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It's official now, the debate has been settled
>the rental agreement specifically zoned the space for a sandwich bar style restaurant and gives subway as an example
>restaurant sells Mexican food Chipotle style
>the /authorities/ say they can't do that because the agreement specifically says the word sandwich
>court puts to rest the age old debate and now tacos and burritos are legally considered "Mexican style sandwiches"

Torta bros on suicide watch
So? According to the court a tomato is a vegetable. Legal rulings do not always comport to technical definitions or layman understanding. A normal person would not call a taco a sandwich, they would call it a taco.
Cope more nigga. A taco is now officially a sandwich.
No it's not. It's a taco.
"Tomato is a fruit" is such a WELL AKSHUALLY" take, because any edible part of a plant is considered a vegetable
Even the fruiting bodies
Fruits are a type of vegetable
These retards never well acktually any of the other fruits that are also vegetables because theyre just parroting some nonsense they heard in primary school

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If a breakfast let me flap in jacks every plapping I would make it sunny side up in bed, bigly!
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You aren't funny and you never have been. Frogposters ruined the internet.
can we start banning these worthless frog faggots already
kys nigger
holy based

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Essential oils applied to hair.
Lemon chicken and rice cooked.
Gelbooru opened.
Imagine eating this good.
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you'll get killed anyway what's your last name btw
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gonna miss Paul when he dies soon ngl
ldats good eating so you just season a breast with salt pepper and only lemon juice?
kill yourself tranny and stop blogposting on other boards too

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Why is food in movie theaters such a scam?
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Chill. Relax knowing that that shithole of a company is going down as we read this thread.
In the US it's illegal to sell goods below cost in some states and a gas station was sued during covid for underpricing their gas to generate more traffic.
No, regular people are by and large selfish, greedy asshole. Especially those who think of themselves as "good and honest".
it's a pretty gay post, not a slam dunk mic drop. sorry bud

it's called an effortpost and we used to get them all the time before we got invaded by the swarm of twitter immigrants.
because how else would they stay open in spite of streaming services?

Forgot what I had when I went to see the last Flash movie but it was actually damn good. I think it was bacon covered loaded fries.

"The new McFlurry is made with vanilla soft serve blended with “delicious syrup” and chopped pieces of candy, according to a McDonald’s press release."
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so how is it?
>he's never had the gushing grannies mountain dew
Who cares, the machine will be broken anyways
Pepsico was ahead of their time they were too afraid to accept it

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I made beef ravioli. This is a couple rav's plus the leftover pasta scraps and filling in brodo.
I also thought I'd let you all know that I'm just about out of reasons to continue living.
If you’re going to kys I would recommend to move to a different country instead. Maybe japan or latam.
You can think about your demise after that.
I'm not gonna kms, just a bit tired of life right now.
I visited Taiwan last year. If I could speak Mandarin and afford a house there I would seriously consider moving.
My country’s situation was pretty bad some years back with the previous government and I was depressed and considering moving to another country.
Now with the current president things are great and I feel great.
If you’re going to make sloppa I suggest beans with ground meat and tostadas/tortilla chips.
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Doing give up anon. That looks terrible but I bet it tastes pretty good. Plus you made it yourself, it came from you. It wouldn't have existed otherwise. I encourage you to look into a sport or a fitness class, movement does not only the body good but also the mind. I have been in a funk since my car accident last year. I lost my job, I depleted my savings and my body aches all the time from the crash. When I was down and out, I didn't give up, I got encouragement from others and I started lifting some basic exercises with some dumbbells my roommate had and I've made good progress in only 6 months. Before I couldn't even curl the 35s, I had to use 25s. After 3 months, I can do 1 full set with the 35s. Making the progress really helped me realize it's not all worthless and you really can get better and improve and feel good about yourself if you just give yourself a chance. My pain went away, my back got stronger from lifting and pulled my spine back into place. I got a new job that is ok. I'm getting settlement money I hope to use as a down payment on a condo. Things will get better anon don't give up.

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For me, it's Molson Export, the best Ale beer.
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>beer couldn't be transported more than maybe a dozen miles
Are you actually aware of how fucking stupid you are?
Why do you think regional beer is such a common thing in Europe? Because transporting beer long distance wasn't a thing. Why do you think Budweiser is so ubiquitous in the US? Because the Anheuser brewery was the first one in the country to have refrigerated rail cars allowing nationwide distribution. Beer casks, especially after they've been opened, don't keep long in the hot Caribbean sun
strong ale lasts a long time in a cask
you're talking shit
more like gay-le
how dare you, apologize

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Do you brine all your meats?
nah, I ain't a queer
Yes because Im not a queer
it all goes in the wooster
I have never brined a single thing in my life
you didnt spoil me this time you fucking cunt, get shit on

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>It's dead summer
No cap
I hope my boy chi city mang is doing well these days
Freeze pop forever!!
A bounce walk. You walk and you bounce

In descending order:


What I can make with these navy bean?
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>a language is a dialect with an army and a navy
I like this sentence in concept but it doesn't pan out as accurate historically
Like for the anis?
The actual phrase is a "the difference between a language and a dialect is a flag and an army." My language still has a flag but ever since deciding to enter a union with a few other countries, no longer has its own army but a shared one, tho we're still considered our own language. 1000+ years of written linguistic history will do that, I guess.
Since you already have navy beans add
bbq sauce, sliver of pork, a tad bit of diarrhea, salt and pepper to taste
You've got baked beans
I was under the impression that the farting and dia'rhea came after eating the beans, not before.

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Carbonated beverages taste best when around ~50% of the CO2 is gone. I will not be taking any questions.
not all of them are carbonated to the same level so wtf are you talking about faggot

Has anyone picked these up yet? Just drove three hours to get three dozen. I've waited thirteen years for this. They're as amazing as I remember
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I got a good kek. Gunna be near atlanta this July to see family, got any recommendations?
what the fuck is going on with this picture? why is the bokeh completely random? was this taken on a phone with some gay """"""""""""""""AI""""""""""""""""" filter applied to it?
Not what I asked
Damn I have no idea. Took it with my phone, didn't do anything to it
its a coffee shop that sells donuts, idk why anyone pretends its the reverse
Everybody likes Vortex burgers, I’m not a big fan but it’s been a big deal in Atlanta for years and on lots of tv shows. My personal fav is the Corner Tavern in five points. If u want bbq Sonny’s, it’s a chain but it’s my favorite all time. It’s best to avoid most of Atlanta tho

I'm going to throw together some homemade barbecue sauce for grilled burgers next weekend so I can finally have something that isn't made of corn syrup and soy.

The big questions I'm trying to decide on are:
>Apple cider vinegar vs red wine vinegar
>Brown sugar vs honey

I'm leaning towards the brown sugar, but most of the recipes out there say ACV's the way to go but I kind of think for burgers red wine would make it a little more robust.

>inb4 NOOOO you can't put sauce on burgers!! you have to use salt and pepper only reeeee
didn't ask/touch grass. i'm going to be too drunk/hung over this time so instead of the usual handground beef i'm just gonna throw a sack of mini slider patties on the grill and figured fuck trying to cut little baby slices of lettuce and tomato, i'm just gonna slather em in some sauce, maybe a little cheese, crisp the buns and call it a day.

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Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it

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The burden of truth is on you for sharing a story.
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Any girls going? I don't want to be the only one
>check flights
>150 bucks round trip
I could fly half way across the country to Texas, take a train to a public park, loudly call you all niggers, and then be back in my home state the same day. All for less than the price of a really fancy dinner. The miracles of modern travel.
I predict body odor and food poisoning
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cops don’t care about a lil weed

French fries may be the king of fast food sides, but potatoes au gratin is the king of home cooked sides.
>side dish
bastardized american version of a french classic
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Would be better with small daps of cream cheese inside and bits of jalepenos, maybe ham if not bacon. Bit more toasted on top.

Add some "rooster sauce", whatever its called.
that looks really good anon, hope you enjoy

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