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We literally all have to keys to a perfect diet affordable to the vast majority of people

Its not society's fault that some chose to gorge themselves on ultra processed foods.
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>I hope you don’t eat any dairy if you’re concerned about hormone implanted beef.
This is either ignorant or just disingenuous as fuck.
Go take a look at FEED ADDITIVES like Ractopamine faggot.
There are good companies out there, but if you aren't reading your labels and buying from farmers you know, you are eating tapered with shit--often Chinese owned companies that were recently bought.
Do you really think THEY GAF about American's health--or just money?
It should blow everyone's mind that fruit from Philippines or South America can be found ripe in Midwest stores.
>ultra-processed foods are bad because they're extremely easy for your body to digest and not because of their ingredients.
It's both really. It's a systemic problem going all the way back to the depleted, glyphosate soaked fields.
I understand the frustration though, When you start to realize just how many people just parrot shit they read or heard elsewhere without looking into it with any depth, you start to understand just how intellectually lazy we've become as hominids.
The thing is, even the PhD'd EXPERTS are dead wrong with this shit too.
I had a Chemist(Tenured University Research PhD,) try to convince me that Citric acid and Ascorbic are the SAME, and I also had a Dietician (MS)try to tell me that Fructose doesn't have to be stored in the liver THEN converted to glucose for the body to use.

Bro Science ABOUNDS, Bro.
rent free
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I don't think about Troons at all...
Until they come in and SHIT on the carpet.
Back on topic or go back to Discord, faggot.

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What do you guys usually make for dinner?
I'm always lost and I don't wanna keep ordering food. I wanna cook more.
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gonna have leftover pizza from yesterday. if it wasn't that id probably go to the store and buy some meat and cheese and make quesadillas. and also buy stuff to make salsa.

usually its boxed pasta or fastfood or nothing.
All kinds of shit. If you can follow basic instructions, you can follow a recipe. So just look up recipes for whatever you like to eat and go from there.
Some other tips, always shop for sales if money is a concern. I start with whatever protein is on sale then build from there.
Protein + vegetable + carb is a solid base for any meal so try to think in terms of that if you don't have a specific type of dish in mind.
Also learn your basic cooking methods, oven baking/roasting and pan-frying. So for example, try baking chicken pieces with potatoes (your carb) and veggie of choice. That can all be done in one pan in the oven. Then the next day try pan-searing a pork chop and some veggies. This will teach you the two basic methods of applying heat, and from there you can make endless variations.
There's also stuff you cook in a pot, like soups or stews. There's also endless variations of these so look up a kind of soup you like and try making that.
Learning these principles of cooking are more important than learning specific dishes. If you can follow a recipe, and have familiarity with the basic methods of heat application and when to use the right tools, that's 99% of cooking right there.
just do what chef john tells you
please be baiting
When I feel lazy which is often it is
>rice in the rice cooker
>cooked veg
>raw veg
>some kind of protein
Protein is chicken breast, tofu, beans in many different variations including falafel and other kinds of bean fritters, sometimes tempeh.

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just got a cheeky potato cake to go with my durry down at the servo what are you cunts having
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Australians don't say scran, nor do they call potato scallops ''potato cakes''
Potato cake is used in South Australia and I think also Victoria.
2 shitholes that Australia does not want. if it's not queensland or nsw it's not australian.
I'm not involved in this discussion but that made up definition of insanity is dumb as fuck, experimentation is literally doing the same things over and over again to see what results you get. Not to mention humanity doesn't have the history to say for certain how time factors into what results you get from things.

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I just like it. I would put it in salads too.
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>the ai made the "dumb shits post ai pics on 4chan" dude
I put sweet parsley in salads, but not coriander leaves. Unless guacamole or Mexican salsa count as salads.
Julienned carrots, chopped cilantro, dressed with lime juice/fish sauce/sugar dressing, black sesame seeds sprinkled over top. Good eats.
You will own cilantro and you will be happy.
It tastes like soap to me too. I've asked people who taste it differently to describe the taste to me, but they couldn't...

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Whats your favourite meal deal?
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>doesn’t know what polish sausage is or a beef hotdog
No it’s not kosher vs normal
I sincerely wish you a great day on that day and hopefully it doesn't rain. Will you be getting a meal deal bro?
captcha: GY4TT (lol)
Chicken Triple sandwich, Red Bull and one of the small packaged meats as a 'snack'.
Used to buy meal deals at lunch during A-Levels.
I used to work as a kitchen clerk in a HyVee. Employees got $5 meals at our kitchen or $5 deli sandwich at our deli. I'd either get a flatbread sandwich with sliced meats, cheeses, and spicy sauces or subs with the same and an apple or banana

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Hmm. Which would you get?
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what a waste of plastic. this planet is doomed.
Billions must die
The main question really is:
"Do I have to?"
Seems inefficient to create a plastic case for each slice of pizza that fits it perfectly.
>Mediocre pizza.
>1 slice and 1 slice only
>costs more per pound than ham
>Literal leftovers
>Costs more per pound than steak.
Why? These are poor value for money.

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Which chain is going to shut down all locations first?
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Red Lobster in my town is alive and well.
Boston Market is down to like 25 locations.... Red Lobster will come out of bankruptcy and be fine for a bit.
Hopefully both.
I've seen exactly one and it was in NRH. No customers either.
yeah, red lobster is a legit company having problems and they're trying to restructure to become profitable again. lots of companies do this, it may be in a death spiral but it still has a chance.

Boston Market was bought by a scamming pajeet ceo that's crashing it and defaulting on its rent while gaslighting its employees, who for some reason insist on working with irregular paychecks instead of just getting another foodservice job. it would already be dead if it's employees decided that they didn't want to have to deal with buying ingredients from the grocery store while off the clock.

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My mummy made some Flapjack that's really nice. Much better than shop stuff.

I ask her to make you some after I fucked her. You're welcome

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You should really try Katz’s before you die.
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what does any of that have to do with being an incel?
Just incel things. If you know you know.
skill issue
Because people who have sex tend to have active social lives and hobbies and interests that involve leaving the house, and as such, they don't have time to think about da joos or how they're responsible for their problems. It's like patriotism, only people with nothing going for them call themselves patriots and go on about how great their country is.
stfu rabbi

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>be me
>come home hungry
>prepare food
>toss it in the oven
>food is cold
>oven is 404
Wat now?
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heat is heat anon, it will cook either way. gotta make use of the tools available to you.
it goes in the oven
ok then fix your oven or find something else to eat I guess, what do you want to hear?
Silly cunt. You can heat in a pan if you so wish. If you're that stupid, I hope you starve
better than 403

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I don't know. Fruit sandwiches? Would you try these?
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Because they're so simple, you absolutely need to use the best quality fruit you can find. For the ones in >>20501149, I made three sandwiches, one cherry, one cantaloupe (I thought the texture would work well, even sliced thin for a sandwich and it did) and one kiwifruit. They were all good, but I would bet that if I'd cheaped out with lesser quality fruit, they would've been awful.
They look like the bread is too soft and moist so no. Are nips all manchildren who are afraid of crusts?
Oh they're american. I associate that weird soggy crustless sandwich style with the nips too much I suppose. Is that how savoury premade sandwiches are in america too?
It's basically a small cake. What's the issue?
Bread does not equal cake.

I have some butternut pumpkin peices on low heat in some water. What do I add to make butternut pumpkin soup?
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dont do this it makes mustard gas
Vacuum your floors. You have floor debris on your handfoot
You better be armless to be doing that
That's squash.
Post a pic for when the coconut cream inevitably boils over and makes a mess because you weren't paying attention.

Why didn't anyone tell me about ceramic pans? I bought one 'cos they looked pretty. Turns out it's a fucking joy to cook on. Smoove as butter.
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it's almost like the word substantial has a definition and the performance difference between tin and stainless isn't enough to meet the criteria for "substantial".

if you just left it at, there is a performance difference, I wouldn't have bothered saying anything, but if you're going to say it's substantial, you just come off as a moron to anyone that actually owns both stainless and tinned copper.
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>I'm bothered because my opinion isn't the same as yours
more like you're LARPing and trying to pretend your pan is somehow "better" because it has tin when the difference is negligible in 99% of cases.
>you're LARPing and trying to pretend
Are you a real person?

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What would a medieval diet had looked like? What were the staples of breakfast, luncheon, and dinner?
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yea, not common in medival europe
build one myself in school
only retards believe that 1000 years ago people were mouth breathing retatds. they were probably good cooks, though lacking in exotic spice they would use anytging local.

all bread was sourdough as there was no dried yeast. they made fish sauce in europe, kechap manis packs a punch.
they made subjee out of ground up herbs and buckwheat. they roast small game, were very fond of eels, they invented our beer.they could cook.
that's super nice
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>vegetables like parsnips, swedes, an mangolds
That's fair, I'd eat her too if I could
85% the worst kind of bread you can imagine
5% whatever vegetables they could find
5% milk from animals they reaised
5% meat from the animal that died from old age

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are Dualit toasters worth it or are they just a meme?
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Meeeeeeeme. They're too expensive and too complicated. For that kind of money and effort I'd expect earth-shattering orgasm-inducing toast but it actually turns out terrible toast. I have a Breville "bit more" toaster and it's great.
No. I'm surprised toasters are still as durable as they are. Mine is like 15 years old.
Why do people use toasters when toaster ovens do a better job with the same amount of effort and are more multipurpose?
Anything but the cheapest toaster is a meme
My grandfather bought a four slot model in the early 1980's. I stole it out of my mother's house a couple years back. Pro tip of you have the key to a house of someone you intend to cut out of your life steal everything of value while they are at work.

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