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SHA-GIRL! Edition

General thread for all your TG, TSF, and Gender Bender needs.

Rule 63 and similar content allowed, but try to keep it minimal. The primary focus here is on the transformation.

QoTT: What are some of your TG guilty pleasures?

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8127511
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I love how Sampleguy draws spiderman. It's cartoonish and stupid, but it's incredibly hot.
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And we're back
As a change of pace, why not dig up some old stuff?
Is there anything good about the Johnny Test revival, or is it total trash?
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The only art I know of that’s close to this is pic related by Transformisstress. I agree the high contrast of the two forms is pretty good.

I think NotZackForWork has stated in the past he doesn’t care for non-con or negative reactions in transformations. Can’t blame the guy for having his preferences, but I can see how it might be bland/boring.
Is more like S1
After Nabu posted last thread it got me wondering about what other artists lurk here. I know Mr DNA posted a while ago with some new art - any other artists willing to reveal themselves? I know you read this.
was gonna post ai art about that, but i won't
so instead i got this prurientpie image
not bad
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I recently made a short story based on these two images posted in /tfg/ on /trash/. I thought you guys here might like it.

Also, can you give me some criticism if possible? Stuff that you like or don't like. This is really the first actual story I have ever written so there's going to be room for improvement. Be as brutal as you like, I'm pretty thick-skinned.

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Its alright, although in my own opinion, the start seems longish
Sorry for the long take xD
I've been playing something and that has consumed some of my time
So taking requests again but tomorrow bc it's night here
How about this >>8162560 idea?
Its okay
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Who is an artist you wish did more (or any) TG stuff? For me it's Incase, outside of The Invitation I don't think they've done any.
I remember Shadman did a tg(?) sequence of a guy eating impossible burgers and the estrogen turned him into a girl(?).

e-hentai . org/g/1566646/4677349b3c/

It was left ambiguous whether he completely turned into a girl or just became a dickgirl/futa. But Shad did two alternate ending pics for whichever the viewer preferred.
I really like the look of the secretary. Very hot.
>But Shad did two alternate ending pics for whichever the viewer preferred.
Post 'em?
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it's god-tier. he's doing a comic right now where spiderman turns into a princess, i like it so far
This reminds me of RadicalDanny. Credit where it's due, that dude was a masterful troll of the entire TG community
Do an old architect getting wrapped in mummy bandages becoming a buxom voluptuous egyptian mummy princess wearing a gold bikini
A guy sniffs a flower and this turns him into a fairy.
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You mean archaeologist?
Yeah that
Sure thing. They’re post tg pin-ups, no sex scene or anything with the other guy unfortunately. Here’s the futa/dickgirl ending.
A James Bond style secret agent gets captured and transformed into a super villain's bimbo trophy wife.
And the full-female ending.

I just realized this ending is probably an edit someone made, so maybe Shadman intended this sequence to be just feminization or male-to-futa.
>guy drinks a tropical fruity drink
>turns into a bikini babe
An overweight priest gets possessed by a shadowy devil, becomes a horny red-skinned devil girl wearing a black tubetop bandeau and miniskirt
With an hourglass figure
Why is there a storm outside?
Scrawny Pawn to Thicc queen promotion
What did he do?
I guess Shadman thought it would look cool/gothic or something like that. I was wondering the same thing myself.
He spent like 8+ years leaving autistic and annoying comments on TG art. He also had a side hustle where he would sperg out on any art of Yoko from Guren Lagann, insisting that she was specifically his waifu and noone else was allowed to have her. Then a few years ago he made a post essentially saying 'I was only pretending to be retarded!' and the entire thing was "performance art" that he'd been autistically maintaining for years on end.
Don't say sorry, just don't post it
the only good thing hes drawn god bless
This is great, thank you for posting it.
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I love genderbends where the girl version still has masculine-ish/tomboy traits. Nice job anon.
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i wanna see more moulding tgtf stuff
Can you draw a guy turning into one of those minus8-style shygals
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I've been trying to find an old gender change story about a healer who meets a goddess and ends up changed into a woman. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
No clue
Amazed how this was delivered in a /co/drawthread
It's really good. I'm surprised that there isn't some kind of signature on it.
It's superspoe
Anybody remember an old TG flash animation where a guy gets turned into a BBW dancer?

It was called something like "Dancing to a new beat"
Bimbophi has their moments
Zack's milfs are always fantastic. We're blessed every march.
Here's this week's story release: A man watching a mukbang stream gradually turns into a streamer himself. This has some race change and identity death.


I'm not a huge fan of writing in second person but I don't mind it for these shorter commissions once in a while.
why second person? like what's the point of that?
Some people prefer it as it can feel more like they're the ones being transformed. Personally third person has always been more natural to write in.
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Trashification is a niche within this niche but I love it.
Great quality pic mate
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>Becomes a bimbo
>But gets happy vanilla ending
Heartwarming stuff.
I hope you're taking care of yourself drawanon. Take a break and enjoy the other things in life.
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Maybe it's an acronym?
the comics hasbeen recoloured on other websites the women is black

Pretty sure you mean SISSEKAI, it's pretty good.

4chan users try not to bring race into literally anything:
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>more sampleguy Spiderman comic pages release
>Spiderman gets turned into a princess without his powers stuck in a tower
>Expecting he gets fucked by some big monster or hero, losing himself to his new role

I hate this drip feed of content but man am I excited if it matches my hopes
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I hate how Kannel's style has evolved. Everything is so exaggerated compared to how he used to draw people.
I quite liked it! Would love to read more and see where the story goes!
That's how I feel about BSB.
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>find a handful of StrayTG's captions on the wayback machine through Deviantart
>Can't access any of them as they were 18+ and Deviantart log ins don't work in archived snapshots

Heartbreaking, loved their stuff.
Yeah, unfortunate. And with the way Deviant Art is Titanicing itself, idk how much longer it's going to last. I've already seen a lot of artists nuke their galleries with no way to recover them, and archiving is a long, tedious, and imperfect process
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forgive me but i going to take this one
who is BSB?
A 12' tall fairy?
go big or go home
Thats nice
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This is great. You have an account somewhere?
I fail to see a downside to this.
Where'd you get 12' from?
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Anon, those are her wings
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I don't get what you're trying to convey with this, it just looks like the clothes shrank with her.
>it just looks like the clothes shrank with her.
The clothes which visibly stretched and became much tighter, with the sleeve appearing to tear at the elbow?
Dont think too hard on it, its a fetish
Yeah, growth is a fetish which is sometimes combined with the thread topic.
Anyone have any good maternal/MILF/pregnancy TGs for Mother's Day?
Wish there are more egg related tgtfs, as in hatching out of.
I really like it.
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What if you became a plant girl?
Getting turned into a strange creature, especially a faceless part of a hive is incredibly hot.
I like the trope of a guy turning into a girl and being all indignant about it, only to get fucked and love it.
>comic literally says nigger edition on the last page confusing one anon
>different anon come in with possible explanation
>muh forchud users makin everythang bout race
Politics-brained retard.
Sigh, once again the second to last picture in a tf sequence is the hottest
What are you talking about? The last picture is way hotter.
It's nice when the plant firls are hot and actually look like wonen, that's just ugly.
retard I'm talking about the person who made an edition specifically to remove the black people. nobody needed to do that. i'm not talking about the anon who asked a question
Sorry, the other anon's shitty grammar threw me off.
Have any examples of a hot plant girl?
Liliraune's always a classic
How many of you guys here like FtM transformations?
this is /aco/ so probably all of us
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A lot
Not really my thing, I don't like most of them, but they can be good sometimes.
Sorry for taking so much guys, I had to leave the internet for some time due to unexpected inconveniences(the university has been a pain in the ass), but I'm back and I'll try to do all of those requests you asked for :}
Starting with this one
no one has ever cared so much about me, thx
Nice to see you back, man. There's never enough good shygal TG art out there.
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I used to hate FtM with a passion. But about a year and a half ago I started getting into MtF with FtM alongside it. Before I knew it, I kind of fell in love with FtM transformations. Although I do find them very hit or miss sometimes, mainly due to their subject matters. A lot of FtM involves a girl either turning into some huge bara dude or some fat slob, which just isn't my thing. However, when they hit, it's usually a homerun for me.
Oh hell yeah, my request! (Also, i was the dweeb who messaged you on dA and then decided against making my request there)
No biggie, school is more important than anything else
Sorry, wrong thread.
Just posted the fourth and likely final part to my Mass Effect commissioned series. This time a guy transformation into Tali. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Thanks for the heads up. It's always a pleasure reading a new story by you.
Glad to hear it! I'm trying to keep up a weekly release schedule so there should be more coming soon.
do I need to read the first 3 before this one?
im so hard pressed to find good cat girl TGs

if only this was in reverse...
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Who's the artist?
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Just asking, black or white piece?
Wink wink
Nope, but you'll miss out on the wider narrative and some more transformations.
The same guy who did the supermodel transformation kit by femur
Man it hard to choose when both look so fine
Personally id say go with black queen, cause last time i looked arounf the internetz, there are 2 instances of white queens vs just 1 instance of a black queen.
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That looks really good, thanks for working on it!
>billy bobs booba
That got a kek outta me.
I really like your visual storytelling here.
Well at the end I experimented a bit with this one, it's obviously the black queen but on a gray scale, also I tried to do something with the intensity of the pencil, i didn't know you could do it without a graphic tablet, I think I'm progressing.
Check and mate
>>8229346 #
>>8176058 #
>>8229739 #
Not a big actualization, but I want to upload it completed 乁˘o˘ㄏ
Awesome stuff! Thanks
Love chess tf
An older middle-aged couple gets swapped (the man becomes the woman and vice versa) and becomes a twenty-something couple.
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close enough
I like this. It's fun, unique, and really hot.
Yeah, I really like it too. Cool concept. Also guys with normal bodies turning into thick girls is hot.
Oh cool, that's really creative
That is one extravagant looking drink.
>not having Billy transform into Carol
You had one job, anon
Would anyone happen to have a collection of Onna Tokomei's stuff? They deleted their Deviantart a long time ago and the art is pretty much scattered around randomly.
Yeah, it really is a shame how he fucked his artstyle up so bad, seems like he just stopped giving a shit about making anything that looks even remotely presentable judging by the weekly meltdowns he has on Twitter. The weird bug eyes and comical proportions he gives all his characters now especially are very off-putting compared to what he used to make.
Have you tried tg comics? Under their artists page
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Messi's looking a little different these days...
Thats a sure thing
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finally someone who gets it. its like why do you expect them to drop the guy act entirely? they've been guys all their lives that's part of who they are now. they're gonna be tomboyish if they're not into the idea of being total women about it
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I love them a lot. While I like both MtF and FtM, FtM has always been the one I like the most.

Although I’m personally a bit ‘shallow’ when it comes to the end result. My ideal FtM scenario is a pretty/average girl to a handsome guy. CastleDolphyn has done a few FtMs with that theme, but they’re not a common as bara or femboy ones.

Sometimes reversing an MtF sequence can work (like reversing this sequence >>8244105), depending on if the guy looks good and it’s gradual, with no quick ‘jump’ to him looking female. But even then not many starting MtF guys have that ‘look’ I prefer.
From 2009
Man thats old
Wouldn't she have to be dead first in order for a pawn to become a queen?
Not really no.
Here's this week's story: A guy wishes he was more confident at a convention and transforms into a cosplayer wearing gradually skimpier outfits. Fairly unoriginal as a story, but hey it pays the bills. Next week I've got a fun wish fulfilment story releasing to the public which is a nice change of pace.


Depends on which version of the rules your using.
Nice job, anon. I like the multiple TFs and how he became different girls. The wish fulfillment one sounds interesting too
wish fulfillment is the best part about it
I agree completely. I’ve seen some hate towards wish fulfillment but I hope it’s not an unpopular opinion to prefer it.
I find wish fulfillment to be somewhat hit or miss. But the ones where it's just a guy goofing around are really fun.
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My favorite is combo'd with mtf where something like a girl and a guy get their genders swapped and they're both way more masculine and feminine than the other was. So the girl turns into a 6'5 chad and the guy turns into some super feminine chick with curves for days
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Always wanted this combo where the transformed couple see each other naked, with the former guy staring at her partner's cock and the former girl staring at his partner's breasts, both enviously noticing that they're bigger than theirs were prior to transforming
what artist is this?
Looks like Mentalcrash
Hey dudes, sorry for taking so long to continue posting, but I have taked some time due to good things that happened, and I also finally opened comissions so I had to put time on those. I'll try to keep an eye on the thread as always, good day ;) (GT comin soon)
Superb stuff mate
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I'm confused is this bodyswap?
Yeah that's what he asked for
Anyone got some Karen transformations they can share? Loved the few from some threads ago.
What usually triggers the change?
Guys being bitchy at service workers then getting transformed into a Karen to punish them.
I never saw his twitter. what kind of meltdowns does he have?
I really like their art style but it seems they have deleted their social media, I'd like to commission them, what a shame. Do you know of any other artists that do TG with a similar style?
He should have threatened to have her replaced with the pawn queen.
This reminds me of genderbend scenarios where the guy (or girl) will pretend to be sexist/rude and incur a karmic TG from a witch or something, but it was all actually according to plan.
Every couple of days he goes off about how he has no friends to talk with about anime and games or how almost nobody supports his art because people don't comment that much on Patreon (despite having well over 2000 paying members on there). Often coupled with arguments with his fans in the replies and him saying he'll quit NSFW art. Just general attention-seeking stuff, he always deletes the posts a day later but the process repeats all over again after he posts some more half-assed, cookie-cutter comic pages.
Last R63 thread in /co/ was kind of lame. Anyone else saw it?
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The actual one or the smiling friends (?) one that ended Thursday
The actual one, usually we have more drawfriend taking requests, but this time was mostly posting old pics.
Here's the story I mentioned! Hoping you guys enjoy.

I mean, drawfriends are people too and have obligations outside of babysitting /co/ to wait for the next r63 thread. Not to mention, the last thread had a lot of discussion regarding a hypothetical DC Genderbending + Allegiance Swap scenario regarding the Hero Dial (Think Marvel's Axis but with genderbending)
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