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ITT: We post erotic art of girls from different historical time periods wearing period-appropriate clothing.
What civilization/culture is she from?
Hot. What's the historical context of this one?
Have a look at Mark Smylie in the galleries for his older work.
His more modern artwork is heavily bronze-age inspired.
Ancient Middle East

Ancient Egypt
>Ancient Middle East
Thanks anon. Would you happen to have any more info or some sources you can point me to? I like her aesthetic and I'm curious if her shaved pussy is historically authentic for the setting.
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Artist for these is Mossa
Thank you.
anywhere I can follow their work?
@mossacannibalis on formerly twitter
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thank you!
I don't know about the ancient Middle East, but Ibn Munqidh (12th c.) writes about how the Crusaders were shocked by the Arab custom of shaving pubic hair

Muslim Arabs did it, I don't know about earlier peoples in the region.
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Not to make this an Anne Frank thread, but...
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Thank you for the insight, anons. Was it only women who did it or was it a thing among both sexes? Pardon my ignorance, but I was a little surprised to hear that shaving was a part of the muslim culture of the time. Because of the importance of beards in Islam, alongside modern stereotypes, I would've assumed that body-hair removal among middle easterners was pagan or other pre-muslim custom. Any particularly texts by Ibn Munqidh that you'd recommend?
This is actually beautiful, artist is Mossa Cannibalis. He draws SFW too, lots of history stuff
From what I've read is that the habit is one of the many old traditions they've inherited from the Jews. But some cultures adhere to the old Jewish tradition of only women shaving, where others have a more traditional approach where the shaving of pubic and armpit hair is supposed to be done by both sexes.
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>on formerly twitter
What does that mean?
What do you mean?
X's deadname
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While titillating and I certainly enjoy these, please do not assume that any of these are in any way or form historically accurate.
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The idea of women gladiators disemboweling each other while a crowd roars makes me so horny
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Thank you anon. These details were interesting hear and I was completely oblivious to this history until now. In the interest of posting something somewhat germane to this topic, I recently found this while browsing twitter. I have no idea what culture she's from but the artist is marcel rene herrfeldt
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God I love the Minoans
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They're so perfect
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Does anyone have that one medieval beekeeper art? I've been looking for it but it's not on r34
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I just love gladiators
Can you be more specific?
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Yeah sure: it's a medieval beekeeper kind of like picrel but she has fat tits and lifts her skirt up to show how wet she is.
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Do you guys have a favourite time period for this?
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Definitely greek or gladiatorial era. Women dressed in warrior gear and with little clothes are amazing
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>shaved pussy
Arabs and Chinese shaved, so did some Spanish regions
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Sex with Neanderthal women
Sounds risky
Pretty weak chin there.
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slightly more of a chin than she's supposed to have, actually

Even among hominids we've got some weird features.

For a Neanderthal, she's honestly quite the pretty specimen, would add 1-4% of her to the Sapiens gene pool.
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oop, forgot pic
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I can't even read that shit the image is so small
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Thumbnail made me think she was taking a massive dump

It's less hot full size
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Minoan civilization is the best in the world!
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Greek, Roman, Minoan, and Egyptian are all solid, but I do love me some 18th century European stuff. What you might see in Versailles, or at a stretch, Napoleonic era. Especially women in men's dress: poofy shirts with deep necklines, cravats, coats, smallswords, that kind of thing. Damn is it rare though. Even rarer for it to be erotic.
Also, Ironlily is great for scratching the femknight itch.
this sounds so awesome
but there really is a porn for everything eh? lol
good god that sounds amazing
I'm on a quest now
You madlads I love you both

This isn't exactly it but it's a similar vibe, the one I'm looking for has her panties soaked
was it by this artist, CallmeKili? bunch of their stuff on newgrounds
but nothing that matches the original description, ffs
That's a possibility, I saw it awhile ago; but I'm confident there was a soaked panties thing going on. Hope that doesn't complicate it too much
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