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Hot elf version
>Bonus for Liadrin
>No futa shit
>No single males
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>>No QoS/blacked shit
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Previous thread
How was Easter, aco?
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Pic unrelated, anon?
Would you make snake babies with Lady Vashj?
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not if she looks as ugly as that I wouldn't
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Why aren't druids of the flame playable?
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I can make better looking stuff with AI
If you're gonna bump at least post a pic
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1) >>>/trash/mmog
2) >>>/vg/wpsg
3) >>>/vg/wowg
4) >>>/aco/warcraft
5) >Literally any WoW-related thread on /v/
99) >>>/vg/wowcg
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somehow this doesn't seem accurate
It seem like Jaina had to open an Onlyfan in order to pay her student debt as a Dalaran magic student
And so is Liadrin!
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Have you guys not taken the AIgen pill yet?
ERPing for hours like a good little healer
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you mean healslut
Fucking BASED
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Wish I could die and be reborn as an orc from the Horde
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I fucking love Lady Liadrin!
is there a thread to find erp friends? i just started playing!
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I wish so too, so far I've had success on /tg/ and /trash/
Did they use a Sasha Grey pic as a ref?
when will Monara robots become real?
He should go back to tracing.
What would dating Lady Liadrin be like?
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>>8134667 Well, she's fictional, so she'd be like whatever you think she'd be. If you wanted to stay in character...

-You'd probably need to be a very long lived race; she once believed that it was right for the elves to be separate from other races, so a race that dies in the equivalent of 'an afternoon' for the formally immortal woman would probably not be her thing.
-You'd need to be able to look after yourself; she's lost loved ones to violence
-Having skill in the Light would probably help
-Hating the Scourge would probably get you brownie points
-She says in one of her irritated lines that she's not 'the touchy feely type', so expect a lot of 'practical' dates and a HECK of a lot of work getting her to lower her guard
-Honestly, if you managed to get the key to her heart, I hope you went into this with the expectation of marriage, because she isn't going to give her devotion without that degree of connection. She ain't a casual fling/FWB type of woman.
Thanks, I know its fiction but its fun to discuss it. I like the idea of a serious hard working wife compared to sluts like Tyrande Whisperwind. Getting to marry and hold her hands as we watch the centuries go by would be so fun.
Good shit
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I wish I could be reborn an Horde orc!
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>Smacking down a Defias Pillager in Season of Discovery after being destroyed by them for so long in Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath while leveling.
>Drag her into the school house and show her the pounding of her lifetime.
Alex is a huge SLUT!!!
PersonalAmi made some art of ye old Dr. Graevling's Monara
Shot so much rope to this goat
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They've both done such amazing work.
going to need more details than that
back when TBC came out I remember seeing a bunch of this OC and just jerked it to them a fuck ton. think there were comics the artist drew and shit too.
always wanted to go alliance but my friends were all horde
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Monara might as well have started the whole Draenei Rule 34 explosion. She's a fucking icon.
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A personal favorite
This is so good!
>wake up
>no naked Liadrin in my bed
Why live?
Right? Life is full of disappointments
>Thinking ugly ass WoW is remotely sexy
It works for me
In honor of Cata classic being the shit show we all predicted it would be
Dump end
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good work
I fucking love Liadrin
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Also liked this artist but she went full dangerhair and only does fag shit now.
I bet she's fun in bed when she lets loose
most girls are so long as they're still living and breathing
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Gobbo tits
I'd love to fill both Alex's holes!
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How do you do, fellow Azorothians
Pretty good thank you!
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How good is wow for ERP? I heard something about the goldshire inn on moonguard being a massive place for it.
I also saw that you can whisper to people if you add them as friends or if they whisper to you first, and that there are RP-related mods and addons that people use.
Yeah but sadly its a dying community. Most are moving to Riot worlds. And you know the decay is serious when even ERP is dying
Riot worlds?
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What is Riot Worlds?
Google just brings up league of legends. I’d love to find a good game to erp in.
Next thread should be Tyrande themed!
>still living and breathing
Read that as Tyranid themed, and was about to laugh at you.
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Is that Lt Eddy?
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there is 0 love for troll girls here
Then lets show them some love!

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