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For me its bacon chicken broccoli alfredo.
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While I would normally agree with you, mexicans unironically do something even worse and treat it as normal: Tostadas. They're like a crispy tortilla, except completely flat. You eat it in your hand all the same.
>beef ho fun
be sure to say off your phone and just be alone with your thoughts anon. people who can't enjoy their own company are lowlifes
sorta. Enchiladas typically have different filling and are cooked with the sauce making more like an equivalent to manicotti or something. Enchiladas gringas are better than regular enchiladas btw, cream cheese in them is killer.
I doubt there's any chance I'll find such a thing here. I live in a country that is very Mexican food challenged
Fuck, abos lucked out with chook bags

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Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it

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Yes, that anon realized their views were incorrect and changed them accordingly. You, however, will stubbornly continue to be wrong and assume a sense of superiority from your ignorance. Coincidentally, that is the foundation of Conservatism.
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I want pictures of you godless fatbodies and alcoholics having a great time and feasting on one another's meat
you really want the feds to have an excuse to go waco?
The burden of truth is on you for sharing a story.
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Any girls going? I don't want to be the only one

"The new McFlurry is made with vanilla soft serve blended with “delicious syrup” and chopped pieces of candy, according to a McDonald’s press release."
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I used an app coupon for a the McCrispy and was so outraged that it was complete shit that I felt I needed to tell /ck/

Good thing I stopped to think about how ludicrous the compulsion was. The McCrispy IS fucking shit though
so how is it?
>he's never had the gushing grannies mountain dew
Who cares, the machine will be broken anyways
Pepsico was ahead of their time they were too afraid to accept it

Why do people freak out about their mouths burning from spicy food when you can just wait a couple minutes and the pain is completely gone?
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man i could've gone without remembering these were a thing. fuck you
there's no pain, anon.
>he thinks 95% of 'the people' are narcissists doing experiments on mummahs
There's a shop called "pepper palace", one opened up in my local mall. They have a dozen samples of hot sauces and seasonings. The spiciest thing available to try was this ghost pepper salt, it was really good, but the best tasting was a chocolate habanero sauce
i recommend it if you won't feel weird going in, sampling, but not buying anything.
No, the 95% are the fluffyponies. Hence the screaming and shitting.

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20465398
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Thanks anon! And agreed on the AI descriptions. I preferred the older, plainer text by far.
For oolong, i would just try some of the mid priced yancha, fair warning, heavy roasted means HEAVY ROSTED. Think the well done of the steak world. Medium-heavy is more likely to go over well for most people.
Haven't tried these.
His tieguyanyin is a bit green for my tastes but maybe worth sampling if you like greener tgy, probably one of the fall 2023 batches would be the way to go.
Maybe some cloud fog green tea
I'm thinking of buying pu erh tea for the first time, is sheng the most saught after?

Should I just go for the oldest I can find?
>Should i just buy the oldest i can find?
>Is sheng the most sought after?
Sheng and shu are very different, sheng is usually made with higher quality tea and has the tastes of the original tea leaves. Shu is fermented and most shu lands within a much narrower flavor profile.
Here is the quintessential factory raw cake with some age on it. It's not the best puer ever but it's a good introduction to factory teas.
Typically it has some bitterness and dried plum notes with a sweet finish.
If instead you would like to try a young modern boutique production then this would be a nice choice, citrus flavors, sweetnes, mild bitterness.
But i would start with the factory stuff
>Should I just go for the oldest I can find?
Buying old puer is kind of a minefield, there is a lot of fake old tea out there and its a little difficult to know what's fake until you get a bit of a feel for the market. Easiest way to avoid those undesirable teas is to stick with trusted vendors and avoid the ebay and amazon sellers (except for the taetea store on amazon)

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Mom made good indian food (paneer dish and naan) today
Life is good
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Depends on taste . You enjoy white washed butterchicken because you dont like spices. We enjoy spices
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Sounds good, Im making sgawarma salad today
You are literally brown no one is going to listen to your opinion anyway dalit shitchan
>indian food
>pagpag dinner

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membership should come with a complimentary second freezer
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There's no point in having a bulk club membership if you live alone
You don't need that 12 pack of granola bar boxes
Ignore the guy on the right, the guy on the left is what Costco does to you.
not worth paying a membership fee for how much gas i use
You don't have a family?
I get plenty of compliments elsewhere, I don't need my freezer's opinion, too.

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Hey /ck/, what's the most cursed cocktails you've made or had?
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Are you ESL or just illiterate?
same(but im virgin)
Tried to make irish car bombs with wild turkey but the baileys immediately curdled in the shot glass, I was already drunk at the time so I didn't care but in retrospect the memory makes me retch.
Black velvet whiskey, lemon juice and caramel sauce (wanted to make a whiskey sour at work and that was the only sweetener i had)
We used to have these playing pool. The loser had to down it. Longer the game went on the worse it got

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Hi pizza posters, today I'm gonna review Red Baron's take on a pepperoni stuff crust pizza.

There is no backside to this box, so I'll say here that this is a more caloric pizza than most, with over 1800 calories. While almost every pizza asks to be put directly on the rack, this one asks to be cooked in a baking tray. Even though I have a baking tray I just used my pizza tray anyway lol
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This pizza only has crust on 2 of 4 sides, you can imagine they probably have an assembly line making 1 mile of pizza at a time and cutting it up for packaging. As you can see, the non-crust edges of my pie burned a little despite cooking for the minimum time. It could be the air holes in the pizza tray. The burnt bites were still tasty though, it wasn't incinerate. Overall I think this is a weaker offering than the standard red baron pie, the underbelly crust is just not as good as the classic crust. It's drier and lacks crunch. The stuffed crust edges were decent, way better than the stuff crust on the Digornio pie I tried, but at the end of the day it's just not such a high quality cheese that you'd want to eat a huge lump of it. I did some quick searching though and it seems like these are the only 2 brands in my area offering stuffed crust options. This is definitely the superior of the 2. The cheese is better. And frankly, every thing else is better on this pie too. But I urge you to have restraint and buy a normal frozen pizza. Add extra cheese yourself if you must.
I think Walmart does a store brand stuffed crust if you want to try (ALDI too if you’ve got one nearby). I like stuffed crust but it’s hard justifying the extra calories.

I wonder if you could eat this fully rolled up (cut pinwheel style or the decadent giant pizza roll). Thanks for the review!
i'm silly, i literally have a walmart stuff crust in my fridge right now lol, completely forgot
you're gaining so much weight on the pizza diet better watch out.
Ty pizza chan <3

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Why do all restaurants use canola oil? What's wrong with butter and beef tallow?

Belgians fry their fries in beef tallow exclusively. Otherwise the fries aren't truly Belgian. Tastes much better this way. And unlike frying oils, beef tallow doesn't include any trans fats.
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I think it was a Hindu, actually. And it's not as big a deal as it's made out to be. Yeah, they were better, but the oil has been reformulated several times since then, and it's not as different now as it was when they first changed it. More like when the fries have been sitting for a few minutes they aren't as good. If they're right out of the fryer, "fresh out da grease" as our basketball American friends like to say, they're very very close.
>What's wrong with butter and beef tallow
they cost multiple times the price of cheap vegetable oil
also butter burns easily, gotta use clarified butter for deep frying which is even pricier
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What does quick use?
probably some oil..
>also butter burns easily, gotta use clarified butter for deep frying which is even pricier
Butter is not for deep frying, you use beef tallow like OP mentions

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Recipes always say to add the onion to the pan first, but this just gives you soggy, overcooked onions.
I add onion at the end and cook it for no more than 30 seconds so it doesn't lose its firm texture. This is especially necessary for stir-fry.
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I feel that cooking olives, pickles, kapers etc. completely ruins them.
I add them as a garnish just before serving.
Guess you can use some of the brine in your dish depending on what you're making.
What if they're oil cured IE they've no brine? Those are best added at the beginning.
Most ppl want them "overcooked and soggy". I honestly dont know any ppl irl who boast ruining every dish with raw onions, but you do you
I'd still only add the liquid and use the actual preserved vegetable as a garnish.
Forgot to add; pretty much only oil preserved thing I get is whole cloves of garlic. I'd rather cook with fresh ones and put the oily ones in a salad or something.

>chocolate chip cookies
>molasses cookies
What are some other good cookies to make?
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chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate =)
Skip baking cookies and get baked on cookies. Less calories n dat
Why reddit, it sounds good, doesnt it?
Fuck off auscuck you lost two world wars and your children eat the food of their colonizers lmao

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Are these any different than normal nuggies?
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Are they good though taste wise
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The space nuggies go back in time so they can meet with the dino buddies and have a happy olde tyme, like land of the lost. Maybe meet up some sleestak.
No antibiotics?
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What an amusing little fella
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What do you think?

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For me, it's Cowboy Mike's Ricochet BBQ sauce
He's been sperging out about microplastics on every hot sauce thread, /pol/yps were a mistake
KYS retard
>grrr watery copycat slop better
I'm sweaty and waiting.

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sounds tasty
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I have pancakes
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oh my

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