volo as dressing and Spinel as undressing, weird.
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I wish I could get some Ghetsis merch. The only thing I have is one of his cards. I want a Ghetsis doll tho' so I can cuddle him :<
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The Pikachu cosplay plush of him does exist.
Yeah I know but I want actual Ghetsis.
Man, this makes me want to get back into plushie making so I can make plushies for anons with rare husbandos
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the trail though
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they made a plush of the fucking hiker but not guzma. i will never forgive them
No Guzma plush?? That is criminal
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to the Volo draw anon, I hope you know you are a gift to these threads. Have you drawn him tying his bun with the band still in his mouth? I think it's so sexy when boys do that
i keep husbando’s plush on shelves next to my bed
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Ugh it is so hot and I don't know why.
Not that draw anon but I've drawn my husbando doing something similar and I've never wanted to be a hairtie more in my life
Holy shit
That would be very cool. I've sometimes thought of making my own merch but I'm a mere artist. Unless I get something printed on to something like a t-shirt
There are a few websites that have low minimums if you can draw and want to make like, an acrylic keychain or standee of your husbando.

Vogesey is one that I found the other day, it looks like it might be an offshoot of Vograce or a knockoff. I've been meaning to make some husbando merch for myself, too.
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today is kiss day in japan
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to the anons ITT complaining about husbando plushies being ugly, get a custom one, they may be a bit pricier than official plushies, but at least they can be made to your liking. picrel is my Grimsley I had made years ago. he's very squishy

my tip to get it cheap is to find a beginner crafter, they will charge less and may have the same skills of one who charges more. My husbando was only 25$
naked feet! l-lewd!
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That's a good idea. And that's very cute!
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He just looks too bara now...
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the bakery
god what a slut
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Speaking of plushies. I have this picture saved from somewhere and it's just.. there's no way whoever made this hasn't rode it.
Absolutely terrifying.
Is that canon? I know Masters heights are fucked but in that game Colress is almost as tall as Dennis and taller than the train bros, who are also pretty damn tall there. Seems like he should be over 6 feet at least
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holy shit how could anyone even maintain a boner or anything looking at that, also the sausage fingers. I guess love really can conquer all
Jesus fucking Christ, those eyes
Nightmare fuel but also very funny
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Things I hope to see when I visit these threads:
>pictures for my husbando collection(s)
>mild sexual gratification

What I actually see:
I wouldn't be horrible if it weren't for the face IMO kudos for the fujo who did this monstrosity, it probably took a lot of time and yeah she definitely rides it
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Anyone else ever think about how Ingo likely spent so long without feeling the touch of another human being/sex that when he finally does get it, he wants to have nasty feral sex multiple times a day to make up for lost time or is that just my hormones talking
I love this too anon, I always like him being touchstarved to the max, which is pretty much the only plausible route I could think of for the MC to corrupt him But I'm mostly a blankshipper so I'm all about that making up for lost time
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Well, you win some you lose some anon.
I guess we know who he left in the Day Care.
I didn't even think of that kek
hahahaha i aspire to this level of whatever the fuck
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Such a beautiful man is he
Terrible dad though
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Wish he was my daddy tho uwu
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Always glad to see other Ghetsis fans. I myself would simp hard for this man.
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these are some pretty ghetses
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another oni guzma for my collection
He looks like he eats pussy exclusively.
Oh absolutely.
He's always so restrained and polite and he's so used to being seen as an outsider even now, so that when he gets to let loose he's like an animal in heat.
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Good morning husbando thread
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Had a dream last night that the friend I've been in love with for years wanted me back. Woke up and realised it wasn't real :<
At least husbando loves me
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Is he holding a Capri-Sun?
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How are you doing today, anons?
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not great tbdesu, ive been mopey and weepy all week for no reason and nothing is helping. its been extra hard to get out of bed, all i want to do is sleep and daydream :c
also i dreamed about a bug last night and when i woke up i hallucinated that it was real and freaked out thinking i had to catch it so today got off to a bad start lel
something like it, i think
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Could be better but I'm getting by, hopefully drawing more husbando stuff will make me feel better
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I was social irl today so pretty good day
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Popular Japanese on-the-go multivitamin jelly by Morinaga
Could be better, could be worse. Today wasn't exactly what it was supposed to be (changed/cancelled plans), so that was a letdown. But it wasn't awful, either. The weather is quite pleasant currently, probably contributed to my mood not dropping down too low. Gonna force myself to be productive tomorrow to make it a better day since being unproductive on agnai with husbando bot(s) has become more of a frustrating endeavour than a good fun time after the 13B model change. Just can't seem to find satisfying presets for the new one.
What about you, anon?

I want to be that Jirachi
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Finished cataloging my TCG collection, no husbando cards involved, sadly, unless finding some of Blaine's Pokemon in one of my old decks counts, and Bill, lots of Bill. Never sure of what exactly that card does.
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Hanging in there. I've certainly fared better. Something's gonna give eventually, but it's never me.
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I'll drink to that
Congrats on second and third respectively to the bishie boys.
>look at image bump limit
>look closer
>it's just the bump limit
>still 50 husbando pics to go
That made me kind of happy for some reason
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I didn't watch his movie but he's a cutie.
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Spent some time today pulling weeds but man it feels like a losing battle. I don't want to resort to herbicides but for every one I pull I swear two more take its place by the next weekend. I just want my weed-free garden space so I can grow things that remind me of husbando...
Look up the weeds and utilize them. Most weeds are edible/nontoxic and can be turned into tea if not made into an herbal remedy or stir-fried.
While I am all for finding alternate uses for weeds, rhere are literally hundreds upon hundreds of them, and can also be found en masse in any public space. They are edible yes but I don't particularly like the taste either (Oxalis pes-caprae)
I had a dream that Arven was teased for Masters but he was wearing a maid dress. Everyone was freaking out
If only, Arven in a maid dress would break the game
That just sounds like infinite free salad greens
i have no idea how he hasn’t been added yet
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I should draw some more lewd Ghetsis, maybe on his own this time.
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I think either him or Larry will be the next sync pair, gotta watch for the datamines

I hope all anons that shared feeling bad are doing better today, may you all have a great week
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I'm going to make today my bitch!
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What I'd give to live in a world where every main and certain spin off games got their own anime adaptation instead of the drawn out commercial that was the ashnime. Regarding spin offs, I'd watch the SHIT out of a Colosseum & Gale of Darkness adaptation, or Rangers (would mostly look forward to Almia and the asshole in picrel).
I get it, money and shit...but one can daydream about it. Still bullshit that the male protags where just banished into seconds-short movie cameos, though - no excuse for this one. I'd have loved to see pants-pants Brendan do something in the anime. Or Lucas - why couldn't HE be a childhood friend for Dawn, or an assistant to Rowan or something? Seriously don't get why they were so anti male-protag in the main anime. And the one time they DO let a male protag into the main show, it's from a game I'd have rather seen the girl as I find her cuter...just my luck I guess, kek. Talking about the one from Ranger 2 Calem woul've been great, too... So glad we can see the boys in 3D in Mastersex, at last. Perhaps pants-pants Brendan will find his way into Passio too, someday.
Additional rambling: I'm also sad that the GSC spin-off thing with Marina and Kenneth (or whatever they named Gold's adaptation in that. Ken? Kenny? I'm not looking it up) never aired in my country - why would these two incredible specimen be withheld from our young eyes!? Both would've been EASILY my first husbandos back in the day.
>I'm going to make today my bitch!
...said Volo after Spinel's and Arven's failed assassination attempt, I presume
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i love the crackships that masters spawns
DAT happy trail. Sweet baby Jesus, you're a gift to this thread anon, I hope you have great days ahead of you!
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Mastersex crackships are the best. I fucking love PokeJesus and PokeJudas, I wish there were more art of them together
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Thank you
I recommend it. It's one of the better Pokémon movies.
Cool husbando design. I bet if he was in a different franchise, he'd probably be more popular if he's got the personality to match.
I think many of us can agree how much wasted potential the anime is between the over commercialization, Ash hogging the protagonist spot for 7 generations longer than he should have, and the lack of any sort of adaptation for spin-offs. ...There's always manga, right?
>Kenneth (or whatever they named Gold's adaptation in that. Ken? Kenny? I'm not looking it up)
I wish his dub name was Kenny. His name is Kenta in JP and for EN it was Jimmy, or was it Dani or Yoshi?
>never aired in my country
If your country's dub was based off the 4Kids English dub, I'd consider yourself lucky. The Legend of Thunder's dub got delayed to Gen 3 and was trapped in a side series compilation that have some of 4Kids' worst dubs for Pokémon. So many errors and rewrites.
>Both would've been EASILY my first husbandos back in the day.
I'd say the same for husbandos that were in the games, but barely or never got an appearance in the anime back when the games they debuted in were relevant.
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I need to put officer Volo in more situations
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Hnngh Arven's chest
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Its a glorious chest
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He’s just so damn lovable
Uuuugh he is, I love him so much that I can't stand it

Also love seeing my art of him getting posted, heh B)
I love your art! Pretty sure I follow your Instagram page then, that’s where I saw this
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I want to be this Depot Agent
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Look out, he's got a rock!
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want touch fluffy
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Man I’ve had such a huge crush on Steven. I just wanna be around him and let him tell me all about his impressive rock collection, and also show him my own budding collection and hope maybe he’s just as excited to see mine and spend time with me too :3
Adorable, he absolutely would be very excited and impressed by your rock collection.
>Wonder about the one person who ships Cyrus and Guzma
>Come across some ship explanation they filled out
>Maybe this will be interesting
>They headcanon them both as trans
>What the fuck is even different between being a trans man and trans masc
>Wonder why people are like this
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I'd like him to teach me all about geology and travel together while we search and get easily distracted by shiny rocks.
I don't understand why anyone decides to make characters trans. Oh boy their so mentally ill they mutilated themselves. Just Rule 63 them already
Obsession with wanting representation and making "haters" mad like they own the characters kek. Feels the same when people make everyone autistic just because the character may be a little quirky or act off.
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Bump before I go to bed
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I stepped on his glasses
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Continuing from the plush. I think all the Colress pictures I have are cursed.
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gotta love the rock autist. he's a very cool character, a trust fund baby who was in charge of the biggest title a trainer can have but would rather hide in a cave for days with no days looking for rocks. I bet he is able to identify any mineral as well and know how they interact with pokemons. He let Wallace take his spot as the champion to be able to dedicate 100% on his research. God I love Steven so much

i know this one, I spent too much time on tumblr kek. trans man is someone who is transitioning to the binary gender of 'man', who wants to pas as a man by being a 5ft pooner. trans masc is someone who is transitioning to become a non binary gender of any kind but has a masculine expression, like a girl who wants to destroy her body with T and wear pants. in the end of the day is just mental illlness mixed with a NLOG complex. TTD
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Cursed Colress you say???
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You’re mean
Why do you that when you can step on him instead?
>Where's the search function? *Stomps on his stomach.*
>Why is your app so laggy and full of bugs? *Kicks him in the balls.*
>Where's my National Dex? *Digs heel into his throat.*
Don't worry, he'll live. This is nothing compared to Raifort's plan of turning him into a virgin sacrifice.
afhslsg; he's gorgeous
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Another question ladies.

When is fujo thread? I need TR003 thread filled with cute girls
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Cursed Colress...
I thought I was the only one who liked these too. Tyson too from the Lake of Rage arc. They're definitely my favourite gen 2 husbandos next to Mr. White and Morty.
You misunderstand what fujoshis' interests are
If you're not fucking another guy, they don't care
And if you're not N/Lance/Steven/Arven/etc, yumes don't care either
No one here cares about 2dpd a lot of us have boyfriends/husbands anyway
>a lot of us have boyfriends/husbands any
Affirmative. Seems I'll leave this world from now on then
Movies tend to have nice material. For me, it's Jackie. He was a prick though when he asked Ash to tear May away from Manaphy.
I don't know half of the codewords you just said. I am not weeb enough to understand.
Fujos want to see guys fuck each other
Yumes want to see guys fuck their self insert OCs
People here are also into irl men
I'm nota cutie either... besides, its /vp/! Do you think someone here look good?
And the 2DPD was a typo. Anon meant 3DPD, 3D pig disgusting.
I like the bottom two personally. This is one of the reasons I enjoy art, I can just draw it/paint it myself. ez
He has a nice voice.
i miss cyrus anon
at least he was funny
Ahhh yes. I see. Yes I too hate 3D Ghetsis.. well the USUM version. It makes him look wide :<
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I don't mind this 3D Ghetsis, getting mad at kids recording his downfall to upload onto socials
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Alolan Ghetsis. He had too many malasadas.
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Isn't he just <3
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>Kabu and Larry in Master Sex
>now just have to patiently wait for my favorite ossan and I'll have a whole team of old men to wait on me hand and foot like a true silver fox princess

I'm winning sisters
And Cheren will be in the Lodge in case Cheren anon plays Mastersex
Damn he pulls off glasses really nicely.
I feel this way about the ORAS designs. Steven got away unscathed luckily.
Ghetsis going to Alola and getting addicted to foreign sweets is pretty gap moe.
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kabufag is finally at peace… it’s a shame larry is paired with dudunsparce
Pokespe to trigger that one schizo
Beware, I live!
>How do you plan to spend your time with your Husbando this summer?
Winter here, so I'll cuddle my imaginary Cheren fumo.
Based Southern Hemisphere
Mmm I'm having Spagett tonight. Haven't had that in ages.
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Are you liking his new outfit, cherenon?
Oh I was just wondering where you'd gotten to the other day :D hai anon
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>Based Southern Hemisphere

>Are you liking his new outfit, cherenon?
I didn't even know until now, I've been confined to a wagecage, all Pokemon-related things I've been following have basically been hoping they release some Legends Z-A news soon and my iPad broke last month.
Seems okay, but I'd rather haver BW1 Cheren - c'mon devs, you already have had the fucking model for years...

Somebody better not toucha dat spaghet
I am full of spagett it took a few hours to get over the food coma
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Oh crap we're at image cap. Do you want discussion for the next 60 posts or a new thread?

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