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Is it acceptable for men to wear crop tops in public to show off abs?
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You may not like it, but this is what peak male fashion looks like.
there’s a guy at my gym who does it. pretty decent-looking guy. he basically talks to every chick at the gym. not sure what other guys think of him but he comes a cross a bit light on his feet if you know what i’m saying
I see pigs wearing shirts not covering their stomach with their guys tucked into the pants all the time
If your obliques insert like that and you have wide hips you shouldn't.
Even me as a gay person says

Dont wear that. its SO gay. i would never date someone who wears this shit. Wear a tanktop if you want to show off

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>Solves abs
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The wheel and pullups are 90% of what you need to look good
Ive never tried these but I will asap because ab/core work never works on me. Like I never feel it in my abs, usually just hip flexors.
Make sure you start with the green one.
It is. It's just difficult.
It only uses the leg flexors

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The Feelsbar ! We're finally open once again and its the weekend special edition! As you already got used to it from Friday to Sunday! Please come in and take a sit by the counter ! What can I get you to drink ? What bothers you in your life ? Share with the others !
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Try Dr bronners 18 in one for your hair. I started using it a week ago and it’s great. You don’t need a lot, you’re supposed to dilute it. 3 drops is about the same as a palm full of normal shampoo. I the first couple days it made my hair feel weird almost dry and matted while it was damp. Now my hair feels amazing, I use it once every 2-3 days. It may seem pricey but you don’t use a lot so it lasts. It can be sued for body wash too, seems to be making my skin healthier. It’s got like 10 ingredients and I recognize all but 1 (it’s mostly oils), so it doesn’t have any of that harmful hormone fuckening BS. Supposedly can be used for a lot of stuff even tooth paste but I’ve yet to try it beyond hair and body wash and washing my face.

T. Similar story basically same exact timeline. We’re gonna make it man. We’re gonna fix ourselves and become a man not only other people respect, but that we can respect. And we’ll meet bitches who actually want us.
Some women (some) like the tism and shyness. But ultimately they just serve to show you you COULD get more if you became better socially.
My hair is actually my best feature,followed by my eyes when they're not bloodshot (any tips?). Got shoulder length wavy thick hair that's really glossy. The cute little barber chick I occasionally get booked with goes fucking crazy over how good my hair is and how it's nice to work on something that isn't typical zoomer hair or fried to fuck.

I'm just a fat autist still who assumes any sort of positive interaction is part of some big joke people are playing on me. I cannot imagine a scenario where I ever approach a woman with the intention of flirting or asking them for their number/out. Probably why they think I'm gay as fuck.
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>I have one month to not become a boomer virgin bros..
It gets a lot worse than just being a virgin. Im 29. I talk to women. I've been on several dates in my life. It usually stops at the first date. Very seldomly do we get to a second (and final date). At this point I know there is something wrong with me and i cannot fix it. Because i don't know what it is. Im just not attractive to women. Being with a woman is so surprisingly hard. I mean I take care of my appearance, my clothes, my grooming. But there is this insane pressure whenever im with a woman. i've never even had any remotely pleasant experiences from women. ever. at this point i dont even think about sex.
I'm having a spicy tequila cocktail. Problem is it will dye my poop green for a couple of days from the food dye.. Now now that you had a giggle about a man with grinch green poops, its time for some sad shit. I'm so used to being alone at this point after my parents and my favorite aunt died. When my former girlfriend broke up with me I just.. moved on. Used to it at this point to be left alone by people. She was confused why I didn't fight for her back and has been trying for the past couple of weeks I think to get back together with me. My trust in her is gone though, she said "I am not the type of guy she wanted" and that she was "not going to settle like she did in her last relationship" so.. Didn't even try. Now she wants to meet me again in person I guess confused.. She wants me to tell her "I never loved her" etc so she can feel justified for love bombing me and then leaving me alone just like everyone else does.

Anyone else going through this? Someone said I might be a schizoid though.
Woah. It's like you carefully crafted the biggest slap in your parents face you could imagine, to make sure they torture themselves about this for decades to come.

10/10. no notes.

>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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It's in the archive, retards. If you want to start another pathetic tantrum thread I'm sure you are welcome to so long as you don't pretend it's the new running general.
Seconding Xero HFS. I went from "I just can't run, I always get shin splints" to running 30 miles/week by switching to HFS and increasing my cadence.
Any reason to care about HT zones when I'm just starting out?
when youre just starting out, no, get to be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping first before even considerin....
actually dog i dont fucking know read a book about running why the fuck are you asking 4chan
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Reached the taper stage.

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Gyno surgery in 2 hours. I've had some form of gyno since I was 8 years old. Now I'm 41 and in my mid-life crisis. All I've ever wanted was to look normal.
Wish me luck boys.
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1. 6k, which includes 4 skin tightening procedures over the next two months.
2. 325 when I was 24, 160 when I was 25. Been hovering between 190-220 for about 10 years.
3. 205
4. Absolutely but I could never afford it before. I've tried everything else. Steroids, peptides, creams and pills and various injections but nothing has ever worked.
5. She's a 5 and so am I. She weighs 100lbs (45kg) and she's wicked smart. She can be a 7 if she puts on makeup but she only does that on date nights. I can't show her Pic because she is a professional and barely uses social media.
Awesome. Thank you. That makes me feel much better.
Dang, I wish you full recovery and best result.
Good luck bro. I hope it goes well.
No idea, why do third worlders drink poop water and get eaten by escalators?

Is Kefir good for you?
It's not bad for you.
where's the porno?
makes me fart

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First day of Documenting every agony, ecstasy, and in-between. Join me, witness the madness. After Pic: [Coming Soon]
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literally no reason in doing it if he can achieve his goal weight in the same time with significantly less risk except "dont be a pussy lmao", I am pretty sure you are trolling at this point
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Thread's still up so here's day 2.
Initial weight: 106.8
Present weight after losing some water weight and doing some bowel movements: 103.9
Not much changed yet but we go hard. Feeling confidente about this one, no hunger pangs yet, but days 2-3 tend to be the hardest in that aspect.
Actual op here.
It's just an angle thing. My chest is not really flat. As for the abs, it could obviously be better.
Next thread I start once this one dies, I'll take a video where I turn around so y'all can better understand what's going on.
Both pictures are unflexed btw.
>Initial weight: 106.8
nigga huh? are you 4'11?
Kgs. Sorry I forget people use imperial

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread >>74271174
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@isley you got a TV loicense?
Even at 160 75 is not fat
>Even a 29.3 BMI isnt fat homie
>you "lifted" it but you didn't "lift" it because it wiggled
Ignore him. He snapped his back squatting 3 plates

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Funny /fit/ pics. Not /fit/ humor as such, please, with its 13000 x 8500 screengrabs of 350-post threads, just funny /fit/-related pics.

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Post bods
Gives mires
Give advice
Fuck spammers
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Do you do direct training for your obliques?
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imagine blasting roids in an attempt to balance out your freakishly long body
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to understand the situation i had to physically detach from reality and explore space from my bedroom, i've returned home and realize that men can't be changed, they can only be competed with
let's show them something that really scares them

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In honor of cutting season, I bring to you the great /fit/ Oracle of old.

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For all you guys out there wondering how to approach girls, this is the look brothers. Okayish physique plus okay face (not attached) plus attention grabbing anything (in this case shirt) is all it takes for girls to approach you on sight.
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>what impresses me is what impresses girls
Ill repeat this for you: tattoos are not normal. Stop writhing,
They are common
What's the difference?
tattoos might be normal if he lives in portland or some fag city. im not sure, i havent been to a fag city in 10 years
i very rarely see sleeves, hand tats, neck tats, or anything visible on men anywhere in europe, asia, or most of america. you literally couldnt get a job in a lot of places
As kind of a sperg - where the fuck are people even going to 'get pussy' dressed like this? Like what's the demographic and age ranges here? Obviously who you hang out with is a big part of it, but almost any kind of social event or function I go to with friends you'd look goofy as fuck and super out of place dressed like this

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I’m no stranger to cutting, but I can never seem to get the pace right. I’m trying to drop from 237 to 200lbs, and I’d rather do it quickly since 37lbs is a lot of weight to lose. Right now I’m sitting around ~223, but it’s starting to slow down and I’m not sure if 2lbs a week is too aggressive for an extended period of time. I’m definitely getting brain fog and in general just feeling lazy and apathetic. My sleep schedule is shit, too.

Thoughts? Is dropping my calories to ensure I’m losing 2lbs a week (or even slightly more) too much?

Pic related is the beginning of the cut
>No one has replied to the ghost thread.

I’ll humour you op. The real question is what’s the rush? You’re not cutting for competition or photography because you aren’t being paid for your body/athleticism.

>Get a body fat scales that you will use consistently as a measuring stick.

>timed eating windows.
>use caffeine or low risk medical stimulant.
>always try to find the edge of being satiated to hungry before going to sleep.
>use zero calorie drinks
>cut carbs
>don’t quit if you fuckup a bit, keep your eyes on the prize.
Cutting always sucks and I’m of the opinion that it’s better to just get it over with. Outside of that though, I’m going to Naval OCS in late fall, and I know from experience that calisthenics and running are a lot easier when you weigh less. I’d like to have a few months before I leave to not be cutting so I can train extra hard.

All the other advice seems good though, outside of cutting carbs. That just makes my energy and mood go even more to shit. Once again, speaking from experience.
I can't do more than 1.25 pounds a week and not want to die. they say more than 1 pound per week, you're losing more muscle mass but I don't know how true that is. I'm also not a fat fuck though so maybe that's fine for you. seems reckless though if you still want to be a strong boy by the end of it.

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ketolards, it’s over…

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Just ignore the bullshit and go with WHAT WORKS. KETO WORKS. No bullshit "studies" can deny the results. They tried the same bullshit with Erythritol and tried to blame the vax bloodclotting on it.
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for me? keto veganism and frankly it's really not even a discussion
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Very reputable source that is totally not staffed by insane people
>in the organs of mice
They're really worried that people are catching on to their tricks. They're worried people might become healthy by avoiding seed oils and grains.

Thoughs on Paul Saladino
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fair take
every keto influencer has a full head of hair
They procreated by 13. It was a better time.
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I swear in the last 10 years people have become so insufferable it's crazy, probably social media.

Are you niggas allergic to a balanced diet.

Everyday 20 threads go up about whatever new fad diet
>Look at this subhuman eating bread, keto is the way to go
>Look at this nazi eating meat, must have not been loved by his parents
>Look at this stupid fuck eating anything other than meat and dairy, must be a liberal
>Look at this retard eating vegetables and not my 500$ grocery hall filled with exotic fruits and meat. He must be a pedophile.
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maybe if you shove it down your throat it is
paleolithic humans living in places with no shade were very dark skinned
paleolithic europeans and asians took refuge in the forests and jungles before they settled the land with huts and houses
with the neolithic europeans and asians started destroying natural vegetation and building villages and towns in which to take refuge from the elements

this is obviously a very simplified explanastion as to why humans "survived" before sunscreen
obviously humans do not and never needed sunscreen to survive, but the goal should not be mere survival until the age of reproduction, the goal is live and thrive
as humans started getting more advanced they started using protection against the scorching sun mostly in the form of certain oils mixed with some minerals
ancient greeks and egyptians used natural sunscreen and a bunch of other civilizations did too
in your childhood yes when your body is still developing and you need a ton of vitamin D to reach your potential
but if you're light skinned you need very little sunlight to be healthy, if you refuse to moonmax then at least make sure to only intentionally exposure yourself to the sun with as little clothing as possible so you can get plenty of vitamin D while avoiding too much localised exposure

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