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In memory of the Deviant Art account of TheHungryLurker (12/25/2021 - 4/18/2024)

Post pictures of blueberry girls. Bonus points for rare finds from artists who are no longer active and/or their personal galleries are no longer around. The longer they've been gone, the higher the multiplier.

Preferably girls only, please.

This thread is specifically for blueberry inflation. Post standard inflation to the thread on /d/. But if someone offers to take recolor requests, posting images for recoloring is fine.

Link to Desu Archive of previous thread:
First broke onto the scene with this picture when someone said they'd pay to se Arezu as a blueberry.

I still have the redraw of a sketch an anon on an old inflation thread made when I needed some help getting her face right, since I'd never drawn manga serious before. Legitimately one of the most touching interactions I'd had on this site.
One anonymous mad lad commissioned all five of these BlazBlueberry pictures, their interest being that they'd never seen any of these girls drawn as blueberries before. Neither had I, so it actually fells like a little bit of an honor to say I was the first (as far as I know).
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You know something weird, is this edited image that I made to get around Deviant Art's policies on sexual content is rated almost a full two points higher than the unedited version.

Fucking confusing.
This was the commissioner's favorite of the five. Even though the displeased pout is a little out of character for sociopathic death goddess Izanami, we both thought it was too precious to not use.
Commission for anonymous. Despite my lackluster attempts at cell shading and not knowing how to properly draw lips, this has become a sentimental favorite of mine, just for how much Milo and Nessa are shown to love each other.
Another commission for another anonymous. I've been wanting to revisit this one for a while, both because I have a really good idea for it, and to make up for how badly I fucked up drawing her face in this one.
My half of a trade with BloopsyBlue, who came up with this idea after I preemptively turned down drawing Chihiro. Another artist named ManPersonGuy was so inspired that he later drew Chihiro in this situation himself.
ArcosianFan1's winning suggestion for the 2023 Christmas Drawing Poll, which Carmine won with more than double the votes of the next runner up, I believe due to someone posting a link to the poll here. I really like the perspective techniques I used to portray Carmine's sheer size, but unfortunately, I screwed up her right eye after coloring until 6 in the morning on Christmas Day, and I still can't draw lips for shit. (They looked better in the line art, I swear.)
Simple flat color commission for OpaqueSheep, but I really liked how her eyes turned out, and a few people were very happy to see Valerie berried like this, for how rare it is to see her like this.

The companion piece with a Haxorus (not sure if I can post it here) was one that one of my watchers had been hoping and waiting to see for over a decade.
are they bleeding?
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No. One of the biggest misconceptions about blueberry inflation is that blueberry juice is blue. It isn't, just like how watermelon juice isn't green. It's actually a dark magenta color, and the fluid is very light absorbent, so it appears almost black if you have enough of it pooled together, as you can see in the linked picture.

Opik Oort is one of the only other artists who's gotten this right.
This is my favorite one… I like the bubbling juices and unsure expression.
Curious if there's a version of this without the jizz, dicks and face makeup. Or at least the dicks, since the rest could probably be edited out. They're all pretty distracting. I seriously doubt it, tho.
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Hope you don't mind, but this (imo) needed a color correction badly.
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Thank you. The commissioner loves blueberries to be just a squirting mess of juice, and this being my first major picture, set a precedent for a lot of my work moving forward.

As for her expression, I was going for a blend of frustration, fear, and arousal, all conflicting with each other yet feeding into one another. The one thing that scares a girl who values her competency and sense of responsibility as much as Arezu even more than the existential terror of being turned into a giant, helpless, naked blueberry is the staggering realization that she really, REALLY likes it, as if turning into a blueberry has awoken her inner submissive. So she tries to fight against everything about her situation, but her powerlessness makes her even more frightened, which makes her even more horny, which makes her even more agitated and afraid, which only turns her on her more, and it all just builds and builds like the juice inside her until the carnal hunger of her new body asserts itself over all else, and her need for release erodes all her will to resist.

Part of Arezu is freaking out, but a girl doesn't channel enough hentai magic to turn the shape of the lights in her eyes into hearts if she isn't absolutely loving everything about what's happening to her.
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No, I don't mind. While a bit excessive, the contrast does help bring out some of the features a little better, and Taokaka's face looks as uniformly black as it's supposed to.

In fact, this actually inspired me to go back and try to darken her face with an 8B pencil (darkest I had when I first made this was a 4B), and to fill out some of the colors a little more.

How did you go about doing this? I'm a bit technologically illiterate, if still working with pencils wasn't enough of an indication.
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This one was a bit weird compared to stuff I normally edit, but since the some of the blue was darker than the black I used a black/white filter, which lets me decide what colors to turn black, gray or white. I turned up everything light except blue and cyan. Then I set that layer to multiply the color pic, which darkened all those black/blue areas. And I also made it a bit transparent, since it made it a bit TOO dark.

That was the main thing, but I also adjusted the colors a bit with a selective color filter and adjusted the dark, middle and light values with a levels filter.

Hopefully that makes some sense, but here's the photoshop file too. Play around with it and see what affects what. That's how I've learnt most stuff with Photoshop.
Going so long between threads does help with retaining regulars
This interesting, not many artists depict berry girls being so taught they basically don't smoosh into each other when stacked like this. Imagining the pressure they must be under to not deform like this is actually has it's own unique hotness.
If they’re actually turned into tennis ball-sized blueberries rather than multi-ton 12-foot sloshy masses, then I guess the lack of body mass can help them just become extra-taught firm little spheres ready to burst…
>there's a very high probability 3dpd's lurk
I hate you.
Wut? I think you posted in the wrong thread.
Not entirely sure what all that means or how that process goes... but thanks for sharing!

I do use a bit of digital assistance for my work, but it tends to be for the most rudimentary of applications, like picking colors, getting measurements down to the pixel, and sometimes stitching two images together, as my scanner was meant only for 11" x 8.5" sheets of paper, but I draw on 12" x 9", so sometimes I have to scan the picture twice and fuse the two together, like with the picture of Chiaki and Ibuki.

Also, I use Gimp, not Photoshop. I don't need that many bells and whistles for my software, since I don't use it for painting, and Gimp has a distinct price advantage of being free.

>some of the blue was darker than the black

What? How?

Speaking of the Danganronpa picture, the more saturated colors of your edit look nice and juicy, but it defeats the purpose of what I was trying to accomplish with the original colors a little. One of the things I LOVE doing for blueberry inflation is making the girls turn a color of blue taken from their default color palette, both as a way of insinuating that getting turned into a blueberry effects each girl differently (gives an excuse to turn all of them into berries, to see what the gum will do to them ;) ), and to make each girl's transformation more personable to her. I did this for the picture of Hilda and all the BlazBlueberry girls except for Litchi, who doesn't have so much as a single pixel of blue on her (so I colored her China Blue, for the memes). For Ibuki, I tried to make her turn the same color as the blue streaks in her hair, and Chiaki being the same color was meant to symbolize their newfound kinship as blueberries together. The slate gray pencil I used isn't a perfect match to Ibuki's hair highlights, but it's meant to help indicate how damn bright the lights on them are, and the glow sticks add more color variety in the original than in the edit

Still, not bad. I've downloaded both edits. Thanks!
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lol wut

What the actual fuck are you going on about? Who was this meant to be in response to? Are you lost? Did you forget to take your meds again?
is this true? can anybody confirm?
It isn't, anon is bullshitting.
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OP should have specified "No men pretending to be women" too.
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Shhh. Don't cry now, the big bad illustration can't hurt you.
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Trying to sound as condescending as a woman isn't going to magically turn you into one.
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I need pics of berry girls clearly getting off/enjoying it. There's too many pictures of them being scared or confused.
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Krita's also open source (free) and it's really similar to photoshop. There's a few things they can each do that the other can't, but Krita can open photoshop files.

Some of the black was graying out and not very saturated, making the value of the really dark blues lower. Either way, black should be the most dominant dark value unless you're working with a limited palette. Otherwise, it tends to make everything a bit bleached. Maybe you could try adding saturated colors to the blacks, like dark blue or purple, if you don't want to adjust it after scanning. It would help the detail come out.
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Thanks for the tip on Krita. I wasn't aware it could open Photoshop files, but that certainly does explain why it' so popular.

For shading, I typically prefer to use a darker shade of a color (like with >>8141741, where I used violet-blue for Arezu's base color, then ultramarine, indigo, and violet for her shadow) before reaching for the black pencil, using that for only the most extreme of shaded areas, like in between Noel's gigantic breasts in >>8141752. Even then, black is usually the last color I layer onto a picture, so the graphite can blend with the colors already there to try and make the shadows look more natural.

As for brightness and color adjustment, I think there's some sort of fucked up issue with my scanner not properly translating colors as they appear in real life into a digital format. For example, Carmine's belly in >>8141815 was meant to have a purple blush to it, like 05 Violet, but my fucking scanner muted the violets and put to much emphasis on the blues and reds. It has a tendency to do that, and it pisses me off, because I don't know if the scanner is just bad, or if I'm supposed to do something to adjust the levels that I just don't know how to do because I'm technologically retarded.

Here's another example. The linked picture is something I made to both practice my colors and the amorphous shape of burbling fluid in preparation for drawing Warden Blueberrezu. The blueberry was meant to have much more violet on her body and her juice a much darker tuscan red, but my scanner muted the violet and saturated the red too much, which often leads people to the egregious misconception of the juice being blood.
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And here's a crude picture I took with my phone of the paper the picture was drawn on next to a scanned version of it.

I've gone as far as to hypothesize that violet is too high of a frequency for my shitty scanner to properly pick up, but I'm also not going to dismiss the possibility that I'm an inept idiot and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

But that's the point of bringing up shit like this, right? So it can be fixed.

So, what am I doing wrong?
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So, has this thread been restored from its arbitrary archive state?
appears so so now theres 2 threads
I like that you can tell her ass is totally exposed. Not like she can even see back these, anyway
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She's got panties on, dude.
I love how sunken in her head is. Poor thing is totally oblivious to everything happening around her
I guess?

So what do we do now? Just post to both threads in case one goes down? Is there going to be a difference between the two, like is the other going to allow pics of male inflation and AI generated images while this one doesn't?

I'm fine with keeping both active, but there should probably be distinct differences between the two in order to justify their existence and incentivize going to both or sticking to one based upon unique content and/or personal preference.
So, did you miss the almost a dozen pictures posted by the OP at the beginning of the thread? :/

Aside from Hungry Lurker, there's SomeoneInflative/Sinflative. Occassionaly dabbles in furry and sometimes male inflation, but horny berries are his entire shtick. I don't think there's a single berry illustration he's made that wasn't of a berry getting their rocks off harder than they have to anything in their life.

Flative's work is heavily inspired by NSFWLK, originally Plasma Snake, who doesn't do male but draws more furry. He's almost single-handedly responsible for popularizing the term "fuck-blimp." Only uploads to that shit hole site Twitter, though.

To a lesser extent, almost all of CutiePopBlue's stuff is "girls loving it" or "girls struggling with the realization/trying not to let on that they love it." She's bi though, so she does occasionally draw dudes.
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Sure would be nice if Frankie Loompah could just stop adding dialogue to his pieces.
I want the inverse of this. I wanna see blueberry girls that are TERRIFIED of the whole situation.
Speaking of Sinflative, has anyone else here seen the first part of his DDLC project? It's a REAL slow burn, but that makes the build-up to and the climax itself all the more potent.

Also a rare gem of blueberry inflation where the story is actually fairly good. It's just as likely to make you go "Aww..." as it is to make you blow a hole through your computer desk.

Voice acting is pretty good all the way through,. Coffe Cake Demon does a lot of the heavy lifting, and though their parts are smaller, Admiral Trina as Monika and and Erichi Bunny as Sayori are well cast, but Goth Berry steals the show as tsundere Natsuki, especially at the end; she REALLY sells the "so fucking stimulated she can barely form coherent thoughts" angle.

Definitely check it out if you've got a spare 75 minutes.
You know, every time I think to myself "Maybe Franky Loompah isn't THAT bad," all I have do to disabuse myself of that foolish notion is look through his Twitter.

It's not just the cringe dialogue that's almost as one-dimensionally sex obsessed as Vivziepop, it's that probably at least half of all his pictures are that stupid fucking selfie format, where the girl's profile picture is always just a lazy-ass copy/past of her in the picture. It gives off the feeling that the most he's ever interacted with women is by lurking the social media accounts of cam whores and Twitch thots, and he's come to think this is how women naturally act.

And holy fuck, that's before you even get into his odious politics. Supporter of socialist, black supremacist, Democrat Party terrorist group, BLM, troon ally, PRONOUNS IN HIS FUCKING BIO, and in a sardonically funny way, when he's not virtue signaling the latest nu commie craze, all his tweets about his personal life boil down to: "But I'm so woke! Why am I still so lonely and miserable?! :'("

Franky is one of the most terminally online losers in inflation fetishism.
Honestly it could be any number of issues. What kind of scanner is it? It might have the option to calibrate it, or different scan settings for different media.

In pretty much any field, transferring or matching physical color to digital color is still a major headache, since you're dealing with two different color systems. So it's not necessarily you. I don't suppose you have access to any color chips like pantone or something similar? That would be a pretty big help.
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I have an Epson "Perfection" (false advertising, there) V39. The scan software does allow for some adjustments of the historgrams, and I've managed to find slightly better results by min-maxing the output, but I can't fux a problem when I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, let along what I'm doing wrong other than I know I'm doing wrong.

I do actually make swatches for the colored pencils I have, and I'll frequently use the color picker tool to assist in replicating hues, like for how I made each of the girls in the BlazBlueberry series (except Litchi) have turned a color predominantly featured in their default palette. But even then, the sketch paper I practice on and the colored pencil paper I do most of my posted work on have a different color to them, so that just adds another layer of shit I have to deal with.
mulberry is the juice color. Neat.
Actually, it's closer to Tuscan red, mixed with purple, and the more of it there is pooled, the darker it should be. Linked picture for example.

You can use mulberry, but it's probably best to add some blue or violet.
So I looked up their site:
And looked at the fine tuning in their manual:
Scanning> to Selecting Epson Scan Settings> to Scanning in Professional Mode

And this is what I'd suggest (apologies if you already know any or all of this)
Document type: Not sure since they don't give the options, but I'd experiment since 'reflective' doesn't sound right. You're using regular paper, not a glossy photo. Dunno.
24-bit Color
Resolution: 300 or more, the higher the number, the better the detail, crisper. But also higher res means bigger file, so don't go crazy.
Unsharp: I'd say on for sharper edges of details
Descreening: Off. I don't think there'd be any moire pattern, since you're not scanning a magazine or anything printed, but you could try it too, it might help?
Color enhance: experiment with it!
Auto Exposure: don't use if you plan on touching the histogram, but might be helpful
Histogram: A bit hard to explain, but it's kinda a population count of your values. The left side is the darker values, then the middle values, then the bright/white values on the right. The higher the point of any given spot on the "mountain range" the more of that value in the pic. For a good contrast and range, you wanna slide the left arrow/triangle (dark) to the right until you hit a bump or a spike. You leave the arrow either to the base of a hill or the top of it. Wiggle it back and forth to see how you like it. This will assign how dark the darkest values are.
Then do the same with the right (light) arrow, but move it to the left. This makes whites whiter and brights brighter and you don't even have to use detergent! Adjust as you want. The link is an example of what you might see on the histogram: http://dalibro.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/histogram-II.jpg
1 of ???

The trickier part is the middle arrow (midtones). Look at the picture and the histogram, if the picture is darker than you want, slide the arrow to the left, as it gets to a nice setting, you'll probably be in the middle of the biggest hill/mountain. No biggie if you're not, your eye is the final judge. If the pic is too light, slide the middle arrow to the right until it looks good. If it looks about right, keep it in the middle and maybe tweak it a pinch or so.

Tone correction: This sounds like a pretty helpful setting, but I can't see the controls, so I don't know what to suggest. Sorry, experiment!

Brightness: if you've done the histogram nicely, this shouldn't be necessary, but as always, experiment!

Contrast: Likewise with this.

Saturation: Completely up to you, the more saturated, the stronger the colors are. Desaturating takes colors closer and closer to black & white.

Color Balance: This is very helpful, but kinda tricky. Basically you choose between sets of 2 colors. If overall the pic looks too bluish/cyan, slide towards the red. If overall the pic looks too reddish/pinkish, slide away from magenta to green. Soforth and so on.

Color Palette: This looks very promising, but I don't know the controls. Essentially it sounds like you select a specific color and adjust it all throughout the pic. Oh say... berry blue or juicy purple???

Threshold: Leave this alone, it's for extreme value changes for bad photocopies.

Hopefully that helps, more questions are welcome especially if you can provide more info.
I'm taking this into consideration
Does anyone else ever get off to imagine this happening to real women they actually know?
Consider this; I make no advisements, only suggestions.
Archeological bump
Here is another, related post.
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FreakinWeirdo....that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
... Wow. These are some of the most descriptive responses I've ever gotten in these forums! I'm humbled.

I do have the scanner set to professional mode. Document type is set to "Reflective," but for some reason "Film" is greyed out and I can't select it.

Quick aside, I'm not using "normal" paper. Most of my work is drawn on Strathmore Series 400 Colored Pencil Paper, 9"x12" 100. There is an ever so slight eggshell tint to the paper, but I have noticed that it makes a difference in the hues of scanned colors.

Image Type is set to 24-bit Color

Resolution is set to 300 DPI for completed pictures. All the ones posted here are downsized versions to comply with file size limits.

Unsharp is off. Never tried experimenting with it before.

Descreen is off. Don't know what that does.

Auto Exposure: that might be a problem, not really sure how to adjust it, though.

Tone correction, I keep on linear.

Brightness, contrast, saturation, and color balances, I keep in the middle. The first 3, I find to be acceptable, but it's the color balance that seems to be the issue. I don't tend to mess with it though, since I'm unsure of how to get the results I want, if it is even possible with those sliders.

If I don't feel confident enough to mess with color balance, then I don't even go near the color palette

For the histograms, I think that might be the issue. For your convenience, here's an edited screencap of a scan for the Carmine picture. All values are automatically set upon a preview scan, and presented without manual adjustment. Typically I'll just min/max the output (black arrow, farthest left, white arrow, farthest right) and call it a day, though I've have noticed the issue like in the red channel before, where one color peaks off the chart. I've wondered if that's the color wavelength being so high or potent that the scanner can't transcribe it, like the light equivalent of a noise to loud/pitchy clipping a mic. And if that is the problem, how do I fix it?
Quick response, but I'll come back to this later as well.
The peaked part of the red graph isn't an issue, it just means that the overall percentage of the red in the picture is in that small tone range. Since you've got just the upper right corner for true red, and it's all pretty much the same darkness, you should expect that spike.
Whereas with the blue, you've got a wide range of values, so it's the most 'gentle' of the slopes.
A picture is blown out or clipped when a large peak hugs one side or the other, detail is lost either way, but with the dark side, it can be stretched a bit to lighten up some areas.
One of the OGs to be sure.
now that’s old school!
Certainly a relic from the past if I've ever seen one before.
Holy shit. that one is so old, I don't think I've seen it for almost fifteen years, and >>8193362 is so old that I don't think even I have ever seen it before.

Makes sense though; I looked up dafetishking's DA profile, and he hasn't had a lick of activity since 2011. (Almost as long as when BellyManga last uploaded...)

Speaking of looking up his account, holy fuck, was I not ready for that level of shit-posting autism. What kind of sicko draws fetish art of political figures?

Not that I mind, but be careful about posting FreakinWeirdo; there's some spurg out there with an undeflatable raging hate-boner for the guy, and so much as mentioning FW is tempting fate to summon that autistic anon who refuses to understand, let alone accept that even if FW is just as much of a piece of shit has he says he is, he is never going to get anyone to hate FW as much as he does.
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You haven't been here long have you? The sperg you mentioned was lured out by some other sperg (or troll) who would just not shut up about how GOAT/BASED/GOD-TIER FW was and dragged down nearly every berry thread. Dealing with autism is a fact of life in fetishes, especially unique ones like berry. Best to just ignore artist drama and move on.
-Are reflective and film the only options for document?

-Unsharp on makes edges more distinct. I'm curious how that would apply to colored pencil.

-Descreen get rid of "moire patterns", a weird illusion that happens when patterns make other patterns. It's pretty much only a thing for printed materials.

>I don't feel confident enough to mess with color balance
Why not? You can scan and delete things as many times as you want, and it looks like you can save and delete settings, so there shouldn't be any harm. I'd actually recommend scanning one pic over and over with different settings each time to see what affects what. It's the best way to get a strong understanding of stuff like that.
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Not on 4chan, no. Only for a few years, and I didn't read every comment that was posted in every thread, so I missed the slathering praise part.

Is that really a lure though, or is that one autist reacting with opposite but equal hate to another autist's sycophantic adoration?

I've said before that it seems like at least some social retardation is a requirement to be into blueberry inflation, and I am also indicting myself with that statement.
Yes, Reflective and Film are the only options presented.

Unsharp looks like it just makes the thousands of micro-textures that come with working in real-life mediums more apparent, and worse, makes the fucking white spots (areas not properly filled in where the paper is still visible) more clear and distinct, which is the exact opposite of a desired outcome when working with colored pencils. Every single white spot is a disgusting blemish; the coloring equivalent of a pulsating zit.

I'll experiment with it next time I have a new picture to scan (could be fucking months at the stoned, depressed Slaking rate that I'm going), but I don't think Descreening will resolve my issues. My problem is hues, not texture. That might make the drawing look worse, since it is those minuscule imperfections that can actually help give a real life drawing it's character and beauty, in the same way that human skin isn't just one smooth, uniform texture, and why digital illustrations without proper texturing and women with too much makeup look fake as fuck. (And that's also why AI generated images look like shit.)

I've messed with the Color Balance sliders under Image Adjustment before, but I'm not sure how to achieve the results I'm looking for with them, or even if it is possible to accomplish what I'm trying to do with them. But I've also stated that I'm technologically retarded before.

If one color was mostly occupying a limited range of frequencies, wouldn't there be a visible crest in the histogram instead of it clipping past the view box? Maybe I'm misreading the data, but that to me that there are wavelengths of light in that spectrum which the scanner isn't picking up, which might be why the purples I attempt to scan look more blue than I intend them too; the scanner isn't picking up enough red, because it's peaking.

I found a slider under Configure that adjusts the auto exposure levels, so I'll try messing around with that, see how things work out.
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I'll admit it's an odd system, one that I don't fully understand, but it really is just a concentration of a color/value. The thinner the spike, the flatter that particular color is. The taller it is, the more of that color there is,

Think of it this way, the reason a big spike at the black point or the white point is an issue, is because you wouldn't normally see true white or true black in a regular photo, especially in a large amount. So basically in an overexposed pic, all the subtle ranges of light have been shoved over into that white peak. But if you've got a digital pic like mine, big flat areas of color and value are expected, so nothing's overexposed or blown out, you've just got a uniform picture, and still have spikes. It's more about context than what's on the graph.
Really wish somebody would color some of beltpop's animations. There's so little non-cg berry animation.
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Anyone have blueberry stories where the girl's mind starts altering to that of a 'blueberry'? I can't seem to find them even though I know there were a bunch at one point. One in particular had the girl keep repeating her name plus her championship status in her mind but it changing slightly to like "Name Last Name, Blueberry Champion."
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That story specifically sounds like "A Great Day for the Beauregardes" by XTheHazeX on Deviantart. Even mentions that the gum affects their minds.

I know The Boiler Room on DA does a lot of berry tf that affects the mind, though his stories can get a bit extreme in the tf regard. I prefer girls full of juice over actual plant girls that are basically vegetables.
Someone posted on the brap thread so i checked this out. I'm into it, I like braps and berrys. How fucked am i?
Now at least that system is one I understand (a little, I think). Color behaves differently depending on whether it's medium based or light based because of how we perceive sight. We don't see things, we see light bouncing off things, so the colors of objects that we see in real life are the lights and colors bouncing off that object, while all the colored lights we don't see are the wavelengths of light that object absorbs. That color wheel we all saw in Kindergarten art class where red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors and orange, green, and purple are secondary colors is built on the foundation of this principle.

However, light itself, generated naturally or artificially, isn't wavelengths of light absorbed or bouncing off objects, it's just the wavelength. Pure white light is every single wavelength of light both those that we can and cannot see, so different color lights are truncated wavelengths of visible light. Red, green, and blue are the primary colors in light-based mediums because those are the most rudimentary wavelengths of light that can be broken down, and combining lights is essentially increasing the hertz and total number of waves that bring it closer back to being white light again. That's why, for example, in extant mediums, red and green are opposite colors that combine to make a muddy brown, but in light, they're primary colors that combine to make yellow.

At least, I think that's how it works.

It's the context about how all this technological adaptations and transcribing of art works that I'm missing. Maybe I'm taking to utilitarian or literal an approach to these things, but It's times like these that I feel like I'm missing parts; like I'm improperly wired, and it prevents me from thinking or doing things as efficiently as everyone else can.
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Not gonna lie, kinda fucked, anon, but you're in like-minded company here. It's practically a requirement to be at least a little psychologically off-kilter to be into blueberry inflation, so everyone here is a bit fucked in the head, me included.

Seeing as how you're new to this, what is it about girls turned into giant blueberries that catches your fancy? It's rare to encounter someone who only just discovered they're into this, so my curiosity is exceptionally piqued to capitalize on this uncommon and unique opportunity. And as long as I'm inquiring, asking politely as I can, what is it about flatulence that you find so enticing? I've never understood the appeal, and the only reason I've been able to come up with to explain it is Freudian as fuck.

Just don't post any brap here, please, for the same reason that other anon shouldn't have posted berry in the brap (fortuitous for you as it was).

Though to extend an olive branch, and to say "welcome to the berry brain-rot fields," have this picture by OctoboyDA. (It might interest you to know that there are, [clears throat], alts particular to your interests located in a Dropbox folder linked in this picture on his DA account.)
I like the "omg what's happening" and the turning blue, I also like the helplessness. I watching willy Wonka probably awoke something inside me that laid dorment for awhile until I found this thread.

For braps I like the domination, humiliation, and haven't someone under their mercy.

I won't anon don't worry.

Thank you I'll check it out
be honest. how many of you are 3dpd...
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I know one who's into this actually funny enough but she's more on bbwchan, twitter, and tumblr and less on here so idk if she comes into these threads but sometimes I sent her the good stuff from em
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I wish we saw more of a blend with muscle girls and blueberries. Sure the point is that they get swollen and helpless but I feel like there's potential for a story or something where the gum/juice is used as a bulking supplement and women gain muscle as well as bloating up around the belly, butt, and boobs. There could be blueberry powerlifter girls and blueberry sumo girls.
Here you go
This is the fetish board equivalent of some burn book bitch asking "So what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?" Or some fucking fed that glows harder than a ghoul attending a rave In Chernobyl asking "How many guns do you own?" Tulio's dice in The Road to El Dorado weren't as loaded as that inquiry.

If you're trying to dig up dirt to insult our characters, at least do us all a favor and don't insult our intelligence in the process, too. I've seen game "journalists" attempt to infiltrate Discord groups with more guile than this.
Yeah, pretty much every "so how did you get into this" backstory boils down to "I watched Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a kid and it fucked up my head." I'm no different.

I've hypothesized it's tied to hyper-stimulus, exaggerated response modes of behavioral psychology, which is almost certainly the base of all forms of expansion/inflation fetishism. It could also be tied to good ol' environmental conditioning. I grew up in a religious household and so saw a lot of women getting pregnant at church. I think my young mind that couldn't even comprehend what sex was at the time learned to associate reproduction (and inherently the impulses that lead to it) with women getting bigger and uniformly rounder (for the record, my first two fetishes were BE and pregnancy). I was being subconsciously conditioned by that for years before kid me even saw the movie, so seeing Violet get SO big and SO round just made something, "click."

I've theorized that seeing a girl turn blue is a Pavlovian response, setting anticipation that she's about to start inflating, further heightened by blue being as exotic a skin tone as one can get, and carrying with it very appealing feminine connotations associated with the color. I've also speculated that's why the Asari from Mass Effect got so popular.

I also like the "What's happening to me?" spiel. I think it plays into the appeal of feminine submissiveness and powerlessness, also mild dehumanization and objectification when they become so big and round that they can't even move, becoming completely helpless and dependent upon others. I do believe there is some overlap in the appeal of blueberry inflation and of things like BDSM, particularly in the idea of a woman essentially becoming a prisoner of her own giant, juicy body, a slave being broken by the overwhelming pleasure it brings upon her, at the mercy of those around her, but the only way out is a vigorous juicing... if she even can return to normal...
Domination and humiliation of who; the person passing the gas, or those forced to smell it, or both?

Even then, there are other ways that such things can be imposed without aromatic assault. How exactly does that tie so tightly to getting off to belching and/or the fragrance of feculence? I'm trying to understand, but sorry, I still don't get it. Even though I care worse than nothing for it, I at least understand why some people are into futa better than I understand the fetish for farts.

I do have my own theory, if you'd like to hear it, see how well you think it checks out...

Thanks for being accommodating and considerate. Though it can be funny seeing how easily some of them get triggered, I would prefer people didn't post berries in the brap threads, nor do I condone such actions. Non-aggression principle and all that.

Alts for this one, too. SugarRollArt has a few alts, though obviously not my cup of tea.
^did anyone read all of that?
God damn it Frankie just stop putting dialogue in your art, it's only making it worse
Didn't know we were supposed to.
Idk is it just me that's not really bothered by corny dialogue? As long as the speech bubbles are covering up anything important I just just ignore them if I don't find them that hot.
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>since we did this to gangle.."

How even the fuck?
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I'd clean up the background better, but:
A) I don't care that much
B) Neither do you

I'm guessing that's part of the joke? Isn't he sarcastic most of the time?
well now you do know
>An adventurer was needed to deal with some naughty fae pixie's in Dohn Mheg and Dani was more than willing to get some payback on the cheeky winged prankster's.
>Of course it didn't go to plan as the fae looked to have messed with her blue mage spell book! It seems she's going to be stuck like this for a while as they have their fun with their new blue(berry) mage, at least until the warrior of light and Dani's other half find her, hopefully they don't take too long and before she becomes a permaberry!

I wish Timaeus would draw more blueberry girls if they're going to be bangers like this.
>out of control rolling berry woman
nice. uncommon, but nice.
The Deviant Art purges continue.

NepuOfInflation had all his pictures of Hilda inflated (both balloon and blueberry) deleted, despite the fact that his stuff is so tame it arguably doesn't even qualify to be labeled as mature content.

DA user lucasm22 reuploaded several of the deleted pictures, only to also have them taken down within 24 hours.

So either DA isn't just using AI to steal its user's intellectual property, or there is some inquisitor snitch with a raging hate-boner for blueberry inflation manually reporting all this stuff.

Whatever the case, if art as mild as Nepu's isn't safe, then I figure it's only a matter of time before all the content of Violet Beauregarde, even the aged-up stuff and screen caps starts getting hit. If it doesn't, it's only because they're afraid of the revolts or exoduses to competing platforms.

Makes me wonder if the best move would be to accelerate Deviant Art's decline.
Word of warning though, they do everything; like body horror and other messed up stuff.
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More art of Hilda deleted from NepuOfInflation's DA account by the NKVDeviant Art staff/whatever AI they whore their content policing out to.
why was it deleted?
Probably the scurrilous accusations of "sexualizing minors," even though Nepu's stuff is so tame that any arousal derived from his content is subjective to the viewer.

If they're going to delete stuff like this, to stay morally consistent, seems like they would also have to ban every single picture of Violet Beauregarde, even screen caps of the movies and innocuous fan art, but they're too cowardly to do that. They're probably afraid of backlash, or more likely of the mass exodus of blueberry inflation fetishists to competing platforms when they're already on the cusp of a financial catastrophe if they started deleting pictures of the blueberry inflation fetishist's patron saint.
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There needs to be more cross-pollination between blueberry inflation and bondage, where the ripening girl bursts from her binds by the time she's swollen to much to move. It plays so well into the themes of helplessness and degradation where both fetishes overlap, one leading into the other.

This is a tacit advocacy for more naked berrygirls bursting from there cloths. The clothes stretching around the entire body is just silly and for factory tour autists.

(I will keep this thread alive, damn it.)
Nice new piece by DarKenn Productions, posted to Deviant Art on Wednesday, May 29th, 9:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time.

Let's see how much more time passes before the Deviant Art content moderatorss come to lynch this one, too.
Self professed factory tour autist here, however I'd argue that I think a part of what makes clothes stretching activate my almonds is that I imagine berry inflation to be an inherently comfy process, and generally I imagine being wrapped in soft, tight clothes to be more comfy than being completely naked, and having my body exposed to cold air. Although there's definitely an element of helplessness inherent in unwilling nudity that which I like whenever I'm in more of a cruel mood, another aspect that makes me appreciate clothes stretching is that it retains some elements of humanity, it serves as a contrast which makes the bodily transformation that much more absurd and humiliating.

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