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membership should come with a complimentary second freezer
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There's no point in having a bulk club membership if you live alone
You don't need that 12 pack of granola bar boxes
Ignore the guy on the right, the guy on the left is what Costco does to you.
not worth paying a membership fee for how much gas i use
You don't have a family?
I get plenty of compliments elsewhere, I don't need my freezer's opinion, too.

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Hey /ck/, what's the most cursed cocktails you've made or had?
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Are you ESL or just illiterate?
same(but im virgin)
Tried to make irish car bombs with wild turkey but the baileys immediately curdled in the shot glass, I was already drunk at the time so I didn't care but in retrospect the memory makes me retch.
Black velvet whiskey, lemon juice and caramel sauce (wanted to make a whiskey sour at work and that was the only sweetener i had)
We used to have these playing pool. The loser had to down it. Longer the game went on the worse it got

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Hi pizza posters, today I'm gonna review Red Baron's take on a pepperoni stuff crust pizza.

There is no backside to this box, so I'll say here that this is a more caloric pizza than most, with over 1800 calories. While almost every pizza asks to be put directly on the rack, this one asks to be cooked in a baking tray. Even though I have a baking tray I just used my pizza tray anyway lol
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This pizza only has crust on 2 of 4 sides, you can imagine they probably have an assembly line making 1 mile of pizza at a time and cutting it up for packaging. As you can see, the non-crust edges of my pie burned a little despite cooking for the minimum time. It could be the air holes in the pizza tray. The burnt bites were still tasty though, it wasn't incinerate. Overall I think this is a weaker offering than the standard red baron pie, the underbelly crust is just not as good as the classic crust. It's drier and lacks crunch. The stuffed crust edges were decent, way better than the stuff crust on the Digornio pie I tried, but at the end of the day it's just not such a high quality cheese that you'd want to eat a huge lump of it. I did some quick searching though and it seems like these are the only 2 brands in my area offering stuffed crust options. This is definitely the superior of the 2. The cheese is better. And frankly, every thing else is better on this pie too. But I urge you to have restraint and buy a normal frozen pizza. Add extra cheese yourself if you must.
I think Walmart does a store brand stuffed crust if you want to try (ALDI too if you’ve got one nearby). I like stuffed crust but it’s hard justifying the extra calories.

I wonder if you could eat this fully rolled up (cut pinwheel style or the decadent giant pizza roll). Thanks for the review!
i'm silly, i literally have a walmart stuff crust in my fridge right now lol, completely forgot
you're gaining so much weight on the pizza diet better watch out.
Ty pizza chan <3

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Why do all restaurants use canola oil? What's wrong with butter and beef tallow?

Belgians fry their fries in beef tallow exclusively. Otherwise the fries aren't truly Belgian. Tastes much better this way. And unlike frying oils, beef tallow doesn't include any trans fats.
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I think it was a Hindu, actually. And it's not as big a deal as it's made out to be. Yeah, they were better, but the oil has been reformulated several times since then, and it's not as different now as it was when they first changed it. More like when the fries have been sitting for a few minutes they aren't as good. If they're right out of the fryer, "fresh out da grease" as our basketball American friends like to say, they're very very close.
>What's wrong with butter and beef tallow
they cost multiple times the price of cheap vegetable oil
also butter burns easily, gotta use clarified butter for deep frying which is even pricier
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What does quick use?
probably some oil..
>also butter burns easily, gotta use clarified butter for deep frying which is even pricier
Butter is not for deep frying, you use beef tallow like OP mentions

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Are these any different than normal nuggies?
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Are they good though taste wise
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The space nuggies go back in time so they can meet with the dino buddies and have a happy olde tyme, like land of the lost. Maybe meet up some sleestak.
No antibiotics?
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What an amusing little fella
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What do you think?

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sounds tasty
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I have pancakes
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oh my

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Leafbros, why get anything else? It's so honest in its soullessness that it becomes soul again.
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I'm a legal United States citizen, our president is a literal pedophile with dementia, so we don't get this brand, how's the beer?
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When I was living in Canada I started noticing how my pantry was getting filled with more and more yellow products over time.

That was the hint I was getting poor with fish leaving my diet while chicken legs was all I could afford. I went from being able to afford Metro and Loblaws to then only No Frills and Food Basics. And that was ten years ago.

If you live in Canada in 2024 and your pantry it more than 60% made of these yellow products then you're overworking and should ask for a raise, but must likely you're already working two jobs and it gotten impossible to do anything else.
No Name large flake oats are legitimately the best oats I have ever bought from a grocery store.
What could have soul than these shit threads you keep posting over and over again? What you need is an excorsicm.
Because it takes a special kind of person to commit murder and those ppl are usually not mentally well and have completely different priorities.

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Now that's a burger.
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For me, it's the Mac Jr
they just care about getting annoyed responses and mcdonalds is an easy way to do it.
literally the same price as a big mac where I'm at so there's no point paying for less
it's $2 cheaper here. and the patty is bigger.
India is a country not a race

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Bros... they are laughing at us and making record profits.
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>only people of specific ethnicities are allowed to make certain types of food
You are the clown here, amigo
yeah, im sure some 50 year old named Martha Kowalski can make absolutely authentic ethnic food in a rundown wooden shack at some motorway exit in bumfuck nowhere.
>hand made
Stop falling for the marketing. I bet you think KFC "hand breaded chicken" is also better.
Shoarma is the superior terrorist cylinder meat and it's not even close.
German is a language for people with an IQ in the triple digits, so it's not surprising that this is your takeaway.

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is there any more simple or satisfying snack as the buttered cracker?
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that sounds awful :(. my issue wasn't that bad but i was still constantly having to pee a bit even when not drinking anything. once i started drinking rehydration drinks with electrolytes and sugar it got a lot better though, i'm not sure if something like that would help you.

i was taking an anithistamine to try and manage things and ended up with weird bone pain for a while. then i got lucky and figured out olive oil works as a pretty good antihistamine with no side effects. i hope you might stumble on something that helps like that too.
Thanks man. Ivw tried a lot of things but I have permanent kidney damage from the meds. I just try to eat healthfully and manage best I can
yeah i'm pretty much doing the same. people say some day they'll be able to edit my dna and fix everything. my doctor had severe organ damage after getting sick and got some experimental medication that undid the damage. and i read that growing new organs to replace old ones more easily might be a thing some day too. just have to try and wait until something like that is available to us i guess.
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pate. this is coming from somebody who hates liver
I can't find them without seed oils anymore. Have to make them at home and it's a bit of effort.

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tried this, it's fucking disgusting
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Big Jack, jacking off all over your burger
in the 2000's the hungry jacks i went to was 50's diner themed with hollywood and music memorabilia on the walls and a jukebox. it was great. eventually they got rid of all that stuff.

another one opened nearby and the owner burned it down to claim insurance.
I think the one in forest hill (Melbourne) is still like that but I haven't been there in ages
What did you expect eating anything with JACK in it?
Here in America it's called a "Big King", since Hungry Jacks is called "Burger King"

It's not that bad honestly, I liked the sauce

I love horse sausages, they go great with mashed potatoes and spinach. I think it's odd that some people seem to think of eating horse as borderline sacrilegious.
What are your thoughts on horse meat? In what forms does it taste the best in your opinion?
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The obsession is for one reason only
in english we renamed it "denmark". why? because fuck you, that's why.
They're shaped like the barrel of a gun and you're killing yourself when you put them in your mouth.
And we say Danimarca in Italy because cuddle me like a baby, that's why.
Because you have no proper ä.

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What's some best American food to pair with rice?
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Latinx bean dishes
Grilled fish and seafood from the coasts and gulf
Gullah-Geechee food
red beans
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Macaroni and cheese
Pork and white rice.

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Dinner time on a Friday, lads
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Nutritional yeast is a pretty good ingredient. It can be overpowering if you use too much, but it has an effect similar to MSG in sparing quantities.
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Not a full meal but I tried an “edible” rose today. It’s “Honey-Apricot” but I realized after tasting it that the name is just due to the color - to me the petals tasted a lot like baby spinach with a very light fresh rose flavor.

Sweet and sour chicken? I haven’t had that in years, looks good.

Oof I bet that’s tasty.

Will you use that coating method again? Sounds like a neat trick.
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Grass fed lamb shoulder, bagel and cheese, baby carrots, and a a habanero. About $6 total, very good for a quick midnight meal, didn't feel like boiling the corn I have, it would've been 10/10 with the lamb though
I've had those before, 95% scent. If you plug your nose it's indeciphrable crom any other leafy green. Nice little novekty garnish though and fun for kids if you want to show them a flower they can eat that isnt bitter.
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Just made curry for dinner.
Cubed up some pork for the meat. Veggies are broccoli, corn, mushrooms, and onion.

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Something I thought I needed an answer to. They say that peanut oil is a neutral oil (it does not impart any flavor to the food, it is flavorless) but when you cook with peanut oil it smell and taste like PEANUT! How is that neutral?
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>highly processed food is less healthy.
it usually relates to overeating carbs, white rice, paste, chips, and simply getting massive overload of carbs because they taste great. Then you might get inflammation from eating specific food item and thats its own issue. Then since you got tasty food available 24/7 you dont give your body time to rest, the inflammation causes more issues and you fat.
People often mix in stuff like you dont get enough vitamins or micronutrients but its actually irrelevant because of how easy it is to acquire them. Cavemen survived without ever googling how many vitamins they need each day after all.

The seed oil conspiracy is a natural = good fallacy. Like some youtuber posted a picture of a factory as key argument as for why you should avoid them. Thats where the argument begins and ends
The fear is of solvent extracted oil, which most seed oils are. The reason for this fear is because the solvent used is hexane, which is incorrectly said to be gasoline (hexane is used as a solvent in gasoline production, too, and gasoline is only 3% hexane at most).
I don't know how much hexane is in chemically processed seed oil exactly, but it's considerably less than 3%. Every paper and article I've read on the subject to mention quantities simply says "trace amounts." However, hexane isn't safe to consume in any amount, really, but seed oils extracted with it are given Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status by the US FDA and equivalent status elsewhere.
I would say the concern is not unfounded and not without merit but very very very likely not actually taken seriously by most of the dumb cunts posting about it here. They're too fat, lazy, friendless, ugly and stupid to cook for themselves and are therefore almost certainly eating mass-produced food that undoubtedly contains chemically extracted seed oils.
I say, avoid it when you can but don't let it get to the point where this aversion becomes your personality. The easiest way to avoid chemically extracted seed oils are to buy virgin oils or use animal-derived cooking fats. You can do as I did and try making your own seed oils (I'm >>20502635). Be careful, tho, since you're likely unable to extract the oils without heating them up in the process, making them more likely to go off quickly. Refrigeration can help prolong shelf life but it still won't be nearly as shelf stable as chemically extracted (years) or even cold-pressed oils (months) are. Still, it's nice to do once just to get a better understanding of how this shit works.
>The seed oil conspiracy is a natural = good fallacy. Like some youtuber posted a picture of a factory as key argument as for why you should avoid them. Thats where the argument begins and ends
Not quite. See >>20503602
There is some legitimate concern, but total aversion to this omnipresent foodstuff is extremely taxing in the modern world so like I said already, avoid it when you can but don't go crazy over it.
And for fuck's sake, didn't be that funny at the barbecue asking if the mayonnaise was made with seed oil. You already know it was. Don't use that as a segue to being a cunt and soapboxing about the evils of seed oil. Nobody cares and I want my fucking coleslaw
CUNNY lmao
It is neutral. The others are not.

Try cooking with different oils now and then.

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