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Will Lunchly meals become a part of your diet?
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Buy an ad faggot.
I just love Lunchly Lunchables! I bought one for each member of my household. They all absolutely loved it! My They and Them loved "The Pizza", while my partner enjoyed the Turkey Stack 'Ems!

With all that extra time on my hands I was able to enjoy myself and cook a nice steak dinner for my boyfriend and I. Thank you Lunchly! You're a life saver!
based lunchly enjoyer

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What went wrong?
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I think the cult thing made it work in the first place
the glass ones are so obviously superior now that they're cheaper. they don't absorb anything and you can put them in the oven. plastic containers are fine for dry food but that's about it.
>the pyramid scheme business model finally went bust
Who could've predicted?
You're a retard but you're obviously not alone, they died of "tupperware" meaning "any plastic food container with a lid" and the fact that I can get Tupperware in this sense for way cheaper from other brands with no apparent loss in quality
This, and if you do need plastic ones for whatever reason the thin, cheap Ziploc ones or their store-brand equivalents are good enough. Tupperware is stuck in a middle ground where they don't make a lot of sense anymore.

Why do -they- put seed oils in everything? It's in literally fucking everything.
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maybe it's because autists are their biggest customers
I've been to Russia; it wasn't fun.
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If you're in the US there are a few brands you can buy from Italy.
T. Olive oil anon that sells in the USA
the US has socioeconomic factors that cause its problem, when you remove a specific ethnic group from our census data we're pretty high tier even by euro standards on our health and intelligence and what not

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after burning three blenders one small choper a moulinex food processor that my family had since the 90s and a new one that cost 40 euros, trying to make hazelnut praline, i finally succeeded in making a jar of it using a multipurpose stick blender i bought from lidl for 15 euros... what gives?
Just go to your local restaurant supply store and buy one of their commercial blenders.
no restaurant makes its own hazelnuts chocolate or other pastes not even confectionery shops do that
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>t. redditoautismus who deosnt understand that my precious minutiae sharing may have saved his blender from bursting

dont you have a "which oreo is the best one" and "which frozen pizza hsould i buy" to go back to burgerbrain?
>which oreo is the best one
didn't know this was a thing. gonna go find out.

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How did I do with my onigiri? This is my first time making them as a gaijin, so apologies if I have fucked them up. I had a burst on the left, but the ones on the right look okay I think.

Recipe I used is this:

Rice ball:
Short grain white rice

Soy Sauce

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>?? how did you cook the rice
reconsider your technique for that and it'll be much better, the rice looks completely wrong for a short grain

I rested my strainer above a pot full of water and covered it with a pan, kinda like how you melt chocolate. That was the only way I could steam it. I had to get creative because I am broke.

>did you wash the rice? you need to, this isn't an option, look up rice washing technique

Yep, I did. I soaked it in water 30mins before cooking. It softened it a lot, but the shinpaku was still powdery and gritty for some reason.

Marital rape is still legal in less cucked areas of the US, nerd. Just don't let the feds catch you.
Ohhh, fr? Oof to me then, cause I got a massive bag of imported short grain rice for like $30 from the land of the rising sun.

I thought glutinous rice was used for mochi.... my bad.

I will definitely use glutinous rice instead next time.
you might be able to make regular rice work by rinsing it very little or not at all, to preserve the starches. the more you rinse rice, the less sticky it becomes.
Alrighty... I guess I could fry up the remaining rice then and start carefully with a new batch. I think that could work.

Tyvm for the tip!
The one on the left doesn't look like it's having a good day.

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damn thats a fat hand
Why is there a condom on your cucumber
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>Prebiotic soda
The fuck?
I would ravage your disgusting pus filled neovagina
probably has water soluble fiber

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Do fat fucks here really eat and entire pizza in one meal?
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Holy fuck that sounds delicious
Hey it's no sweat man
I'm from america too
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Even non fat do, now finish your pizza your coward
why do people who never did cocaine like to talk about cocaine?

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americans literally do not know what a proper sausage sarnie tastes like, their concept of a sausage sandwich is absolutely disgusting in comparison to the real thing

american sausages taste like nothing but rice flour filler and vegetable oils, no liquified pork fat, no flavour whatsoever, dry cylinders of crap

in fact they legally arent even allowed to taste cumberland sausages unless they come to britain since the recipe is gatekept lmao they have no fucking idea

a true sausage sandwich has delicious, juicy and thick cumberland sausages, drenched in flavourful grease soaking slightly into the bread, a healthy serving of tomato ketchup
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>americans have never had a proper sausage sarnie
Neither have you, ya pommie cunt
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It's not a proper sausage sarnie if it's not in a proper bap.
Is that ketchup? I hope you get deported. HP if you must, Branston. That bread looks shit, go make a bap.
Ha. Check out this turbo faggot. Weak as piss.
How can you see when you're squinting that hard, you nasal prick?

>Spooky Season is here! Time to enjoy some Carmella Creeper!
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Would you use a spoon or a straw to slurp it out?
Spoon? Straw? Nay. A real man sticks his face in the "bowl" and sucks it dry.
Dude looks like he lost a fuck ton of weight.
That's the insulin injector, so da beetus doesn't kill him while he eats the 'ella 'eeper
Looks like ge could stand to loose some more

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Why is it such a popular sentiment to pretend that well done steak isn't delicious?
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no ones pretending.
>it comes from dubious farming practices
You live in a shithole country.
Sorry, man.
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There are cheaper cuts of beef that taste better than popular cuts when cooked thoroughly. The most expensive cuts are expensive because they are tender enoung to chew without long cook tumes. So you're paying too much and getting a worse product. But I don't give a fuck what you order or cook, because I'm replying to a bait thread like a redditor would.
reminder this guy killed himself because his wife kept making fun of his ED lmao
Why do americans have such weak teeth anyways, I thought they went to the dentist obsessively? Being afraid of a piece of well done steak

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Where can i find a beer thats not bitter? I just want a cold refreshing beer that doesnt have any bitterness to it, are there beers like this?
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Just add a packet or two of sugar, that’s why they leave it out.
technically beer that is not bitter is not beer.

but yeah bitter beer sucks ass.
You might try not being a faggot for once in your life.
>Try wheat beers.
Hoegaarden grand cru is good, sugar really helps make beer and alcohol palatable.
I think it was Cube.

Please text STAHP to 323232

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fuck this is good
They used to sell a citrus punch flavored one that was delicious
prove it
for me it is the ginger ale

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I haven't had Popeyes since last winter.
The quality is so hit or miss. Sometimes it's delicious and tastes like something I'd get at a carnival.
Other times there's parts of the sandwich that are literally just fried fried, no meat, just crunchy fried, sometimes the chicken is like too thick or fat or something and its just not good meat, etc.
The service sucks, it's always some rude uppity sheboon.
The quality of the fries also vary.
Should I give this place another chance or is it shit? I want to like it
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Is this all at the same location? In my experience some locations tend to be mediocre. The highs tend to be quite high for fast food when I end up at a good one though so it's worth it
if you're gonna order black food go order with a black person so they can walk you through how to order
I have never in my life ordered or seen anyone order fries at a popeyes
The Popeye's wagies are battle hardened from years of working in the hood, they detect weakness from customers and sometimes fuck them over just because they're White. If you expect good service from Popeye's you're going to the wrong place, accept the drive through is gonna be 20 minutes. Also if you just order any sides besides Cajun mashed potatoes or red beans and rice they know you're a popeyes noob and not a real nigga.
Regardless of how white an area is, the Popeyes will always be staffed by groids. And they will provide terrible service, which is a shame because Popeyes has a solid menu. I’ve never once had my order correct, even when ordering basic combos off the menu.
Yeah it's insane how they get orders wrong so often, especially when it's the most basic in the world

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It’s night, it’s cold and rainy outside: let’s make stock.
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Buckwheat spaghetti in the green zucchini cooking water at the bottom of the pressure pot, salted, and cooked “time on the package minus 1 minute”.
When the water was 70% gone I added the canned mackerel and crushed it to make a cream with the starches in the cooking water, then transferred everything + 1 small ladle of cooking water in the pan with the sauce and finished cooking in that pan.

I wish I knew how to do that “flip the pan towards your face and make everything jump and mix in the air” thing without causing massive damages. Will learn.
A drizzle of olive oil on top and it’s proper lunch time.

If was good, even today I’m happy.
Looks very good.
Well done anon.
Thank you anon.
I still have 1/2 jar of stock, I'm planning on using half of that to deglaze my pan for a steak sauce and probably use the remaining parte instead of water to cook some veggies.
When I'm done with turkey stock I'll be making beef bones stock.

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My nutritionist recommended me ricotta cheese but it's a paste with absolute zero flavor despite having a bit of sodium in it. What can I do with it?
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>She said it's the healthiest cheese.
What's healthy is not eating too much, Anon.
Ricotta is made from the whey leftover from making cheese curds.
About 88% of the milk protein is coagulated as casein, which leaves the 12% left over in the transparent whey as other proteins.
By "recooking" (ricotta) this whey and reducing it by 10 to 20x, you can curdle the whey and reclaim the rest of the protein.
the only correct answer is cannoli
I like it on sourdough toast with some salt and pepper, make sure to warm the ricotta after spreading it for the best flavor
that's retarded, just get part skim ricotta if you're that worried about the fat and calories
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One of my go to dinners is a big scoop of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, and broccoli. Just dump the cheese in the pan with the eggs and cook both at the same time. You'll cook off a lot of the liquid. I think it's a pretty healthy meal. I drink a protein shake with it so it's like 40-50g of protein all together and probably just shy of 500 calories. You got fiber and plenty of micronutrients. Use spices, salt, or hot sauce to flavor.

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