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How THE FUCK are morning fags able to work out so early? I need lunch+dinner to even consider lifting. Do you just power through while going dizzy? Aren't you starving right after?
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most gyms are absolutely slammed after people start getting off after work, morning is better if you want to seamlessly do all your lifts you planned for the day. wake up pussy
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There is a good chance you have sleep apnea or UARS, hypertension or something else... if you can barely function the first 1-2 hours after waking.

The cure to this isn't to "go see a doctor", its to FORCE the doctor to do his job and get you sleep studies and blood samples and whole lot of sheebang.
You could even buy fucking nasal strips and antihistamines(such as Zyrtec) to see if it helps.
I am not saying you should be awakened pumped, but it shouldn't be a sharp groggy incline.
This wakes me up thirsty in the night, disrupting my sleep (it takes me time to fall asleep).
Even if I manage to do that, it takes a lot of effort and money to go carb free. The smallest emergency (where keto food is not available to me because I'm on an airport or a trip or whatever) will throw me off and ruin everything.
kek you're gonna be pre-diabetic soon.
You should be the least hungry in the morning.

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Why isnt there any literature review here? there is constantly new studies coming out about fitness topics and yet i rarely see anyone discuss any literature. arent any of you guys educated enough to summarize articles? i know that the science based approach is less popular because it takes more effort and the replication crisis and all that, but i think discussing these topics centered around an article or some sort of research would benefit the community here. no one here reads...
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Even worse. China keeps releasing bullshit studies.
But but but they have the most citations!
>check the paper
>it's Ching citing Chong citing Wang citing Ping
>let us delve into the meticulous world of nutrition science, however, it's important to note that....
I bet China wishes they had the influence to ruin worldwide nutrition like the Americans have done. Literally all of the following has been because of Americans promoting basedbean oil:

>eggs are bad
>meat is bad
>butter and all dairy is bad, margarine is good
>salt is bad
>saturated fat is bad
>sugar is bad

All of this to distract from what's been added to food that's made everyone fat and sick

China probably wishes they had to the power to ruin the health of billions of people but they might also wonder whether it was worth the sacrifice, going to bed at night knowing you've made the world a worse place for the entire global population.
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What is there to discuss?
Anything nutrition related is off limits because this board is bombarded with idiots pushing for their diet religion

so if nutrition is off the table in this discussion what's left is exercise science

what do you want to see being discussed?
zoomers dont read anything thats not a screenshot or a poooost less than 2 paragraphs

>Play the video game at a casual rate (Natty) over 14 days.

- valid entertainment experience with greater meditative thought on fitness with more self preservation instincts. A Sisyphean rage against the dying of the light.


>learn the societally taboo eccentricity of hacking your bodies hormone chemistry with PED’s. Live the Greek tragedy with the body of a damned demigod.

- you will die a short and dramatic life with the highest highs with the lowest lows.

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>be me
>lift,run and train martial arts
>6'3'' 190 lbs
>decide to buy something different tonight before I head home
>in restaurant line
>almost my turn
>negro asks me if I cant let him go first
>doesnt wait for my answer
>cuts infront of me and tries to order
>I cut back infront of him and cut him off so I can order
>confronts me on it like I was in the wrong in the first place
>tell him we're not doing this
>tells me I'm not taking him seriously
>as he talks I keep one hand in my pocket
>decide to order what I'm ordering anyway hoping he'll stop since I've ignored him

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A middle aged black woman started fondling my balls on public transport and playing with my foreskin,she was slim,had nice tits,round bum,was so frightened and confused I just let it happen,she followed me off the bus and blew me in a nearby forest,it felt really good but I still can't believe how it just happened,all I remember saying to her was yes after she asked if this is my stop,then she started following me,I thought this could escalate into some sort of robbery situation so best not relax,then she invited me to the bushes,I made sure to scope out the area at first and possible ambush spots for criminals,wasn't gonna chance fucking her though,I fingered her before she blew me and that was that. Fuck what a day.
the adrenaline must've felt crazy
fuck off back to plebbit
Saddest thread on /fit/ right now.
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WTF happened to this guy ?
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White boys really are just petty.
Probably mad that every girl they encounter has slept with a non white.
Tyler1 lookin ahh nigga
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Many such cases
that's because Americans are retarded. 'right vs left' isn't even a real thing but Americans are just programmed to think like that. Normal people don't subscribe to a 'side' and need to validate their opinions
He's satirizing what stoners say tardmogus

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should i get surgery for my inverted sternum?
the recovery time might mess with the gains
where do your organs go with such a big hole?
Nice body bro, stick a gem in it or some sort of orb.

there is some body mod guy wishing he had that.
im not sure and thats part of the reason i want the surgery
there is no way it is not pressing on my heart and or lungs which impacts my physical health
I looked after a patient who had the surgery, they actually put like the equivalent of a metal bar, or fake rib in your chest if you will, that can later be removed.

You’ll be sore as expected & take time to recover but doing it young is a huge plus as you’ll recover faster & being healthy doesn’t hurt either.

Just don’t try to rush back into training, be honest with your surgeon & follow his orders, a lot of people screws themselves over & end up taking longer to recover by not following medical advice.

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>slow down your gains
Heh, nothing personel kid

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how do i avoid getting shanked when i come to nsw?
fuck up cunt
by who? I thought your abbos were too busy getting drunk, the pajeets too dyel, and the whites lost to emus
idk just be a normal person? i've never been to nsw, i'm from vic


500+ videos of lifting a 20kg bar
Goes on forever, kek
mogs you
He unironically looks better than Ivan
he mogs me

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>never work out
>drink heavily
>barely sleep
>eat whatever they want
>still look good

How do young women do it?
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Damn, imagine raping these whores, that's so hot.
the only real answer if frauding. Like, seriously people here get offended by other people getting some mild roids or mewing, while most girls start augmenting their faces at 18. Its considered normal so they dont even notice or care. You are probably miles behind an average 21 yo roastie in terms of sum of enhancing procedures and resources spent. And women hold approximately 80% of those, compared to measly 20% for men.
Natural weight distribution made by nature to be appealing to men in order to continue the existence of the speces

Post deadlifts.

This guy watches multiple vtubers at the same time for hours every single day. If you're not watching vtubers you're not training hard enough in the gym. Lia's schizo ranting and zoomer energy is the perfect preworkout. Pippa screaming about glowies is excellent fuel during a training session. The cortisol recovery effects of FuwaMoco's Rock and Rawr Party every Saturday is essential for muscle growth. Following along with Haachama cooking teaches healthy and anabolic eating habits. Practicing your wotagei with Mint is great cardio between weight training sessions. If you want to be strong you have to watch vtubers and do deadlifts.
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Don't forget THE GREAT ALCHEMICAL PURPLE SMOKE milk for protein.
fuarrkkk. pleasure to see another deadlift X vtuber enthusiast. It's truly the only way to live. Donate to my favorite japanese streamers, rip a 1RM in the living room, that's life baby. God, I'm so alone. I would do anything for an IRL waifu. Fuck it. Deadlifts it is. Cheers brother.
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Found this in a book. Canvas belive my deadlift form has been so wrong all these years
>barely 2x bodyweight
>no lockout
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How do you make your baked potatoes? What do you put on them?
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This anon is 100% correct. I don't actually know what he's talking about, but carbs are BAD! My youtubers and tiktokers told me so!
Contrarian, just use bacon bits like normal people.
Found the fatty.
I don't, I just boil them whole they end up less grainy and dry. Need less condiments. But usually just salt, pepper, butter if I'm low on fat.
Am I the only one that use the airfryer for baking the potato?

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Anything this program is missing? I'm adding in curls & tricep extension and face pulls & lateral raise/cables. I'm a beginner so I'm seeing great progress on this so far, just want to make sure I'm not missing anything
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you need more lat work, you're gonna look hunched over
That's great that you say that, the rows amd chins I already do higher rep sets. I want more volume for my rear delts and back so I'll take your advice on supersetting as well
Two sessions of 3x5 weighted chinups per week is completely fine, and the rows are basically an accessory for that.
Super setting the upper body accessories can help avoid fatiguing yourself to much for pressing later through the week. Doing 2 exercises with a short rest for 3 sets and let the accumulated fatigue limit subsequent sets, as opposed to 6 full sets with a 2 mins rest in between. Also something else i liked to do for squats, press and bench, was afterwards take a plate off and do all out drop sets to near failure, aiming for 10-15 reps, just for a pump. After a deload on deadlifts, I might do my set of 5 and then go up 5kg-10kg at a time for singles or doubles 4 or 5 sets, or do the set of 5 after doing that. Can try for a 1RM and then do you set etc.
Not enough volume. GZCLP is better imo

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Basically I'm just not gonna squat

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not squatting is all!!!!

Train once every 4 to 7 days.
Stop overtraining.
This is why you're still DYEL.
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Do your exercises, Lenny
as a long time lifter I'm stalling just as hard on a low volume as on a high volume routine, but the low volume one takes less time and my joints ache less, so why should I bother with doing more?
>do 5 sets with 10 reps
>when a little pain pop up he'll throw away the iron to make loud noises
>thinks he's cool, makes no gains
Sheesh i hate casual lifters
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>actual real life data says otherwise
it doesn't though
look at how the greatest natural bodybuilders trained and you will see they train very differently
some did bro splits, others upper lower or PPL or full body
some of them very high volume, others very low volume
some trained to failure, others very far from failure

so what does the real life data actually tell us?
well it tells us that volume isn't the driver of hypertrophy because if it was then 100% of bodybuilders would do very high volume
>if anything, it suggests that going to total failure is even a worse idea for advanced subjects
no such thing as "total failure"
there is only failure
and suggesting training to failure is worse for advanced subjects begs the following question
why do high volume then if recovery is suddenly a problem?

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you need higher motor unit recruitment and lower the fatigue you experience from your training
and you probably also have to reduce the degree of atrophy you experience between sessions

the only way to break plateaus as a trained lifter is to reduce fatigue while increasing muscle activation in order to access muscle fibers that have yet to be maxed out in size

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