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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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insanely real, rispect, if you've reached that level of realism, go the extra mile and get inspired by this type of dough >>982326 to improve it even further
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Guess we're all doing donuts now
This is by far the most natural looking one in this thread, congrats
not at all anon, are you blind? there are far better ones itt
Ok, I scrolled through the thread and I admit there are better ones, but most have this "uncanny fakeness" about them

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>I have purposely taught them wrong
>as a joke
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imagine the smell
why does blenderguru always look like he hasn't showered for 2 weeks?
guru has gotta be busy perfecting his donuts, I mean he's up to his shoulders in work
heard a lot of shit about this guy
because he's a nazi

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Previous thread: >>973562
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Oh nice, thanks anon
Light your scene like a movie, I guess. There's a difference between realistic lighting and film lighting. Typically it's done with a 3 light set up. You have the main light that hits the parts you want to show off. Then a counter light that hits the opposite side. And then some low level indirect lighting to give the space atmosphere. A lot of the time when you see a light in the scene, it's actually just a low-lit visual to trick the viewer into thinking the room has a light source. While the real light is positioned somewhere else entirely.

Also, for blender, you want to go into the "world" menu, then "Surface", then change the color to black.
The reason for this, is that by default it's set to gray. And that gray is going to act as a sort of worldwide light. Always adding itself to your shadows, making your shadows look shallow and dull. So by setting it to black, you get those deep pure shadows required to actually control the lighting of your scene.
i figured it out but the solution was so embarassingly simple I'm afraid to admit it even on an anonymous imageboard. thank you for your help regardless.
Can you even paint in Mixer? Last I checked Mixer was closer to Substance B2M than Painter. Like they weren't even remotely the same thing.

Not a chance. I don't even think they're going to do those anytime soon, if at all.
imported a model from maya to blender via obj, and it has this weird metallic sheen to it. what do?

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Missing features and lacks artistic improvement to match with Unreal and Unity
All marketing PR talk, no real experience in using Blender. Knows nothing about the real reason.
>Open source
Open source projects doing dumb things like glTF animation implementation, dead software, not documenting important stuff, heavy relaying on Blender instead of other 3D software
>Unity and Unreal
They have a monopoly in 3D games, not a single open source can export to console. Open source projects limits artists like you and me with dumb ideas like TIFF format. Heavy restrictions to Windows only. Dumb downloads for developers like Microsoft Visual Studio. None of that matters with Unity or Unreal.

Never trust YouTubers
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No, the camera is not the player, the camera is the camera. It’s like saying you’re an alien in a alien spaceship filled with aliens. No, you are still a dumb human without alien special powers.
Brackeys in parricular will fuck you up in the long term if you follow his tutorials. He is designed to gatekeep indiedev by culling newcomers
i swear anyone who unironically advocates for godot is a retard
the main purpose of a game engine is to provide a render engine, physics, audio systems and being able to easily port to different systems
godot is like retarded in all of that so all you really get is a shitty editor and at this point you might just grab an off the shelf render engine and start from the ground up
You're kind of a fucking idiot thinking people dont know Godot is still lacking a lot of tools. His whole video was about going to Godot because it is free and open source like Blender and won't get Jewed like Unity that he was using for the past years. Him taking on Godot and getting people into it is planting seeds in hopes of Godot improving in the future.

You're ignoring a lot of context to make yourself mad.
Its rendering, physics (with Jolt) and audio are fine for my requirements.
If a project needs high-end graphics, Unreal is way better. Otherwise, Godot seems perfectly adequate.
It's saved me a ton of time, and has many useful features that an off the shelf render engine wouldn't provide, like file compression/decompression, support for various file formats, networking, graphics tablet support, and surely a lot of other stuff I don't even know about

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I am now much stronger, and now have mastered AI as well as 3D and 2D.
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I just wish none of present and future hobby would involve po
Completely agr
this is actually kinda good and SO
Cris is getting b
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made a drawing for my VN.

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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no way those shitty daz vns sell that much
same as the dating market; a dozen rips all the profits.
>$250 for 30 images is a lot
lol i'm not a dazfag but you guys need to raise your rates
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>>>how can you charge that without feeling like a piece of shit
>>> you guys need to raise your rates
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Here's your new character bro

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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That's completely ama
and what has frame driver to do with basic maths again?
Either way it's not common knowledge, although this is indeed emntioned in the donut video.
that's what Indians are for
is that Ember Twin from Outer Wilds?
my insides after mexican food

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I’m new to sculpting. What tips should I know to help me better understand and visualize the things I want to make?
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Thank you. I also want to ask you
Ive been trying to closely look at the shadows on the reference because I’m thinking that’s how I can fully grasp the shape of the face and the cheeks, but is this the right way to do this
shadows help inform you but problem is how different light cast different shadows depending on how direct or how diffuse/soft it is so it's difficult to judge geometry with any consistency that way. When I model or sculpt to capture the likeness of someone I like to use video reference and scrub thru and pause at various angles. Working around the face tweaking it from many different angles more rapidly brings out a good overall representation of the head.

Also be wary of what sort of lens is used, 'talking head' type shots of people are often shot with 85mm lenses as those tend to correspond to a flattering natural
sort of perspective distortion representing what that persons face would look like in person at conversational distance from your eye.
When I work on heads my default goto therefore is to view the head in a FOV of 24 degrees as this is representative of a 85mm lens (23.913 deg).
While working on the full body I typically switch to 35mm or FOV ~55.
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Is it a good idea to use that trick often?
Or is it bad long term to use it?
I had to leave early so I used that to adjust the mouth and other things that were off to match the likeness.
to clarify I mean the last 10 minutes I used that method to move/grab things in the right places

Use it as often as you like, over time you'll become better and better to spot inaccuracies without having to employ tricks like that,
it's just another tool to have in your arsenal to take accurate measurements while blinding your brain to what it wants those measures to be.

When you're sculpting a face for a long time, esp when you start to get skilled but yet don't have years and years of experience you can
easily slip into a mind state where you are making a face that is turning out better than anything you made til that point and you end up
giving it these sorta good looking features that you therefore grow unwilling to do heavy edits to.

Doing things like this help your brain snap out of it and see that something that looks sorta good still can be very off
compared to what it's supposed to be if you are trying to match a specific look in a reference.

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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OP here, i think i am done with the retopo. Got the whole mesh down to 75k faces. Tomorrow i will start to retexture the mesh. If i am lucky i can finally start rigging the day after tomorrow.
>these types of "remakes" do legitimate harm to the original property's legacy.
calm down, buddy lol. op's a literal who and this project is unlikely to have any impact, let alone sully the great legacy of your favourite japanese comic.

lol just shut up, nigger. you will never work on anything remotely as good as arcane.
>You're in a community of makers get your points for what you're actually doing not for what you pretend you'll be doing.

All i can do is post some progress and describe more or less what are my next steps. In some days i make good progress, in other days i gave to takeb3 steps back. I don't know which part about this is pretentious.

>If you're to declare something spectacular have the credibility to back it up.

>If you're to declare something spectacular have the credibility to back it up.

On that i agree with you. But i think we can also agree that all i can do is carry on, if i want to prove that i am serious.

Look, i have no problem being ridiculed, but let it be at least with substance. It's not like don't offer attack surfaces.
You can ridicule me for not knowing about the vertical FOV in Maya or that i just yesterday learned how to use the morph brush in ZBrush.
At least, give me something with educational value.
No, i am gay for you anon
The two are not mutually exclusive.

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "You know you guys can make this thread yourselves, right?" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>980444

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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Is this morbid obesity cellulitis fetishism?
Are 2 chicken legs fused together?
>I still don't understand what are you trying to achieve?

FEM and vellum simulation of characters I design doing animations I keyframe, not cop-outs in blender. No compromises. Right now, I am working on the stomach and limbs
you don't need to go to all this work to get a nut anon, just visit >>>/fit/fph
it doesn't feel like work, going through the steps lets me do it for any character faster later

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spend days looking for the reason the rig kept getting fucked and deformed, went trough all bones and realized for some reason blender put 50% strength of all the mesh on both breast bones........ removed them and now it works as intended with automatic weights

but now when i try to move the character the mesh doesnt move at all even with the right weights on, help?
Maybe the lock/rot is locked?

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>"don't use blender EVER. never ever EVER use blender PLEASE use literally ANYTHING else or you will NEVER make good art, EVER"
>search "#b3d" on twitter
>significantly large community that creates portfolio-tier content with the most visually and technologically impressive 3d bullshit i've ever seen
is this a bit or something, or
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Oh come on that’s a fuck ton of lies, Maya has working Python and working software. Your point of Blender’s freedom doesn’t apply because of the software cheating to create a phantom version of the files. Blender can’t create anything without additional plugins and can’t maintain the level of detail without bugs. Not even the most experienced Blender users can understand bone structure, the dumbest developers decided to never care about such things. It won’t matter how great the project will work in Blender because it doesn’t in real world applications.
>Blender can't create anything without additional plugins
This sentence means nothing, its just blank ignorant statement towards a software you dont like/are afraid to learn to use. Provide an example or gtfo
>Bone structure
The way blender handles bones is admittedly stupid because its stubbornly keeps to itself while other even non autodesk software maintain the joint hierarchy structure which autodesk set. 4.2 seems to be headed in the bone hierarchy direction and imo they're easing the users into the more accepted hierarchy structure

This also does not refute my point of letting the modelers use what they want.

Regarding plugins- if youve ever been in a professional environment, you probably realized that most will have custom tools and even modified versions of maya to suit their specific needs. The good thing about blender being open source is that professional programmers could essentially tailor make a complete custom version of the software tailor made for the needs of your pipeline. You cant so this with autodesk products, or you can but its highly limited by the propriety locks.
Yes, this problem >>982233

And this one >>981764

Big problem here: >>981381

Last one: >>970017

You’re never getting any fixes for these problems and the blender developers don’t care. Also, you people are trying to make it into CAD capability but failed to even mention how to import and export DAW files or similar software. Blender is not worth anything.
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It should be illegal for companies to only sell subscriptions for their programs.
That's how you end up with abandonware

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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No, you are the only person who is the best
This is the best one
This is the second best one
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Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:
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quite verbatim what i said is what i meant
if you dont know then dont worry
we will never know
I dont need to, was born Gunt'd already.
she cute

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