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Any love for 26RegionSFM's videos?
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Whoops, dropped the webm.
yo, thats sara jean underwood...
Don't let this thread die.
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So when we say "monster cocks" are we talking about monstrous cocks, or cocks attached to monsters?

I get off so hard to this set. This artist works magic with this character.
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both is good
What's wrong with that?
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me on the left
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Very based
is that mercy?
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That's the best Peach.
Holding it like that is pretty hot
it's hotter when I hold it.
hooded ones attached to some chub are some of the best - even if not strictly a monster dick. bastard stuff is a solid midway point.
Being single would never be lonely.
if only
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My biggest secret is that two different girls in my life both had their worlds rocked by the same ugly fat guy with a gigantic cock and now it's almost all I can cum to.
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Uh, some context would be nice.
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What kind of context do you want?
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>What kind of context do you want?
Who are the girls? Who is the guy? Why do you know he's packing? How do you know he fucked them? How do you know they liked it? Why do you primarily cum to the thought of him fucking the girls?
You know, context.
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In english, Doc.
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seconding this
Women marrying monsters is hot.
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>Women marrying monsters' cocks is hot.
Small correction
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as long as I get to watch
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That's all you get to do
Worth a bump
can't decide if I like left or right more
It seems futa took over being that there's not many image contributions to threads like this.
Right for me personally, not a fan of horns.
good choice, nobody likes getting stabbed in the heat of the moment
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>6 out of 49 pics in the thread has futas
>It seems futa took over
Really anon?
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He can't help it, he's like an eagle. He sees thick juicy futa cock and just locks in.
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Can't blame the man really.
futa time
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If you're still around, GIRL 1 was harassed, flashed, and peeped on between the ages of about 15 and 19 by her stepfather. It went completely unchecked by her mother. She said he had a small dick at first out of hatred for him, but some time later she complained about another anecdote where her wonderful mother bragged about his size in front of her. I asked her which was the truth and she regretfully admitted that he was not only big, but had a giant dick. Some years later she was drinking, I brought it up hoping I'd get details to jack off to later, and she admitted she'd been blowing him and they'd started having sex toward the end of it in a way that was mostly consensual, a little transactional since she would blow him for rides and date money. Her mother never knew that part. She admitted that she enjoyed the sex despite her hatred of him and she had never seen a bigger dick, even in porn. I developed a sexual fixation on this and needed to know for the sake of my nut if she was telling the truth or not, so I waited for a private conversation with her mother and steered it into a sex talk. I got her to brag about the size of his dick, which she showed me was almost as long as the screen I'm currently using to write this post. Her and her husband are terrible people, it's a really fucked up situation, but everything about the scenario is the hottest thing I've ever heard of. Their dynamics, the taboo, her slut mom, the freakshow dick vs the pretty teen girl, all of it. Buckets.
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Thanks for the delayed answer anon.
>which she showed me was almost as long as the screen I'm currently using to write this post
Well, that's a slightly inconclusive unit of measurement since I don't know what screen you're using. Any other standard object you could've compared it to? Like a bottle of Coke or something?
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You really should keep going with this, man.
How big is the guy ? Is it a fat and ugly bastard situation ? What about the second girl ? Context, man.
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His wife calls him a sasquatch. Very tall, fat, ugly face, and I have never met a single mutual acquaintance in the many years I've known him that didn't openly hate his guts. It couldn't be any more perfect that girls talk about his cock like a big fish legend. It's such a cosmic joke. I did the math back when I first found out and came to the conclusion that his dick was literally one in several million by any measure. If I didn't have two witness testimonies, I wouldn't believe it.

I assumed she was being dramatic when she told me about his size, but her mother was more vivid in a way that confirmed what her daughter wasn't misleading me. He's at least 10 inches and her mom's fingers don't close around it.
>GIRL 1 was harassed, flashed, and peeped on between the ages of about 15 and 19 by her stepfather
Smut writer here. I used to think that a monstrously hung man trying and failing to keep the size of his cock a secret from his daughter/stepdaughter was a hot concept.
But a man purposefully flaunting his monster cock to his daughter/stepdaughter is way hotter.
>Slut mom and teen daughter both in thrall to a monster cock attached to an asshole of a man
>It couldn't be any more perfect that girls talk about his cock like a big fish legend.
Imagining a girl bragging to her friend's about how big her asshole stepdad's cock is makes me want to write a story centered around that.
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>It's such a cosmic joke
I'm sorry anon, but this sounds too much like a plot of some Jap NTR doujin to be real. But then again, it's not like you get anything from lying about it on 4chin (except for having a weird larping fetish), so I'm inclined to believe you.
One thing also bugs me tho, which is tangentially related to your story: how come there's no actual (non-photoshopped) photographic evidence of a dick larger than 10 inches?
You'd think at least one dude who's packing that much heat would get into porn or at least post a vid online with his dong hanging out. But no, everyone that hung is somehow really secretive about it.

Anyways, feel free to share any more details about that freakshow, if for nothing else, then so this anon >>8120466 could say his story was loosely inspired by real people and events.
Writer here. I actually kinda fucking hate it when people try to claim that their smut stories actually happened or were based on real events. Tends to happen most on Literotica, which is why I avoid that site.
Smut's greatest strength is that its not tied to biological reality or to truth. If I'm reading a story about a guy with a foot-long cock, seeing a line at the top about how its a "true story" immediately ruins it for me. People on 4chan tend to shit on larpers, but I don't. They, more than anybody on this site or another, give me inspiration for my stories.
I've been obsessed with this scenario for years and my quest to properly contextualize it for myself has made me an armchair autist on dick size. My conclusion is that I wouldn't expect there to be much, if any evidence of 10 inch penises. 8 inches alone is one in a thousand. 9 inches is one in many thousands. There are still guys walking around the country with 9 inch dicks, but of those virtually none are interested in being a porn star or science experiment. Almost all who want that spotlight turn out to be liars, even though we know these dicks exist. Extend that out to the one in several million who hypothetically have 10 inch dicks. To get any evidence of something that private, you'd need to find one of those guys AND he'd have to be one of the very few who'd have any interest in proving it officially once they're faced with the IRL opportunity to out themselves as a freakshow. You might be jealous of them, but there are a bunch of reasons to not want to be "that guy." Even if they wanted the attention anonymously and knew how to get it (I doubt the shithead boomer I'm talking about wouldn't, for example), they'd be doubted and scrutinized and dismissed. It seems unreasonable to think no one has a 10 inch penis. We have men who are 7 feet tall and women with tits so big they impede movement, they just don't have to undress for you to see it. People saying there can't be natural, functional penises one inch larger than the dicks we already know are out there seem motivated more by cynicism about human egos than reason. If it seems weird to you that there aren't a bunch of photos of 10 inch penises next to rulers out there, you aren't grasping the numbers involved.
All that being said, now understand how fucking hot it is for an actual fat bastard to be waving an impossible cock at his stepdaughter for years until she gives in and lets him fuck her. Picture her mom lighting up and bragging to you while she mimes out how big his cock is.
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>Imagining a girl bragging to her friend's about how big her asshole stepdad's cock is makes me want to write a story centered around that.
Do it. The best part is the fact that he's an irredeemable asshole and there is zero love, barely even any civility between them, but she's still reluctantly fascinated by his huge stud cock.
Are you asking for actual monster dicks or just very big human dicks?
One might say that enough of a dick makes a man into a monster.
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I forget, are werewolves too close to being a furry or are they alongside minotaurs as a proper 'monster'.
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The latter I believe.
My personal penis enlargement goal <3
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Demonic cocks matter
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I think the distinction is whether the tone/focus has to do with the males just being anthros with human personalities or them as straight up monsters fucking preying on a human girl. You can usually tell on sight.
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Disappointing. I'd expect her to be packing atleast 24"
more? Sauce?
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>more? Sauce?
Search for "Shameless" - it's a 6 page comic made by IRN aka Iranon. You can find it on rule34xxx or other similar sites.
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Well, Alcina is canonically 290cm (9'6") tall so a two footer would still look kinda small on her.
For research purposes, I've been reading modern romance books, all of which are aimed at women, with the books having varying degrees of lewdness. I'm getting tired of the same old tropes I keep seeing.
>Le brooding bad boy who is tall, cocky, muscular, and tattooed, turns out to packing a cock so big, it shocks the heroine with its size (He's probably also a hockey player)
Makes me yearn to see a story where it turns out that he has a small dick, and that the unassuming guy she overlooked earlier in the novel is actually the one packing a monster cock.
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>I'm getting tired of the same old tropes I keep seeing
Well, women know what they like.
>Makes me yearn to see a story where it turns out
Why would woman fantasize about being with a regular Joe Shmoe (but with a monster cock) when they could be with a rich and tall bad boy (but also with a monster cock) who's not going to cheat on them?
distinct lack of male dragon + humanoid female in this thread
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Favorite monster cock animator?
For me it's 26region.
Are there any limits you have when viewing monster porn?
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What do you mean by "limits"?
Are there certain kinds of monsters that you wouldn't jack it to? Personally, the less the monsters look lie real world animals the better. Also I won't watch monster porn where the monster is just a mindless animal.
Hm. Here I am posting a woman getting fucked by a turtle dragon yet acting like I have standards.
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Nope, no limits there at all. I can equally enjoy both sentient or non-sentient and freakish or animal-like monsters. The only real preference I have is that the bigger (and freakier) the dick, the better.
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Alright, carry on.
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>the dick as almost as big as the average phone screen
Huh, I thought most guys were that big? I am about that size
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See >>8120403 for clarification: he's at least 10 inches and thick enough that the woman's fingers don't close around it
Ah. I'm not 10 long, but my long ass bony fingers barely wrap around so I imagine a girl's hand wouldn't either.
If only I could find one to test lmfao. Guess my perspective is kinda skewered due to porn and not ever having anyone else see my dick.
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No sound though
Didn't look like your ass is gonna get any mercy from her
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Well /aco/ does not allow sound webms, so there's not much we can do there.
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pretty sure that goes for most boards other than /gif/
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That looks very uncomfortable to deal with.
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It's a struggle for sure
Ur mom's a struggle
Came here to ask this
Seems kind of worth it now...
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only huge alpha cocks are worthy of breeding
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Y-yours too...

Being harassed by horny women trying to get into your pants while you're just trying to sit down and relax doesn't sound fun anon
Sit down on her dick until you can see the bulge in your stomach
For research purposes, could you also share that book list?
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Sorry for the delay. Here is a list of romance novels I've found that are decently lewd and feature monster cocks. You can pirate all of these from Anna's Archive.
>Dirty Billionaire -- Meghan March -- 2015
>Locked Box -- Eve Dangerfield, -- 2021
>The Duchess and the Orc -- Finley Fenn -- 2021
>Your dad will do -- Robert, Katee -- 2020
You can also find more by going to r/RomanceBooks. It's a subreddit full of lonely and pathetic middle-aged women.
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>You will never get to play with Ahsoka 's massive knockers or cum directly into her stomach via deep throat
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her having massive knockers isn't canon anyway
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It's out:
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Horsecock best cock
>You can also find more by going to r/RomanceBooks. It's a subreddit full of lonely and pathetic middle-aged women.
don't be so hard on yourself
Based horsecock enjoyer. Glad we agree
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Here's some more
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worth a bump
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why does her cock look funny?
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Whaddya mean? It's supposed to be a horsecock.
It just hit me that Serana is running around with a Chaos Undivided brooch....
What about girl nr.2
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>girl nr.2
Pretty sure it's girl nr.1's mother.
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Is there more to this one?
NTA, but I found the full comic.
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Thank you
Fuck you
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I can fit a 17" inside me, i wish i could do 24"long x 4"wide.
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Please reconsider continuing that, you're going to permanently damage your sphincter and colon.
Some things are best left in fantasyland
you're not a doctor, go away
Stfu coward
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Moar Lady D
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lady d can really get it
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>tfw no crazy Azula gf that needs to electrocute her monster cock just to get off
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superior futa cock!
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Exactly! Nothing else like it.
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stroking to it feels amazing
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Here's more of that
Sweet thx
>thread starts explicitly as monster cocks and human females.
>devolves into just big futas.
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Which is something you could've corrected by simply posting that kind of content instead of complaining.
I want it to fill my bug hole, if you know what I mean
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How does posting on-topic images stop retarded futafags from posting off-topic images? Do you think that the two things can not possibly happen at the same time, that posting on-topic images creates a magical barrier that prevents homosexuals from posting?
This board is 90%+ trolls posting futa all day everyday. Why can't the mods create their own futa board for them to play on all by themselves?
Now do a recount...
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Futas are not explicitly off-topic, since OP hasn't clarified what he means by 'monster dick', a la >>8124383
And I don't think you'd disagree with the fact that 99% of futa pics posted here feature well-above-average-sized dicks

Good for you I'm autistic enough to oblige: the current count is 46 out of 168 total, a good part of which was posted in the last week and a half.
Same tho
Can you get the developers of this site to create a board just for you gender dysphoria shit posters?
lol fucking noob
Gender is assigned at birth.
Gender can be observed before birth and is genetically determined by your xx or xy chromosomes

That said, once you're an adult you can do whatever you want to mutilate your body if you pay for it
Just stop demanding it for free from our tax dollars
First part is wrong. There's always been only two biological genders in our species; male & female. Gen Z isn't changing that.

The second part is correct.
How's it not from xx and xy you muppet
Go away, futa maniac.
What are you on about, I don't support trans retardation
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>not liking futa
Thats gay
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You couldn't be more wrong
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Ada is a lucky bitch
love the tramp stamp
What tramp stamp, why you looking at her lower back like a fag
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I agree :)
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I know
You don't
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But I do.
You can't be that gay
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That's where you're wrong kiddo.
What happened to you, which parent abused you
Ur mum
She's dead son
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