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is cascadeur good or should I just learn normal animation?
Cascadeur is a good example of AI helping the artist instead of trying to replace him, it'll help you with secondary motion, decent center of gravity and other annoying grunt work, but it will absolutely not help you with good timing, good keyframing and good posing.
why are the pros not touching it then?
pros don't want too much efficiency. why would you accept a thing which will make you less powerful?
i used it in production. it works fine, kinda janky. very quick and easy to get keyframes done, but lacks a lot of fine control. i just needed quick animations done over a short period of time and it worked. actual animators would probably hate this program

it's not for pro animators, it's for generalists and
people who don't animate
Cascadeur just fucking sucks.
on what are you guys animating?
which one
i9 12900k + 128gb ram
because the pros have established tools, pipelines and competency with autodesk software. Cascadeur has a some neat features, but it's too much trouble to swap over
Not important.
The only thing pros know is the autodesk pipeline and when that is no longer the standard, they'll flip their shit.
stop trying to force that meme by spamming that word in every thread on the board.
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>imagine frying your brain memorizing "the industry standard" in your 20s and figuring out now you can't do the same thing with something new
Your failure is never learning how to learn things. So now you will lash out at anyone even mentioning that things might change. Pathetic. Go cry to the jannies like you did last time, they'll protect their little baby anon.
>Your failure is never learning how to learn things.
what if learning things isn't even real? does it really seem possible to learn something? i think if you really thought about it, we aren't learning anything, because learning things is like an illusion.
you aren't taking me seriously, fuck off tranny
I am retard, you being too retarded and obtuse to understand it is not my problem.
yea bro let me just casually access my memories to influence my future decisions. learners are extremely low IQ. theres obviously a better theory for whats going on.
If you do not understand the difference between learning and memorizing information, then kys.
interesting discussion guys now lets refocus back on topic

Cascadeur is bad because the handles system is poorly communicated visually and the chain system on non-humanoids is not only bad, but incredibly confusing. It is a good first step in artist assistance, but it would be better with a Software bridge for a majority of posing.
Their documentation and tutorials are also pretty terrible. It's like the company is not even trying at this point to build a user base. Their reddit is dead, too.
Animation Unbaking in
. This feature turns a baked animation (where each frame is a keyframe) into a set of keyframes and interpolations of various types. This allows you to clean up the #mocap and make it editable. Coming soon!

early march they said
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Can it do twerking?
Pros already have their hand and eyes honed doing stuff like this without external tools.
next release will be fire, early-mid march
qrd? What features are you anticipating?
>is cascadeur good or should I just learn normal animation?
If you are a 3d artist who just wants to animate his models or make passable animations for his game then go for it, I was able to make okayish stuff with 0 experience in just a few hours, making rigs was pretty easy too
If you are serious about animation I don't recommend it
>I was able to make okayish stuff with 0 experience in just a few hours
...you're not Cris, right?
Rent free
Yes, ever since I saw his Cascadeur 'animations' I've felt a sense of trepidation about trying the program
pros have muscle memory and billion custom scripts in maya and motionbuilder, don't and won't use anything else
They would spend more time fighting this software than it helping them.
kill yourself
New update with some improvements to AutoPhysics
Anyone used the mocap feature much? Im finding it works really well for the upper body, but leg tracking is kind of iffy, and a lot of the time it will keep the hips nearly locked in place, even if the video has me doing the chad stride across the whole frame.
Apparently I got a free 2 year indie license for having registered last year, but finally decided to try it out. Right now using blender/unity, but curious what the work flow will be since cascadeur does movement, but I use uv textures for blinks/mouths. Animate general motion and then animate the face afterward?
Make it do a cartwheel (human body edition) otherwise it's completely useless because if it can't do that then it can't do anything.
I got the free 2 year indie license.
Your license becomes permanent for that version after a year, right?
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>They force shitty subscription with the new update
>No thanks, older versions are good enough for me
>When I try to download the older version it automatically redirects to newest version
wtf is this? please tell me this is some kind of faulty behaviour I'm getting on my end and it is actually possible to download older versions without forced subscription
Okay must've been faulty behavior I got for a short while, now links work properly. Still sucks that they are starting force subscription down your throat
Is Cascadeur AI even?
I thought it's a bunch of IK + physics simulation + black magic under the hood.

It's essentially the same thing Euphoria was back in the Xbox 360 days:

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