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Discuss and post golden girl and related characters.

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Golden Girl requests pastebin
The old one is ded. make a new one

Note: AI art goes in the Stable diffusion thread. You want us to see your stuff. Post there and link here

Previous Thread: >>7961979
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They look comfy lol.
optional audio https://files.catbox.moe/ilyd0f.mp4
Adult muscle woman
She's taking the Panda Express
If AIanon is around I'd like to request the lora you made of Audrey/Golden girl to be re-trained for sdxl please, well a new one trained of course. Please.
her tits don't look right here
Yeah it was an early animation, they look fake. They should be more squished to the ground by gravity.
Cool pic, she looks very heroic on this one.
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Same I was hoping audrey to be coming to ponyXL
I like her adult version.
I like this picture, but the nipples should be bigger. Huge tits need huge nipples.
Yes, same here.
this is neat, any chance for a version with a topless panda?
Terrible, is that you?
Nope, But I am a fan of his/her work, he/she draws good giant natural tits on Audrey.
Be really cool to see someone do this comic Van couldn't finish.
ok but I'm just gonna upload it to litterbox, its frustrating trying to convert and dowsize to 4chans webm limit

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Dat grip strength...
I wonder what the other arms doing.
Wow she's such a hoe.
I don't think anyone making porn fanart should have to stick to the canon characterization, but I think Golden Girl is a bit more fun when you stick to her pure-hearted characterization even amidst lewdness.
Anyone who's new and uninformed of her will probably think she's a porn character probably because there's way too much nsfw art of her to begin with. I know cause I found her first on Rule34 a few years ago but I Read more about her and found out she's still a virgin canonically. It's best she stays that way and is committed to being a single superheroin otherwise people will a assume her love interests is a self insert. Personally I don't care as long as it's a good well put story if they do a love story.
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>Audrey interacts with the world through her tits.
>If it feels good between her tits, she fucks it.
>What a simple and beautiful worldview.
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Finally some art that does things with her tits! Thanks for this!
how is it irony?
audrey is a great excuse to draw stacked underage wholesome teen
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Its hotter to think Audrey is 14
Pretending anyone here gives a shit about the character beyond what maximizes their jerk off sessions and then immediately getting proven wrong repeatedly.
Happy Easter
Same and nice Audrey.
indeed, been a while since I did anything for these threads. Did it more for practice but hope getting at least a little more art is welcome here
It's nice. Glad to see you're still doing stuff She's really cute in that one.
Someone posted the old Mary Jane pic in the /coc/ so I'm posting these dumb sketches here
GG is a good actor because in the script she has cotton balls in her mouth to prevent them from effecting her. Great artwork too.
You know a tree villain would be cool for GG.
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Dude with the glasses
Who that?
Mara Juana? Am I reading that right?
Doug Walker
>the spellcheck on my sketch program malfunctioned
>its a parody drug within the comic book universe
pick whichever you prefer
The Xyloids from the A-Z comic already exist.
Well, damn.
Oh yeah right I forgot but aren't they just creatures? Not an actual supervillain.
>boobie floatie
These are awesome and funny. I really like the style.
Gotta make myself a messy pen too.
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Very cute
Kinda like that the artist gave her a bit of a butt for once
Lactating Audrey is best Audrey

Has there been any cow or farmed theme villains we can pair her up with? I know that there was the one ecowarrior one that was using her to end the dairy industry in a lactation lockup
GG looks really sweet, don't care she burned her pie.
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It (+ a cooleyette piece) is from this week's /coc/ drawpile.
Audrey making it on there became a pretty regular occurrence ever since bugcord decided to host them with the rest of the thread.
She's got orange hair in this one.
I am ok with this.
Yeah as long as it's not black hair or blonde it's cool.
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Those 4 images (on the pixiv) went from interesting (the earlier comic) to horrific. Nightmare on Audrey Street.
and we wouldn't have it any other way
To me they're weird not horrifying art is subjective.
why not both?
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That's cool.
He re did it but it's a small difference on the coc.
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Why'd you shrink it?
why not?
Should do a time skip with just GGu looking out and she's reminiscing.
That's fucking gorgeous. Who made this masterpiece?
Thank you kindly
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You can tell it ai by the small building under them is off but it's still a cool picture.
He openly admits he used it for the background: >>>/co/143050046
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>THREE Golden Girl threads up
Two on /co/, one here. How does she do it bros?
Giant breasts
I found one on /co/, obviously this one here, where's the third?
I'm guessing they are counting the weekly co creation thread
So it's actually two and a half threads(sorta).
Two threads
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Here's a cute one.
Post links.
By attracting shitposters that use this thread as evidence that she's something to be ashamed of.
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Audrey needs more friends superfriends. Was wondering if Eiko would hang out with Audrey as a Japanese friend from Imperial Japan. Displaying a more lady like nobility as opposed to Audrey as a klutz
Hmm, she should just be her own character at this point. Maybe just nsfw art with GG.
That reminds me imagine if each nation/culture has their own Audrey
So what's IG considered chopped liver?
Fuck off with this crossover shit.
I have no idea who this is

But I'm will to accept the idea that this is what the standard japanese woman looks like
It's one of Franktonius' OCs. Not related to GG at all but like Panda and any other big tit characters some autists are gonna try and force her to be related since who gives a fuck.
She's hot, maybe a GG and her can switch outfits only here on the aco.
Pretty good Ai.
Now that's cute, almost looks animated.
Who's the artist?
Artist never stated sorry.
I hope this guy does his own comic one day for the GG scripts.
If this character were to be used, or if a character similar to the idea were to be made, then certain changes would have to be made

Example: She has breasts, but not as near as Audrey. However, she felt something is off with Audrey. As if she can tell its not her real form. Considering people can't see Audrey as big breasts, & only noticed Eiko having big breasts, but Eiko herself feels something about Audrey is not what it seems. Except for Iris who knows fully

Imperial Japan would like likely be a state were Japan either won, or in a standstill with the US, after the Nazi's defeat. & the war ended in a peace treaty with the Allies, while Japan kept its control over the territories it conquered. But it began a cooperation & reconciliation deal with Imperial Japan & the West. Hence Audrey starting to befriend a noble Japanese girl, who is also a ninja
Nope but he should.
Its gotta be one where she's showing a lot of skin or something.
The yeti comic would be perfect.
How bout GG as a Kunoichi?
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now someone draw her tits bukaked by orcs/ninjas
Hey not bad.
She's pretty skinny but no complain on the boob size.
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brother I don't know what kind of phone you got that automatically converts a perfectly fine PNG into a JPG with smaller dimensions and adds artifacts but you gotta stop man.
Then stop being lazy and collect the pics over at the coc yourself then. Your welcome to remove the pic of you want.
Wow, you really are a nigger. Original filesize is (574 KB, 3161x2598) and your crunched crap is (60 KB, 1024x842), Next time just link to the image instead of giving us crunched shit.
I'll admit yeah a got a shitty old phone that's why I hardly post like other anons and wasn't thinking about liking it at the time but that pic was made nearly 2 weeks ago. I'm surprised how you lazy shits never noticed to post it here yourselves lol. It's no wonder coc hates y'all.
I'm curious as I've had issues with 4chan in the past on my phone. What happens if you open the image in it's own tab and then save it from that tab? Does the phone still compress it?
Listen, I apologize for the way I took the comment at the heat of the moment. I'm recently new at 4chan still since January and I'm a big GG fan. I tried it yeah and it seems to have worked but I'm not risking it. Again my bad.
Love Meryl (MG) and Princess Daisy rip strength
Also I'm the same guy who posted this PNG pic. >>8116048
I don't know why the pic post went to JPG on >>8133097
I just do what I thought was normal. Idk, or maybe it's my old phone. All I was doing was bumping the thread with new GG pics.
No worries. I doubt it's your phone and probably just the way browsers act when on 4chan on phones. Have had my phone dl a shrunken image if I didn't open it in a new tab.
Appreciate the understanding. I'll try that new tactic but for now I'm just going to take a break. Btw Saburox had an extra but her hand was under her boobs.
Cool will go try and find it. You can always drop a link to the thread/image if needed.
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Guy's fucking dead or something
He comes and goes but not dead.
He participated in some of the /coc/ drawpiles recently.
Twice I think.
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What is she wearing at the far right? I can't read the dialogue well either.
I didn't save the pic, but apparently this is an actual sweater.
So what's her favorite position?
That sucks.
What do you mean sir?
I wonder what she plans to do there revealing herself.
I think I have an idea...
you think she'll use her cleavage? It'll be the happiest way to get arrested or die.
Glad he's been on a roll lately.
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I considered drawing out more of the "Mary Jane" character. is that something people would be interested in seeing? If so, suggestions on that (Colors, etc.)?
definitely something to be thankful for
Hmm, maybe yellow skin and green hair would look good. Like an evil female Captain Planet that likes drugs.
Absolutely agree.
sounds too goblinlike
She is a GG villain after all. We got a supposed mummy zombie and a yeti that's a sumo wrestler. Not really strange but I do picture her with either yellow with green green hair or just green completely.
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Pretty much a good description.
>a yeti that's a sumo wrestler.
we never finished his comic
Are you going to do the actual Mary Jane comic? I like it so far.
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Beat me to the punch, literally.
gotta work on your straight then
Nice cleavage.
we need more karate GG
Samurai GG?
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Has she worn her yet?
Inspired by a Drawthread, I'm making a goon villain that Golden Girl can interact with: Soda Jerk.
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kek, do Saburo and HF often try to beat the other?
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its a recoloring of an old goodbadartist commission https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/goodbadartist/golden-girl-pinup
Oh sweet, thanks mate.
It's not competition, it's collaboration. Something this thread knows nothing about.
you keep telling yourself that
now i wanna see her breasts titfucked and her pussy stretched by a deathclaw
There practically good artist friends. They they teamed up making the IG comic.
You guys can't even agree on which thread to use.
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>giant tits in sweaters
Almost nostalgic. I gotta draw some too.
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Wow more like this
There's two threads right now or something?
One thread, this one, was up
Board got spammed, killed this thread
New thread got made
For some bizarre reason they revived threads that were killed I guess and now there are two
go for it, any new art is welcome here
Requesting Audrey as a female sumo wrestler I guess wrestling the abominable sumo wrestler.
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Senator Armstrong?
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Thunk she'd be friends with Panda?
GG would chase her around and try to arrest her. SQ would knock clown daddy out.
How many versions did he make? I didn't realize there's so many.
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13, we got
>Normal Audrey
>Pregnant Audrey
>Normal Golden Girl
>Pregnant Golden Girl
>Audrey in her Bra & Panties
>Pregnant Audrey in her Bra & Panties
>Audrey in JUST her Panties
>Audrey in a Vault Suit
>Pregnant Audrey in a Vault Suit
>Audrey in a Vault Theme Underwear
>Pregnant Audrey in Vault Theme Underwear
Damn that's a lot of cute prego Audreys.
Where did you get all these?
Comission this years ago. i colored them and recolor them last month
wow, actual good posts?
My favorite
Fun fact starfish have their mouth in the underside center. They're eating her alive.
Nope there actually drinking here milk. And due to them being so big it's practically an endless supply.
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I need to figure out how to make a GG gif later.
Who is the artist of these and the one in the old thread? BTW that robot one is a good parody/homage to the fleischer superman.
dont know.
i found this and the image i posted in rule34 (DOT) xxx
and i found this on on the /co/llection
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That's cool but GG doesn't get that strong till she's GGu. I do believe she's strong enough to kick off a robot's head.
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>I do believe she's strong enough to kick off a robot's head.
that's how you know she's wife material
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I've been working on a 3d model
Will there be jiggle physics? Just asking, looks good.
Sweet. what you going to do after you are done?
>Yes, I plan to add that
gonna do some renders and probably upload it somewhere for people to use.
>for people to use.
For what though? Can't wait till I get finished.
Prom night?
She could be at a random dance party.
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Dude T Pose Dat Bitch!
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Should have been an Audrey version for both.
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Thanks for the sweet stuff!
I requested them hugging.
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Really wish I put my head in both cleavages.
Is Sugomi still doing stuff with GG?
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Please make more Violet x GG art.
The artist did good here but small here>>8217893.
It's not bad but needs all little more work.
i feel like doing some gg, so if yo have requests.
both sfw and nsfw.
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From last week's /coc/ thread.

How about Cowgirl Audrey? I mean as a rancher.
Or overalls and a big hat to keep the sun off.
Audrey bellyfloping in a pool, makes a big slash getting Iris wet while reading a book on a beach chair.
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Shame she wasn't in a two piece like SQ.
Audrey and Iris with icecream
Audrey having 2 big scoops while Iris's is a small one, possibly melted. Iris fuming
Interesting how you can tell this one was trained more on Gewd-boi and Hagfish than Saburo.
That is fantastic. Thank you.
What do I have to do to get this to work? All I know is that a Lora is an archive of trained data I think, I listened to my nerd friend explain it when he was showing off AI on his computer
There all nice but a bit too small chested.
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I think /csdg/ could help you with that >>8253122
Kinda weird the uploader prompt her with big breasts instead of huge
Fuck off with that AI Bullshit!
This looks great. The hands came out really well and a good amount of freckles.
Its autismmix pony with that linked LoRA
>big breasts instead of huge
Actually looks a lot better thanks.
Perfect size for her.
I like the added detail that GG is actually bigger than Panda
Audrey and Katya watching a flick together, Katya complaining about the "Amerikan Propaganda", while Audrey tries to explain that it is just a silly cartoon.
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finished this request from a previous thread.
Nice! I love it. The little mouths are great.
Didn't this general use to have a general name? Why was it removed?
Not really. It always just had Golden Girl in the subject I'm pretty sure.
I thought they were snakes at first lol.
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Seems to work okay. Got it going, thanks. Gigantic breasts works a treat too.
Time to generate like five more good ones, get bored, never touch it again
It's like the 4k version of >>8263158
Cute but the AI made it look like she's got a cold.
are you guys retarded or something?
take that AI shit to one of the many threads you lot make!
Quit being a whiny faggot.
Read the OP. If you are posting AI then do it in the AI threads and crosspost over here.
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Nice seeing my Lora ending up here.

You are right, i will keep that in mind if i ever get to updating the Lora.

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