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File: LeDonutOfBlender1.png (3.09 MB, 1920x1080)
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What should i do next anons ?
Modeling and geometric nodes were the most interesting part.
how fast can you do it
>make a donut
>dont do anything for the next 4 months
anything except what I did
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Do the anvil.
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How did you make those curve parts in the bottom?
It depends on where you live
>first world
Then get a job and stop being a child
Then keep going and get enslaved by outsorcing studios
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so idk if it's a meme or not cuz i see like 5 donut threads here, it's my first time on this board....i picked up Blender a few days ago and went worked through the donut tutorial with Blenderguru and this is my first render. It's actually very satisfying to be able to do this alone from scratch now, there are still a few things i forget to do but overall i am pleased. Thoughts on my first good looking donuts?
blender guru & blender donuts are a meme on /3/ because most newfags fall for wasting their time on them instead of actually learning
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i feel like i learned a lot so far...here's my first animation, pretty happy with it
Depends on what you want to do as a 3D modeler. IMO the donut tutorial is designed to give you a baseline familiarity with every basic feature of Blender, from modeling to sculpting to lighting to texturing to animation. With that as a baseline, you've hopefully learned how to navigate the software and gotten an idea of what you're good at, what you struggle with, and what you like to do. From there, think about what you want to make and see about trying to make it, be it a character, scenery, animation, etc.

Pretty good looking donuts. The background elements and wall give the impression of a larger room too.

It's not that people don't learn anything it's more that they just keep chasing tutorials or workflows or tips instead of actually practicing. The nice thing about the donut tutorial is that it's an extremely competent guide for someone who's never done 3d modeling before. They can familiarize themselves with the system (Complete with an entire debugging support network in the discord) while achieving a concrete goal. Is it going to make you a master 3d modeler? Of course not, it's the fucking tutorial level, you have to actually play the rest of the game yourself.
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>support network in the discord
c'mon, "sis"
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Nah, that anvil is too hard. I have decide to make Plane.

How can a get rid of this vertices mess after applying boolean modifier ?
This reminds me of my first models. DOn;t worry anon you'll get there.
>How can a get rid of this vertices mess after applying boolean modifier ?
You don't. Look up blender poly modeling.
Want some advice you're gonna hate?
Learn how to do that topology with subsurface modifiers instead of just having a cylinder with 100 segments. Booleans can still be used to help cutting things into the mesh, but at a lower polycount.
That way you'll only have like 1/10th the polygons and it will actually be manageable.
I only say you'll hate it because it'll be a bit of a pain with the learning curve, and cutting holes into curved surfaces tends to be a steep part of that curve. But in the long run you'll appreciate it.
I want to put my pee pee on those doughnuts
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I love this.
checked & cringe
Anvil teaches you even less than the doughnut
Big oof, my friend, big oof.
>Learn how to do that topology with subsurface modifiers instead of just having a cylinder with 100 segments
why? the end result is the same
>why? the end result is the same

>That way you'll only have like 1/10th the polygons and it will actually be manageable.
This is the reason I come to /donut/

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