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It's a quick chickenalong, twenty minutes chickenalong
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lets see the inside
>I put out the Simple Green so I can just easily dunk the chicken to wash it

What started this initially? Safety Data Sheet looks pretty safe, and I was surprised to learn eucalyptol is a common flavoring.
needs carbs
nice pan lmao
If you want food poisoning, be my guest, but I always wash my raw chicken. A quick scrub to wash the chicken, and then rinsing it well, is no problem. And as you can see, it turned out great!

ITT : Firstie only foods
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damn right
hate those brownies so much
NYC is third world
You misspelled Chicago
every major city in america is

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What are some crock pot recipes?
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I was going to suggest grape jelly as well, or half grape jelly half bbq sauce
dad this isnt google
dump in frozen meatballs
dump in pasta sauce
heat on low a few hours
wa la
BBQ pulled pork is easy and good in a slow cooker, might want to add some diced onion and your choice of seasonings
Guinness stew. It's a regular beef stew, but Guinness beer instead of water and broth. Wa la.

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Essential oils applied to hair.
Lemon chicken and rice cooked.
Gelbooru opened.
Imagine eating this good.
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ldats good eating so you just season a breast with salt pepper and only lemon juice?
kill yourself tranny and stop blogposting on other boards too
Cry moar, nigger.....
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kissing jason
cuddling jason
breeding jason
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>genshit impact

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Have you ever gotten a custom birthday cake?
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Every year when I was a child, my grandma made special cakes for my birthday.
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nice utensils, AI bro

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Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it

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I predict body odor and food poisoning
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cops don’t care about a lil weed
I’m going. Bringing cheese balls and zappos chips
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In other words you cant prove shit
Not coming out to your cum tasting festival pal

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How do you like to cook these bad boys

I usually just stir fry them with a little sesame oil garlic and chili paste
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cut the bullshit at the bottom off
then fry in butter
and green onions and either soy sauce or hot chili crisp
I just eat 'em
Where the fuck do you even find these in the U.S.? I've never seen them in any grocery store here. They were stock standard items in Taiwan.
Any Asian market will have them. Just search google maps for "Chinese grocery."
upvoted for visibility

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I've been trying to make a lemon bars recent.

I strayed from traditional lemon bar recipe because it always ends up tasting like a fucking terrible cake with a shitty shortbread crush that falls apart and instead took a basic Key Lime Pie recipe and replaced the limes with lemon and up it in an 8x8 pan.

The flavor and texture are absolutely perfect, but it's just not setting properly and it's really runny in the middle.

If I add cornstarch, will it help it set without fucking up the taste?
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Follow the recipe
Theyre not coming out right because youre doing it wrong
Follow the recipe
how do I make a raspberry glaze for my lemon bars? I've only ever made lemon bars from boxed mix, but they stopped selling the version that had raspberry topping. I tried spreading jam on the top after it's baked, but I want it to set up more.
dehydrate it more (boiling), more sugar
will that make it not sticky anymore? I want it to be like the raspberry filling in jam cookies where it is kind of slick like a candy instead of sticky like jam. if I boil it first how do I stop it from burning through the custard when I pour it on?
I'm a Nazi and offended that you're lumping us in with grammar trannies.

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What can be made with these beefs trimming?
Its mostly fat that came off a roast like six months ago and I froze it because I had no idea how to deal.

Now I have thawed them out but still nun the wiser
Its about half a pound
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You will go to hell for eating beef it is scared animal
i love gristle. its like intensely beefy chewing gum
That's the sorts of stuff that is desirable for making stock or broth. The connective tissue that makes it tough contains gelatin, collagen, minerals, vitamins, and flavor from the meat and fat, of course. It is a long, slow process of cooking at a low simmer, generally after roasting with joint bones and aromatics (flavorful vegetables and herbs), and typically a little acid (wine, tomato, sometimes vinegar but I really hate that trend). The long cooking process breaks down a lot of the tough fibers and you get most of the solubles from the tissues and essential oil and flavenoids from the aromatics.
You won't get much flavour from such parures anyways. I wouldn't waste my time for that. You would just end with some thin vegetable heavy liquid and a ton of fat on top. Using beef shanks is the way to go.
Not true. Well, yes, it's true that there will be quite a bit of fat on top, but roasting will start the rendering process and cut down on some of that. You could trim the fat more if you wanted to, but that's even more wasteful. These sorts of trimmings aren't ideal for tallow rendering because there's too much meat incorporated, and you can brown the fat with roasting to increase the flavor profile along with the addition of joint bones, as previously mentioned.

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are these a meme? or a dream
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I had a good experience with settign the breadmaker to give me fresh bread in the morning, it'd just be done when I got up to get breakfast.
Do you guy not know how to make your bread? You need a machine to do it?
its obviously trading quality for convenience. you dump in ingredients and out pops a mediocre load of bread.
My grandma used to make bread daily with a breadmaker when I was a kid and we'd visit. Loved it. Easy to make and easy to clean. That was 35 years ago, did they get worse or something? Only real issue was the mixing paddle stayed in and left a hole in the bottom of the finished loaf, but not a big deal really.
how stupid are you?

>chocolate chip cookies
>molasses cookies
What are some other good cookies to make?
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Skip baking cookies and get baked on cookies. Less calories n dat
Why reddit, it sounds good, doesnt it?
Fuck off auscuck you lost two world wars and your children eat the food of their colonizers lmao
>white chocolate
No, I don't think I will.
Dark chocolate is the only good kind.
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Has anyone picked these up yet? Just drove three hours to get three dozen. I've waited thirteen years for this. They're as amazing as I remember
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Nice, cherry filling donuts sound great but I never see them. Did you try any of the Dolly Parton donuts? I went to see if the Cheerwine was a national promo and saw the Dolly ones, they actually sound good (I wonder if they pitched a pink frosted filled donut as a joke lol).
krispy kreme is nigger trash for fakecels. They don't deserve to be called donuts
back to your containment board faggot
that's because they're disgusting
donuts are the one thing i disagree with this statement on. i'd rather have a hot, fresh glazed donut from krispy kreme when they have the sign on than an 'ok' glazed donut from a local place that made them at 4 am. i also generally prefer krispy kreme's light "kreme" filling to the normal pudding/jelly stuff that any local place uses

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20465398
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Puked up my whole bedsheets yesterday. Felt like shit the whole day and just now am having my puerh, stomach feels immediately better.
Should have done this immediately after waking up. But it's hard to convince yourself to chug something down when you feel like emptying your whole stomach contents. Puerh is the best hangover tea.
*shu puerh ofc
I just leave Chinese prison long time been here. Careful Chinese tea many metals! Some brand good some brand bad do research! Anons!!
thanks, these are great

I believe I found the video you were looking for https://youtu.be/tdy9ig5K4Io?t=486
this is exactly it, thank you so much for finding the video and even the exact spot

It's official now, the debate has been settled
>the rental agreement specifically zoned the space for a sandwich bar style restaurant and gives subway as an example
>restaurant sells Mexican food Chipotle style
>the /authorities/ say they can't do that because the agreement specifically says the word sandwich
>court puts to rest the age old debate and now tacos and burritos are legally considered "Mexican style sandwiches"

Torta bros on suicide watch
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Just a couple more to get off my chest
Well akshually the plural of octopus is octopi
No it's octopuses, it's a Greek word not latin
Well akshually orcas aren't whales, they're dolphins
Dolphins are whales, if you go one more classification back you get to hippos
Well akshually bats have good eyesight
That depends entirely on the species
I also watch Steve Lheto
Well ACKSHUALLY all dolphins are just types of whales.
Exactly. "Fruit" is a botanical term; "vegetable" is a culinary term.
"fruit" and "vegetable" are not mutually exclusive; a tomato is both

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Is your Chipotle this expensive? What the fuck happened to food prices?
>fast food expensive now thread no. 6million
>"guys, [insert fast food chain] sells expensive products!"
these threads are getting boring.
cook your own meals or get a fucking job, you fat and ugly gimp.
>What the fuck happened to food prices?
Cooking is for professional cooks and women. I am neither.
>Cooking is for professional cooks and women. I am neither.

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