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You just outed yourself as a raceless desert mutt. You are trying to use christianity as cope for your disgusting pedophile prophet. No one "brings it up" as you put it, just one very semitic source "brought that up" and tried to meme it into existance. But it's all irrelevant, all you can do is sit there with your yellowing eye whites and dysgenic goblin features chewing on your tongue in frustration because laws forbid you from your molester faggot appetites. Your disgusting middle eastern, abrahamic, misunderstanding if what you call "god" outs removes any validity of anything you have to say from a moral stand point. Yet you are under the delusion you can convince people in to your grotesque age fetishism. How does it feel that the same source that would imprison you for your wretched crimes against mankind is also the only thing keeping you from being torn to shreds by the population at large?
Sorry not reading your accusatory cope. Stopped at your seething line about my skin. White who graduated from seminary, I know my scripture and my history. Seethe more, age of consent is tied to age of accountability for hell.
Kendrick is so /fit/ the few disses P Drizzy had on him was the fact he does push ups
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how do we cope
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>the spike at 6'
americans even lie on anonymous surveys
No it’s even worse; they’re lying to themselves.
You are mentally ill.
>REPORTED height
You can confidently subtract 1-2 inches from all of these.
This. Being a 5'9 zoomer in west europe is horrendous

You're a failure of a man if you can't squat 3 plate bellow paralle and ifl you don't own atleast ONE Rolex by your mid 20's
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Ash that shit nigga please
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I'm 28, can do maybe 25 consecutive pushups and bought a F-91W solely for the stopwatch function. How am I doing?
good.i bought the same watch because it was the cheapest one in the store that wasn't AliExpress brand
>Now what?
OP squats down below parallel and gets fucked in the ass
you're a failure as a man if you run a mile slower than me, which is 4 minutes 40 seconds.

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pov: me choking and pounding your pussy with my fat cock
Fit related frog poster?
I've had my cuppa. Lunch will be turkey breast sanvich and a can a' monsta energy.

Powercopers will see a guy like this and claim he doesn’t even look like he lifts

Lmao @ the delusion
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He literally looks like a faggot

>giant leather jacket
yeah no
Look at his skinny legs then. Arnold didn't look like he lifted in clothes, deal with it.
no they won't, and inventing insane arguments in your head is a sign of mental illness. get help
roids won't give you his shoulder-to-hip ratio*

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Where do you guys go to bulk?

For me, it's the movie theather
great thread man keep it up

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Anyone else no longer goes to commercial gyms coz of this?
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Thoughts on gangrape or are you not into several men on one woman.
too muscular

doesn’t look feminine, looks masculine

women should have an excess bf%
she's mid as fuck you monkey
You cunts need to relax.
This chick has German-face.

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First day of Documenting every agony, ecstasy, and in-between. Join me, witness the madness. After Pic: [Coming Soon]
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Is OP going to tripfag so we can follow his genuine progress?
I will commence my water fast next week as I have some perishable food in the fridge and don't want to waste it.
probably muslim
I'm doing a cheese fast - nothing but provolone, gruyere and cambozola for the next 30 days.
>t. Remy
That's the ideal time to fast for a month what are you talking about, plenty of reserves.

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Has anyone tried fasting or partial fasting (like 1 day a week with more standard slight deficit in the rest 6 days) for their cutting phase?

People are fear mongering about losing muscle but I see no reason why would that be the case. Our body literally stores fat as a energy reserve to avoid unnecessarily burn muscles. Just don't stop lifting so that your body knows you still need those muscles.
Yes, haven't seen any real loss in muscle mass. I train while fasting too, just feel a little more tired than usual but I just sleep and nap more. No bullshit supplements or any shit
how much do you fast for?
Cutting is for homos unless you're strong which you arent
It'll work but it's much more effective just to fast in one go for as long as you need to reach desired level of bodyfat. And yes, the body preferentially burns fat. People are just psyopped / wussies about burning muscle but you'll be fine. https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/prolonged-fasting-deplete-visceral-fat
My cat looks like that too

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Why are women attracted do men who hurt themselves and do drugs etc?
Why even lift? I swear every bitch is going after a dude that will 100% be a total loser but now he's just young enough to be normal
Meanwhile hustlers who study, work etc get denied... Wtf??
Some days im just lifting out of pure anger ngl
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Idk bro, I'm a loser and I've smashed a lot of puss. I love to lift too though. Even with just an average income now I can still get laid pretty easy. Sounds like you're just a dork. Quit doing things to get laid and actually just focus on not being a fag and you'll be better off.
Hot girls are into degenerate men with rich parents
you should already be having sex and lift on top of it, wtf is wrong with you?

>wahhh let me wreck my body with drugs and be fucked up all the time just for a chance at pussy
>please I will do anything, I will pierce my nose, I will fill my body with ink, I will waste my time and potential hanging around with losers
>I will change every part of my personality, I will betray all my values, all for a chance at banging the hole

take the sober-cleancut-educated-man-who-gets-pussy pill
Testosterone is self destruction.

All that hustling, stoicism, working nerd shit is feminine as fuck.
>Implying the father would choose a weeb nerd
Beating your wife, doing drugs, having saturday night brawls, breaking the law etc was also normal for males in the last 5000 years of human civilization.

The nice guy stuff? Started in the 90s and only got mainstream appeal in the 2010s.

Thoughs on Paul Saladino
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Being in the sun is one of the healthiest things you can do.
generally speaking if you are in peak health and have the perfect diet it will significantly help to reduce the bad effects of the sun on your skin but it wont make your skin immune and when you spend hours upon hours every day under the sun it will take it toil like with Paul, it is what it is, the sun is good for you in moderation and sunscreen is trash
>prove my strawman wrong bro
how about you just use zinc oxide if you're so afraid of all the chemicals
I don't think about e-celebrities
fair take

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Routine and diet for this body? 6 feet 150 lbs (my stats)
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I don't disagree but OP is anglefrauding while also actively using his upper body to climb a ladder
>anglefrauding gives you giant chest and thin waist
Skin color?
The twink looks so scared lmao. You can feel his anxiety
A reverse geodude

How do you solve this aka bony elbows/forearms?
I don’t get it. You want your bones to stick out less? Build more muscle on your arms and the bones won’t be as noticeable. Hopefully that’s what you were asking.
Well elbows and forearms are bones, so there’s going to be boney.

ps. i’m still voting for trump

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I just want to say a big thank you to all these animals
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For me it's simply the humble cow. Couldn't have made it without you buddy
We'd all be like pajeets without the life-giving cow.
Kinda unrelated, but Why do jeets worship cows? Out of all animals, not even bisons, buffalos or predecessors to cows, but cows… farm animals domesticated to be milked and eaten, and indians will do anything with it, even grovel on its shit, instead of using them for what they are made for
Is that the nigger cow?
It comes from the Hindu ethic of complete non-violence. They specifically worship the zebu which is a type of cattle native to India. One of the ideas of nonviolence is that you can't be nonviolent while also eating meat and that animal was one of the few widespread farm animals in the region about 2000 years ago so it stuck as a Hindu tradition. It gets so out of hand in some regions that they literally worship the shit of the zebu but most Indians aren't that insane. They're the equivalent of those Christians that beat their kid within an inch of their life for liking dungeons and dragons or something. They're crazy people and should be made fun of mercilessly

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This nigger got his phD at some bumfuck off road sister fucking university and now teaches at some shitty college in new york.

Why should we listen to him again?
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His physique is ruined by everything
>5'6" dwarf
>literally called (((Kike Israel)))

Nobody who matters was ever listening to him
>deeeeeeeep stretch
>some random gay-esque joke
god i hate this faggot
this nigga poopmaxxing
One of lifes great mysteries but kike finds a way

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