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We live again edition

A thread for farting and burping art of western origin.

Previous thread:

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org (Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org (vintage and rare onara art)
Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:https://discord.gg/XkzsGwk

>No begging for kemonoparty updates or asking for unsolicited requests
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman)
>No furry/anthro (monster girls are allowed)
>No Yokai Watch/single series spamming
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post 6
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And you can't contribute because...
Post 6 images or fuck off with your disgusting tranny fetish.
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>trannies out of nowhere
based mindbroken schizo
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And ill top it off with my more recent commission
Anyway, what happened to the brap royale guy? Is he still alive?
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Did the las thread really die out of inactivity?
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any Amphibia bros here
Yeah, the first time that's ever happened
It wasn't inactivity. I'm pretty sure it was archived by mods because of all the loli stuff posted at once.
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Lolibros, we're leaving....
Threads only archive when they either hit the bump limit or go past page 10 due to inactivity/autosage.
/brap/ was on page 9 for a while yesterday but I thought someone else would necrobump it
I thought this was Gerph for a sec
About time
remember when teen drew a loli shitting on someone's oc and everyone was okay with it

Everyone wasn't actually, he got a lot of shit for it
people have done lesser things and got their accounts suspended lol
why do i remember this but without the watermark...
why are there so many pedophiles in this thread it is disgusting.
The entire board got flooded with threads by one guy
I suggest we counter them through hag posting
that's cute
did you save this in ms paint
holy shit
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this shit is old as fuck. i remember seeing it in like, what, 2012? 2011? probably older than that.
Are you the one who commissioned him the first time? If so, can you repost it I lost track of it.
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You mean this? Yeah sure
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+ textless for those who don't care about dialogue
Thanks anon
Which girl on the trio is the biggest braphog? And why?
is there a place where he posts art and gets messages for comms?
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Honestly I could see Sasha being being a Braphog of the trio because all of all the junk food she probably eats and not giving damn about ripping a nasty one especially if she’s with Anne and Marcy
Also here
have you tried his discord server?
didn't know Artaraxia had a discord server
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For me, it's Barry B. Beesly.
really? I’d think Anne’s swamp ass would be worse
>previous thread got resurrected
For what purpose, mods
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My nigga
Idk I just think Sasha’s would be worse but I wouldn’t be surprised if Anne’s are worst
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>tfw sami will never blast you with her nose-burning ration braps
hope Anne's enjoying that tasty Sasha brap

His account looks inactive but he replies to DMs
whoever this is - you got a discord? Happy to see another Amphibia enjoyer and would be down to chat about them
There really is no low to berryfucker pettiness, is there?
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^^^ No one cares. Get help.
May be a bit tricky to share discord on here with anonymity and all, not to mention all the people that could see it
are you dumb or something
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That is clearly a shart
understandable. got Twitter atleast?
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Thanks for not leaking? asshole?
I hate to be that guy, but anyone got any Kemono updates? Lolotron, BizzaroParadise, CaraFalsa, JuanesAFM, Kids_Gamera?
Kemono hasn't been working for days from my perspective
>I hate to be that guy,
then fucking don't.
Kill yourself faggot
kemono straight up is not loading, now that I have checked
Now we've got two brap threads? Interesting.
previous thread *was* prematurely archived apparently? I thought it had just died kinda whacky to see it back
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which one do I post in???
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I guess?

So what do we do now? Just post to both threads in case one goes down? Is there going to be a difference between the two, like is the other going to allow pics of male inflation and AI generated images while this one doesn't?

I'm fine with keeping both active, but there should probably be distinct differences between the two in order to justify their existence and incentivize going to both or sticking to one based upon unique content and/or personal preference.
bump both of them. Jannies literally can't accuse us of flooding because they themselves restored the thread.
Can someone link the other one
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The link is in the OP
it's right in the OP
Thought that thread died
It did but was brought back by a mod for some reason.
Samething happened to the ENF thread today.
mods are dumb as shit
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>Berrybro is getting ornery again
hi yoshi this is just your threadly reminder that nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about. also, you're fat and ugly still lmfao.
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Apparently one of their archived threads got revived too and Yoshi thinks they made 2 threads on purpose
So far it seems this has happened to /brap/, ENF, blueberry and the xeno threads
>yessss berrybro please don't make fun of our threads anymore we'll be good boys i swear is swear please no bully!!!!
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>doesn't deny it
Wow, it really is him.
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shut the fuck up you insufferable retard
go back to making shitty jeans edits
I am BEGGING 3D animation niggas to find some models that don't cause a gag reflex to kick in instinctively. Why the FUCK these shits always so cheap and ugly.
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The only good 3d fart animations come from saxannas
Wtf are you talking about? You dumbass, LOL. Can you please leave these threads forever so I and the rest of the people here don't have to suffer through your smooth brain comments and mannerisms.
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what the 3d animation scenes NEEDS to do is drop fucking blender already, the whole program despite its ease of use really shows its age, the models just make it more apparent. They need to pick up blender or just something else because sfm isn't it.
this sfm is played out and has creaking joints at this point
Oh hey it's the Three Stooges
>Mermaid fart
>Not underwater
ONE job.
You can't smell braps underwater and they don't make a sound. Checkmate
>You can't smell braps underwater
Technically true.
>they don't make a sound.
Outright untrue.

Worst checkmate joke I've seen in ages.
Wise guy eh
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Genuinely 1 of the worst OCs in this kink
I disagree
You wouldn't be able to hear a brap
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I agree. Just looks like a rejected Nickelodeon character from the mid-2010s.
>Henry, is that your long-lost cousin over there stinking up a storm?
>We don't talk about her for a reason June.
I don't personally hate her, but I have more preferred OCs
In space, nobody can hear your xenomorph waifu BRAAAP, why even live?
Oh hey you're a faggot
I’m more upset over how often the artist draws them, for a while they made great art of non-OC characters, and while they are still doing that it’s not nearly as much because of how much they draw their own OC. Just gets a bit repetitive after so many drawings
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>Just gets a bit repetitive after so many drawings
The "C'MON BRO SNIFF MY BUTT BEFORE I TAKE A GIANT SHIT" dialogue becomes dull after a while
Not a xeno but I nutted to this drawing so many times when I was younger
We need more alien braps
He likes the word "backdoor" a little too much. Actually, all of the dialogue he writes for her tends to veer a bit too hard into the whole dudebro thing for my liking. And he's one of those people who lets braps and scat mix instead of keeping them separate.
Shame, because I really like her design and personality in a vacuum.
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and they are?
I'd be interested in seeing Meloetta as a blueberry.
berryfag sighted, brap nukes go
I've personally never truly liked a lot of porn now that I think of it, but that's mainly because a ton of it is out of character for the characters involved, for which I am too much of a hypernerd to let go of. So, I am pro-OCs, they just have to be very good OCs.
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Even if you were also underwater, you'd still be able to hear it, retard.
no human beings are deaf underwater
I'm taking this into consideration
No deaf persay but sounds can become muffled/unintelligible
Xeenitsu has comms open what Karmina Kino should I comm
that's lewd, i like it
>/brap/ has never gone swimming
>Peach, Zelda, and ??? (Ashley from Resident Evil 4?)
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Here's another one with boobie squeezing
that's a big part of it, but i liked the corruption aspect more. diantha's teaching gardevoir to let loose and she really likes it.
who is this artist btw?
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Is there a burpless alt?
>show was a mild success
>main gimmick is that there's a diverse cast of females with contrasting personalities
>only one piece of brap content was made
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Probably because the show wasn't that good.
what show was this?
Like 99% of anime isn't good at all, I only care about porn

100 Girlfriends
Reflect on why your threads are so dead and pathetic before casting stones at other fetishes, brapfags.
Sorting the board by thread activity proves otherwise.
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We have 2 active threads right now. You picked a bad time to do this "gotcha", maybe last week you'd have a point
Love Korean braps
they are quite good at making brap art (must be the brap stories in their culture), though I'd imagine Korean art would better fit /d/, no?
JuanesAFM isn't Korean, but he just drew a Korean woman farting
...oh shit, I missed the watermark
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eh. hentai is japanese
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Always love this guy's stuff
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Brap stories in their culture? Does this mean like folklore or what exactly?>>8201493
He’s genuinely the best there is. The only person I have ever paid for any sort of fetish related content, and I’ve been into this fetish for 13 years
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Pretty sure there's a Korean folktale about woman with such powerful farts she could use them to shake fruits off trees, which is what pic related depicts
>a Korean folktale about woman with such powerful farts she could use them to shake fruits off trees
my wife...
some pedos showed up and derailed the whole thing
>people eating fart soaked tangerines
you might as well shit on my food at that point
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Come on, it probably wouldn't taste that bad.
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Thats interesting someone made an onarapedia.
Koreans are just Not!Chinks who love their poop and farts but Koreans are way more into femdom which is why they're especially fixated on this fetish.
kind of embarrassing
Post girls with canon plant wilting farts
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So, any thoughts? Can someone test this and post a video?
At least post the link:

Also, how the fuck do I install mods into new vegas manually?
I've always thought these were kinda weird, but that may just be because I'm offput by realism-oriented graphics, at least for lewd mods like this. Basically uncanny valley, but exclusively for when people make porn mods
>tfw this is the first hyperfart story ever made
O man. I was able to get this up and running but installing mods to make the female character look not ugly/flat is a pain in the ass. Fuck new vegas modding
So predictable.
Your doctor when you walk in for the annual check up with the same hypertension, obesity, varicose veins, gout, gyno, low T, low energy, and high cholesterol, Yoshi.
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I don't know why he doesn't post this bullshit in their threads instead of here where no one cares.
I'm so glad you're here to defend their interests and that you do it for free.
when will this asshole stop polluting the threads, god
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When the autismbux run out and he dies from neglect and diabetes
I'm just waiting for the day that normalfags catch on to him, and start memeing him like JustinRPG.
??????????? just leave the thread, lmfao. you cannot into banter. it'll be better for your "health" and help your already high blood pressure.
Well they have, Bianca Goes To Taco Bell or whatever it's called is a giant meme on /vp/ and it's how I learned who yoshi is.
Btw I hate that this autist gets free art from actually talented artists and then goes on to include his cringe dialogue and even editing the art to include jeans and other stupid shit
That one Twitter artist he had a controversy with a year ago would've done the world a favor if he went through with doxing his IP.
source? i've seen this before but never saved the artist
Well I got news (since there isn't good news), all that did like all controversies generally do was make him more popular since it failed to tank him so you'll have to live with him or just leave like most artists do.
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From what I remember he hasn't gotten any comms from any good artists in a long time. and Gob hasn't done anything for him in years for obvious reasons
He actually does, it usually flip flops between anonymously doing but he still gets it and doesn't make it obvious
Pic related was commissioned by him
It only would have worked if he pulled an AnimatedJames and deleted everything because that's usually how artists who are in trouble get caught, otherwise people aren't going to care so the fact that it never happened shows it won't work.
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Ok, immagine this scenario, a young, posh, almost aristocratic rich american woman in the late 1800s discoveres and gets addicted to coke, and she starts to drink it so much she gets constantly bloated and passes gas from both ends like a hurricane

Eventually she starts to spend her whole fortune in coke, 5 cents at a time

Now a 40 she has to get married to a young industrialist, unaware of her constant and unrelenting toxic gas, who now has to spend more on keeping his wife a brap-fueled zeppelin than he does on maintaining his factory

Her farts are so potent that when her husband is enlisted in ww1 he doesn't even have to put on a gas mask for the mustard gas
Well, it's interesting I'll give you that
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History based fart fetish scenarios/stories/art are hella underrated
GT's new identity was offering comms for 10 bucks, did anyone happen to get one and see how much he's committed to this new personality?
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Contemplate why your literal dogshit thread is dead, brapfags.
Meloetta & Yoshizilla, together forever.
somewhat out of the loop, is punt still planning to quit?
I guess Nat is retconned to be part Korean now and she has a sister that has both a massive ass and massive tits while fitting Gob's fat slob fetish?

At least he drew Nat with an ass for once.
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>didn't draw hilda instead
i thought he came back
fuck off, berryfag. If you want to be bloated so bad, we'll make you bloated with our buttfunk. You may end up green instead though. lol
he came back and now he's leaving again
I installed the mod and speed ran to a can of beans and it doesn't seem to work.
>wanting to see a child fart
Mega Cringe
Imagine if they put her in Smite
pedofags took these threads over awhile ago
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Or Smite 2 (two)
Anyone happen to have a link to Drawful-S’ comm and gift art dropbox?
>looks left and right, no onlookers
>nonchalantly slides up next to you
"Psst... BlueberryShikua, bo-the-sno, and VeryFilthyThing."
>refuses to elaborate further
Mods really don't give a fuck anymore do they
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>It's a 'Hungry Cuckold can't control his narcissistic psychosis and intentionally starts shit to later claim he's a victim over' thread

And here we go!
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What's with all the retarded blueberry shit? It's like someone is trying to force their discord drama here or something
These retards have not been able to get over being kicked here from /d/ for their behavior like 3 years ago and now are throwing a tantrum, in particular one head retard named the Hungry Lurker who goes around harassing brap artists.
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We need more of this with other artists like Lolo or Zaina

holy kek what did we do to this guy?

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I wouldn't even be aware of the existence of the blueberry thread if you retards didn't keep talking about it
10 out of 10 in my Book.
Wow this guy is a massive fucking loser, lmfao
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I can't even fathom why this dude would be this mad over farts, to the point where he would come here and shit up our threads. We didn't do anything to him.
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Terraria is definitely lacking in the brap art department
I tracked him down on DA and seems he's even started shit with at least one of his fellow berry artists because the guy also drew WG and brap. I wonder now how much blame he carries for getting them all banished from /d/.
getting buttercupped by mikasa, now that's the dream
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Hitting all my kinks
the dude copy pasted his fart question rant thing and didn't bother to fully change it when he put it on a piss thread. berryfuck is waging war on all the waste related kinks, lmao
I know it's great but it would've made my teenager self happier. Good old times but the farting kink was still niche.
How has his style degraded this much
Huh. I’m gonna be honest, I thought the whole blueberry thing + copypasta in here was Yoshi’s schizophrenia/falseflagging for years. Didn’t realize the Hungry Lurker was an actual outside blueberry schizo, I’ll be damned. Yoshi, you’re still tismo supreme, but I owe you an apology for this one
Lurker is just one of them, a few of their other artist retards with a bone to pick with brap probably got the ball rolling back on /d/ which is how they got sealed away here. No idea how Yoshi got involved.
so we have lurker, yoshi, who else
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Is this /brap/ or /berry/? Shut the fuck up already.
All of the artists came here at least once, most never appeared again.
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You'd be able to smell it if you inhaled the bubbles.
And hearing it is no problem, sound travels faster and further underwater than in air, so you'd hear it even better.
Oh, is that so, for the sound bit?
When he started drawing fatties
The absolute arrogance of this motherfucker. What gets me is that he won't even acknowledge both the honest answers to his shitpost question nor the fact he's been found out.
I could care less, honestly.
If you are so desperate for a response from me regarding my question; sorry, I still don't get it. Even though I care worse than nothing for it, I at least understand why some people are into futa better than I understand the fetish for farts.
For the record, though it can be funny seeing how easily some of you get triggered, I would prefer people didn't post berries in the brap threads, nor do I condone such actions. Non-aggression principle and all that. Some of you truly need to touch grass, as the kids say.
>The fetishist over giant blue balls telling others to touch grass
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Keep bitching and moaning, I’m almost there.
don't listen to em Gob, and draw more Marvel girls
why are you replying seriously to someone LARPing as an artist
Not a larp, that's a new image.
You type like an autistic fag, lmfao
If her farts cant kill plants and small animals than your waifu is shit
He goes by Rushgob you larping faggot, fuck off.
he has posted here before as Gob you retard
I don't believe you at all Satan
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>he wouldn't fed gf with tons of food and then not leting her inside the bathroom
Need moar plant killing braps
So glad we have such diligent mods on this board! Keep up the good work!
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The best part is that berryfags constantly complain that mods persecute them yet they can come in here and smear their shit all over the place with zero repercussions.
be the change you want to see
okay we get it.
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They got kicked out of /d/ what more are the mods gonna do, there's no moderation on /aco/ to begin with.
we really do get it. You like herbicide farts
Deadly farts a best
give it a fucking rest Pedro
>bro is so new he doesn't know "a best" has been 4chan lingo since before he was born
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wait, how is "a best" exactly? I know it's old, but not how old?
Yoshi nuked his dA. Good riddance.
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Have a fart edit
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File: Random girl edit 2.png (695 KB, 1080x1080)
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>like 90% of my audience is here for the farting jokes
>let's drop that lol
Certified tranny moment
Yes, this is obvious, come on.
Faggotry of the highest caliber either way.
Did they make a public statement or are you just seething for no reason?
waribake. if I recall correctly, she's a japanese artist who makes shitposts on youtube and also sometimes fart porn. a lot of it is shota/loli though. She's the creator of Hanapi, if that's a name you at all recognize.
What she has drawn?
Any links?

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