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Thread for art depicting one or more parties eventually consenting or having questionable consent to sex. Things like "fucking into submission", or if context clues, text and/or facial features in the art tell you the receiving party are enjoying it to some degree despite its questionable nature.

No futa, gay allowed but preferably one of them should be femenine, no gross stuff(piss, gore, vore, etc.)
Does instant_loss count?
I'd say yes if the art shows in some way that she's liking it/isn't actually traumatised by it, such as the heart effects for the bottom of the exclamation marks in that pic. Or in this one where the sudden use of her ass is treated like a huffy inconvenience instead of feeling raped. The thread is different from the rape thread where the girls/boys feel actively violated and broken.
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juicy pusy
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alright calm down amir
Does anybody have the one where a women is the new baby sitter and the parents say that their son played too rough with the last one. Their son is this giant manchild. Also bump
Who's the one on the back?
could probably merge since both threads are slow
christ, dont die
last bump, only because the board's getting spammed
you weren't there
I was now
This is pretty good desu
Who are you?
if you know then you know
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all hands on deck, he's spamming again
Some self insert art I drew because I have a massive crush on Spock <3
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Part 2 <3
Not at all
To be clear, the way she asks for it, it's not 'questionable consent'.
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Pretty accurate, or I tried making it so at least.
You are... Well. I wont say weird. We're all weird here. Dedicated surely.
How do you feel about modern Star Trek adaptions?
I've only seen a few episodes of SNW and clips of Disco, but to me it doesn't feel at all like Star Trek. Too much focus on "comedy" and the crew has that twitter-like 'upset teen' attitude towards their superiors. It all feels very unprofessional and... cringe? There was an episode of SNW where Spock drops his pants for comedic effect, and I had to stop watching. He also gets called an idiot straight to his face :( It's as if the writers hates the characters and Star Trek itself.
Smash, especially if you're the same anon who was doing this in the Bing genning thread
>shoulders thrust back
>neck crease
man suspicion rising
Very nice, its so difficult to find femanons
Y u horny on main tho
Wow, that guy cannot draw foreshortening.
Anal full nelson is hot
it's best to be on the receiving end, trust me
I'd request pon farr immediately upon seeing you
hope you're into gay sex
>it's best to be on the receiving end, trust me
What does being on the receiving end feel like?
A hole is a hole
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Someday I'll see this one colorized, I know I will
I hope you post it here when you do!
Cute, but your costume needs work
Take it off so I can see what I would improve
seconding this, really looking forward to the finished product
>bros saying sorry as he delivers a rape
None of the retards here are old enough to remember tits and time-stamp as proof or GTFO.

Also sharpie in pooper.
as if that's even something worth apologizing over
i've seen sharpie in pooper and tits or gtfo deliver literally once each, and they were both in a screencap of the forbidden horse board
i can't believe those degens ended up being some of the most based
I would if I could
me on the left
dead as fuck
nice alive thread you got here
Thanks man
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today I suppose
Good job.
looks great!
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>It's as if the writers hates the characters and Star Trek itself.

They do. It's also why they want to retroactively make Kirk gay, because, well because he was super straight and got it on with all the ladies, so they just want to insult straight males.
Thank you dude!! Been waiting a long time for this, you made my fucking day thank you
I'd be okay with a gay Kirk so long as we also get hot lesbians too.
You're the problem.
Yeah :(
No. I really don't like the spirk shipping stuff. It's a misinterpretation of a cool friendship and also I can't bang Spock if he's gay. Destroys the fun for female viewers who aren't into yaoi shit. It's also disrespectful to Shatner who's clearly uncomfortable with the idea.
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Implying spock can't be bi and rail you while Kirk is in his ass
Didn’t you claim to love eating shit in another thread?
Fuck, even George Takei, who IS gay, came out (no pun intended) to criticize JJ Abrams new trek for portraying Sulu as gay. He said he never played Sulu as a gay guy and didn't appreciate the change. It's just a common symptom of hollywood virtue signaling for nobody but backpats from their other progressive friends, and even some of them are sick of it.
>Takei first learned of Sulu’s recent same-sex leanings last year, when Cho called him to reveal the big news. Takei tried to convince him to make a new character gay instead. “I told him, ‘Be imaginative and create a character who has a history of being gay, rather than Sulu, who had been straight all this time, suddenly being revealed as being closeted.'”

based. This is what people who are sick of the race/gender/sexuality swaps have been saying. Make a new character, don't appropriate an existing one to push your agenda with a popular character.

Whole article here: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/george-takei-reacts-gay-sulu-909154/

I saw Takei at a convention once, and while I didn't get a chance to meet him, he always seemed to be smiling and very appreciative of the fans. And I actually like how he's leaned in to the "gay" stuff in other work he's done in his comedy and stuff. But this shit where antagonistic writers feel the need to appropriate characters for their own agendas has to go. At the very least, we can take solace in that it has resulted in woke bombs almost every single time.
I don't like that idea :( Ew
That was someone else having a bit of fun pretending to be me. If you check the images posted along those messages you'll note that they have a very different, grotesque and homoerotic style. Not my cup of tea exactly haha
This. You said it perfectly and many fans probably feel the same. I personally would go even further, maybe don't even make a new character with those traits. Most people who consume western media live in the west, and are not African homosexuals, transgender etc. Pandering to minorities to the point where one cannot find a show with a "normal" cast is one of the reasons I'm more into older media. I like TOS because although it was progressive at the time, it still has traditional gender dynamics, romance and attractive people. It is nothing like modern TV. It's simply a fun, exciting and beautiful show.
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Sexo to keep the thread on track
I like how you made Spock's blush green
I'm gonna fuck Spock until he's gay before you get to him
NTA but that's impossible. Spock was so super straight he was willing to kill Kirk for some pussy.
That's why turning him will be so enjoyable
*ahem* Vulcans are 2-3 times stronger than humans so he will just crush your skull :3

Or nerve pinch you, because he's nice.

shut the fuck up fag
liking men makes you gay
liking men dressed up as women still makes you gay
you are the fag
You saw them deliver only once each because of the age old rule of 4chan: there are no female posters on 4chan, only gay tranny LARPers.
this was before your time, back when biofems were a thing
you don't need to make up new words for the wokies. "women" "girls" "females" is fine to use, no prefixes required. And for the pretend females, you simply call them "men." There's no reason to change your language just because some idiot radical lefty gets off on you doing it for them.
He will be seduced and unable to resist cumming from anal
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This is generally true but there are some women on the spectrum that have an androgynous enough brain to enjoy male dominated spaces like this. Used to be called tomboys but most are trooning out today and becoming ftm. I almost fell into that trap as a teen but managed to escape. 4chan is nice because it's a lot less censored than social media and people are honest here. No like/dislike system.

Anyways, here's a comparison pic with a bunch of male Star Wars nerds.
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Fuck, I apologise for derailing the thread. Have some more art.
Need to recreate the couch photo with them
>Used to be called tomboys but most are trooning out today

And parents who encourage and celebrate the trooning are just using their kids for social media likes, instead of just letting girls be tomboys. Parents should also be protecting their kids from teachers and others who have brainwashed them into thinking that being one of the letters is special and deserves celebration.
Why do idiots think that celebrating what genitals you like fucking with is something to admire? Fuck off with that shit. Warping child's minds on sex from a young age, you pedo grooming assholes.
Sorry also for derailing, posting pic along with this for content.
Yeah but you're 100% right though

If anyone says you detailed it, they're pedo simps
good threads get a bump
Bad anon
what couch photo?
>Used to be called tomboys but most are trooning out today and becoming ftm.
There's a tomboy retro youtuber who now calls herself a femboy. Delusion has no limits today.
It's a secret.
share with the rest of the class
Source? I feel like sipping some doom today
>newfags don't know the perry piper blacked couch photo
I suppose you're blessed, in a way
fuck me running this place is full of redditors now. tits or gtfo you faggot, otherwise stop posting pictures of your sister
Google couch meme
post some fucking porn jfc
U first, fuckin leech
no. i cast total thread death
I cast necromancy
>Sees woman
>Thinks of man
Many such cases
Don't apologies, just show us your tits like a good girl...
this anon gets it
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does this fit in this thread?
No, fuck off furfag
fuck off newfag
>snoutlike noses
>actual fucking paws
>not furry i swear
yeah ok sure buddy
Did those imperials pin you and show you the glory of the empire?
They used a probe droid
>snoutlike noses
nigga has never seen an anime girl sideways lmao. You saw one of them had rat like feet and you panicked.
wheres the part where he shits in your tranny mouth?
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Steven and Pri are way too hot together
You are beyond retarded.
Disgusting gay slop
Fuck off
Globo homo stfu
that's hot
Don't thank me you fucking fag
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calm the fuck down, jesus
Still better banter than /gif/, I will continue to jerk off here.
I'm not Mexican, don't call me jesus

Just call me big black

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