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Just bought a whole bunch of Sirloin. What's /fit/'s favourite steak cut?
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stop buying red meat
Research shows that people who eat red meat are at a higher risk of death from heart disease, stroke or diabetes.
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for me it's
I'm not huge on fat content and I like to marinade with a mix of onions sauce/lime juice/Worcestershire/fish sauce and plate it with some fresh chimichurri.
loling at all the limp wristed dweebs who think red meat is bad for you

holy shit you people are stupid

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Sorry not reading your accusatory cope. Stopped at your seething line about my skin. White who graduated from seminary, I know my scripture and my history. Seethe more, age of consent is tied to age of accountability for hell.
Kendrick is so /fit/ the few disses P Drizzy had on him was the fact he does push ups
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>chest day
>back pump
>shoulder day
>back pump
>biceps/triceps day
>back pump
>leg day
>back pump
>back day
>biceps pump
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>missing foot day

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workouts to avoid being a wristlet?
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my cock is 5.9""
Are you really short? 5.5" is rough.
No, I'm 6'1". I got hit with a cursed physique in general, this is just one part of it.
If by wristlet you mean 7.5", sure, maybe. But at 6" its bullshit. You really think that in everyday life right looks better? You're either coping or lying.
they both look equal to me in terms of looking like masculine badasses. picking apart sometihng like this at such a level is not something girls or anyone else will ever do so why care

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Anything this program is missing? I'm adding in curls & tricep extension and face pulls & lateral raise/cables. I'm a beginner so I'm seeing great progress on this so far, just want to make sure I'm not missing anything
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That's great that you say that, the rows amd chins I already do higher rep sets. I want more volume for my rear delts and back so I'll take your advice on supersetting as well
Two sessions of 3x5 weighted chinups per week is completely fine, and the rows are basically an accessory for that.
Super setting the upper body accessories can help avoid fatiguing yourself to much for pressing later through the week. Doing 2 exercises with a short rest for 3 sets and let the accumulated fatigue limit subsequent sets, as opposed to 6 full sets with a 2 mins rest in between. Also something else i liked to do for squats, press and bench, was afterwards take a plate off and do all out drop sets to near failure, aiming for 10-15 reps, just for a pump. After a deload on deadlifts, I might do my set of 5 and then go up 5kg-10kg at a time for singles or doubles 4 or 5 sets, or do the set of 5 after doing that. Can try for a 1RM and then do you set etc.
Not enough volume. GZCLP is better imo
How about any side delt work?

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I think that's more to do with you being a faggot
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Made cottage cheese pancakes with fruit and Blueberries for me and my husband again this morning. Glad this threads still up so I can share. Planning on hitting the gym together later.
Except they're tasty
This desu. Let's just admit the only reason is they're a tasty treat other than that absolute garbage.
What is sausage casing made of

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Holy shit this stuff is poison. I've abstained from bread for years but had to go back to eating it due to being a poorfag this week and holy shit I feel like a gluggy retard in the head.
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Carb addict projection. Sad!
Jewish posts
> unvaxxed cattle
Basically doesn’t exist unless you raise your own
The fuck, chasing dragons? I'm no furry.

Taunt landed.
lol what a bunch of frail little bitches who get all exhausted after eating a piece of bread

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What percentage of /fit/izens do you think actually do make it?
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All of the one that actually want it and have faith in themselves
Whatever percentage leaves this fucking place
100% because we're all gonna make it
Zero. This website is brainpoison.
If you're still here after more than two years, you're NGMI
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What is your idea of making it? We have to have a definition. Lets do very vague goals for example.
>60k+ income
>Don't live with parents
>Mentally sound
I would prob say around 20-30% will get all of these. One or two of these I would say 40%.

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Does starting strength still work if I squat high bar?
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they're similar and neither are impressive.
It's sinking in now that you're retarded. A gm is much harder than an rdl. Please load up your squat working weight and do one single measly gm and lmk how that goes. And then continue on with your retarded parroting of low bar being a good morning
Honestly he seems to have lost some of his edge in recent years. Seems now he's more interested in just watching movies and drinking and not quite as sharp as he was. He's still himself but yeah...
refer here again bud. >>74297841 read this 20 times because you still don't understand.
no one cares how much you gm. NO amount is impressive. i did a 365 gm after only a year of training btw.

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Where can I pirate atlas power shrugged's book?
>inb4 be a paypiggy
I ain't no sucka.

>actually taking Rand seriously
If you want good dialog from an old book pick up any Wodehouse. Rand is garbage
OP is talking about some instagram shill you retard
It's just 45 usd poorfag
Nigger read the OP before answering.
I know but I don't want to give him a single penny.

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how do i avoid getting shanked when i come to nsw?
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idk just be a normal person? i've never been to nsw, i'm from vic
Avoid Arabs, Africans, Islanders, Western Sydney, and you'll be fine.
why are non whites like this
Cause they're evil, jealous, and immoral. Jesse Lee Peterson on YouTube explains it well.

why would i get a program from a dyel

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Anyone else no longer goes to commercial gyms coz of this?
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she's mid as fuck you monkey
You cunts need to relax.
This chick has German-face.
simps like you are why the world is in the state that it is

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Is there anything more pathetic than lifting for women? Imagine dedicating hours every week just so that some loose women who have never tried hard at anything in there life may or may not deign to bestow upon you a crumb of pussy. You don't even need to lift to get girls. Like focus on making money or something instead of retarded shit like this. There is literally nothing more embarrassing.
We are genetically hardwired to make attempts to attract women. You ever heard of sexual reproduction, OP? You don't even really have to spend more than an hour a day at the gym; 4 days/week max. There's plenty of time to do other things. Get a grip, young man.
Said the virgin frogposter after gooning for the third time today.
Get a girlfriend you degenerate.
projection cope

What was she doing wrong?
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Use one of them straight bars, none of this rope shit, stand up straight and press that shit down.
Nothing. It was just some DYEL trying to strike up a conversation with her.

Total stinkers.
May Chud set them straight.
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is coffee good for you?

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>be me
>go to sleep at 10, naturally wake up around 3 most of the nights
>drink whey isolate
>go take a piss sitting down, brushing teeth with my electric toothbrush in the dark
>drink glass of water, ise tongue scrapper
>go back to sleepy lands

Am I disrupting my sleep quality? Should I stay in bed to sleepmax?
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Saw a video that they would get up and study, house chores and what not, pray.

They called it a second nap or something, they went to bed early like 6 to do this.

>midevil times it was.
This is how humans sleep naturally tho
>Am I disrupting my sleep quality? Should I stay in bed to sleepmax?
Fuck the other retards who are saying yes, they don't know what bi-phasic sleep is which is what you're doing and what people used to do before the meme 9-5 job came in.
As long as you aren't doing anything like looking at screens and stuff to "artificially" wake you up, you're good to go back to bed after an hour or two
i knew i guy in school that would chill for a few hours in the afternoon, sleep 6-7 and wake up around midnight to study for a few hours

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