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Thinking that I get a Domino's later for Fury Usyk.

Dissuade me from doing such a thing.

I tore my rotator cuff about 8 months ago and its obvious now it isn't going to heal. So i'm parting with my 15 year old weight set. Is $500 too much to ask for all this. Bench and olympic barbell also included.
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Retard. And a poorfag.
Your life is without value.
this thread is about the weights, not my shoulder.
this thread is about you. keep the weights, see a doctor, and start lifting when you heal. fuck work. if they aren't paying you enough to you not being able to miss, then your long term health isn't worth continuing to go there.
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>almost 40
>manhandling heavy shit for a paycheck like you're a beast of burden

neetbros, we can't keep on winning like this...
Do cables/resistance bands first to rehab, I heard bullworkers do wonders for rotator cuffs.

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Well, looks like my ride might end soon. what else should I do other than chemo to live longer?

My doctor gave no guidance on diet/supplements other than:
>eat healthy, eat whatever you want
>drink enough water
that's all. Shouldn't they at least give some more specific suggestions on diet/supplements? How the fuck could they just tell me to eat whatever I want as if it doesn't matter at all?
and at the same time there are too many snake oils, it's all so tiresome.
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>cancer cells literally steal the nutrients from healthy cells
This is true cancer will catabolise surrounding tissue in absence of eating, also cancer patients generally die of wasting rather than dieing directly from the tumour
good one motherfucker
how did you get diagnosed? did you have pain anywhere?
did your grandfather survived auschiwitz too?
Fuck dude that sucks. A family friend is a nurse in the cancer ward and suggests 5 days of fasting before chemo to clients who are willing and able to do it.

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How the fuck do you lean bulk? I've basically been in an endless cut for the past 2 years, and got good at it, but now thats all I know. For basically the next 2 months I'm gonna have a ton of time off from work finally so I plan to go the hardest I've gone in the gym since college and I don't want a calorie deficit holding me back.

If my current BMR is about 1571kc (this is the amount of calories I would burn from literally just laying in bed all day), how many calories should I eat daily if I'm going to be doing 3 full body sessions a week, plus a couple days where I do calorie and ab training?
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whats your diet like OP
It's probably a bad idea to go straight from a cut to a bulk, I would recommend going on maintenance for at least 2-4 weeks in between. During that time, try to get a good gauge of what your maintenance calories actually are. Because after an extended cut, your metabolism has probably slowed down quite a bit.
take your goal weight in lbs, multiply that by 15. Start with that amount of calories. Since you are 150 lbs right now, aim for 160 lbs. find the 1.6g/kg for protein amount, then fill the remaining calories with whatever macros you like. Carbs will always be better but be sure to eat about 20% of your total calories from fats. Weigh yourself twice a day and once your weight settles after about 2 weeks of your diet, start managing your weight gain after that initial period where you gained water/food weight.
Better not get too wide

>twink mode doesn't las-
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sand wog warrior is like 15 in the first book so his build checks out
>nooo stop reminding me of my inceldom!
Cry moar
>Unless it's in the world record time zone
You sound like the fat woman claiming she can run 5k in 15 minutes
>Anyone can run sub 8
Yes. But not anyone can run sub 5
Now post your dog shit neckbeard and body hair again claiming you're a twink lol
the guy on the right is just dehydrated
and more copes we tell ourselves)

>albacore canned tuna
>avocado mash (guac)
>dill mustard
>dill weed
>salt and pepper

42g protein 300 calories
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don't care
imagine the farts
beans are delicious but I cant handle terrible stomach cramps just because I ate the least amount of beans
fuck i love beans. if you eat them often, your GI tract adjusts. I rarely have flatulence from beans. i eat 0.5kg minimum per day.
like the other anon said, your body gets used to it.
however, i love farting anyway

Achievable natty?
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how to achieve this natty?
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You have to sacrifice 3 people to get to this point
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Is there a couch to 5k type of program for sprinting? I would prefer to just sprint and perform LISS through walking.
sprinting is all out so naturally progresses as you get faster, so you can just find one or two sprint workouts and use them e.g. 10x50m or something

it doesnt require a progressive program
Yeah I was more thinking about how many sprints in session and how many times a week to avoid being punished Jimmy Struthers with torn up hamstrings for tryna be super predator immediately after getting off the couch, I'd probably throw in zercher squats with a sandbag because I am a contrarian.



getting used to the volume of high intensity training will take some months to years though

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>go to club
>see girl eyeing me
>approach her
>we dance and drink and end up going back to her hotel room
>we get into bed
>she tells me I can take my clothes off (in a non-sexual way imo)
>I do
>she asks if she can put her hand on my chest
>I say ok
>she does for a little while
>we go to sleep
>she ghosts me the next day

Was the sex supposed to happen then? I didn’t get any indicators she wanted to fuck. We didn’t even kiss much. we made out for a bit at the club but she pulled away after a few seconds each time.

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People were watching. Whores want to be whores but not where people will judge them
Shelter her... in her hotel room?

I need advice. I'll be going on a solo holiday again soon and I don't want this to happen again.


It was a nightclub. everyone does that there.
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girls don't want relationships they want chad to fuck her and they want chuds to pay her money it's CURRENT YEAR I thought you guys knew this already
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Keep coping pajeet lmao, women literally fuck dogs and niggers. They have almost 0 standards for what goes inside their holes.

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How THE FUCK are morning fags able to work out so early? I need lunch+dinner to even consider lifting. Do you just power through while going dizzy? Aren't you starving right after?
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most gyms are absolutely slammed after people start getting off after work, morning is better if you want to seamlessly do all your lifts you planned for the day. wake up pussy
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There is a good chance you have sleep apnea or UARS, hypertension or something else... if you can barely function the first 1-2 hours after waking.

The cure to this isn't to "go see a doctor", its to FORCE the doctor to do his job and get you sleep studies and blood samples and whole lot of sheebang.
You could even buy fucking nasal strips and antihistamines(such as Zyrtec) to see if it helps.
I am not saying you should be awakened pumped, but it shouldn't be a sharp groggy incline.
This wakes me up thirsty in the night, disrupting my sleep (it takes me time to fall asleep).
Even if I manage to do that, it takes a lot of effort and money to go carb free. The smallest emergency (where keto food is not available to me because I'm on an airport or a trip or whatever) will throw me off and ruin everything.
kek you're gonna be pre-diabetic soon.
You should be the least hungry in the morning.

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Why isnt there any literature review here? there is constantly new studies coming out about fitness topics and yet i rarely see anyone discuss any literature. arent any of you guys educated enough to summarize articles? i know that the science based approach is less popular because it takes more effort and the replication crisis and all that, but i think discussing these topics centered around an article or some sort of research would benefit the community here. no one here reads...
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Even worse. China keeps releasing bullshit studies.
But but but they have the most citations!
>check the paper
>it's Ching citing Chong citing Wang citing Ping
>let us delve into the meticulous world of nutrition science, however, it's important to note that....
I bet China wishes they had the influence to ruin worldwide nutrition like the Americans have done. Literally all of the following has been because of Americans promoting basedbean oil:

>eggs are bad
>meat is bad
>butter and all dairy is bad, margarine is good
>salt is bad
>saturated fat is bad
>sugar is bad

All of this to distract from what's been added to food that's made everyone fat and sick

China probably wishes they had to the power to ruin the health of billions of people but they might also wonder whether it was worth the sacrifice, going to bed at night knowing you've made the world a worse place for the entire global population.
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What is there to discuss?
Anything nutrition related is off limits because this board is bombarded with idiots pushing for their diet religion

so if nutrition is off the table in this discussion what's left is exercise science

what do you want to see being discussed?
zoomers dont read anything thats not a screenshot or a poooost less than 2 paragraphs

>Play the video game at a casual rate (Natty) over 14 days.

- valid entertainment experience with greater meditative thought on fitness with more self preservation instincts. A Sisyphean rage against the dying of the light.


>learn the societally taboo eccentricity of hacking your bodies hormone chemistry with PED’s. Live the Greek tragedy with the body of a damned demigod.

- you will die a short and dramatic life with the highest highs with the lowest lows.

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who we have lost along the way and are not here with us anymore
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every Anon hates other Anons
I don't hate you Anon.
Maybe valid for women and fags. There aren't many women on this board but there are a lot of faggots. Sometimes I feel disgusted knowing I am likely reading faggot replies here.
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I’ll remember them and use it as fuel
sometimes I am still angry at him but I understand it is better to go out like a man than to go out like a bitch

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Australian girls are just british girls with a tan. I.e. the most obnoxious, arrogant and ugly women on the planet.
oh fuck I probably know their mothers by now
What are you going on about? They are all cute.
all culture is imported from yankeeland

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>be me
>lift,run and train martial arts
>6'3'' 190 lbs
>decide to buy something different tonight before I head home
>in restaurant line
>almost my turn
>negro asks me if I cant let him go first
>doesnt wait for my answer
>cuts infront of me and tries to order
>I cut back infront of him and cut him off so I can order
>confronts me on it like I was in the wrong in the first place
>tell him we're not doing this
>tells me I'm not taking him seriously
>as he talks I keep one hand in my pocket
>decide to order what I'm ordering anyway hoping he'll stop since I've ignored him

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A middle aged black woman started fondling my balls on public transport and playing with my foreskin,she was slim,had nice tits,round bum,was so frightened and confused I just let it happen,she followed me off the bus and blew me in a nearby forest,it felt really good but I still can't believe how it just happened,all I remember saying to her was yes after she asked if this is my stop,then she started following me,I thought this could escalate into some sort of robbery situation so best not relax,then she invited me to the bushes,I made sure to scope out the area at first and possible ambush spots for criminals,wasn't gonna chance fucking her though,I fingered her before she blew me and that was that. Fuck what a day.
the adrenaline must've felt crazy
fuck off back to plebbit
Saddest thread on /fit/ right now.
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