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Height/weight/routine for this?
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OHP 135lbs for 5 reps
Bench 240lbs for 5 reps
Squat 315lbs for 5 reps
Deadlift 405lbs for 5 reps
If he was 5'11 it's a reasonable build for 185.
No it's not
Ok, retard.
Oh god grant me forgiveness for what im about to do

I'm about to hit 30 next year and yet i still look and dress like a college zoomer. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? How do i maturemaxxing?
>/fit/ - Fashion and Faggotry
Im 34 and I look like im 18. So i just dress like im 18. Whenever I try to dress up nice with a suit or something I look like a kid on a suit
its terrible
Get your girlfriend, who's a professional fashionista and hairdresser, to hook you up bro
>34 look 18
Now you've done it. Seethe incoming.

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Gyno surgery in 2 hours. I've had some form of gyno since I was 8 years old. Now I'm 41 and in my mid-life crisis. All I've ever wanted was to look normal.
Wish me luck boys.
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1. How much did the procedure cost?
2. How much did you weigh at your heaviest?
3. How much do you weigh now?
4. Do you regret not doing it sooner?
5. Objectively from 1-10 how attractive is your wife? How much does she weigh?(Sorry but I just can't picture a normal looking woman married to a guy with those droopers. No offense)
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Good luck bro, you´re going to feel ALOT better after the surgery. No more choosing clothing based on your gyno or be worried people see your man tits.

This is me atm, had gyno/skin reduction surgery around 4 years ago. Was unlucky with the scars but still looks alot better than before.
1. 6k, which includes 4 skin tightening procedures over the next two months.
2. 325 when I was 24, 160 when I was 25. Been hovering between 190-220 for about 10 years.
3. 205
4. Absolutely but I could never afford it before. I've tried everything else. Steroids, peptides, creams and pills and various injections but nothing has ever worked.
5. She's a 5 and so am I. She weighs 100lbs (45kg) and she's wicked smart. She can be a 7 if she puts on makeup but she only does that on date nights. I can't show her Pic because she is a professional and barely uses social media.
Awesome. Thank you. That makes me feel much better.
Dang, I wish you full recovery and best result.
Good luck bro. I hope it goes well.

I want you all to know, I took a 3kg shit today.
My liege...
Thats not a shit, thats toilet baby
I felt lighter.

Fiber is important Anons.
pretty based, thanks for sharing OP.

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It’s insanely easy to eat healthy nutritious whole food on keto without falling into a bread or rice trap on a conventional diet

It doesn’t mean you can’t lose weight on a normal diet or cico, it’s just a lot easier when you are just eating fat and protein
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As clockwork, Moxyte the ketoschizo is here.
Moxyte! Moxyte! Moxyte!
It's literally the BEST weight loss diet. Not a maintenance diet, but BY FAR, the best way to lose weight. Everyone who is FAT, or doesn't want to be FAT should get their fatass on keto. Then learn that keto snacks are THEIR cheat meals/snacks. It's not a regular part of the fucking diet. Obesity solved, diabetes solved, high blood pressure solved, all the rest of the problems with being a fat fuck carrying 20plus pounds of extra weight around, SOLVED! Drop seed oils, and you have cancer and heart disease solved.
Most people don't need to go that far. If people just cooked and ate whole foods instead of junk most problems would solve themselves.
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Keto/low carb is the natural human diet since we used to eat mostly meat, fish, eggs and the occasional wild honey/tubers/berries SEASONALLY.
All before we produced man-made fruit, vegetables snd grains. Even then, those were considered peasant and emergency food.
Only Moxyte, the DYEL ketoschizo refuses to acknowledge this fact.

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I'm 6'1 260 lbs tested at 27% bf. My sedentary TDEE is 2600 calories.

This means that if I cut on 2200 calories, I would only burn 2800 calories a week, which is not even good for 1lb of weight lost. To lose 2lbs/week, which is only a modest weight reduction, I would have to burn 4200 calories through additional exercise per week, of 600 calories per day. That's likely over 1hr of additional exercise.

That's intense, dude.
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just do psmf.
eat your protein intake for the day with as lean a sources as possible.
add 200-400g of non starchy veggies

like 800 cals a day.
Dude I ate 1200 calories for months, if you can't handle eating 2k calories a day idk what to tell you. I have to try to eat that much. Just OMAD
i do this and yeah it's super easy, 4 meals a day, 400 calories each meal. If you avoid high fat foods it's still filling and you wont be super hungry.
Just do 1500kcal low carb OMAD (eggs, meat, dairy, fruit) by eating the same meal every day and by doing 1hour cardio 1-3 times a week for at least 6 months and you're good.
It's literally that easy.
Your fatass would probably only have to walk 90 minutes to hit that. 30 minute walk either before or after meals no big deal. I have to actually run to hit 500 out.

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>be working out for 2 months
>don't look like a bodybuilder
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With high volume and vanilla sets you'll never gonna make it

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Any movies that inspire you to go to the gym immediately.

>Pic related. Avengement

Scott adkins is so fucking good in martial arts movies.
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Valhalla Rising
Don't do any martial arts but I always get a kick out of the running scenes in those before my cardio, maybe because it's more relatable than movies about long distance/marathon running, aside from that I have some scenes that hype me up pre training
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>all spartacus seasons


>the killer
i love this one because the food for fuel and not entertainment is a massive theme of the maincharacter. also finest leanpill motivation

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Is it really that easy to look like this? I don't want to spend all my time in the gym
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Just delete your post and try again (or don't since it was low quality and useless). This double posting to fix typos thing is extremely annoying.
I wonder where all the users of FDS went when their subreddit died
Just shut up, nerd.
JUST and to steroids

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I never in my life looked this lean like right pic, even when skinny or in my best shape I looked kinda skinnyfat with targeted fat, specially in thighs and belly (dont ask me why, im a guy btw).

If I cut all sugars and eat strictly unprocessed foods and very low carbs, can I get this lean? Or some people just have fucked up genetics and thats it?
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No exercise obviously does this to a motherfucker.

30 minutes of jump rope daily would be good enough to get a six pack that's at least defined and get you in shape.
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few things to consider that might not be obvious:
>lots of people underestimate their BF, you probably are one of those
>getting lean is the hardest thing that I did in my life
>ozempic and glp1 derivatives are your friends, dont listen to haters
>genetics shape your fat distro, as well as lemonbottle and a lipolab. Do consult these things with a proffesional if you intend to pick it up. Maybe a couple cc's are required for you to be able to see your abs at 14%
>do crunches, do fucking twisters
> Putting mystery chemicals that can negatively affect your sex drive and other things the reasons you went lean in the first place for.
it is what it is mane
You will never be a woman

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Meme or legit?
Fatty here. It's time to get in shape.
Do I buy a set of barbells or kettlebells?
I'm far too fat for bodyweight exercises btw
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>workout with no tarted out zoomettes to look at
Wtf why
last time I did she broke my window, cut her wrist with the glass and tried to bleed out on my bed

I would not recommend it
I bought some since the beginning of they year. Maybe it's just the novelty but I find them to be enjoyable to work with, in opposition to normal weights, which is what actually counts for me the most.
I'm from Belarus and I see kettlebell competitors all the time, most of them look like total DYELs. Levi Markwardt, Alexander Kolousek (kettlebell_aerobics), guy from OP pic all had like 10 years of regular berbell training before turning to kettlebell sport. Ivan Denisov trained greco roman wrestling before turning to kettlebell sport and still trains with barbell (I believe he deadlifts 300 kg). Every time some big dude jerking 24 kg kettlebells says kettlebells make you big and strong you should know - he did regular strength training before it.

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Is this fixable? The narrowness
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OP try posting from another angles so we can calculate your bodyfat %, but look like you got potential if you're willing to put in the work.
Does anyone actually lift on this board in 2024?
You have four nipples.

Also there isn’t any narrowness, you’re just a twink. Put some muscle on for fuck’s sake.
you want to fix your apt and get gud at pullups and db bench. get that done and your golden
3x12 asshole stretches on my cock

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good morning sars
Reminder that demoralization threads are made by fatties projecting themselves.
ozempic is the worst invention ever created. now there will be no fat women for architects.
good. architects are partly responsible for the hoeflation
Don’t care

I want more fat women

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What's your morning routine fit?
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My life for the past 10 years
>wake up
>go on the internet for 16 hours
>go to sleep

For the 15 years before that
>wake up
>go on internet until I have to
>go to work where I waste half the time on the internet
>go home and go on the internet until I
>go to sleep

I think I'm addicted to the internet
>wake up
>probably say "fuccckk"
>pop a Zyn
>pop a Vyvanse
>drink some chinese tea (no milk, I'm not a britbonger)
>take shower
>get dressed
>drive to work
>hop behind the wheel of a 40,000lb semi-truck
>wake up
>read the news for half an hour on my phone in bed
>play with my gfs tits, grab her ass and thighs while she sleeps (we both sleep naked)
>get up and make myself ready for work
>go into the bedroom again and kiss my sleeping gf on the forehead and tell her i love her before i leave for work
>wake up
>eat breakfast (oats and a couple of fried eggs)
>roon 15-20k
>go to work
>wake up at 6am
>drink water
>read news/check urgent email while prepping breakfast
>eat small breakfast
>eat second breakfast
>earn money at job

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so basically no one here lifts?
on /fit/? nah, nobody.
Only paychecks, baby
>cute body
>face has a beak
Every femboy who posts without face pic

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