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>buy cheap pistachio icecream in store
>it's great
>buy fancy pistachio icecream from vendor
>it tastes like trash
They're two completely different flavors, fucking bullshit.
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>You’re used to the cheap stuff
>Fancy one uses real ingredients instead of chemicals and you’re not used to it
I've avoided store stuff because I expected them to be as bad as parlor stuff. Obviously different ingredients are used
>It it less sweet and now you can actually taste the flavors instead of just the sugar
the store version is less sweet, in fact it's lower quality consistence wise, but still mogs
What brand was the cheap stuff
stop responding to incel anime pedophiles
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Various, I think this is the most recent one


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Today I'm having a Spanish traditional meal, Castilian soup. It's made with garlic, olive oil, bread (high quality baguette), egg and serrano ham.
I'm also having a Spanish energy drink to wash it down although I prefer monster red.

What do you guys think?
It looks like sloppa
but its ETHNIC sloppa
looks vile

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Why does my kitchen get so damn smoky when I cook steak
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the heat of the steak cooks the pan
oil temp is too high.
You aren't using enough fat
too much smoke being created
Put down the bong for once

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>nespresso, what else
how true is this statement?
>keurig :|
>keurig, but european :O

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Lads we're eating good today
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Same, wanna fight?
Canned mack in tomato sauce with mayo on rye bread is a staple in Denmark.
Not cheap these days, though.
You're attitude is why you're a skeltal.
Average Amazon employee lunch break
Im actually fasting today

Its the Wagie-Dilemma-Diet. Eat or...just not.

Which country in this region has the best cuisine?
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Indonesia but I really really like Khmer pork pho, pho Nam Vang (IE Phnom Penh-style pho).
It was a close call for me, but maybe it's my familiarity with Malaysian cuisine that makes me less inclined to pick it over Indonesian. I grew up in SG and week used to go to JB for shopping a lot. I know it's not MALAYSIA Malaysia but it's still Malaysia.
This thread again? how exciting, go back to redshit or something.
post a better thread you whinging faggot
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what food did you eat in the last full day (i.e. yesterday if today is not over)?
me (I am sick):
>2 open face sandwiches with egg and kaviar
>spaghetti bolognese
>2 open face sandwiches with pic related and cheese
and you??
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>handful of cashews
>roast beef sandwich
>pepperoni stick
>oven roasted cajun chicken leg and potatoes with green peas
>apple fritter
horchata (1 glass)
corn quesadilla (1)
al pastor tacos (4)
A little bit of spanish rice
chocolate chip cookies (2)
Glass of 2% milk
Caramel corn (like a handful)
Coca cola (200kcal)
In reverse order from dinner to breakfast: chicken and vegetables paprika soup with sour cream, a banana, leftover macaroni and cheese with spinach, an orange, milkcoffee, one waffle with strawberry compote.
hot dog with a pile of diced onions and a box of boneless wings from kwik trip at noon. i drive a dump truck. went home and made potstickers
>Everything bagel with cream cheese
>3 maple sausage links pan fried
>2 brown eggs pan fried

Skip Lunch

>Marinated boneless chicken thighs Shawarma style, pan fried with top on. Didn't have lemon juice for marinade, or yogurt sauce. Dish did take a small hit, but good otherwise.
>Deep fried seasoned curly fries in peanut oil
>Greek yogurt sauce with cumin, pepper, salt, minced garlic.

Will make sure I have lemon juice next time. That tang of the lemon really does impart a nice flavor, and add a little juicyness to the chicken. Still decent though.

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What can be made with these beefs trimming?
Its mostly fat that came off a roast like six months ago and I froze it because I had no idea how to deal.

Now I have thawed them out but still nun the wiser
Its about half a pound
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I do have more but its tough to use because some is tender and some is pure gristle
You will go to hell for eating beef it is scared animal
i love gristle. its like intensely beefy chewing gum
That's the sorts of stuff that is desirable for making stock or broth. The connective tissue that makes it tough contains gelatin, collagen, minerals, vitamins, and flavor from the meat and fat, of course. It is a long, slow process of cooking at a low simmer, generally after roasting with joint bones and aromatics (flavorful vegetables and herbs), and typically a little acid (wine, tomato, sometimes vinegar but I really hate that trend). The long cooking process breaks down a lot of the tough fibers and you get most of the solubles from the tissues and essential oil and flavenoids from the aromatics.
You won't get much flavour from such parures anyways. I wouldn't waste my time for that. You would just end with some thin vegetable heavy liquid and a ton of fat on top. Using beef shanks is the way to go.

Is this a good idea?
I don't really drink much but when I go to parties, I feel left out when I'm the only adult with a coke. But I also hate the taste of every alcoholic drink there exists. Will adding ice cream with some coke in a shot of whiskey take the edge off?
whiskey is the candy of booze.
incorrect, you are thinking of schnapps or flavored vodkas

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I’m drunk and this is a chicken pot pie. If this isn’t an acceptable meal I will shoot one of you in rhe fucking head.
Any volunteers?
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Where is the pie, that looks like a pile of chicken sloppa.
I meant to say the friends we wanted to shoot in the head the whole time were literally ourselves?
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Steak pie best pie.
>chicken pot pie
looks like chicken a la king.

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For me its bacon chicken broccoli alfredo.
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While I would normally agree with you, mexicans unironically do something even worse and treat it as normal: Tostadas. They're like a crispy tortilla, except completely flat. You eat it in your hand all the same.
>beef ho fun
be sure to say off your phone and just be alone with your thoughts anon. people who can't enjoy their own company are lowlifes
sorta. Enchiladas typically have different filling and are cooked with the sauce making more like an equivalent to manicotti or something. Enchiladas gringas are better than regular enchiladas btw, cream cheese in them is killer.
I doubt there's any chance I'll find such a thing here. I live in a country that is very Mexican food challenged
Fuck, abos lucked out with chook bags

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20465398
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Thanks anon! And agreed on the AI descriptions. I preferred the older, plainer text by far.
For oolong, i would just try some of the mid priced yancha, fair warning, heavy roasted means HEAVY ROSTED. Think the well done of the steak world. Medium-heavy is more likely to go over well for most people.
Haven't tried these.
His tieguyanyin is a bit green for my tastes but maybe worth sampling if you like greener tgy, probably one of the fall 2023 batches would be the way to go.
Maybe some cloud fog green tea
I'm thinking of buying pu erh tea for the first time, is sheng the most saught after?

Should I just go for the oldest I can find?
>Should i just buy the oldest i can find?
>Is sheng the most sought after?
Sheng and shu are very different, sheng is usually made with higher quality tea and has the tastes of the original tea leaves. Shu is fermented and most shu lands within a much narrower flavor profile.
Here is the quintessential factory raw cake with some age on it. It's not the best puer ever but it's a good introduction to factory teas.
Typically it has some bitterness and dried plum notes with a sweet finish.
If instead you would like to try a young modern boutique production then this would be a nice choice, citrus flavors, sweetnes, mild bitterness.
But i would start with the factory stuff
>Should I just go for the oldest I can find?
Buying old puer is kind of a minefield, there is a lot of fake old tea out there and its a little difficult to know what's fake until you get a bit of a feel for the market. Easiest way to avoid those undesirable teas is to stick with trusted vendors and avoid the ebay and amazon sellers (except for the taetea store on amazon)

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membership should come with a complimentary second freezer
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There's no point in having a bulk club membership if you live alone
You don't need that 12 pack of granola bar boxes
Ignore the guy on the right, the guy on the left is what Costco does to you.
not worth paying a membership fee for how much gas i use
You don't have a family?
I get plenty of compliments elsewhere, I don't need my freezer's opinion, too.

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Hey /ck/, what's the most cursed cocktails you've made or had?
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Are you ESL or just illiterate?
same(but im virgin)
Tried to make irish car bombs with wild turkey but the baileys immediately curdled in the shot glass, I was already drunk at the time so I didn't care but in retrospect the memory makes me retch.
Black velvet whiskey, lemon juice and caramel sauce (wanted to make a whiskey sour at work and that was the only sweetener i had)
We used to have these playing pool. The loser had to down it. Longer the game went on the worse it got

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Hi pizza posters, today I'm gonna review Red Baron's take on a pepperoni stuff crust pizza.

There is no backside to this box, so I'll say here that this is a more caloric pizza than most, with over 1800 calories. While almost every pizza asks to be put directly on the rack, this one asks to be cooked in a baking tray. Even though I have a baking tray I just used my pizza tray anyway lol
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This pizza only has crust on 2 of 4 sides, you can imagine they probably have an assembly line making 1 mile of pizza at a time and cutting it up for packaging. As you can see, the non-crust edges of my pie burned a little despite cooking for the minimum time. It could be the air holes in the pizza tray. The burnt bites were still tasty though, it wasn't incinerate. Overall I think this is a weaker offering than the standard red baron pie, the underbelly crust is just not as good as the classic crust. It's drier and lacks crunch. The stuffed crust edges were decent, way better than the stuff crust on the Digornio pie I tried, but at the end of the day it's just not such a high quality cheese that you'd want to eat a huge lump of it. I did some quick searching though and it seems like these are the only 2 brands in my area offering stuffed crust options. This is definitely the superior of the 2. The cheese is better. And frankly, every thing else is better on this pie too. But I urge you to have restraint and buy a normal frozen pizza. Add extra cheese yourself if you must.
I think Walmart does a store brand stuffed crust if you want to try (ALDI too if you’ve got one nearby). I like stuffed crust but it’s hard justifying the extra calories.

I wonder if you could eat this fully rolled up (cut pinwheel style or the decadent giant pizza roll). Thanks for the review!
i'm silly, i literally have a walmart stuff crust in my fridge right now lol, completely forgot
you're gaining so much weight on the pizza diet better watch out.
Ty pizza chan <3

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