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where does this skinny faggot have such punching power?
Because he's skinny. Low mass = more speed. More speed = More power.

Undersized power punchers are the norm, not the exception. Foreman and Ali were the same size.
wtf I thought Foreman was a chonker
so how do you explain guys like nghanu or mike tyson who are very massive and hit hard?
Sorry to break it to you but power transfer in striking is mostly about timing and explosiveness rather than raw one rep max strength.
He's a retard and doesn't know what he is talking about. It's just that some fighters are more technically gifted and more explosive than others. Although size will scale how hard you hit, you are mostly better off perfecting technique over gaining weight.

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how do i avoid getting shanked when i come to nsw?
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by who? I thought your abbos were too busy getting drunk, the pajeets too dyel, and the whites lost to emus
idk just be a normal person? i've never been to nsw, i'm from vic
Avoid Arabs, Africans, Islanders, Western Sydney, and you'll be fine.
why are non whites like this
Cause they're evil, jealous, and immoral. Jesse Lee Peterson on YouTube explains it well.

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>Wake up
>Eat cup of oatmeal and yoghurt for breakfast: roughly 500 calories
>Workout HARD for 90 minutes + walk to gym and back (45 minute walk with gym bag)
>Eat big protein bar and protein shake, 400 calories
>Later in evening, eggs, vegetables and rice for dinner, 600 calories

That's 1500 calories, on a day where I'm lifting hard and walking for 90 minutes
I'm going insane, /fit/
>Am 5'9 and 75kg, btw
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Oats are extremely fattening, retard
>He fell for the oats meme
Because you're eating carbs retard. If you want to lose fat and gain muscle, up your protein and cut out the peasant feed. until you've done this for 2 weeks don't post here about this again.

No rice. No bread. No oatmeal. No cereal. Etc, etc.
This desu. Anyone who sings the praises of oats is an unserious person who just wants to feel good about prioritizing their tasty treat over peak performance and vitality
You are already victim height AND weight
I could repeatedly pick you up and throw you at a wall until your organs turned into mush and there would be literally NOTHING you could do about it.

What more is there to lose for you?
he's chubby and so are you, even if you've got more muscle. Plenty of fat to lose.

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Saturday night edition

Welcome, one and all, to the #1 thread on /fit/.
>local gyms
>cost of training
>a bit of banter
All such topics are welcome here.
Come and ask your questions, get honest advice from friendly anons! We're always happy to help.
Post your gains, get mires from the boys.
/afg/ is always ready with encouragement and advice. And remember:
>We're all gonna make it, brah
Prev: >>74283109
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you ever watch spanian's into the hood videos? the darwin and alice springs ones were kind of funny

>yeah these laws are fucking racist, eh? they're not treating cooris like human beings, man
>yeah bruv so dis guy we saw him chop off his wife's head, shit was fucked up, eh?

a common thing in the videos is they talk about how great it is that their previously white area was enriched with all races and how ethnic tension, violence and crime make it especially hood.

a suspicious thing is they don't mention africans very often.
i suspect spanian must prune out a lot of scenes talking about sudos and machetes.
Cheap plates that fit on an olympic barbell. NOW.
from what i have seen you're not fucking likely to find a special deal or do well on the second-hand market so just whatever is the cheapest you find after five minutes on google.
Google Metzizah B’peh

How do you fix this?

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last one got nuked early so here's a new one

previous: >>74279498
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You guys do realise that you can be fat AND healthy right?
That's great to hear, blue hair colored woman.
I'm going to be healthy and not fat though. :)
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please tell me the guy is wearing a bomb suit

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Mighty Ducks edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Big Bellies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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Yeah I do write down what I eat for the most part but I could do better in that regard to keep myself more accountable.

>But for me, whenever I feel like having a little snack, I think about how its only 3pm and I only have 500 cal budget remaining for dinner and how I'm going to be fucking starving when I go to sleep and then I just resist.

I know that feel and I fuckin hate it because I'm tryin to go about my day without thinkin about food all the time, and havin thoughts like that only makes it worse cause I hype fixate on oh mah gawd i'm so hungry we need to eat or we're gonna starve, even though I know it's bullshit.

You're right, I lost like 40 pounds but then gained 20 back later and the way I pulled through is by eating proper, dont know why it's so much harder now mentally, but it really is as simple as that.
Fatty Contest
Man, shit, I was at 100.1 kg two days ago. Still going downwards so that's good. Spent half the day doing a lot of intense stuff around the house so that's some burned for sure.
Gonna be drinking a lot tonight with friends so that's not as optimal. will be dancing my ass off however.
if you end up feeling hungry regularly on a moderate deficit with no budget left, your nutrition is bad.
That's because you're hungry. Easy fix is, stop eating.
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Grabbin a bowl of ice soup touched up with some hot sauce 0 calories

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Holy shit this stuff is poison. I've abstained from bread for years but had to go back to eating it due to being a poorfag this week and holy shit I feel like a gluggy retard in the head.
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shut the fuck up fatty
Carb addict cope detected. If you want the truth about grains read We want to live by aajonus vonderplanitz or look him up on youtube.
Carb addict projection. Sad!
Jewish posts
> unvaxxed cattle
Basically doesn’t exist unless you raise your own

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imagine the smell edition
previous: >>74271626
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This is definitely one of the ugliest women I’ve seen posted here. This is exactly why I’m not interested in any fat bitches tits. Her nipples are literally gray. Nothing about that gets my dick hard. How is she so fat but so floppy and deflated?
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Redpill me on this.
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1.5 years in here
No side effects. hairloss stopped but no regrowth
you should never take fin unless you are a vain dude who rather have his dick fall off instead of his hair, i unfortunately am just that so i have been taking it for about 9 months now, started when i was in my bathroom and noticed i could see my scalp easily when running my hand through my hair

just recently noticed my hair looks thicker, no side effects or at least no noticeable ones
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Since this reduces DHT does it slow aging in general?
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NW2 at 31 how fucked am I bros?

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can i get to 10k in 3 months?
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that's great news but what progression should i aim for
google c25k
click the link from nhs.uk
read, do what it says
see you in /roon/ in 5 weeks fatso
to add if you can roon 5k how to roon 10k comes naturally so i suggest you stop worring about things you wouldnt know if you havent tried

Actually you shouldn't be running at all if you're super fat, it will be very bad for your knees and ankles. Swim or cycle instead. Then run once you're at a healthy weight
im not super fat and the nearest swimming pool is like 20km away

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Is this true?
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That's what every manlet sounds like. It's another sign of bad male genetics if the height and busted face isn't enough for females to tell. Nature is truly beautiful.
did mike advocate for the vaxx?
At the end of the day it's just about lifting heavy things. Results will depend on genetics and drugs of choice.
these faggots sit around at look at shirtless men all day wondering what "mode" they are but can't even recognize a cheap photoshop
Lmao right is achievable natty

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>Have to cut cardio run short because of joint pain

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whats best exercise for rear delts?
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Why? I could guess that they have a similar problem as dumbbell lateral raises where the resistance is lowest in the position where the muscles are stretched.
shut the fuck up faggot
Do this, but also with cables.
SIDE delts aren't REAR delts, retard.

>If you do pulling exercises properly you literally need no rear delt isolations.

spoken like someone with weak, flabby shoulders.
Where is the loading potential? If you can’t increase resistance it’s a waste

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>Try 3 plate on the bench after a couple heavy weeks
>Try 3 plates after a deload week
>Get it easily

How are deload weeks so powerful and why have I not known about them till now?
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>>I'll say though, only people with big lifts need deloads
Depends on the periodization of your program I think
I remember hitting a plateau as a total dyel on the bench because I would always attempt to do the heaviest 5x5 I could handle every session
> attempt to do the heaviest 5x5 I could handle every session
Not a deload issue, but a basic programming issue. Deloads concern recovery from long-term accumulations of stress. What you're describing is a short-term inability to recover from stress.
the time i tried, i had to push it up over the end of the safety bar which required scapula coming loose a bit to push arms up, and its so heavy i couldnt get scapula tightened to me liking again
maybe im overthinking how tight scapula have to be not sure
I've never heard of someone being weak in the derack
You might need to fiddle with the heights of the rack or something
>Not a deload issue, but a basic programming issue.
True, but I think a deload week here and there would offset the total retardation of the "program"

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